Friday, April 22, 2022

Marge is testifying today. Here's a "Closer Look."




 CHENEY: I guess there’s a question. When we’re talking about the 25th Amendment resolution, and you asked if, you know, what happens if it gets there after he’s gone, is there any chance, are you hearing, that he might resign, is there any reason to think that might happen? 

 MCCARTHY: I’ve a few discussions. My gut tells me no, I’m seriously thinking of having that conversation with him tonight. I haven’t talked to him in a couple of days. From what I know of him, I mean you guys know him too, do you think he’d ever back away? But, what I think I’m going to do, is I’m going to call him. 

This is what I think, we know it’ll pass the House. I think there’s a chance it’ll pass the Senate, even when he is gone. And I think there’s a lot of different ramifications for that. Now, I haven’t had a discussion with the DEMs, that if he did resign, with that happen? 

Now, this is one personal fear I have. I do not want to get into any conversation about Pence pardoning. Again, the only discussion I would have with him is that, I think this will pass. And it will be my recommendation you should resign. I mean, that would be my take. But I don’t think he would take it. But I don’t know.


  1. When marjorie taylor greene is considered representative of the gop, which she she is, it is clear that America is now infested with the seeds of our undoing.

  2. It was no secret at the time that both McConnell and McCarthy chastised President Trump for 1/6. That is part of the Senatorial record (they both spoke on the floor of the Senate), and the historical record backed by video. As typical Republicans they will try to lie about it now. It's up to the American people what they will believe with the facts clearly in front of them. I can't believe the voters have reelected McConnell, or McCarthy, but I still can't believe the voters elected Trump in the first place.

  3. A little OT, but your post is about the QAnon nutcase Marge T. Greene. The Mother Ship has gone off the rails and entered the Cray-Cray Nitwit Zone:

    myfoxmystere says:
    April 22, 2022 at 10:03 am
    I heard Christian Prophet Robin D. Bullock say that God warned Biden about disobeying Him; Biden is doing the opposite of what God tells him to do.

    At the beginning of this month, I wrote to a Christian prophecy site, and while I was writing an email to them, I got a word, calling Biden a Thieving Rotten Jackal. Biden is deliberately sending our men and women into war to cover up his dirty deeds being done dirt cheap. God is not pleased with Biden; God is BEYOND LIVID! God said that Biden is going to be severely punished for his deeds. I suspect all of Biden’s relatives are going to be severely punished for knowingly aiding and abetting him as well. That includes all his grandkids, great nephews and great nieces. None of his blood relatives, his in laws and his blood relatives’ in laws are innocent.

    And the Captain of the Ship of Fools replied:

    fOX: Not sure ANYBODY knows how GOD’s[sic] is feeling….but I can’t imagine He’s too pleased with teaching 5 year olds about gays, destroying this great country I believe His hand was on when we were founded, doing away with Christian reminders in our public squares, condemning Israel wrongly for killing Arabs, honoring sons who are photographed naked with hookers and coke straws up their noses, etc et!! I also don’t think God would not do anything to help Ukrainians.

    ain't it amazing how these people know how God thinks? And isn't it amazing that their "god" hates the same people they hate!

  4. Ray, They're at it again! Telling themselves what God is pleased with or not pleased with about stuff they're not pleased with. They have no sense of irony.

    PS. It's cute how they're shocked about seeing someone nekkid (is this a reference to Hunter?, because I'm not up on all that controverys), but she and her fellow sailors never wrote a word about seeing the FLOTUS Melania's nekkid tatas and booty all over the internet. LOL!

    Thanks for the laugh and more evidence of their galloping hypocrisy!

  5. Apparently their "god" enjoys shitshows. Theirs.

  6. For years, Marjorie Taylor Greene attacked President Biden for his lack of memory saying that he had dementia.

    Meanwhile she conveniently did not remember anything on the witness stand today.
