Sunday, February 13, 2022




  1. I guess he learned to not be a victim and to take control of his life. There are thousands of people like him but the media chooses to present everyone as victims.
    This was a good, positive post thanks for doing this.

  2. From a white person’s point of view, it’s a positive story because this talented man figured out how to work around racist prejudices and racist laws that white people imposed on him and his race for no reason other than the color of his skin.

    It’s a win for white people’s conscience, but NOT for the thousands of talented Americans like him who were forced to find someway to exist in a racist White America!

    Try reading about another talented Black person, Marian Anderson, a world renowned singer who sang for kings and queens and was able to stay in any hotel in the world EXCEPT in her own country, where she had to travel in the back of the train, and find some all Black hotel to stay in or venue to sing in because of the color of her skin.

    How ANYONE can think these are positive stories shows how marinated this country is in its paternalism and racism.

    “Give that Black man and woman a medal for figuring out how to survive with his/her talent and dignity in tact while White people thwarted them every way they could!”

  3. Most people would be embarrassed by this story. It’s the sort of story people like Youngkin and his kind don’t want taught in schools becuz it would make White children “feel bad”. Kinda looks like it makes White people feel proud for all the wrong reasons.

  4. Your response to skidmark's attempt to whitewash the behavior of white racists is spot on. Unfortunately any response, no matter how accurate and truthful it may be, will not be understood or accepted by the conditioned racist attitudes of many in the USA. They by conditioned choice prefer to believe African Americans are lazy and just want free stuff.

    As Anon below stated the beings who see the reaity of white racial discrimination in this country throughout its history can only be embarrassed by skud's racist response to this post.

    This country has ALWAYS treated those who were not WASP's as so called others and proceeded to treat them accordingly. Sick, Sick, Sick.

  5. When and if a fully truthful, all encompassing, comprehensive history of White American history is written it will NOT the glowing one we were exposed to in high school. The one that says we're exceptional. That one is merely a fairy tale to make white folks from western Euroe feel like they're just so gddamn secial. We're not and never have been.

  6. They always bring out the talented black person and say, see here, we aren't racist. It was Mrs. Kennedy who got the black woman to sing on the Capitol steps she was refused to sing at another venue. Hollywood gave a black man the best Oscar award, which he certainly deserved, but Hollywood did not pass up the opportunity to show the world, see, we are not racist. Certain blacks because of their superior talent have been given privileges the rest of their race had to fight and die for and still never got. Examples of tokens to make whites feel better about themselves. One hopes these incidents helped progress the black's cause, but I'm not so sure.

  7. Anon @1:39,

    It was Eleanor Roosevelt who arranged for Anderson to sing in front of the Lincoln Memorial when the Daughters of the American Revolution would not allow her to sing in Constitution Hall. Anderson at that time was one of THE WORLD’S premier contralto sopranos whom the great Toscanini said of her that a voice like hers comes only once in a hundred years. The great Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius, was in awe of her and composed for her, and Albert Einstein welcomed her into his home when hotels in Princeton would not allow her to stay in them, because of the color of her skin.

    An “exceptional” country would not have treated one of their own great artists as shabbily as America treated Ms. Anderson.

    Later in her life, she did receive recognition in her country for her great artistry and achievements, but America was NOT the leader in giving Ms. Anderson the respect and recognition she deserved as an American artist. America did not lead, it followed Europe’s and other countries’ acceptance of this great American.

  8. Yes, and in today's America, stupid racist white politicians compare masks and vaccines to the Holocaust with no consequences.

    But a Black woman is punished for the mistake of seeing Jews as white people...during Black History Month.

    USA! USA! Ban CRT!
