Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ginni Thomas Involved With the Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election!


This is astounding!  The wife of a justice of the SCOTUS exchanged texts with Trump's chief of staff about overturning the 2020 election? 

Holy Sedition!



Copies of text messages obtained by CBS News and The Washington Post reveal Ginni Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, exchanged texts with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

"Virginia Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks following the vote, according to copies of the messages obtained by CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa and Bob Woodward of The Washington Post. 

 Those messages — part of 29 total messages obtained — reveal an extraordinary pipeline between Virginia Thomas, who goes by Ginni, and then-President Donald Trump's top aide during a period when Trump and his allies were vowing to go to the Supreme Court in an effort to subvert the election results."


 "In her text messages to Meadows, Ginni Thomas spread false theories, commented on cable news segments and advocated with urgency and fervor that the president and his team take action to reverse the outcome of the election. She urged that they take a hard line with Trump staffers and congressional Republicans who had resisted arguments that the election was stolen."

Ginni Thomas is clearly out of her freaking mind:  

 "In the Nov. 5 message to Meadows, Thomas went on to quote a passage that had circulated on right-wing websites: “Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”

How embarrassing! The wife of a Supreme Court justice a silly, gullible conspiracist and a certifiable kook!


The Thomases must have been told that this appalling scandal was going to become public. Is that why Justice Thomas went missing? He was hospitalized last Friday, but no news on why or even if he's returned home.

This is a very big, very stinky story. Chief Justice Roberts must be fuming because this will bring a stench to his court. Don't forget that Justice Thomas was THE ONLY dissenting justice on the court in the decision to allow Trump's documents to be seen by the January 6 Congressional Committee.

And now that dissent is quite suspect. 


  1. Anyone who has followed the exploits of Mrs. Thomas is not surprised by this at all.

  2. Dare I say the scum is quite deep & shi""y in America's conservative republican politics. tRump simply took that puss filled vessel of corruption to a new low. Ginni was (is) just another corrupt useful idiot. One among a sea of useful idiots.

  3. Justices should avoid the appearance of impropriety.

    Ruling on documents about a coup your spouse was involved in is definitely and most assuredly a conflict of interest. It's not about specific documents; it's about the subject matter!

    The Thomases have delivered a putrid stench to the SCOTUS! No Supreme wife has EVER behaved the way Ginni Thomas has: She participated in the attempt to overthrow a free and fair election in the United States. I call that seditious behavior.

    It is no wonder Justice Thomas has "taken to his bed."

  4. She is a private citizen so she can do what is lawful. It does look like the corrupt media including NYT has admitted that hunter biden was selling access to a high official, Which is worse. Two private citizens acting in distasteful ways one legal and one illegal or to use your words SEDITIOUS. Who do you suppose will get the most mainstream press??

  5. skudrunner

    Do you believe that engaging in seditious actions against the United States -- working to overthrow a free and fair election and install the LOSER of that said election is the same as the allegations of corruption against Hunter Biden?

    One case is about seditious actions against the government of the United States engaged in by Mrs. Thomas; the other is about unproven allegations against Hunter Biden -- he wasn't plotting to overthrow an election and interfere with the legal transfer of power.

    Your attempt at bothsiderism is a fail. These are two entirely different actions.

    Sedition definition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state

    Mrs. Thomas was engaged with a group of people who were acting to "rebel" against a free and fair election because they didn't like the outcome.

    New evidence shows Trump was told many times there was no voter fraud — but he kept saying it anyway

    A data expert for former president Donald Trump’s campaign told him bluntly not long after polls closed in November 2020 that he was definitely going to lose his campaign for reelection.

    In the weeks that followed, multiple top officials at the Justice Department informed Trump that they had closely examined allegations of fraud that were being circulated by Trump’s close allies — and had found them simply untrue.

    And in the days leading up to the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, even Trump’s loyal vice president, Mike Pence, repeatedly conveyed to Trump that he did not believe the Constitution gave him the power to overturn the election as he presided over the counting of electoral college votes giving the presidency to Joe Biden.

    These and other new details were included in a legal brief filed late Wednesday by lawyers for the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as they began to build a case that Trump was knowingly misleading his followers about the election and pressuring Pence to break the law in the weeks and hours before the assault.

    Apparently, Mrs. Thomas was suckered in by QAnon and all the other Trump freaks who lied about the election, all in service to a malignant narcissist who could not accept the fact that he lost.

    Mrs. Thomas's behavior is that of a conspiracist and gullible kook.

    And she's tainted the SCOTUS by her actions.

  6. Rick Wilson explains it even better:

    Imagine for a moment what the Republicans would say if the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice nominated by a Democrat joined in a conspiracy to overthrow a free and fair American election. Imagine she or he was part of a conspiracy to launch a violent, shock-and-awe attack on the Capitol in its furtherance. An attack that led to lives lost, our Capitol desecrated.

    Imagine their response as she was discovered in the days leading up to the attack to be texting and emailing a Democratic White House Chief of Staff, encouraging him to illegally overturn the election and promote lurid conspiracy nonsense.

    Imagine she promoted the idea Republicans were "being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”

    Now imagine her husband was the sole vote to protect the losing President from scrutiny.

    I'll tell you what they'd do.

    They'd burn Washington to the damn ground.

    They'd salt the earth.

    They'd call for sanctions, impeachment, removal.

    Their powerful media apparatus would turn it into a 24/7 scandal story that would never ever disappear. Facebook would amplify (and monetize!) a million pages calling for the removal of said Justice.

    They'd hold hearings and drag every person involved before them.

  7. If I could sit down with Clarence and Ginny Thomas I'd just have one question for them...

    Do you two agree with Senator Mike Braun of Indiana who said earlier this week that the SCOTUS should have left the Loving decision, which granted interracial couples the right to live as a married couple in all 50 states, was wrongly decided?

    Now, he later walked back his statement, but the fact that anyone, much less a sitting US Senator, would even utter that BS tells you how far the GOP has fallen.

    But what else can they do? Because the Obergefell decision granting the same right to gay people, sits atop that loving decision.

    So how can a "conservative" oppose 50 state legality of gay marriage and interracial marriage?

    This is a discussion I'd love to have with the Thomas family.

  8. Rick Wilson:

    In the Before Times, there were boundaries. There were spoken and unspoken rules of behavior. I'm not the first to observe that the Ginny Thomas story is being greeted by utter silence -- if not outright approval -- on the right.
    "So what?" is the reaction

    In a televised Great Spectacle, it would become a centerpiece of their messaging for ages. It would be a drumbeat about the corruption of the opposing party.

    It would motivate no end of earnest op-eds from the gentry media.

    The GOP silence now is telling. They've become masters at working the media refs.

    This isn't a trivial little scandal. It's real, it stinks, and it's outrageous.


  9. EMiller
    Replying to

    At least we now know why Hunter's laptop was trending.


  10. Daniel Goldman
    Former Lead Counsel, House Impeachment Inquiry; AUSA, SDNY.
    The judicial standard for recusal centers on an *appearance* of a conflict of interest. That Thomas ruled on a matter directly involving his wife—whether or not her texts were at issue or if he actually knew about them —clearly *appears* to be a conflict. Recusal was necessary.

  11. Here's the stench coming from Roberts' court:

    "Clarence Thomas was the lone dissent in the Supreme Court's January order rejecting Trump's bid to withhold documents from the January 6 panel."

  12. Over 30 law-related organizations just sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee urging them to immediately hold hearings investigating Clarence Thomas’ conflict of interests on the Supreme Court.

  13. Did anyone read this re: the hearings on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson:

    "In a HUGE loss for Republican Senators Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, and Josh Hawley, officials from the American Bar Association testify at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s hearing that ALL of their accusations against her are false."

  14. Thomas should never have been confirmed in the first place. He's a sleazeball and so is his cow-like wife. Indeed, apparently everyone on the right is now a proud sleazeball and willing to destroy America in their thirst for fascism.

  15. Shaw... Skud just simply can't admit anyone on the right is wrong, without also trying to include someone from the left.

    I mean let's think about this... The wife of a Supreme Court Justice of the United States has been discovered to have been urging the Chief of Staff of the Trump Admin to overthrow a duly elected incoming government.

    It's not just an accusation, we've got the evidence, the tapes, the emails, the smoking guns.

    And yet, Skud has got to include a leftie in his umbrage so as not to just indict conservatives.

    Really Skud, can you even make a statement with a but, also, as well, Joey, Swell Guy, HRC or "they do it too" in it?

  16. No... but it IS refreshing to hear.

    Even more refreshing would be an investigation into Clarence Thomas' obvious conflict of interest.

    Impeachment should be a serious consideration.


  17. Ginni Thomas and her husband have done considerable damage to the SCOTUS's reputation. She, especially, threw a stink bomb at the third branch of government while trying to overthrow the first branch.

    IMO, she's a seditionist.

    "The texts reveal that her efforts to subvert the election were far more serious than we knew.

    Now recall that in January, the Supreme Court rejected Mr. Trump’s request to block the release of White House records relating to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack. Mr. Meadows had submitted a brief in the case supporting Mr. Trump. The court’s ruling came as an unsigned order, with only one noted dissent: from Justice Thomas.

    Perhaps Justice Thomas was not aware of his wife’s text-message campaign to Mr. Meadows at the time. But it sure makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

    And that’s precisely the problem: We shouldn’t have to wonder. The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the country, and yet, as Alexander Hamilton reminded us, it has neither the sword nor the purse as a means to enforce its rulings. It depends instead on the American people’s acceptance of its legitimacy, which is why the justices must make every possible effort to appear fair, unbiased and beyond reproach."

  18. "The court is in deep trouble these days, pervaded by what Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently called the “stench” of partisanship — a stench arising in no small part from the Thomases’ behavior. It is hard to imagine that the other justices, regardless of their personal politics, aren’t bothered.

    No one should have to choose between their devotion to their spouse and their duty to the nation. But Justice Thomas has shown himself unwilling or unable to protect what remains of the court’s reputation from the appearance of extreme bias he and his wife have created. He would do the country a service by stepping down and making room for someone who won’t have that problem."
    -- Jesse Wegman, NYTimes

  19. When I was in the military, I was responsible for my wife’s actions. If she robbed a bank, my career was over.If she bounced checks, my career was over. If she plotted against the USA, my career was over. So why’s Clarence Thomas still a SCOTUS Judge & why’s his wife not in jail?

  20. Perhaps Clarence Thomas is just an unaware blissful creature marinating in his blissfulnes. But I cannot help but to seriosly doubt it. He likely knew what ginny the seditionist was up to and probably encourged it.

  21. Here's how Stephen Gillers, professor of legal ethics at New York University summed things up...

    “...any justice, judge or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

    “Judges should not participate, the law says, in proceedings in which their spouse has ‘an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.’”

    “By writing to Meadows [and we now know members of Congress too], who was chief of staff and active in the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement, she [Ginni Thomas] joined the team resisting the results of the election,” he said. “She made herself part of the team and so she has an interest in the decisions of the court that could affect Trump’s goal of reversing the results.”

    Now, before we even consider pushback from the Joe Cons, Skuds and Minus FJ's of the world, we should expect a simple to the following questions, based on what Gillers summed up and other recent related reporting...

    1. Is there any possibility that the impartiality of Justice Thomas, based on this reporting, "might reasonably be questioned"?

    2. If so, should Justice Thomas recuse himself from all current and future Jan 6 cases, out of an abundance of caution and concern for the reputation and impartiality of the SCOTUS?

    Do I expect simple answers from any conservatives? Not at all.

    Because their logic is best summed up in a rant, and I paraphrase, from FreeThinke a while back. In it he basically said the hell with the law, conservatives need to do whatever they can to win, because losing would damn our republic and finish us off.

    And that is where we find ourselves. Because conservatives feel the system is rigged against them, they are justified in taking whatever action is necessary to provide the remedy they feel will "fix" the problem.

    Which in the, again paraphrased words of a few commenters many here read, is the whole scale repudiation of American greatness by a bunch of moslem loving, communist, pajama wearing, America hating, mentally diseased lefties bent on destroying us.

  22. Excellent questions, Marine. I clearly remember AIT training talking about how responsible you were for any family member living with you. I hadn't thought of that in years.

  23. Clarence Thomas won't do a damn thing. He's got a cushy job and to hell with what people think. He certainly would never do the honorable thing and retire, nor will he ever recuse himself from cases about trump and/or 1/6. He has always been a sorry excuse for a judge and a sorry excuse of a person.
