Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Rot at the Core of the GQP: Trumpublican candidate, David Purdue, started the Georgia governorship debates with a disgraceful lie...


and America needs to come to terms with the fact that the Trumpublican Party (The Republican Party is dead; Trump killed it) is a rogue party that no longer has any relationship to the truth, honor, decency, or democracy. 

 “ 'First off, folks, let me be very clear tonight. The election in 2020 was rigged and stolen.' ” That baldfaced lie was former senator David Perdue’s opening line Sunday in a primary debate against the fellow Republican whose job he is trying to take, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.


"It must be acknowledged, because it is the simple truth, that this is not a “both-sides-are-to-blame” crisis. The Democratic Party is engaged in politics as usual, with the customary pull and tug between its progressive and centrist wings. The GOP has gone rogue in a way that is un-American and without modern precedent."

David Purdue is part of the rot at the core of the GQP that cares nothing about morality and truthfulness, and only about seeking and commandeering power.

We witnessed Trumpublian Rep., M.T. Greene, tell a court last Friday that she remembers nothing and can't recall anything that happened pre-January 6 and after. Someone with that kind of faulty memory (in such a young person, too!) shouldn't be in government. How can she possible do her job with such a poor memory for facts and events?

Of course, M.T. Greene, like David Purdue, is a bald-faced liar, (see my sidebar with the photo of Greene with the Proud Boys -- at the court hearing, Greene testified under oath that she didn't know who the Proud Boys are.) Greene's the kind of pol that is the norm in today's Trumpublican Party, and people like Greene learned  from Donald J. Trump that their followers care nothing for honesty and truth. The Trumpublican Party idolizes liars, scoundrels, and conmen.

And finally, we have Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell who said this after January 6: 

(Political Wire) “Hours after a mob ransacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a bid to block the certification of the 2020 presidential election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described himself as ‘exhilarated’ about the potential damage to President Donald Trump,” the Washington Post reports. 

Said McConnell, to one of the authors of This Will Not Pass: “I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself.” He added: “He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Couldn’t have happened at a better time.”


Right there in front of the country. McConnell admits he'd vote for a scoundrel who betrayed his country so he could illegally hang onto power, a man who did nothing to stop the insurrectionist attacking the very heart of our democracy.

McConnell is part of the rot eating at a once proud American political party and at our democratic republic.

If you're not worried about this, you're not paying attention.


  1. Notice, if you will, how all those pearl clutching right wings like Skidmark, who were so obsessed by the fact that President Biden was selecting a black woman to sit on the Supreme Court and how they thought it just terrible that he was selecting her only because of her color (not true of course)? Now, those very same mental midgets see nothing wrong with McConnel and many others blindly voting for a criminal fascist thug simply because he has an R behind his name. Good thing hypocrisy isn't toxic or they'd all be dead. On the other hand.......hmmmm....

  2. Blue, Shaw and others...

    I had been harboring a hope that the craziness we see so much of in the GOP was the work of just a small amount of nuts with big microphones. It couldn't be possible I hoped, that there really were vast amounts of "Republicans" out there who would have been perfectly at home in the john Birch Society.

    But apparently, I am wrong.

    New polls show that 70% of the GOP believe, without any evidence, that the 2020 elections were rife with fraud and stolen from Trump. 70%. let that sink in.

    I give up. I really do.

    When people celebrate leaders who can't even spell, or put together a cogent sentence, let alone annunciate a philosophy for governing, what can we do?

    When the people who for years decried liars in government, calling them unfit for public service, now cheer them on because they are on their team, we're done.

    We might as well put up pictures of cats on blogs and close commenting.

  3. Blueballs, No offense but how was you can keep your insurance and doctor truthful or I did not know anything about my son's business or I did not have sex with that women. What you fail to admit is all politicians lie about most things.
    It was not that he was selecting a black women but that a black women was the only candidates being selected. That is racist regardless of her qualifications. You say many others would vote for trump because he has a R behind his name. The same can be said for those who voted for obama not once but twice and the 30% who still support joey biden.

  4. Skid, Are you seriously comparing an attempt to overturn a fair election and, along with it, our entire democratic system of government with a misspeak about insurance coverage or knowing the details of your grown son's business dealings? Get real. Your whataboutism has gone septic and you should be put on heavy doses of IV common sense syrup stat. Do you have grown children? I do and I have only a peripheral knowledge of their business dealings and I'm very close to all of my kids and grandkids.
    I proudly voted for Obama twice and for Biden not because they had a D behind their names but because they were the best choice. 8 full years of scandal free wonderful years under Obama and, so far, 2 years of getting our country back to normal under Biden prove me correct, too.
    Good luck getting over your whiny whataboutism.

  5. Skud,
    We understand you can't cite any behavior or lies from Democrats, as reprehensible as the radical Right are dumping on our country.

    We understand you need to deflect from a lot of their evil to preserve the security of your false equivalence. Your safe place.

    We all see that, just so you know.

    One more thing.

    Think for a minute about what I might mean when I say, "Racism isn't racism to racists".

    Choosing a well qualified Black woman for a job would be called "affirmative action" by conservatives in the past. Biden's opponents are not like that anymore. They are are radicalized and often racist Trump supporters.

    Saying Biden's appointment of KBJ is "racist" is what actual racists would say.

    You see, it is NOT racist, by any rational or accepted definition.

    Yet you repeat that sick and twisted claim.

    Like the "N" word, if you keep saying so, someone will decide YOU are a racist.

    I suggest you not say what racists would say. Just an opinion.

    Or feel free to reject the meanings of words, and reality itself, and be just like the bigoted true believers of the Big Lie in Trump's cult.

  6. Different lenses different views. I do have issues with your statement of biden getting our country back to normal your idea of normal needs tweaking. If you consider 9% inflation, open borders, crime out of control, gas prices highest in decades, energy dependence on enemies, supply chain a mess and a small city mayor is the answer and running as the crisis administration then we do really disagree.

  7. Skud, of course, said... "It was not that he was selecting a black women but that a black women was the only candidates being selected. That is racist regardless of her qualifications."

    Here's the deal Skud... you have no credibility. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.


    Because you and people like you were not critical on this same point when President Reagan said he was going to nominate a woman. Where were the howls of sexism from conservatives back then when he nominated Justice O'Connor?

    Why is President Biden limiting a SCOTUS nomination to a qualified black woman but Reagan limiting a SCOTUS nomination to a woman not sexist?

    And why does one provoke such outrage and charges of racism but the other nothing?

    If there isn't racism in play on the side of the GOP, conservatives, libertarians and others who attacked Justice Brown and President Biden, then is must be just rank political partisanship.

  8. Shaw... here's even more rot!

    Look at these numbers. Everyone.

    Only 46% of the GOP believe using Anit-Semitic remarks is a problem.

    Only 38% think racist remarks are problems.

    And only 25% think homophobic comments are a major problem.

    GOP people on the whole, see sexual abuse and domestic violence as less of a problem than Dems.

    And yet, more than likely, in the fall, the GOP will win the House and the Senate. And then in 2024, the White House. All without winning a majority of US voters.

    Let that sink in.

    The GOP is positioned to sweep the electoral board by 2024 and control all levers of the US government. Without winning a single majority of voters [National numbers] for the House, Senate or the White House.

    A GOP, as evidenced in the post and comments above, that apparently has no moral compass.

    Despite years of claiming otherwise and even saying private immorality was a disqualification for public office. As it was evidence of the inner moral rot we now see in that party.

    Go figure.

  9. Shaw, is it really a matter of not paying attention or is more a matter of tRumpublicans simply overlooking the rot they know exists because they mistakenly believe the rot is in line with their own narrow self interests?

    Today the tRumpublican party (the old republican party) is indeed a dishonest, contemptable, unethical, and dangerously ignorant party of idiots today.

  10. skud: Different lenses different views. I do have issues with your statement of biden getting our country back to normal your idea of normal needs tweaking.

    "open borders"

    skud I'll assume you know that the Cato Institute is a Libertarian-leaning institution. This is what it had posted on their website:

    "Biden’s Border Policy Is Not “Open Borders”

    Practically since his first week in office, President Joe Biden has faced repeated criticisms from Republicans and some Democrats that his border policy amounts to “open borders.” This criticism is not simply inaccurate: it is unhinged from reality in a way that distinguishes itself from normal political hyperbole. Indeed, U.S. immigration policy is effectively closed borders, and Biden’s immigration policies and goals are largely the same as those of President Donald Trump.

    Under U.S. immigration law, it is illegal for anyone in the world to travel or immigrate to the United States unless they fall into very narrow exceptions. Like Alcohol Prohibition—which had exemptions for religious, medicinal, or industrial purposes—America’s immigration prohibition’s small exceptions are irrelevant for the vast majority of potential immigrants. Effectively, if they don’t qualify as a select few high skilled workers or family members of U.S. citizens, they can’t come legally.

    President Biden has not suddenly ended America’s immigration prohibition and opened up U.S. borders to almost anyone who wants to come (as was largely America’s immigration policy from 1776 to 1924). Instead, he has far more vigorously enforced immigration prohibition than the law requires, narrowing the few exceptions to the universal ban on legal immigration."

    You have to STOP repeating an untruth! Or are you, like the others in the Trumpublican Party going to continue to repeat a lie until more people believe it? It is simply NOT TRUE THAT THE US UNDER BIDEN HAS OPEN BORDERS.

    Biden Doesn't Have an 'Open Border' Policy, so Why Do Republicans Say Otherwise?

    "The Biden administration has received consistent backlash from immigrant rights groups for leaving the Title 42 public health order in place that restricts the channels through which migrants can seek asylum. Furthermore, 2021 saw the U.S. admit the lowest number of refugees it has seen since 1980, with just over 11,400 being allowed into the country.

    Lbertarian think tank Cato Institute has taken note of this, publishing a September article titled Biden's Border Policy Is Not 'Open Borders,' where it noted that "Biden's policies and goals are largely the same as those of President Donald Trump."

    US southern border 'completely open'? That’s False

    The Trumpublican Party keeps pushing this lie because it appeals to its base, a base that does not deal in facts. And skudrunner repeats it without researching it. This is the sort of thing that has this country in a turmoil and slowly but surely filling 40% of Americans with propaganda and lies.


    But skud and many of the anti-Biden blogs I read repeat this lie. Why?

  11. SKUD: "...crime out of control..."


    Here are the 10 states with the highest homicide rates:

    Louisiana (12.4 per 100,000 people)
    Missouri (9.8 per 100,000 people)
    Nevada (9.1 per 100,000 people)
    Maryland (9 per 100,000 people)
    Arkansas (8.6 per 100,000 people)
    Alaska (8.4 per 100,000 people)
    Alabama (8.3 per 100,000 people)
    Mississippi (8.2 per 100,000 people)
    Illinois (7.8 per 100,000 people)
    South Carolina (7.8 per 100,000 people)
    The majority of the states with the highest crimes rates are Trump-voting states, run by Trumpublican governors. Ask those governors why crime is so high in their states.

    "Massachusetts has the fourth-lowest crime rate in the U.S. at 1,507.36 incidents per 100,000. Massachusetts's property crime rate of about 1,260 per 100,000 is significantly lower than the national average of 2,200. About 39% of participants in the state's Safewise survey reported worrying about crime daily, down from 55% in 2019. Hopkinton is the safest city in Massachusetts, reporting only 170 crimes per 100,000 people in 2020."

  12. Shaw... facts are stubborn things.


  13. You know that crime is a local issue so saying a state is unsafe is a total dodge. Illinois is not a violent state but the same can't be said for Chicago. Would you consider DC violent or maybe NYC. All run by Dems with liberal DA's

    "Under U.S. immigration law, it is illegal for anyone in the world to travel or immigrate to the United States unless they fall into very narrow exceptions."

    I guess there are one million people who have crossed who fit into that narrow gap. Where is the comprehensive immigration reform that politicians have been talking about for decades. Obama had a great opportunity and so does joey because they have total control. Subject is never brought up and this is the one issue they should work on.

    This is just one of the examples that politicians have three goals. Spend you money, get more of it to spend and keep their job. Little attention is paid to serving the citizens.

    You were in Tucson but did you happen to go to the border and observe how well it is working?

  14. Skud... give it a rest on immigration. Because like most conservatives, you have no idea of what you speak, especially as it relates to "comprehensive immigration reform."

    Perhaps you've forgotten about the Gang of 12 in 2007. Written and passed by a Bi-Partisan committee, under the urging of Republican President GW Bush. It was voted down by conservatives in the Senate.

    Then Congress tried again in 2013 with another Bi-Partisan bill. That one passed in the Senate by a veto/filibuster proof margin. Except to protect his members from a hard vote, GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner never brought it up for a vote.

    Why does this keep happening?

    Because the GOP will not compromise. Period. We had two shots at this and both times, the GOP and their extremist partisans, refused to even consider what their leaders had negotiated with the Dems.

    So, pardon my Spanish... but callate!

    The reason we don't have immigration reform has nothing to do with Obama or Biden. It's 100% on a Rump GOP party that refuses to do what's right for America, refuses to negotiate in good faith and exists solely to stop anything that has any Dem support.

  15. *When someone tells you who they are, believe them - thank you folks for your previous kind words. You made this Grey One grin. This blog is one of my favorite spaces.

    skud said " Illinois is not a violent state but the same can't be said for Chicago."

    Shaw kindly gave you evidence. And you ignored it so, I did a little more digging and found this gem on Crooks and Liars via the Chicago Sun-Times. A new study provides data that suggests there are effective ways to lessen violence among high-risk populations without automatically throwing the offender into jail. The study conducted by the University of Chicago looked at an 18 month program called READI which uses the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy I advocated for in a previous post. And it works. (little Snoopy happy dance - it works it works it works!!!!)

    We the People have solutions to the issues which face us if we are willing to think outside the box. *If it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid*

    And skud - in regards to your parting shot that you provided solutions in your previous reply to me; no, you didn't. Everything you suggested in essence boiled down to kicking the can down the road, endlessly. That's not a solution, that's current old thinking policy.

    And again, at the top of the post you whinge about Obama saying you can keep your ins/doc which, by the way, was a provision in the bill at the time he said it but was later removed by...the GOP - go figure. You skud are stuck in your bubble of preconceived reality and refuse to accept what didn't work in the past isn't working now.

    The border isn't open skud - fact check it for yourself. And I don't mean quoting some scare mongering piece from the Christian nationalist supreme website. I mean facts - how many people are crossing, how many people are stopped... I believe there is a clip of Jen Psaki reading for filth some wanna be journo when they complained about the number of humans stopped at the border as potential terrorists. The point being, those people were caught. At the border. And stopped. We can't get everyone, but we got these folks so please tell me again how open it all is?

    Plus - it's spring. America always gets an influx of humans heading in country to work the fields. Unless you are volunteering for that job skud? I've worked the fields. I lasted a day. I can't do it. I'm glad and grateful that there are folks who are willing to do what I can not. Show some gratitude skud. May change your life.

    By the way, best not to complain too much about border reform as the Dems brought the bill up for a vote (a bill written by the GOP) and it was voted down by (wait for it) the GOP. It's not the talking point you think it is.

    Seriously, you are presenting as a professional victim. Perhaps you need a class or two in CBT?

  16. Grey One talks sass

    Thank you for your excellent comments. I've had some down time due to a health issue and have not been as diligent as I should be in answering some of my posters. Thank you for taking the time to answer skud.

    Skud and I bang heads here often, but he's not my enemy. And most of the folks here who respond to him must know that.

  17. I just read this on Twitter:

    "Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Marshall Law” text has been submitted as evidence in the Georgia lawsuit attempting to disqualify Greene from running in this year’s election."

    Greene stated under oath she didn't remember anything about a text referring to "Marshall"(sic) Law. One would have to be a fool to believe that ridiculous lie from her.

  18. And this from Reuters:

    Breakingviews: Elon Musk probably won’t buy Twitter

  19. Ms. Shaw, Hope you get to feeling better

    Regarding Greene, it is unfortunate that both parties have their head cases and she leads the pack for the GOP. The republicans seem to garner more press but they both have them and probably equal in number.

  20. Shaw... trying to stay on topic can be maddening with Skud. But here's another example of the "rot" in the GOP.

    Now we have reports, via Reuters, that Trump partisans within the GOP are actively hacking and working to steal data on voters from cities and states.

    Isn't this illegal? And if it is, when can we expect the "Law & Order" party to step up, condemn it and call for strong prison sentences?

    I mean, unless they are enablers.

  21. Well, we know Skud can't leave his safe place in his fallacy of false equivalence.

    "Regarding Greene, it is unfortunate that both parties have their head cases and she leads the pack for the GOP. The republicans seem to garner more press but they both have them and probably equal in number."

    Ah, the comfort of mindless repetition...It just FEELS right, and it MUST be true if we repeat something enough. Hmm. Where have I heard that before??

    Will he ever accept the standard definitions of racism? Not likely. It just FEELS so good to call Biden a racist, just to equate him with birther Trump. More false equivalence, of course.

    We can ask him for examples of Democrats calling for anything as extreme and hostile to our Constitution as "Marshall law" and declaring "Today is 1776" during a coup, but it'll never happen.

    We can ask him for examples of Democrats calling for the killing of people they hate, but he won't find the same fascism in Democrats as in this:

    Republican Oklahoma candidate says ‘we should try Anthony Fauci and put him in front of a firing squad’

    A GOP congressional candidate and the chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party said “we should try Anthony Fauci and put him in front of a firing squad” during a campaign speech about the 2020 election, vaccine and mask mandates and “wokeness” in America.

    Video of the remarks by John Bennett, who is running for the 2nd Congressional District in Oklahoma, was shared on Tuesday by the group Right Wing Watch.

    No difference between this neo-fascist hate-mongering and those wacky Dems?

    Not in Skud's fallacy bubble, of his own making. It just FEELS so safe and secure in delusional thinking.

    He cannot change, of course. He's one of the type that can't examine their beliefs and prejudices.

    I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

  22. The gop will likely either rationalize the actions and defend them or simply ignore thinking it will blow over.

    When America falls it will be an "inside job.

  23. Rev, The heat must be unbearable where you are because Ms. Shaw mentioned crazy greene and I responded. How is that off topic or did you just want to put a dig in.

    Nice try and are you having fun at the border. I heard Mayorkas say that if title 42 is repealed they could not handle the additional traffic. I guess he is just posting misinformation because everyone knows there is no border surge of uninvited guests and the national guardsman really didn't drown trying to save two drug smugglers. The DHS board of disinformation is a great idea. It will dispel the hunter being a crook and the border is not secure.

  24. Skud... my struggle with you and being off topic are the snarky asides you add to attempt to bothside whatever the issue is.

    FreeThinke used to deride me frequently for trying to stand in the middle of issues. A weasel I was called. Lacking a core he said. And worse. And that was bringing facts and data, which he just ignored.

    You never bring receipts, or Lordy, any tapes to back up your snide remarks and side comments embedded in your comments.

    And your comment at 12:59 is a perfect example... What does Hunter Biden have to do with this post? Maybe one where Shaw could legitimately slam Javanka for a 2 billion dollar deal, but not here.

    Nonetheless, you added it in.

  25. Skud, as it relates to the border, and as I've said numerous times, at least on that issue, you have no credibility. So why wade in? All you have is opinion. No facts, data, nothing. You're like a broken clock... right twice a day. Not because you work at it, but because of inertia.

    Do we have problems at the border? Sure. But as I've shown, we've made many attempts to deal with the issue, bi-partisan attempts even. And each time, the GOP has scuttled them.

    Deal with that. It's pretty tough to fashion a solution when only one team is willing to try and work it out.

    So until the GOP steps up, just keep quiet unless you have a solution you'd like to share.

    At least on immigration.

  26. I surely, and with great passion, wish the days of the old GOP would return. At the very least it had constructive ideas and understood the ability and willingness to compromise is a prerequisite to achieving effective and good government.

    The old GOP also put democracy and country above party loyalty. Recall Watergate skud and you know what I saying.

    I'm sure there are many good cons and republicans. Like Governor Baker of MA. Apparently however the cat must have gotten most of their tongues.

    Being a former republican it truly saddens me because our country suffers because of it. I will never rejoin a party as dishonet, ineffective, belligerent, and broken as the now Trumpublican party is.

  27. RN... I think you're talking about the old fiscally conservative/socially libertarian streak of the GOP.

    What years ago was known as the Rockefeller wing of the GOP.

  28. Rev, If you expect the GOP to come up with a solution or even an idea for anything you have a very long wait. They were going to come up with a health plan to replace the horrendous obamacare and haven't come up with squat. W came up with a immigration plan that was trashed by the republicans and then obama came up with DACA but instead of trying to get reform passed he pushed it down the road for someone else to handle. Today biden has no policy except to just deny there is a problem with the border and he is doing a great job.

    Why didn't obama, trump and joey deal with immigration reform,. It is because they do not want to spend the political capital to take a stand that might piss off their base. Have you been to Yuma or Nogales and spoken with some of the residents about their attitude on the illegals. Do it soon because you know the VP in charge won't.

  29. Why didn't Reagan and Clinton deal with it EFFECTIVELY?

    Rather than just trash the efforts made in the past why not come together today, put special interest politics aside, and work together, find a reasonable compromise, and get the job done for ALL Americans skud?

  30. Work together in this climate is just not attainable. We have to much going on for the political elite to concern themselves with something as trivial as immigration reform, a can that has been kicked for decades. I place no blame on any president but do place blame on our political system of corruption for all.

    We have a war where we are observers, massive entry of illegals who were invited by the current crook until they werent, a pending recession, uncontrolled inflation, a future lynching, a party who has members who are nuts and another run by a senile president so the last thing any of them want to do is their job and end all this chaos at the border. They have no incentive to come up with an immigration policy that makes sense. If you have been here for 10 years and not a criminal you are going to get citizenship. If you are coming to the border to get in stay where you are and take a number.

    Rev, I know you have been to the border but were your eyes open at the time. My trips have been eye opening but I keep them open. Border patrol agents killed, National guardsman drowned, countless people dying trying to get to the border. Guess in your mind none of those people matter. In your mind I have no credibility when it comes to the border, even though I can see it from my back yard or 60 miles or so.


  31. "Why didn't obama, trump and joey deal with immigration reform,. It is because they do not want to spend the political capital to take a stand that might piss off their base."

    From NBC News:

    "In 2014, Obama unveiled a set of sweeping executive actions meant to build on DACA, expanding the pool of program beneficiaries to nearly 5 million undocumented immigrants.

    DACA expanded and DAPA, as the actions were known, stood to be a central pillar of Obama's lasting legacy, But a protracted legal battle — led by Texas and 24 other states — went all the way to the Supreme Court before ultimately shattering the hopes of millions of undocumented immigrants who were confident until the very end that they would win protection in the U.S.

    “I firmly believe that this administration was on the right side of the law. It’s hard for me to view the outcome as anything but politically influenced, said Shoba Sivasprasad Wadhia, director of the Center for Immigrants’ Rights Clinic at Penn State Law.

    Despite the bitter disappointment, DREAMers say they have a road map from the Obama years on how to build a grassroots movement that leads to concrete political change. Cesar Vargas, a prominent immigrant advocate who helped organize Latino outreach for Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, credits activists and organizers for making the high points in Obama's legacy happen, charting hope for future actions."

  32. Work together in this climate is just not attainable.

    With attitudes like the above quote of yours skud you're absolutely correct . Nothing will change (it will worsen) is vastly more likely.

    And, your both sides comparison is bullshit simply meant to sidestep the truth prefer to avoid.

  33. Won't be at all suprising if those most affected by the slipshod immigration policy of the USA turn out to ultimately provide the solution. The pols sure as hell have dithered, and dithered, and dithered withiout producing a solution long enough.

  34. PL, The EA obama put in place were just that, temporary, because he used up a ton of political capital ramming through the miserably inadequate healthcare program that carried his name. He would not push for anything meaningful but rather push it down the road for someone else to deal with. What he didn't know is he was pushing it to a true nut case mega narcissist who pushed it down to the crisis maker. We need an enforced comprehensive immigration policy that provides a path to citizenship and quit punishing productive people who have been in the country for years if not decades.

  35. Skud can be quite lucid at times:

    "We need an enforced comprehensive immigration policy that provides a path to citizenship and quit punishing productive people who have been in the country for years if not decades."

    Then again, accusing Obama of "ramming through the miserably inadequate healthcare program" ignores the reality that Senate Republicans dismantled most of it before it could come to a vote. Then they ALL refused to vote for it.

    Republicans are the ones to blame for inadequate public healthcare. Period. T

  36. If only part of the story gave the full truth. But it does not. Cherry picking and manipulating the story to reflect your own opinion and bias doen't cut really. Except for the lovers of both side-ism and Obama haters.

    Both Obama and Biden are capable leaders that saw and see the big picture a hell of a lot better than armchair pol or totally self interested and greedy providers. Especially pharmaceuticals.
