Thursday, August 26, 2021



NOTE TO BLUEBULLAMERICA:  You haven't been here in a while. Hope you're okay.

To my P.E. readers and friends:

I've been busy over the past few weeks with renovations to my home. Light posting for a few more days when everything will be put back in order.

This caught my eye in a news feed -- and it's in keeping with conservative Rick Wilson's observation:

Everything Trump Touches Dies


  1. I do not envy you on your remodeling project, we have had one going on for three months. I thought remodeling long distant was the better idea but now am questioning our decision to leave it to the contractor.

  2. Skud and Shaw... the reality is even contractors hate remodeling. They'd rather do new work because with a remodel you never know what's gonna be behind the walls and there are always unknown charges that have to be negotiated.

    Hang in there. Once it's done, you're gonna love it.

    Both of you...

  3. At least you eventually will get something out of the disruption and noise. I live next door and across the street from two older homes both going through remodeling with large contractor trucks and vans boxing or blocking me from getting out of my driveway almost daily, along with the incessant hammering, pounding, sawing and just overall noise that has been going on for months. I’m also dreading for the people on my other side that bought my elderly neighbor’s house a few months ago who will be tearing it down and building a new house.


  4. Trump said he eliminated ISIS. ISIS just killed 13 Americans. Another Trump lie.

  5. Skud, Dave, Possumlady

    The renovations are almost complete, and I'll be able to put my home back in order by next week.

    Yes. The disruptions will be worth it.

  6. Jerry

    The Trumpers conveniently forget that Trump initiated what's happening in Afghanistan.

  7. What is happening is Afghanistan today goes much deeper than the short term. It is a culmination of many mistakes by the USA. Going back 20 years. Perhaps our unability to see our own mational reflection in the "mirror of life" lies at the core of the problem.

    Just sayin...

  8. Ms. Shaw, that was quick. We are having two bathrooms remodeled and it has taken three months so far. A lot time has been taken waiting for hardware. Once this is finished we are going to do a total kitchen teardown and rebuild. Looks like dining out will be the new norm.


  9. skud

    A total kitchen teardown? I wish you good luck. I had that done years ago in our home in a western suburb of Mass. And yes, lots of eating out! Good luck!
