Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Anyone else remember this?:



via Axios:

 The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected former President Trump's latest request to block the National Archives and Record Administration from releasing records to the House Jan. 6 select committee.

Tuesday, 02/22/22

Please read INFIDEL753's post for an analysis on the Ukraine crisis:

Washington Post

By Josh Rogin July 18, 2016 

"The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington. 

Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade." 

 (Why was Viktor Yanukovych removed? After rejecting the Ukrainian-European Association Agreement, Yanukovych was ousted from office in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution. ... He currently lives in exile in Russia. Yanukovych served as the governor of Donetsk Oblast, a province in eastern Ukraine, from 1997 to 2002.) 

 "Still, Republican delegates at last week’s national security committee platform meeting in Cleveland were surprised when the Trump campaign orchestrated a set of events to make sure that the GOP would not pledge to give Ukraine the weapons it has been asking for from the United States."

It all makes sense now:

What Did Ex-Trump Aide Paul Manafort Really Do in Ukraine? 

Trump's former campaign chief worked for an anti-NATO party and a politician (Yanukovych) who fled the country amid charges of corruption and collusion with Russia.

A former Trump aide now under federal investigation (UPDATE: convicted felon on 8 counts) on  as part of the Russia probe earned millions working for a corrupt pro-Russian political party that repeatedly disparaged America's most important military alliance. Paul Manafort, who was Trump's campaign chief from May to August 2016, spent nearly a decade as a consultant to Ukraine's Party of Regions and its standard bearer, Viktor Yanukovych. Backed by Russian-leaning oligarchs, the party opposed NATO membership and spouted anti-Western rhetoric that once helped fuel violence against American marines. Its reign ended when Yanukovych fled to Russia after bloody street protests against his personal corruption and pro-Moscow actions.


  1. Thanks for the link!

    We may never know exactly why Trump so consistently groveled before Putin, but if he were still president now, he would certainly be groveling still, and blocking any American assistance to Ukraine's resistance to Putin's threats. Which would probably mean the final end to the US position as leader of the democratic world.

  2. The firing squad for tRUMP and all his treasonous cronies would be too good for them.

  3. It can’t be overstated that the “America First” party, which is filled with people who lived through the Cold War, is now Pro Russia.

  4. The USA has already lost the right to lead the western democracies. We are now, and have been for some time, in a downward spiral. It will only get worse. Prepare for it.
