Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Where is the National Guard?

America is under attack! 

An attack that was instigated by a sitting president: 

 Donald J. Trump


 Angry Staffer @Angry_Staffer · 18m Never thought I would witness the terraces of the Capitol swarming with protestors while the building itself is being overrun. They’re reporting an armed standoff at the House now. The question does this Trump cabinet have the guts to remove this president @realDonaldTrump 

Joe Lockhart @joelockhart · 21m The cabinet should convene and remove the President under the 25th amendment. We have a President who is now engineering a violent coup attempt. 

Walter Shaub @waltshaub · 4m Trump should be impeached and convicted tomorrow. 

Bill Kristol @BillKristol · 21m Trump should be impeached and convicted tomorrow. 

 Steve Vladeck @steve_vladeck · 21m The D.C. National Guard is not controlled by the Mayor; it’s controlled by the President. The lack of a military response right now is a failure by the *federal* government to respond to an assault on one of its most important institutions engaging in its most important duty.

Olivia Beavers @Olivia_Beavers · 29m HOLY: TEAR gas has been used in the Rotunda. Members are being told get gas masks under their seats.


  1. The armed forces need to treat this as an attack, the same as 9-11.
    They need to enter and if the insurrectionists do not stand down,
    shoot them and move on.
    Do not stop until all have been arrested or horizontal.

    And arrest and charge Trump, right now.

  2. All we have to do to bring this thing to an end is convince law enforcement and the national guard that the maggot coup attempters are black. Bam - they'll be full of lead in piles in no time flat.

  3. Last year in response to BLM protests, law and order lover Ted Cruz said this...

    "These violent riots are not spontaneous, nor are they mere coincidences. Instead, the evidence suggests they are organized terror attacks designed to instill fear and tear down the fundamental institutions of government..."

    We need to ask why Senator Cruz and his gang of 12 will not condemn the mob that took over the US Capital today.

    And we need President Trump to explain why he is not protecting American from "all enemies, both foreign and domestic" today, but rather, is encouraging and inciting them?

  4. Skud... this is your America. Your vote, your acquiescence, through silent acceptance of Pres. Trump, has caused this. You and every Republican backing voter, blogger, member of Congress and state and locally elected officials who have kept quiet for four years, made this possible.

    President Trump should be impeached tomorrow and removed from office ASAP. He is a clear and present danger to the United States, unable to separate his own interests from those of the country.

    He has abdicated his oath, pure and simple, made us a laughing stock around the world and damaged our ability to promote democracy for years.

  5. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army, NOT the Mayor of DC. The Mayor requested they be activated yesterday but they were only activated 3 hours ago.


  6. Trump should be dragged out of the WH and put Pence in until Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office.

    Trump incited an insurrection against the United States and is deserving of prison. Period.

  7. TRUMP: “You have to go home now. We have to have peace,” Trump said. “We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt.”
    He also told his band of terrorists that he LOVES THEM, but it’s time for them to leave the Capitol and go home.

    May his name live in infamy for the rest of his miserable life.

    Trump incited insurrection against the United States of America. Donald Trump is a traitor to our country.

    1. The Great Orange Shit is a traitor. He deserves to be treated as such.

      Trial followed by firing squad anyone?

  8. I'm surprised by how surprised Americans are at what happened today. Have you not been paying attention Americans? You elected him. Where did you think this was all going to end? How gullible and stupid can you be?

  9. And my Senator, Josh Hawley, is out there fist pumping up the crowd. Sheeesh, what an idiot.

  10. republicans Mo Collins and Matt Gaetz say the rioters were actually Leftists carrying out a false-flag operation. Apparently (because of the riots) republicans dropped their objections and confirmed Joe Biden's electoral college victory. So... thanks Antifa! They stopped the stopping of the steal.

  11. Derv Of course the little weasels will say that. A quick look at the usual far right blogs show them to be of the same delusional mind. The current so-called "Conservatives" of the disgraced GOP NEVER take responsibility.

    Mike I hope when Hawley tries to run for the presidency people will publish the photos of him encouraging sedition against the United States.

  12. Anonymous, Many folks are saying that today. I've been saying it for the past 5 years.

    Why did the current GOP think that putting a liar, cheat, and fraud in the presidency would end well?

  13. Rev, I am not sure how I was brought into this discussion but you deserve an answer.
    I am against violence in any form and condemn it from any source. The violence that occurred in Minneapolis, Seattle, Kenosha and Portland by the no real group just an idea ANTIFA. It does make you wonder if someone will come forth to pay for bail on those who are caught and if they will receive a get out of jail free card.

    I am sure some of these thugs, I can use that since most were white and right wing, are there over being disenfranchised but most are just looking for a good riot. They attacked a public building and deserve a public lynching.

  14. skud, those people were NOT "disenfranchised." They LOST. The other side got more votes. That's not being disenfranchised -- y'know, like people of color have been through the centuries in America when they needed the Voting Rights act to allow them to vote.

  15. To Skid and the rest of the radical right when we moaned about Trump being elected we were called 'snowflakes' and 'sore losers'. Now that Trump has been kicked to the curb in a not even close election, his supporters are 'disenfranchised' . <<<<>>>

  16. Shaw... yes, the rioters weren't disenfranchised, they lost. They wanted others to be disenfranchised... throw out votes in states that went for Biden. As for snowflakes, Glenn Beck (while condemning the capitol riot) says the reason it happened is because the Left has mocked and called tRump supporters names (not because Dotard lied to and incited them). And he lies about Joe Biden not condemning violence on the Left, angrily insisting he "won't be lectured to" (re Joe Biden's comments).
