Wednesday, October 27, 2021

These are Trump's supporters. This is the current GQP.

‘When do we get to use the guns?’: A right-winger's question shows how the GOP is spiraling out of control 

 When Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk spoke at a far-right event in Boise, Idaho, this week, he took questions from people in the audience — including a man who made it clear that he was ready to resort to violence over lies about the 2020 election. 

Media Matters highlighted the clip on its website. Echoing MAGA Republicans' false and debunked claims of voter fraud, and hinting at animosity toward vaccine mandates, the man told Kirk, "At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I'm not — that's not a joke. 

I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?"


From my friend Lee Arnold's facebook page: 

 "What Donald Trump and his Brainless followers have done to our country. When Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk spoke at a far-right event in Boise, Idaho, this week, he took questions from people in the audience — including a man who made it clear that he was ready to resort to violence over lies about the 2020 election. Media Matters highlighted the clip on its website. Echoing MAGA Republicans' false and debunked claims of voter fraud, and hinting at animosity toward vaccine mandates, the man told Kirk, "At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I'm not — that's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?"

Trump's lie -- his dirty lie -- about a stolen election has taken root in the weak minds of dangerously stupid people. 

And the article above Mr. Arnold's fb statement illustrates where they hope to take this lie. 

They want to kill their fellow Americans. 

 All because of Trump's DIRTY LIE. 

 IMO, that's how this country will fall apart. 

Trump supporters refuse to step back and see how he's conned every single one of them.

History is full of large groups of people falling for the disinformation and lies spread by evil men who seek power.

"It can't happen here?"

It's happening all around us. Now.

And Trump is responsible.


  1. Tick Tock... Tick Tock... Tick Tock...

    It is inevitable. These f'ing idiots are truly ignorant, stupid, and do not care about right or truth. They ONLY care about the delusional stories their undersized and definitely
    over used pea size brains continously tell thems to believe.

    This nation is rapidly becoming but a rotten shell of its former self. And yes, the nation has tRump the liar, seditionist, and violent insurrectionist to thank.

    It IS only a matter of time and the nation WILL collapse on itself. It is sadly a glaring example of cause and effect unfolding before our very eyes. In real timne.

  2. There have been cries of stolen election since the beginning of our Republic. But we have never had a bunch of sore loser insurrectionists storm the Capitol to stop the Electoral College vote (government).
    When the Supreme Court installed Bush as president there were a lot of incensed Democrats, but they did not take up arms against the government, or stormed the Supreme Court building.
    Again, I see these insurrectionists as traitors and should be judged as such, but I hear no talk of such charges. If we don't bring the full extent of the laws to these criminals, then they will be emboldened to do it again. These criminals are lucky they were not shot down on site.
    So many times people have predicted the demise of our country, but we limp along. If the American people in their infinite wisdom elect Trump president again, we will not have a leg to limp on.

  3. I have a person that lives close to me that has a "trump won" banner in his yard.

  4. From a Trump cultist: "REGARDING THE BALDWIN KILLING……As they just said on THE FIVE, EVERYBODY involved in any part of it is a DEMOCRAT…"

    Everybody involved in sedition against the United States of America that saw people die and police suffering injuries is a REPUBLICAN!
