Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Stupidity Cubed

Greene says she knows COVID-19 is a 'bioweapon' because evolution doesn't exist. 

Greene: "I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe in that type of so-called 'science.' I don't believe in evolution. I believe in God."

This shockingly stupid woman has never heard that viruses mutate? Does she believe God arbitrarily mutates the viruses, just to mess around with humans and see if "so-called science" can come up with vaccines fast enough so that the human race isn't wiped out?

I wonder. If Greene became ill, would she go to a "so-called doctor" who's studied medical science? Or would she just pray away her strep throat or appendicitis?

A question for those who actually and truly believe that by praying, illnesses like cancer and COVID-19 can be healed: Can those people explain why people who've lost limbs and prayed to have those limbs replaced -- those amputees' prayers NEVER get answered?

Evolution doesn't need anyone to "believe" in it. Evolution is as real as the air we breathe.

Too bad stupidity isn't painful.

Viruses and Evolution  

Just as natural selection has shaped the evolution of humans, plants, and all living things on the planet, natural selection shapes viruses, too. 

Though viruses aren’t technically living – they need a host organism in order to reproduce – they are subject to evolutionary pressures. 

The human immune system uses a number of tactics to fight pathogens. The pathogen’s job is to evade the immune system, create more copies of itself, and spread to other hosts. 

Characteristics that help a virus do its job tend to be kept from one generation to another. Characteristics that make it difficult for the virus to spread to another host tend to be lost. Take, for example, a virus that has a mutation that makes it particularly deadly to its human host and kills the host within a few hours of infection. The virus needs a new, healthy host for its descendants to survive. If it kills its host before the host infects others, that mutation will disappear.


  1. FACT - Confucius say, MTG no recognize reality. Let alone understand it.

    The weeds of society are increasing epoentially in America.

  2. The right has long attracted people with diminished IQ'S. They have now finally reached the bottom of the barrel of stupid, though. The mere fact that ANYONE in this country agrees with this woman, is reason enough for us to all feel ashamed.

  3. Anon and Bluebullamerica

    Former President Donald Trump suggested he would consider running for a House seat in 2022 in a bid to become Speaker of the House and launch an impeachment investigation against President Joe Biden.

    When will Insurrection Donnie become Speaker of the House? Before or after he is reinstated?

    Bannon laid out the same plan in mid-February during remarks he made for Boston Republicans. "He'll come back to us. We'll have a sweeping victory in 2022, and he'll lead us in 2024," the former Trump administration official said at the time.

    "We totally get rid of Nancy Pelosi, and the first act of President Trump as Speaker will be to impeach Joe Biden for his illegitimate activities of stealing the presidency," Bannon said.

    The Trumpublican Party is officially INSANE!

  4. BTW, Trump knows next to nothing about how the US government works. Being Speaker of the House involves a lot of work, and Trump is too lazy and too uninformed to carry the duties. He spent most of his presidency golfing, watching FAUX NOOZ, and lying his prodigious posterior off.

    He'll never be Speaker. He's insane!

  5. While he may be uninformed all that does is give him credibility with his deluded, ignorant, asshole cultists and loyalists.

    Never say never Shaw. He might be insane but HIS party and HIS loyalist cultists adore and love the seditionist/insurrectionist bastard.

    He deserves hell and hell deserves him.

  6. Oh, if ONLY Trump could come forward with irrefutable proof of voter fraud…IN writing…no way could it be seen different. If only he could make a speech during prime time which all stations would show, reviewing how GREAT things were THEN and what’s happening NOW.
    How well he handled COVID and outlining how badly so many acted in their zeal to make HIM look terrible, not heal our people..
    etc etc etc

    I would end with something like “And who here saw headlines with Jill Biden or Kamala Harris on magazines with FINALLY WE HAVE GLAMOUR IN THE WHITE HOUSE” with a picture of gorgeous glamorous Melania at her best and the two frumps in pictures next to her.

    I am not particularly a feminist, and I would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS slam a woman for her not being gorgeous, but to make THIS KIND OF PERFECT ILLUSTRATION OF LIES AND GASLIGHTING saying THOSE women are gorgeous and MELANIA isn’t? I’d do it here! HAAAAAAAAAAA Just for a perfect example of LIES.

  7. The newest anti-vaccine batshit crazy coming out of Trumplandia is that the vaccines have magnetic shavings in them which causes metal objects to stick to people's foreheads and necks!

    Before trump I had no idea there was this level of stupid in the USA. Even if something was magnetized. 99% of Keys are brass, not iron, and won't stick to a magnet, let alone magnet shavings. Hey Darwin, can we get some evolution now please?
