Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Good News!


A combination of President Biden's stimulus package and his administration's rapid vaccine rollout will boost a rapid recovery from the pandemic. Economic projections are positive as Americans continue to get vaccinated, continue good health practices, and are cautious in opening up businesses.

There's reason to hope if we continue to keep to CDC guidelines and get our jabs!

U.S. Economy to Recover Twice as Fast as Expected, Report Says:

"The American economy will accelerate nearly twice as fast as expected this year as the coming passage of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan, combined with a rapid vaccine rollout, ignites a powerful recovery from the pandemic, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said Tuesday."


"In its half-year outlook, the organization said the United States would expand 6.5 percent this year, up sharply from 3.2 percent forecast in December. The surge in the world’s largest economy will generate enough momentum to help lift global output 5.6 percent, from a 3.4 percent contraction in 2020."

And this is all there is to say about the trials and tribulations of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex:

It’s interesting how much of the British establishment seems to have a bigger problem with Meghan Markle than Prince Andrew.

A year ago today! (We're so lucky we're rid of that idiot!)


  1. Apparently the British establishment and trump have some character similarities.

  2. It's been the same for about 40 years now. The GOPQ gets in and wrecks the economy, then the Democrats come in and clean it up (while the GOPQ whines that it's not fast enough) and then the GOP! gets back in. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. When will people wise up and just stop letting the fascists on the right ruin the economy?

  3. Well Bluebullamerica, there is just enough folks that are happy letting other folks think for them that the history of the last 40 years will continue for awhile longer methinks.

  4. Biden is slowly cleaning up trumps virus. There has never been a bigger mess left to another president. Trump crashed the economy, made the pandemic twice as big as it should’ve been, & tore up the constitution into pieces. Disgraceful

  5. Sadly, I think you're correct, RN.

  6. "Every Republican voted against the Biden covid-19 package" may prove to be a pretty effective campaign slogan for the 2022 elections.

  7. Here in Missouri our Governor has never issued a mask mandate because he is a die-hard tRUMPer. But the urban areas have democratic leadership. So the urban areas issued their own mandates. This obviously irritated all the tRUMPers in our statehouse and they wanted to pass a law against the counties being able to impose mask mandates. I don't remember why it died but it did.

  8. Jimmy Kimmel had a good line about the H & M interview:

    “You know things are bad at Buckingham Palace if they came to America to get away from racism."


  9. But only about 10k of the deaths actually count. Because all but that 10k had comorbidities. It only counts as a covid death if there are no comorbidities. That 500+k people have died from covid is fake news. None-the-less, it will be Dotard who we should thank when the virus is gotten under control. Because of "operation warp speed". Even though the vaccine is unnecessary (and it is actually killing people. 1k people in the US the last I heard). With or without it, the virus will go away... eventually. btw, masks don't work. In fact you're probably more likely to get covid if you wear a mask. This is information I learned reading the rightwing blogs, anyway.
