Wednesday, May 12, 2021



GQP: Champions of Cancel Culture!

House Republicans ousted Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership post Wednesday because she continues to challenge former president Donald Trump over his BIG LIE about election fraud and his role in the Jan. 6 attack, according to several GOP members.

Biden hits 63 percent approval rating in new AP poll


Biden's overall approval rating is buoyed by his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, health care and the economy, according to the poll. 

On the pandemic, 71 percent of Americans approve of Biden's performance, including 47 percent of Republicans. Biden has made it the centerpiece of his administration's agenda since taking office, pushing for economic relief measures and ramping up vaccine production and distribution. 

Fifty-seven percent of Americans, meanwhile, approve of Biden's handling of the economy, while 42 percent disapprove. And 62 percent approve of Biden's work on health care so far, where he has prioritized expanding access to the Affordable Care Act. 

Sixty-three percent of American approve of President Biden's job performance thus far, according to an Associated Press-NORC poll released Monday, up 2 percentage points from late March. 

 The poll found 96 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of independents and 23 percent of Republicans surveyed approve of Biden's work in his first three full months in office. 

The survey also showed Americans with a growing sense of optimism about the direction of the country, with 54 percent saying the nation is on the right track, compared to 44 percent who believe it is on the wrong track. 

The 54 percent mark is the highest of any AP-NORC poll response to the question since 2017.


Anti-democratic and proto-fascist Trump could only dream of those numbers. 

Trump never made it past 50% approval and spent the majority of his miserable 4 years in the low 40s for job approval.

The MAGAcultists' hero spent most of his presidenting term with historically low approval numbers, and it's eating them up to see President Biden so popular with the American people!



  1. McCarthy just severed the Republican Party for a guy with deteriorating health who could be indicted any minute. What happens to the GOP members that abandoned their party for trump when trump is no longer?

  2. Ray

    The irony of Republican-held states around the country passing stricter voter ID laws to ensure “proper accountability” then choosing a voice vote to not be counted or recorded in the House today tells you everything about their hypocrisy and lack of morals."

    Lindsey Graham said in 2016 that if the GQP gave the nomination to Trump, he would destroy the Party, and here we are watching Graham's prediction coming true!

    "Everything Trump Touches Dies." --Rick Wilson

  3. If the party dies I'm sure it will a very prolonged agonizing death that will split America apart. Just what tRump the lying jackass wants.

  4. Because an elected representative expresses her opinion in a democracy, she is punished by peers and demoted. In a situation in which the entire world knows that President Biden won the election, the GOP is conspiring to try to brainwash the country into believing the Big Lie. It is more than a Big Lie. It is undermining our country and creating more Trump chaos. They are all enabling the Criminal as they did throughout those hideous four years.

    I have never been a fan of the Cheney family, but I have so much respect for Liz. To have the moral courage to stand up to that bunch of thugs makes her the type of person who truly represents her constituency.

    The GOP is destroying themselves.

  5. I have never been a fan of the Cheney family, but I have so much respect for Liz. To have the moral courage to stand up to that bunch of thugs makes her the type of person who truly represents her constituency.

    Hear Hear Paula!

  6. The US Justice Department. More than 60 Courts at both State and Federal levels under leadership approved by voters and senators from both parties and Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump. The US Dept of Homeland Security. Every single Governor and Secretary of State across the United States, regardless of party.

    All of the above have said exactly what Rep Cheney said.

    The election of November 2020 was free, fair and not impacted by fraud and that Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States of America.

    And yet the GOP and the right wing conservatives cannot, and will not accept the above facts. For fear of the reaction of the former guy. For fear of the reaction of like minded voters.

    I can't support many, if any of the policies Liz Cheney will call for. But her speech on the floor of the US House, a speech that the GOP walked out, refusing to even hear what she had to say, was spectacular.

    They didn't have the guts to listen to the person they accused of apostasy before they sent her to the gallows.

    But we should not be surprised.

    This is the same party that tried to cancel Candidate Barack Obama even before he became president. Now they are trying to do the same to Joe Biden.

    But hey, those Dr Seuss and Mr Potato Head guys really are pretty bad.

  7. Dave If you try to engage any Trumper in a conversation using the facts you presented in your first paragraph of your comment, they reply that all those agents of the US government, even the ones appointed by Trump himself, are "in on the steal."

    As to finding the fraud, those same Trumpers, in reply to pointing out that all those agents of the US and state governments, some even appointed by Trump, DID NOT FIND ANY FRAUD! Those same Trumpers will say, "They're not looking in the right places; they're not looking hard enough!"

    What have those folks in Maricopa County, AZ, found to date? Any evidence? Like bamboo fibers?

    A terrible sickness (Trumpism) has got hold of approximately 30% of the American population, and I don't know when or how the fever will break.

    Facts mean nothing to them; their own people (Liz Cheney) with rock-solid bona fide Conservative credentials telling them to wake up to Trump's destructive, anti-democracy hold on the GOP means nothing to them.

    For that many people to cling to lies, deceptions, and a thoroughly corrupt and mendacious Trump shows me, and millions of other Americans, that we are on the precipice of a real and present danger to American democracy!

    I don't like to think of how this will end.

    Obviously, too many people ignore history.

  8. The Trump supporters over at Geeez and AOW are strangely quiet about all this. Usually they fill their blogs bashing Democrats for their anti-democracy cheating to keep in power.

    What do those Trumpers have to say about Liz Cheney, whose a stronger conservative than even Trump? She told the truth and the GOP kicked her ass out.

    Hello Germany 1930, the Republican Party is on the March to kill American democracy!

  9. Frank

    "House Republicans, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), have said that her fights with the former president have become a distraction and that she should not serve in a leadership position where the job is to unify the party as it seeks to combat President Biden’s agenda and win back the House."

    Telling the truth has become a Republican "distraction." McCarthy sometimes actually gets something correct!

  10. The GOP just cancelled Liz Cheney’s leadership role because of something she said. I can only assume this means that the GOP will now be done complaining about cancel culture.

  11. It's just nice to wake up in the morning without having a sense of dread immediately hit you.

  12. Just when you think the GOPQ can't sink any lower, they stand back to reveal a massive pit and they are all lining up to march down into it. I guess slime always prefers it's own kind. History will be very unkind to these Trumpthugs silencing any dissent in their ranks. I'd say 'shame on them' but clearly they have no shame and, apparently, no measurable humanity with which to feel shame.

  13. You can add another item to the list of being a Nut-Job in In book of Gaffs in Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office. And it came right on time. Last Thursday when Gropin Joe was walking alongside his wife, “Doctor” Jill Biden, when he suddenly bent down and picked up a wilted dandelion that had already turned to a bunch of weeds from the grass and presented it to the first lady before they boarded the helicopter. And Ole Romantic Joe had a dumb look on his face as he knew he was being photographed.
    Such a sweet gesture!

    PS... If Trump ever did that, the Lefties would say “He KILLED a dandelion”

  14. tVoR,

    It's amusing to read that you Trumpers have been reduced to finding fault with a husband who picked a flower for his wife.

    President Biden probably stopped and picked flowers for his wife many times in the past. It was a natural gesture of affection between a genuine loving husband and wife.

    And all you can do is come here and bitch about it.

    What an unreasonably sad life you lead.

  15. Bluebullamerica Apparently today McCarthy acknowledged that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Now the question is, when do you suppose Trump will tell his thugs to kick him out of his leadership post?

  16. T.A.G., Irony is lost on Trumpers. I'm certain they'll whine about "cancel culture" even though they'll champions at it.

    Mike, My mornings are so much calmer since America kicked Trump's prodigious posterior out of the White House!

  17. Shaw... regarding the recount in Arizona, here's what a Republican State Senator there, Paul Boyer, who voted for the recount said...

    "It makes us look like idiots... Looking back, I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. It's embarrassing to be a state senator at this point."

    Even this guy gets it. But his quote is illuminating. He was apparently only expecting a certain amount of ridiculousness.

    And yet, the passengers on the USS Mothership of Denial can't even acknowledge it, blinded by their partisanship and the hate in their hearts.

    As you and I have said privately, even when that crowd gets what they want from a Dem, acknowledgement of Armenian genocide, a long time dream, they can't say Biden did something good. They acknowledge they'd even vote for an idiot for governor of California if it meant defeating ANY democrat.

    Blind partisanship.

  18. Oh no!! President Biden picked a flower for his wife (Who is genuinely a Doctor, thanks)!! Faux, OANN and Newsflax will be having to go to wall to wall, 24 hour coverage of this major scandal shaking all of DC.
    Trumpers are just the most pathetic creatures to ever crawl on the Earth.

  19. Because an elected representative expresses her opinion in a democracy, she is going to be punished by peers and demoted. In a situation in which the entire world knows that President Biden won the election, the GOP is conspiring to try to brainwash the country into believing the Big Lie. It is more than a Big Lie. It is undermining our country and creating more Trump chaos. They are all enabling the Criminal as they did throughout those hideous four years. I have never been a fan of the Cheney family, but I have so much respect for Liz. To have the moral courage to stand up to that bunch of thugs makes her the type of person who truly represents her constituency.

    The GOP is destroying themselves.

  20. Dave, The hostess of the Mother Ship calls Dr. Fauci a "jerk."

    Imagine that. Someone who knows nothing about infectious diseases, is not a medical doctor, and runs a blog that sucks up to Trump, calls Dr. Fauci, who was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984; who oversaw an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies.

    She calls him a "jerk" because he didn't pander to Trump. That's the ONLY thing that is important to her and her readers -- total loyalty to a person who betrays anyone who doesn't give him absolute fealty.

    I will never understand them, nor will I ever respect them.

  21. Michael S.

    "The GOP is destroying themselves."

    That pretty evident to anyone who is not a Trump cultist.

  22. Bluebullamerica

    Leave it to a Trump cultist to find something wrong with a man who adores his wife!

  23. I do think joey is in the honeymoon phase which will last for a few months. He has a number of issues his handlers are not addressing that could bring his numbers down. Border crisis, oil crisis, cyber crisis, inflation crisis, employment crisis, debt crisis. It was announced that his handlers will not let him or strongly discourages him from taking questions and that came from psaki. The networks can only protect him for so long.

    Remember the greatest president in recent history had high polls in the beginning and then fell to just OK and that was after he took the crown from jimmy.

  24. skudrunner, That's a lotta words for "I'm still p.o.'d because Trump lost!"

  25. Let's talk about a 'crisis', Skid. A real one, I mean. Not the nonsensical crap you made up.
    So, your party kicked out a leadership member for telling the truth, but has said NOTHING about Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia claiming that 'there was no insurrection. It was just tourists taking a tour of the Capital Building.' That's a crisis of morality which the GOPQ -- your party -- has repeatedly failed over the past several years. And this isn't just a one-off for the party of scoundrels, liars, thieves and scam artists. No, far from it. One one hand you folks scream about the 'sanctity of life' while ripping babies from their mothers arms and throwing them into cages at the border. This is the very same party that also cheered on the lies that led to the Iraq war and caused hundreds of thousands to perish and/or live in misery, all while screaming about zygotes. You screamed that you didn't want the government intruding on your healthcare while demanding that the government tell Doctors and their patients what they could and could not do with their bodies.
    I could easily go on and on but just thinking of all the things your obscene party has done and the utter hypocrisy of the radical right gets me worked up enough that I now need to go and talk to someone far wiser than any Republiclown -- my dog.

  26. Bluebullamerica - LOL skud as repeatedly told me they aren't a Republican even as they repeat every GQP talking point spewed by Faux News.

    Shaw - skud uses only the best words because they have the bestest of minds. LOL

    On a personal note - I escaped from a cult, spent almost ten years repeating the lies of the leader with never a thought by or for myself, turning over everything I earned just to hear a word or two of praise. It was highly abusive and I'm still dealing with the aftermath almost thirty years later.

    That said, for those caught in the current GQP environment there is nothing anyone can do to rescue a person who is full on cultist except be there for them if and when they manage to escape. For those who love the cultist I find holding their hand to ground them in reality helps in case they decide to dive in to rescue their loved one. Honestly not everyone makes it out. Sometimes a person gets so lost they never escape which is a tragedy of our time.

    I was lucky and blessed to be rescued by my true love, which is another story.

    My greatest take-away from being in a cult is secrets are destructive things. There are things in my life that are private (shared with those who are appropriate) but I hold no secrets. I would love to see the same no secrets/some things are private template applied to all phases of our government but that currently remains only a wish.

  27. skud - you said 'Border crisis, oil crisis, cyber crisis, inflation crisis, employment crisis, debt crisis'

    Wow - that's a lot of crisis. So how do you answer the FACT that the seasonal spike at the border has passed, that children are passed onto sponsors or family members as soon as possible? The numbers are out and there is no crisis.

    The oil crisis? What crisis? The cyber attack that could have been prevented if the former guy had listened to the experts and beefed up cyber security but didn't because... well, reasons I'm sure.

    Inflation - seriously? I think you found a bunch of "scary" words and added crisis to them because you skud, are a cultist. You've told me time and again you aren't a Republican and you don't watch Fox.... Sweetie - if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a freaking duck you aren't a zebra. Seek help. Please.

    PS - employment crisis - so you support the Jobs Act President Biden presented to the American people, yes?

    Bwahahahahaaaa. I know better.

  28. Grey One talks sass, Skud has President Biden to trash now. While Trump was POTUS, skud came here almost every day to tell us that Barack Obama (the "Swell Guy") was a terrible president who incited his cultists to storm the U.S. Capitol, destroy property, and cause the deaths of Capitol police officers.

    Oh. Wait. That was the president of the party he supports, not Barack Obama who was the only present in recent history to leave office SCANDAL FREE, as opposed to the GQP's cult leader, Donald J. Trump, who had a scandal a day!

    I'm glad you escaped the cult, but sorry you had to suffer the way you did. I don't know how much longer the GQP cultists will cling to their cult leader, but I do know it will not end well for them.

  29. For the majority of conservatives trump is no linger a factor and will fade into the limelight once the media and the left loses their obsession with him. Now he plays a very big role for the left because he distracts from all the current leader's inability to lead. Joey has gone from obama lite to jimmy heavy but I can't blame him because he is a nicer guy than even the swell guy.

    Time will tell and it is not on obidens side.

  30. Skud said... " the greatest president... fell to just OK and that was after he took the crown from jimmy.

    You sure that "greatest president" didn't fall "to just OK" because of all the scandals of his Admin, his negotiating with terrorists, his illegal mining of harbors, his lying to the American people after he and others in his Admin broke US laws?

    It's SOP for press secretary's to try to limit media access to presidents. Sure Psaki has done that. Just as Trump's press office controlled his access and the settings where he would address the American public.

    Why is it so nefarious when the Biden press office does what every other press team has done?

  31. Skid claims, "For the majority of conservatives trump is no linger a factor and will fade into the limelight once the media and the left loses their obsession with him."
    Really? That'll come as news to the 147 Republclown Representatives and Senators who, after the attempted coup, voted not to certify the election win of President Biden and STILL spread the Big Lie that there was election fraud and that Trumputin actually won.

  32. I have just enough time to run by here and say one cannot FADE into the limelight!

    One fades into obscurity!

    The limelight means FAME -- focus of attention!

    Gotta run now. I'll be back to answer skud's Dave's and Blue's comments.

    Going up to my roof here in the city to have a glass of wine with my guy and some neighbors.

    We've all been jabbed, it's a lovely mild spring evening. And Boston Hahbah is sparkling blue!

