Thursday, February 3, 2022

Trump admitted to trying to overturn the 2020 election.

Trump indicted himself by saying out loud, during his Jan. 30 rally in Texas, that Pence "could have overturned the election." 

There it is. By making that statement, Trump admits that HE DID NOT WIN the election, and that he expected VP Pence to overturn it by not certifying the electoral votes and by counting them in Trump's favor -- "overturning the election!"

TRUMP:  If the Vice President [Mike Pence] had 'absolutely no right' to change the Presidential Election results in the Senate, despite fraud and many other irregularities, how come the Democrats and RINO Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the Vice President to change the results of the election?”

”Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!” 

Trump isn’t using some of the more coded language of his Republican defenders, many of who deny there was an effort to overturn the election. Instead, Trump is explicitly stating that he believes Pence should have “overturned the election.”

Laurence Tribe: “Former President Donald Trump on Sunday admitted in a written statement that he wanted his former Vice President Mike Pence to ‘overturn the election’ and railed against efforts to put laws in place to prevent something like that from ever happening.”

“He could have overturned the election.” This is an admission, and a massively un-American statement. It is time for every Republican leader to pick a side… Trump or the Constitution, there is no middle on defending our nation anymore.

Every insurrectionist who responded to Trump's call knew this. In a responsive attitude and behavior, they responded to his call. They trained in different states for months before. They trained tactical teams, amassed weapons and transportation. They made t-shirts flags and banners. 

 Liz Cheney @Liz_Cheney ·  "Trump uses language he knows caused the Jan 6 violence; suggests he’d pardon the Jan 6 defendants, some of whom have been charged with seditious conspiracy; threatens prosecutors; and admits he was attempting to overturn the election. 

 He’d do it all again if given the chance."


Trump incited violence:

Fulton County DA Fani Willis asks for FBI help in providing security for buildings and staff one day after Trump said supporters should hold “the biggest protests we have ever had” in cities like Atlanta if “racist” prosecutors “do anything wrong or illegal.” 

The Atlanta-area prosecutor who is weighing whether to bring election-related criminal charges against former president Donald Trump is seeking FBI help in securing a county courthouse and government center in the wake of “alarming” rhetoric from Trump at a rally this weekend. 

 In a letter Sunday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis pointed to comments from Trump at a rally in Texas about “racist” and “mentally sick” prosecutors examining a range of issues, including his company and his actions following the 2020 election. 

 “Security concerns were escalated this weekend by the rhetoric of former President Trump at a public event in Conroe, Texas that was broadcast and covered by national media outlets and shared widely on social media,” Willis said in her letter to J.C. Hacker, the special agent in charge of the Atlanta field office of the FBI. 

“His statements were undoubtedly watched by millions.” 

 In the letter, Willis asked that Hacker immediately conduct a risk assessment of the Fulton County Courthouse and Government Center and provide “protective resources to include intelligence and federal agents.” “We must work together to keep the public safe and ensure that we do not have a tragedy in Atlanta similar to what happened at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” Willis said.


  1. And the merry-go-round of repetition goes on. At this point we have the rational side -vs- the irrational side. It's anybody's guess how this utimatelky ends. Regardless of the final outcome this nation will be changed forever. Goos luck America. Ya really managed to svcew things up badly. And America continues to do so.

  2. Who calls for overturning elections in the US?

    We recount, check the ballots and then, as Al Gore did in Florida, we accept the results. That's what Americans have always done when it has come to elections. We never demand that election results be overturned.

    Think about the countries around the globe that overturn elections. Are any of them western democracies? Israel? Germany? England? France? Australia? Canada?

    Trump, and a great majority of the people who support him and make up the GOP continue to believe making it possible for millions of people to safely vote, largely by mail so as to avoid crowds during the pandemic, itself was fraudulent.

    It's. All. BS.

    They've made no credible claim of people voting multiple times, of non US citizens voting, or of dead people, aside from a few GOP voters, voting. They've presented no evidence of voting machines being rigged, of foreign involvement in our elections, or of ballots being stolen.

    Take a moment and let all of this sink in...

    With no proof of fraud, a sitting US President sought not to recount ballots as was his right, but instead moved to ignore over 150 million votes and overturn, what his own Admin called a free, fair and the most secure election in US history.

    And his supporters said nothing and continue to believe and push the fiction, without proof, that there was fraud.

    And they call the left un-American.

  3. There is only one meaning to the projection-loaded phrase, "Stop the steal". It means overturn the election.

    Either Trump is held accountable and is convicted of his crimes, or this republic is dead.

    Or more to the point, this republic IS dead, until Trump is convicted.

  4. I wonder if there is a law firm that is holding back until tRUMP finally gets indicted. Soon, tRUMP won't have enough money to pay a good firm to represent him.

  5. Every day during his presidency it was a pause on whether that buffoon could say or do anything worse....and here we are a year later and he continues to exceed expectations! I get it that we all have differing philosophies regarding conservative vs. progressive values, fiscal constraints, the role of government et al....and Viva la difference. It makes us more thoughtful and stronger as a nation...but regardless of which party has the commander in chief in office, we should fully demand that the holder of that office have some modicum of integrity and decency while performing their duties. Trump has neither...and aside from his being a 6 time bankrupt, incompetent, twice impeached insurrectionist should never be allowed to serve in any political capacity again!

  6. Whatever happens to Trump the republic will not die. The republic is not dead now.

  7. Dave: "Take a moment and let all of this sink in...

    With no proof of fraud, a sitting US President sought not to recount ballots as was his right, but instead moved to ignore over 150 million votes and overturn, what his own Admin called a free, fair and the most secure election in US history.

    And his supporters said nothing and continue to believe and push the fiction, without proof, that there was fraud.

    And they call the left un-American."

    And what is appalling is that Trump has endorsed and supports Viktor Orban of Hungary, which can be described as a "soft fascist" country.

    "Since his second stint as Prime Minister of Hungary began, in 2010, Viktor Orbán has chipped away at the country’s democratic systems. A proponent of what he calls an “illiberal” form of government, Orbán has imposed policies that are hostile to L.G.B.T.Q. people and immigrants, and has steadily increased his control of Hungary’s public square by cracking down on the press, the academy, and the judiciary. But the end of his tenure could be near: Orbán is up for reëlection in 2022, and a coalition of six opposition parties,from the left to the far right, has formed to defeat him." --The New Yorker

    VOX: "Elections there are free, in the sense that the vote counts aren’t nakedly rigged. But they are unfair: The government controls the airwaves and media companies to such a degree that the opposition can’t get a fair hearing. Orbán’s party, Fidesz, stands up bogus opposition parties during parliamentary elections as a means of dividing the anti-Fidesz vote. In April 2018, Fidesz won the national elections, cementing Orbán’s hold on power; international monitors concluded that the opposition never really had a fair chance.

    Hungary’s civil society looks free and vibrant on paper, but a patchwork of nonsensical regulations makes it nearly impossible for pro-democracy organizations to do their work. The economy seems to be growing, but a significant number of corporations are controlled by Orbán’s cronies."

    What does this all mean? And why is the Trumpublican Party having its next CPAC meeting in Hungary? And why did Tucker Carlsin of FAuX NOOZ go to Hungary?

    I've never seen anything like this anti-democratic movement so blatant in America and supported not just by media loud-mouths, but by members of Trumpublican members of Congress.

    What is going on?

  8. Tom Hartmann:

    "The problem with the old fascism was that it was too brutal and militaristic: it offended voters’ democratic sensibilities, killed way too many people, and caused nearby nations to respond militarily to its perceived threat.

    This softer and gentler system, neofascism, still employs many of the same political and rhetorical tools old-fashioned fascists used to gain power, including white supremacy, ultranationalism, and a general embrace of neoliberal crony capitalism.

    But it does all of them within a more populist wrapper, seemingly driven from the ground up, and acquiring elected power by manipulation of social media; crony-owned “news” outlets and talk radio; buying off politicians (legalized by conservatives on the Supreme Court in 2010); and subtly rigging electoral systems with devices like voter-roll purges (legalized by conservatives on the Supreme Court in 2018) and voter suppression.

    Neofascists are committed to the core neoliberal tenant of, as Steve Bannon repeatedly says, “Deconstructing the administrative state”: taking down the protective and supportive powers of government to increase the predatory power of rogue police, the morbidly rich, and the corporations that made them that way.

    They still use the race-baiting tactics of classic fascists, but do so in ways that are more socially acceptable than building death camps or pushing people out of helicopters. They wrap themselves in the flag, use slogans hearkening to the country’s founding, rail against nonwhite refugees and immigrants instead of nonwhite citizens, and their violence is more in-the-streets-theatrical (at least for the moment) and thus easier to dismiss.

    This new neofascism was pioneered in the modern era by Viktor Orbán in Hungary, who came to power in 1998 (and again in 2010) as a conservative populist after the fall of the Soviet Union liberated his nation.

    Steve Bannon celebrated Orbán as “Trump before Trump,” and Casey Michel on the NBC News site Think noted: “From targeting migrants to inflaming an ethnonationalist base, from attacking the press to whipping up nativist conspiracies, from ushering in unprecedented corruption to tearing down basic democratic protections, Trumpism is increasingly indistinguishable from Orbánism.”

  9. The republic is already in the early stages of dying. I give it 25 more years and it will be dead. Unless the supporters of the gop, trump, and the growing facists die first NNN.
