Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021


Senator Mitch McConnell said the mob that stormed the Capitol “was fed lies,” referring to attempts by President Trump to overturn the election based on bogus claims of voter fraud. The president is expected to issue dozens of pardons.





25,000 National Guard troops in D.C. to guard against Trump's insurrectionists who, at his urging, tried to overthrow his own government because he lost his re-election.


  1. I betcha Bugs Bunny feels highly insulted. Coparing the biggest loser and con manto him I mean! LOL! :)

  2. Wait til the end to see who he pardons. He's scheduled to give his last speech at the airport before he leaves. Famous last words.

  3. I'm still laughing at the fact that most of the people he invited to attend his 'send off' are saying 'no thanks. I'm busy.' LOL.. Moscow Mitch, Kevin "I have no chin and it's impossible for me to fold sheets' McCarthy both made it clear to the criminal scumbag that they weren't interested in seeing him off. LOLOLOLOL


  4. A quick look over at the usual far right bloggers and you'll see them crying like the sore loser they support.

    The still believe Trump did nothing wrong and that the insurrection was all BLM and Antifa!

    They are the force that kept Trump in power and they are, like their idol, all fking liars!

  5. Anonymous, RN, Anonymous 2, Bluebullamerica

    As long as those Trump supporters refuse to see Trump as the corrupt liar, cheat, and fraud that he is, we'll always be plagued with Trumpism. They are wrong and, IMO, helping to dismantle our democratic republic by not owning up to the fact that their continued support of trump and his crimes is what brought the shameful siege of the DC by his insurrectionists.

    In a just world, those supporters would have their voting privileges taken away for a period of time, just the way felons are deprived of voting until they've made reparations to society.

    That's harsh, but how would you suggest we deal with the people who willfully refuse to see Donald Trump for the crook that he is? Twice impeached! Self-dealing! Pathological liar! Sexual predator! Corrupt to his core! Their continued support for Trump emboldened him to send his insurrectionists to storm the Capitol and plan to murder his own vice president and the Speaker of the House!

    1. Even Moscow Mitch has now said that Dotard donnie is at least partly responsible for the insurrection in the Capitol. Of course we know Dotard donnie bears the lions share of responsibility. If not all the responsibility.

      As for MM, too late and too little. The SOB was one if tRump's biggest enablers for 4 GD years. He as blood on his hands EVERY bit as much as Dotard donnie does, if not more. The SOB deserves NO quarter anywhere and IMO the SOB should not have the right to serve in ANY capacity in the federal government. IOW the bastard deserves to be RECALLED. Of course he would never because he lives in the one of the loniest trumptaed state in the country.

  6. Re McConnell... too little, too late. Throughout this presidency, McConnell has looked the other way. Right now he reminds me of the child who says he's sorry for stealing the cookies when his dad is confronting him with a belt in hand.

    Mitch is turning on Trump now to save his skin and avoid the beating, hoping for the best. It's not because he's finally seen the light. I will believe Mitch is genuine in his contrition when he works to twist the arms of other Republicans to impeach.

    Moving on, in less than 24 hours we will have a new president. He will not be perfect, he will not accomplish all of his policy goals. But, and this is important, the volume has already been turned down at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Tomorrow he will host a memorial for the 400,000 dead Americans... lives lost in a mishandled government response to Covid-19. He will also join Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama at Arlington for a America United ceremony.

    Amongst anything else our presidents do during their terms, public ceremony and mourning is one of them. Biden will do well in these areas, something sorely lacking during Trump's term.

    Tomorrow is gonna be a good day.
