Tuesday, March 15, 2022



"...imposed sanctions on the U.S. Tuesday. The sanctions include a ban on President Joe Biden and other government officials from entering the country. Members of Biden's administration on the ban list include Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

But Putin did NOT sanction Trump or any of his lackeys. We all know why.

Dear President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Blinken, General Austin, and Ms. Psaki,

Wear this as a badge of honor.

We judge you by who your enemy is:  The murdering war criminal Putin.

Putin did NOT sanction Trump.

That says everything we need to know.


  1. LOL!

    Jon Cooper
    Does anyone have any idea why there were ZERO Republicans on Russia’s sanctions list?

  2. Banned by Putin is a badge of honor. I may never reach that threshold, but I do have the honor of being lied about by FOX(R) and Steve Doocy about 7 years ago.

    That puts me in very good company.

  3. Another hint of Putin's intentions. He cuts off any diplomatic communication. He doesn't give a dam about what America says about what he is doing in Ukraine. He is bullying America and the NATO alliance. He is waging this war as a true war criminal. He should be stopped. How far are we going to let his push the world around?


  4. Just before the 2014 election FOX News was on four of the 5 TVs in the PUBLIC Rec Center’s cardio training room.

    Another member and I had a discussion about this with the Recreation Superintendent.

    The Superintendent, an admitted Republican, told us no changes would be made in consideration for those who prefer to not have FOX in front of them. Adding MSNBC was out of the question.

    He informed us of his belief that FOX News was the balance to the (Quote), “left leaning, pro-gun control agenda” of CNN.

    He was unable to inform us who at CNN stated this so-called agenda.

    So I took the case to the county Parks and Recreation Commission and concluded with, “I hope your department finds the judgment and courage to do the right thing. Remove FOX News… or add MSNBC. It’s that simple.”

    This made the local newspaper and soon relayed to FOX(R).

    “Fox News responds to controversy over broadcasts at rec center”
    January 16, 2015
    Fox News program hosts responded Friday morning to the controversy over a public recreation center showing Fox News on its TV screens.
    During a segment on the morning show "Fox & Friends," co-host Steve Doocy stated that a local couple seems to be throwing a "hissy fit" and a "tantrum."
    "What they're trying to do, if you think about it ... is really they want it off of all the televisions," he said. "They're trying to censor Fox News. They don't want us there."
    ...They said attempts to get the center to show MSNBC to provide some balance have been unsuccessful, and now they've drafted a petition requesting the removal of Fox News and any other partisan political news programming from the center.
    County officials responded this week by saying they're working on a new policy for what types of programming should be shown at the center.
    Doocy falsely stated on air Friday morning that they asked Fox News to be turned off and replaced with MSNBC. They actually requested that if Fox News was going to be shown, then MSNBC should be shown for balance.
    "If they hadn't censored MSNBC, none of this would have happened," Dave (Dubya) told The News.
    Doocy also falsely stated on air that they are arguing MSNBC is a "fair and balanced" news network, which he called "funny."
    Here's what Dave actually has stated:
    "The opposing viewpoint of a Republican channel would be a Democratic channel," he said. "MSNBC is the closest thing that comes to mind."
    Dave (Dubya) added that he just wants to "see some sanity, fairness and balance restored" since it's a taxpayer-funded facility.
    "Or better yet, eliminate all political programming. This isn't the place for politics. It's inappropriate," he said.

    The members were given a chance to vote on which TV channels to have on in the facility.
    MSNBC - 151
    FOX News – 135
    Neither had enough to make the cut.
    Mission accomplished.

  5. N.N.N.

    "How far are we going to let his push the world around?"

    If America and her allies start bombing key cities in Russia to stop Putin from "pushing the world around," what do you suppose will happen?

    It is agonizing to watch Putin's brutality in Ukraine. If the U.S. and NATO get militarily involved -- bombing, etc., Putin has threatened to use nukes. And then what? Do we nuke Russian cities?

    Putin has to decide how to get out of the mess he put himself and his country in. The sanctions have had an impact on Russia, but AFAIK, not Putin himself, he's well insulated from any sort of discomfort. But the average Russians are not.

    Do you have any practical ideas on how to end this tragedy?

  6. Putin's aspirations are all of easten Europe. If not more. He is crazy and if not stopped the threat will only grow. He sees the west as weak. It may be proven accurate.

  7. Dave D. Thanks for sharing that. We've seen FAUX NOOZ when traveling in many of the restaurants and bars in the airports. It seems to be the default for lots of public venues. So when I hear a "Conservatives" whine about the "librul media" I laugh in their faces because what they're really whining about is that FAUX NOOZ isn't in every place!.

    I cut the cable cord years ago, so I don't get CNN, MSNBC, or FAUX NOOZ. My go-to for national news is PBS's News Hour. Judy Woodruff gives a rundown of the top stories in the first 15 minutes, then the rest of the 45 minutes is spent on in-depth reporting of the top two or three stories. There's no breathless drama in reporting, no women dressed like they're employed in a gentlemen's club. Just the reporting of the news. Period. With Conservative and Liberal guests.

    I never watched any morning news programs. My Bose is tuned to our classical music station or our local WHRB (Harvard) for their blues or country music for mornings.

  8. I guess the practical thing to do is watch the Ukrainian people get slaughtered and wonder who is next. Then the Chinese will decide they can take Tiwan with the same non-resistance.

  9. Putin is not getting away with it. He thought Ukraine would crumple in a few days, and in almost three weeks only one large city has fallen and the Russian invasion is getting bogged down everywhere. The Russian military is rapidly running out of things and has shown that it can't handle the logistics of a war right on its own border. Putin has exposed Russia's superpower pretensions as a potemkin façade. That's got to rankle. Like every despot before him, he thought the democracies were weak and would be beaten easily, and he can't even beat one democracy (Ukraine) with only one-third Russia's population.

    Biden has handled this exactly right. Tough sanctions and supplying Ukraine with weapons, but no direct NATO participation in combat (such as a no-fly zone) which would mean a direct shooting war between NATO and Russia. The latter is simply too dangerous -- there are too many ways it could escalate to a nuclear exchange. US intelligence and the British ministry of defense concur in their assessments that the Russian military is in deep trouble and won't be able to sustain the offensive beyond another ten days or so. If Putin presides over a humiliating military collapse, or tries to escalate to a nuclear confrontation, he's likely to get taken out by more rational people on his own side.

    As a news source on this, I recommend Kyiv Independent. The BBC has also been very good.

  10. Shaw,
    My anti-authoritarian personality could not tolerate being forced to face FOX BS. It's bad enough having it hovering over me in businesses, where I request a channel change if I'm there to spend money.

    Having it imposed in my field of vision in a tax-payer funded public facility crossed a line, and resistance was called for.

    And when the jerk foisted even more of it on us in the run-up to an election, I took the matter over his head. He was smug in his little power trip, and arrogant enough to tell me there was nothing I could do about it.

    He was wrong, and soon the entire membership helped me take his propaganda campaign down.

    I didn't seek attention for myself and refused to let the News guy take my picture. I told him it wasn't about me. It was about the Superintendent's blatant and unaccountable political activism in a public facility.

    It was about overturning an authoritarian's dirty power move. I bet he and the Righties who called FOX(R) really hate me. But to echo FDR, I welcome their hatred.

    Score one for the good guys.

    It was a small effort in the grand scheme, but it shows a little activism leading to a vote can get results. And even some attention from FOX(R)'s filthy liars.

  11. Trump is not banned because he just doesn't matter except to a few crazies and the left. He is no longer in government and doesn't set the agenda for anything except being off the rails. No republicans because they are not the ruling party.

    Why is it that the US states what it won't do and not what it can do. We take heed about putin saying what he could do and we come back with what we won't do. What is going to happen when a russian missile hits Poland. Are we gong to say shame on you.
    I agree that biden is in a tough situation ad also agree he is not the one to lead us through it. Remember he was elected to bring civility and calm to the world, that hasn't happened but at least covid cases are under control if you consider going up as being under control.

    Jen said they have no red line, no wonder because the last time that was issued russia had to bail us out.

    I am glad to see the democrats being proactive on bringing gas prices down. They rose over a dollar a gallon from January 2021 to January 2022 now they are up another dollar. The democrats is to tax the oil companies. I know you have some brilliant people here so maybe they can explain how adding taxes will bring costs down.

    I agree with you Ms. Shaw. PBS is the only news cast worth listening. BBC is not bad either. The rest are just opinion news not reporting news.

  12. N.N.N.

    Read Infidel753's comment just below yours. That's what I've read in serious reports about what's happened to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  13. Infidel753, Thanks for your comment. I've read the same analyses, and I wish more people would do the same before declaring that Putin is going to take over Eastern Europe.

    I also watch the BBC News just before the PBS News Hour. Thanks for including the Kyiv Independent link.

  14. Dave D. Your refusal to let a public, taxpayer venue broadcast FAUX NOOZ propaganda is admirable. Good work!

  15. skudrunner: "No republicans because they are not the ruling party."

    Hillary Clinton is a private citizen with no role in "the ruling party." Why did Putin sanction her?

    Ruling party? If that were true, why is it that the Trumpublicans have been able to stop President Biden's nominees for various government positions and cripple his programs for recovery?

    As to your Eeoyrian comment, see Infidel753 for an informed response.

  16. I did read Infidel's post and agree with him if we were dealing with a rational leader. Russia has a habit of invading and also has a history of backing away. How many times is that going to happen before putin is either run out of town or fires the big one. He has nothing to lose so you can't make assumptions he will react rationally. The US has a history of making bad decisions when it comes to armed conflicts. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan were all horrible mistakes because we didn't know the culture and thought they would just roll over because we are the U.S. Putin thought the same way with this conflict and he has been proven wrong, again.

  17. And what will Putin do if he realizes he has lost in Ukraine. Don't suppose a crazy man will just stop the war and remove his troops from the war zone. He's even more likely to use nukes if his back is against the wall and might suffer the indignity of being a loser. He is now a war criminal and wanted by world justice systems. Proving he can't win the war doesn't make anyone safer, unless you can read Putin's unstable mind.

  18. So we just let Putin keep killing innocent people until he runs out of gas? That should be our strategy? WOW

  19. "Anonymous said...
    So we just let Putin keep killing innocent people until he runs out of gas? That should be our strategy? WOW"

    No one here said or suggested that. Try avoiding logical fallacies when you comment.

  20. "The Russian military is rapidly running out of things and has shown that it can't handle the logistics of a war right on its own border."
    " Russian military is in deep trouble and won't be able to sustain the offensive beyond another ten days or so."

    Then what are these comments saying?

  21. N.N.N.

    Americans LOVE to second guess everything from football games to wars. None of us here knows enough about what is happening with Putin to make a prediction, but that doesn't stop people from giving their opinion.

    I'd pay more attention to this below from The Times of Israel:

    "Russian President Vladimir Putin is conducting purges of military generals and intelligence personnel, including arrests of FSB (Federal Security Service) officers, according to an analysis by the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington-based think tank, which cited Ukrainian officials and media reports.

    The institute said that Ukrainian Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov estimated on Wednesday that Putin had replaced at least eight generals “due to their failures in Ukraine” and authorities have detained personnel from the FSB’s 5th Service, which the institute said is responsible for gathering information on the political situation in Ukraine.

    “Russian forces also appear to be largely stalemated around Kharkiv,” the think tank said. “Russian advances from Crimea toward Mykolayiv and Zaporizhya and in the east around Donetsk and Luhansk made no progress in the last 24 hours.”

  22. And this retired U.S. general:

    "Retired general: New developments indicate Russia 'has no idea how to sustain a stalled fight' in Ukraine

    Ret. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling on Tuesday delivered yet another pessimistic assessment of Russia's military capabilities in Ukraine, and he said that it looked like the country was running out of room to ramp up its abilities to take and hold territory.

    Hertling based his analysis of the situation on fresh reporting from DefenseOne Pentagon correspondent Tara Copp, who said that the American military has assessed that Russia's military convoy outside of Kyiv still appears to be "stuck" and that Ukrainian forces "have been able to slow and resist Russian advances."

    But what really caught Hertling's eye was Copp's quoting of a Pentagon official who said that "we have reason to believe the Russians are considering their resupply and manning options" for their mission, although there has been no sign of new supply movements in the country."

  23. That just shows his total instability, which is dangerous.
    Infidel's statement is just his opinion based on the reports he read. His reports are no more reliable because they are guessing what a maniac like Putin might do.
    Putin has fired on and taken two nuclear plants. His troops started a fire at one plant. That's as crazy as it gets. Reports said the Chernobyl plant is leaking radioactive dust. He apparently doesn't care about nuclear destruction. He's likely to do anything.
    If his troops are bogged down, then that means they can't get back to Russia or leave Ukraine even if they wanted to. They will be stuck in Ukraine to do as they please.
    I would hope some general in Russia will just shoot him dead.

  24. So, maybe Russia ends up with a situation similar to the USA's Vietnam debacle or our Afghanistan disaster on their hands. Or maybe, with enough USA and NATO financial support and weapons support Ukraine kicks the ass of the 21st century's Madman. Putin isn't as formidable as Hitler in the 20th... Until he trips the BIG ONE that is.

  25. Gotta love the Republicans who were fine with Trump blackmailing and withholding aid to Ukraine are suddenly the greatest champions of Zelenskyy. Hypocrites.

    Ominous words today from Putin about a “natural and necessary cleansing of the nation” to “spit out like flies” all representatives of a fifth column and “traitors” who do not back the Kremlin line. No wonder thousands are leaving the country in fear.

    "Cleansing of the nation," where have we heard those words before? Never forget Tucker Carlson's words of support for Putin and Russia. They should be shoved down his fascist-loving throat so he can choke on them!

  26. Skud said... "The US has a history of making bad decisions when it comes to armed conflicts. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan were all horrible mistakes because we didn't know the culture and thought they would just roll over because we are the U.S."

    Best comment from Skud I've ever seen.

    It's true, accurate and devoid of snark. The only thing missing was the inclusion of the Korean War, another failed attempt at reimagining the world in our image.

    Nice job Skud...

  27. Second that Dave!!!
