Friday, June 25, 2021


Take a look around the far right blogs and news sites and read their whining and complaining about how Liberals impose their beliefs and "indoctrinate" students at colleges and universities. 

 Then read this:

"Public universities in Florida will be required to survey both faculty and students on their political beliefs and viewpoints, with the institutions at risk of losing their funding if the responses are not satisfactory to the state's GOP-led legislature."

It is none of DeSantis's business what political affiliations students and faculty hold. DeSantis is a little fascist in training.

Students who attend any college or university in FloriDUH can tell DeSantis to go pound sand.

DeSantis signed legislation that is unconstitutional. But like a good little fascist he expects people to obey his illegal laws.

He can go straight to Hell.

And let's not forget the unAmerican, anti-democracy dictator wannabe who lost the last election:

"Washington(CNN)The top US general repeatedly pushed back on then-President Donald Trump's argument that the military should intervene violently in order to quell the civil unrest that erupted around the country last year. Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley often found he was the lone voice of opposition to those demands during heated Oval Office discussions, according to excerpts of a new book, obtained by CNN, from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender. 

 Titled "Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost," the book reveals new details about how Trump's language became increasingly violent during Oval Office meetings as protests in Seattle and Portland began to receive attention from cable new outlets. The President would highlight videos that showed law enforcement getting physical with protesters and tell his administration he wanted to see more of that behavior, the excerpts show."


  1. It's all part of the culture wars and argumentation over ideas in the public square.

    I've got very close friends on both sides of this divide. Friends who traveled the country to work in liberal political campaigns and others who literally were pardoned by President Trump.

    There is very real fear out there across our land.

    We seem to be deep into a funk that keeps us from giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone with whom we disagree. To work a quote from Leonard Sweet, we'd rather choose right, over relationship.

    Sadly, there is no unifying national concern these days that seems to be able to draw us together. There is no Hitler, no Communist threat, no Russian missile war, nothing.

    So we are reduced to fighting with each other. Over everything.

    We've all got a different set of "facts" and life stories animating this period and we've dug in, unwilling to give an inch.

    Sadly the days of Tip O'Neill and President Reagan sitting down for the good of America are over. There is no Howard Baker in the GOP, no Sam Rayburn for the Dems. No titans like Daniel Moynihan, no pragmatists like Bob Dole.

    When we start policing ideas, as opposed to facts, we're through.

  2. The American Radical Right are one of Hitler's dreams come true.

  3. I think our fascist gov. really overstepped this time. Our colleges are up in arms over this absurd political stunt he and the Trump cult pulled. Many are planning lawsuits which I'm certain will block this nonsense as being unconstitutional - it most certainly seems to be.
    Desantis is a lunkhead and a mini-me of King Clorox who barely was elected here. Sadly, he seems popular among the less educated class of whites and Cubans here and will likely keep his office come next election (Though we're going to try our best to get rid of the scumbag from down here in the sane part of Florida).

    What to look out for is the fact that Desantis now leads in GQP presidential contenders eclipsing Trump in the last two polls. Now we all know what an ego maniacal manbaby Trump is so I'm expecting him to turn on his bobble-headed fascist shadow at any moment which will hurt the Gov badly among the truly crazy Trumpers. It should be a blast to watch.

  4. This is an initial step by the CONSERVATIVE state gov't in Florida to identfy people who hold beliefs conservatives find distateful/offensive for the purpose of suppressing students public expression of the same. Make no mistake. This is about doing exactly what the conservative state claims to be against. Apply coercion to silence viewa the state disaproves of. American democracy is in great peril. The forces of conservative authoritarianism are now in full frontal assault on American values of liberty and freedon for ALL.

  5. The right-wingers are really going off the deep end since tRUMP lost. But that's typical ring-wing; help them? hell no, punish them to the max.

  6. Further bad news includes the excerpts from the book "Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost" by WSJ reporter Michael Bender.

    That's where we learn that Trump wanted to "shoot the fu#*ers" before he was told that we could not just shoot mostly peaceful George Floyd protestors. So he settled on "getting physical" and "cracking their skulls."

    So very presidential.

    Interesting that between this book and "Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost" by Yasmeen Abutaleb, no one in the Trump Admin, or political orbit has stepped forward to challenge these stories.

    Maybe it's because they are true and no one wants to go on record when generally book writers, like Bob Woodward, will have the tapes proving what they are writing.

  7. Shaw, re the Derek Chauvin verdict: Judge found 2 aggravating factors: 1) abuse of trust and authority and 2) particular cruelty. technically that permitted him to adjust even farther upward then he did but it's a very stiff sentence by Minn precedent -- longest ever for a cop in an excessive force case.

  8. geeez2014 says:
    June 25, 2021 at 12:58 pm
    Watching the Chauvin sentencing for a minute before I leave the house for errands……….
    The judge makes me want to spit.

    Did that very religious blogger want Chauvin to get away with murder? Sounds like the bigots are angry Chauvin is going to jail.

  9. M.J.S., Yeah. The ones who bray about how religious they are usually are the same ones who delight in seeing crooked cops get away with murder and dislike it when justice is served. That particular person is probably afraid of being shunned by the bigots who populate her blog, so she has to be angry at the judge for administering righteous justice. SAD!

    Anonymous Yes. How could the judge have done less? We saw Chauvin murder Floyd. But there are folks, like the woman who runs the blog mentioned above who believe Floyd did not deserve to live, that his life was worthless, so the bad cop shouldn't have been punished. It's disgusting.

    Dave, There is no middle ground anymore. This is not the America I grew up in. The current Republican Party does not believe anyone but they have the right to govern, and they're trying their best to institute laws that will prevent p.o.c. and other minorities from voting.

    America is becoming more and more Liberal, less religious, and more diverse, and the current GQP is fighting tooth and nail against the change. They won't win in the long run. They may win small battles, but in the end they'll have to adapt to change.

    Dave The reports of how Trump wanted to "crack heads" and commit violence sickens me as it should all Americans. Trump and many of his cultists have fascist tendencies that scare the hell out of me as well as millions of other Americans who've read history and know how quickly a country can descend into accepting an authoritarian regime as a way to deal with national problems. We have them among us -- 30% of our own fellow citizens.

    Mike, The best way to "punish" the proto-fascists is through the ballot box.

    Anonymous @2:58, DeSantis will get dragged into court for his fascistic law. To read some of the far right blogs, you'd hear them bellyaching about how the Democrats want to control people's minds and thoughts, and here the governor of Florida is doing that very thing!

    Dave Dubya, The rabid right certainly behaves that way.

    Bluebullamerica My sister lives in Florida, and I keep a close watch on what goes on there. I lived their in the late '90s and early 2000s. There much to love in Florida, and a lot that scared the hell out of me, politically! Glad I left.

  10. Shaw... David Brooks asks when did we decide to not simply be nice to each other?

    When did the attitude in this statement become the standard GOP modus operandi? When did it become toxic to be kind and compassionate?

    "...our agents put their hands out to help the illegals up the banks of the river as they struggle out of the water. Our agents even shine light on the ground in front of the illegals during the night so they don’t get hurt by snakes or tarantulas! YES! Is there ANYTHING we won’t do for criminals?

    Is there anything we don't won't do for people? Like treat them as human beings, created in the image of God and as such, worthy of respect, compassion and love simply because they too, like everyone else, are created in His image and therefore are created with original good?

    That quote above is bad news on steroids. And while it may be just be one blog post, there are 1000's more just like it and millions of people determined to treat people badly.

  11. The ones who bray about how religious they are usually are the same ones who delight in seeing crooked cops get away with murder and dislike it when justice is served
    The very pious Mz. Z is upset VP Harris would ask a child seeking asylum what their hopes for the future are.
    Who the HECK needs to hear what an illegal kid wants to be WHEN HE GROWS UP!?
    Ye shall know them by their fruits.

  12. Dave These comments were taken from a far right blog. Obviously, they want some sort of war down at the border where vigilantes can shoot to kill whomever they THINK deserves to be killed.

    "Of course I answered my own question..Rhetorical questions are a blogger’s standard fodder and I honestly believe if we could shoot smugglers, maybe that would deter them? The smugglers tell their victims they’ll be just fine when they get here…sort of like Biden.What else is there to prevent this? I don’t believe the smugglers deserve to live.

    (The person above who wrote that believes in the 10 Commandments, except, of course, the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" part. She's talking vigilantism: Regardless of the intention, vigilantism is illegal. And it is generally understood that acts of vigilantism are committed in the name of revenge.)

    Here's another: "Are we illuminating the possibility of vigilante action? Since ranchers along the border are being harmed by these SMUGglers, might they band together or work independently to shoot, shovel, and shut up?"

    I feel as if you’ve answered your own mail. You have expressed your anger about illegal activity, and you’ve told everyone that you have empathy for the innocents involved in illegal migration. Well, these people aren’t exactly “innocent” of illegal activity, are they? The children are innocent, but their parents are not. But we don’t want to shoot to kill or injure women and children, do we?

    That they're talking about these sort of vengeful remedies with each other on a public forum is chilling. These are what I thought were Americans, and here they're musing about killing men, women, and children, and anyone else who crosses the border as a way to deal with our border problems.

    IMO, this is quintessential American culture: SHOOT, KILL, ASK QUESTIONS LATER.

    There is no easy answer for our border problems. But as a nonbeliever, even I know that killing men, women, and children is NOT how to solve it.

  13. Anonymous @8:11 wrote: "The very pious Mz. Z is upset VP Harris would ask a child seeking asylum what their hopes for the future are:

    "Who the HECK needs to hear what an illegal kid wants to be WHEN HE GROWS UP!?"

    Isn't that exactly what Jesus would say to a child? /sarcasm/

    Do those people even read their hateful postings?

    I've always been suspicious of people who constantly talk about what good Christians they are. Then look at how they talk to each other.

    See the above excerpts from the blog. THAT'S who they are and what they believe.

  14. Is it the responsibility of the USA to take care of the entire globe?

    It is quite possible to stretch our resources to the point they run dry. Leaving our brothers abd sisters without

    So, should we be the cash cow for the entire globe?

    It's the question the trumpers would ask. On this they have a valid concern. So do I.

  15. Anonymous, No one suggests the US should "take care of the entire globe."

    Or be a "cash cow for the entire globe."

    Can you be a bit more specific about what you mean?

  16. When I hear white people talk about the border and their fears about it, I have to wonder how they'd have reacted if my people had said to them "You're not welcome here, go back to where you came from." Sometimes I wish my ancestors had said that....

  17. Anon asked... "Is it the responsibility of the USA to take care of the entire globe?"

    It's a fair question.

    But that's not the critique many of us have with so many on the far right. The issue is how, at least as it relates to immigration, it is handled and the motivation behind those actions.

    The Trump Admin stated that their policy was to make immigration and asylum so hard that people would choose to not subject themselves to it. Simply put, it's an inhumane policy. When we are complaining that we do not treat people bad enough, as we see on the HMS Mothership, something is out of whack.

    Weaponizing Compassion indeed. That's a FOX News term that crowd is now pushing.

    Is it any wonder people are running from the Christian church? The church ladies on that site and others like it are complaining the country they claim is founded on Christian ideals is not being mean enough.

    I share your budgetary concerns. And I know we can find the necessary balance.

    If we want to.

    1. One reason I totally gave up on all western religions years ago.
      The Buddhist path and is more compassionate, less judgemental, and more rewarding. But as they say, each to their own. The Mothership's denizens of Christianity lack of compassion and understanding would I'm sure disapoint their religion's namesake.

  18. You can bet that those screaming the loudest in protest over helping poor brown immigrants are the first to stand up in some damn church and proclaim how much they looooove Jeebus. Hypocrites one and all of them.
