Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Trump supporting states owning the libs one death at a time:


*The states with the highest COVID death rates in 2021:

1.    Oklahoma

2.    Alabama

3.    West Virginia

4.    Arizona

5.    Kentucky

6.    Mississippi

7.    Wyoming

8.    Florida

9.    Georgia

10.  South Carolina

*SOURCE:  Johns Hopkins, US Census, CDC   

A new NBCLX analysis details the high cost of low vaccination: 

In 2021, the states with America’s lowest vaccination rates lost residents to COVID at a rate two to five times higher than states with high vaccination rates. 


“Certainly you can attribute a substantial number of COVID deaths to a mistrust of public health measures, and you could probably attribute a certain amount of that to political and social trends that have happened over the past decade or more,” Dowdy said. “So I think it's fair to say that those trends have killed people.”

They sure did own the libs by killing themselves, didn't they.


  1. I would say the wingnut "news" sites spreading misinformation about the virus and the vaccines, and the Republican politicians constantly sabotaging pandemic mitigation measures, are sacrificing a certain number of "their" people for the sake of denying Biden a win against covid-19. It's in the spirit of generals and politicians throughout history who viewed ordinary people as expendable cannon fodder to be "spent" for the sake of some supposedly more important goal.

  2. Yet the people who refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks, refuse to allow mask mandates in schools, etc., are now blaming President Biden for the Covid surge and claim he has no plan to end it? Really?

  3. The stories some folks (tRumpublicans) tell themselves to fuel their delusions and thereby support their ignorance is beyond the pale.

    Fixing stupid or willful ignorance is impossible. Perhaps when enough red "elephants" die the lights will finally turn on in their rather vacant attics.

  4. There have been several stories in the news about anti-vaxers "seeing the light" when someone they know dies and then getting vaccinated.

  5. Jennifer Rubin: "Sadly, the degradation of democracy has intensified in the wake of Joe Biden’s victory. The doctrinal elevation of the “big lie," the increase in violent rhetoric and the effort to rig elections all reflect a heightened desperation by the MAGA crowd. This has driven the GOP to new lows (e.g., vaccine refusal to “own the libs,” virtually all House Republicans defending an animation depicting the murder of a congresswoman)."

  6. Since the administration threw compliance back to the States it is now a free for all. Reasonable people will take reasonable precautions and someday the health officials will present all of the ways you can protect yourself instead of just fraudsie and his vac's is the only way.
    I thought joey had a plan to eliminate covid and now people who are vaccinated are getting sick. His handlers didn't make him lie did they ?

  7. skudrunner: I thought joey had a plan to eliminate covid

    Biden believed that Americans would come together and do the right thing: Get vaccinated! But what he forgot was that Trumpism has turned this country into a rat eat rat population, with Trumpist states preferring to kill themselves than cooperate with CDC guidelines -- vaxxing, masking, social distancing until we get through this together.

    Yes, people who are vaxxed can get sick, but they don't DIE!

    You forgot Trump told America in the early winter of 2020 that COVID would be gone by spring? You didn't make fun of him for that, did you? Or when he suggested injecting disinfectant into people's veins.

    No matter. Joe Biden is still a more decent, honorable man than Trump ever was or ever will be. That used to matter, but since Trump and his cultists spread their hate, that no longer counts. Only "owning the libs" matters to them, even if it means they die!

    We're a sick country, thanks to Trump!

  8. Gosh skud ole buddy, I never would have guessed you'd be a big federal govermnt supporter kinda guy pining for federal action. The cons nand repubs have always been small limited federal government type of folks that prefer great decentralization. They've pretty much been wrong most of the time but hey, we're used to it!

    BTW, most of the major problems we face today either already existed (mostly the result of republican/con shenanigans over many years), or, are the result of the Fat Orange Guy's decisions. President Biden, given the f'ing disaster left him by the Fat bOrange Guy, has done a pretty damn decent job.

  9. Somehow all those statistics show that the death rate for older Americans is decreasing so it must be all those young people who are responsible. Joey is a peach just can't tell the truth which seems to be a consistent trait of all presidents even the nice ones.

    trump is less of an influence that the left will admit especially among the thinking voter. There are still die hard trumpers and there are die hard joeyers but there are more voters who see a need for change and are not in favor of socialism.

  10. skudrunner: "There are still die hard trumpers and there are die hard joeyers but there are more voters who see a need for change and are not in favor of socialism."

    Die hard "joeyers?" What does that mean? It sounds like you're trying to make President Biden into a cult figure.

    We Dems don't worship President Biden the way Trumpers worship the Liar, Cheat, and Fraud.

    I see that his cultists around the country believe he's still president, and they have no problem with supporting a liar who's been impeached TWICE! That doesn't happen to good presidents or honest presidents.

    No matter how desperately you try, you will never make President Biden into the Liar, Cheat, and Fraud that Trump was and still is to this day. President Biden isn't perfect; he makes mistakes; he's wrong on some things; but he's a good man, and that's what most normal Americans wanted after suffering through 5 years of the LIAR, CHEAT, AND FRAUD, and watching Trump's cultists and thugs attack the United States Capitol, chanting "HANG PENCE!"

    That you try to lump President Biden in with a malignant narcissistic monster like Trump shows me you're not interested in any honest discussion of the two presidents.

  11. PS. Socialism?

    Are you receiving or will you someday receive Social Security? Medicare? Did your kids attend public schools? Do you depend on or use fire and police departments? Libraries? US Roads? Public transportation? The court system? The military?

    (Those services and, and more, are all provided by the government for Americans -- socialism. We're a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST country -- ot just the US, but Europe and other advanced democratic societies. Or haven't you noticed? )

    Does the federal government own all means of production in the US? (for example: All our electrical grids are privately owned.)

    Your claim about "socialism" is a tired old trope by Trumpers and other conservatives who apparently know nothing about it.

    Like it or not, skud, America is a Democratic Socialist country. So you need to drop that trope. It doesn't scare anyone here.

  12. Ms Shaw, SS. Medicare are prepaid benefits. In other words I paid for them and continue to pay for them. I pay taxes for the services provided with sales tax, property tax and state income tax. Democratic socialist it a bernie phrase that has been rejected by the majority as shown in the last few elections.

    You feel politicians are looking out for you when in truth all they want is to control you and that doesn't matter what party you support. The most equitable form of taxation is the Fair Tax but it will ever happen because it takes power away from the crooks who control the tax system. They make the laws and that includes the tax system then complain when the rich take advantage of the system they created. If they weren't politicians they couldn't find a job.

  13. Shaw... regarding Trump's penchant for lying...

    Apparently his supporters only hate it when Dems lie.

    Then liars are despicable, dishonest America haters.

    When you point out that Trump lies, you end being accused of suffering from TDS...

    Why is that?

  14. A couple of observations...

    The Biden administration announced just before Christmas that they reunited 100 children torn from their families under the former guy. Not a lot of coverage though, amirite?

    Found on the Twitters of Brian Tyler Cohen
    COVID numbers per the current data -
    Unvaccinated: 6.1 deaths per 100k
    Vaccinated: 0.5 deaths per 100k
    Boosted: 0.1 deaths per 100k
    My takeaway is that one may still get sick but having a vaccine improves ones chances of survival.

    Per the fact checkers Biden never said he would eliminate the virus, because that's not how combating viruses works. He did say that we'd beat it and that he had a plan to combat the virus, but such nuances are beyond the knowledge of those like skudrunner. Biden also never thought that so many humans would willingly risk death to (checks notes for the correct phrasing) 'Own the Libs'. I've had to remove the phrase 'avoid it like the plague' from my vocabulary as it is no longer a truism.

    Perhaps skud the problems you see aren't out here in reality but instead lie with the man in the mirror.

  15. skud: "Ms Shaw, SS. Medicare are prepaid benefits. In other words I paid for them and continue to pay for them."

    Yes. That's how Democratic Socialism works. Ask the people who live in the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Scandinavia! Congratulations! You get it!

    skud: "I pay taxes for the services provided with sales tax, property tax and state income tax."

    Yes! See above!!!!

    skud: "Democratic socialist it a bernie phrase that has been rejected by the majority as shown in the last few elections."


    You're living in a Democratic Socialist society.

  16. Grey, Ms Shaw and of course Rev. Happy New Year.

    Biden said he would get the virus under control which he has failed to do. Spin what I say all you want but he started with a vaccine and tests and his only message is get vaccinated and it is all the un-vaccinateds fault that cases are at record highs. Yes deaths are down for those vaccinated and only an idiot wouldn't get the vaccine but to say he is not a failure is pure spin. He is planning on passing his massive give away bill to make his presidency and the virus just keeps getting in the way.

    Ms. Shaw, If you choose to have the mindset of being a socialist, go for it. I choose to believe differently. Now the exciting news for 2022 is who Maxwell outs in her new book.

    Have a safe and Happy New Year

  17. Skudrunner leaves out the fact that there was NO DISTRIBUTION OF THE VACCINE plan in place when he entered office. Trump made Operation Warp Speed happen, but there was no plan to get the vaccines into people’s arms!! That’s like building a hospital and filling it with necessary equipment, but not having doctors or nurses to run it. Stupid.

    Skud admits vaccine deaths are down and calls Biden a failure for facilitating that. You figure that one out; I can’t.

    Actually, Skud, YOU have the mindset of a “socialist” since you readily admit that your taxes go to government-run programs that benefit you and other Americans. Your inability to understand what democratic socialism is (you live in such a system, and enjoy its benefits) - that inability puts you at at a disadvantage in understanding how this country works. You’re a socialist (democratic socialist) and are just now learning that truth!

    I challenge you to look up that definition, and then tell me this country is not what I said it is.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR. Be safe and stay healthy.

  18. Reality has a habit of sneaking up on folks. Folks who really haven't been paying reasonable attention to actual reality are always surprized when it catches up to them.

    Then there are folks who now matter the volume evidence and will always continue to believe the conditioning they've been subjected to along with the supporting stories they tell themselves.

    It's liberating when one eventua)y stars to actually obsetve reality minus conditioning and stories.
