Monday, April 5, 2021

I guess you heard about how the Trump campaign scammed money from its donors.


Once a grifter; always a grifter, and Trump is a genius at it. Yet his cultists still support him and his corrupt enterprises. 

It's what cultists do. They can never admit to themselves that they've been duped by a con man.

Is there still any doubt that he is a con man deeply in debt? How could anyone run three gambling casinos into bankruptcy? No wonder he cried so much after losing the election, despite his clever fund raising. 

Trump lost in the polls, he lost in money raising, he lost the popular vote both in 2020 and 2016! Does this make sense? Most of all, when will we get the answer to why so many of his followers remain loyal even after being fleeced? 

Some organization should conduct a survey to discover whether his loyalists believe or even know that he cheated on three wives, countless students at Trump U. and donors to Trump charities, as well as cheating contractors, lawyers, banks, the IRS, and donors out of money owed, AND failed in nearly every business from steaks, airlines, neckties, bottled water, to the Plaza Hotel. 

What, exactly, is wrong with Trump cultists? It would be interesting to find out how so many could be conned so easily. 

How Trump steered supporters into unwitting donations

So how do Trump cultists feel about being scammed by a self-identified "billionaire?"


  1. This mans crooked behavior was WELL known. I don't feel sorry for these idiots who continue to support and send money to this crook. The fact that some of them were scammed and robbed doesn't surprise me at all, and it should not have surprised them either.

  2. Everything King Clorox touches is a scam. Sadly, his cult followers aren't smart enough to even realize it. I suspect most of those who were scammed will find a way to blame Democrats. Seems to be the only note in that deranged orchestra. See Skidmark for example...

  3. tRump reflects the most dishonest, indecent, and corrupt elements in our society. And his blind sheeple continue to worship his evil. Dupes. Every last one of them.

  4. What the Trump campaign did to donors is horrible and unethical on one hand but on the other, how easily duped must you be to ever give this guy a penny in 2020? His whole *thing* has always been scamming people.

  5. "What, exactly, is wrong with Trump cultists?"
    I don't think we'll ever find out. Their brains are too scrambled. The two people I know that are racist cultists have had severe head injuries.
