Friday, April 15, 2022

Trump did this to America, Part the infinity

Below is a photo of a pro-Trump, anti-Biden conservative family displaying their wholesome right-wing family values.

Because teaching your children to give the finger and repeat "F**k You" to the POTUS is a true Trumpublican family value.

The women in the black fishnet stocking twerking their bare asses in the background is a particularly nice family touch, innit?


  1. Yes! Teach your kids the positive values of giving people the finger, parading around in public wearing fishnet stockings and how to sexualize the female body.

    And then make sure those impressionable kids don't have to hear about a little boy or girl with two moms or two dads. Teach them to believe, without any proof, The Big Lie. Teach them also to support political philosophies that take rights away from people and perhaps most of all, make sure they see you supporting all the anti-communist CRT laws. That way your little boys and girls will never have to hear or read words like these, from Martin Luther King Jr from "Where Do We Go from Here"...

    “Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the twentieth century, adjusting to Negro neighbors and genuine school integration, is still a nightmare for all too many white Americans. These are the deepest causes for contemporary abrasions between the races. Loose and easy language about equality, resonant resolutions about brotherhood fall pleasantly on the ear, but for the Negro there is a credibility gap he cannot overlook. He remembers that with each modest advance the white population promptly raises the argument that the Negro has come far enough. Each step forward accents an ever-present tendency to backlash.”

    Think I'm kidding? The current version of the Kentucky Anti CRT Law winding its way through the state legislature prohibits teaching the above passage because of its racial implications.

    But hey, don't take my word for it. Read Conservative writer David French, a Wheaton graduate, who lays it all out in a recent post.

    What a perfect picture Shaw. The Family Values Voters behind the current conservative movement.

    While I grew up in that crowd, I recognize them not.

    Not. At. All.

  2. I didn't even notice the sign.

  3. Stupid is as stupid does - Forest Gump's Momma.

    Apparently tRumpublicans loove stupid.

  4. Rev, When are we going to take the stance that you don't have to blame others. People can take responsibility for their lives if the government lets them. The social programs eliminated a father figure for a welfare check. We idolize the hollywood crowd and "influence-rs" instead of teachers and cops and we tell our kids you don't need to have self respect because none of this is your fault. Lets let personal responsibility slide because we can blame bad behavior on CRT and tell kids you don't stand a chance because society promotes systematic racism. Be sure to teach them they need government to run their lives early because they might develop their own ideas and that will usurp the need for complete government control.

    Yep kids need to follow great roll models like kendall jenner who's claim to fame is posing topless while her kids look on or a well known preacher who said not god bless America but GD America and he was a mentor. You quoted MLK who said we shall overcome but he didn't finish his statement which should have included if the government lets us. Now people don't make mistakes because it is someone else's fault and this is lead by the current administration.

  5. Mike... I've seen bumper stickers of that sign around my neck of the woods.

    More family values...

    I think scripture tells us to love our enemies and pray for those that persecute us. But I don't see a lot of that from the mostly Christian Nationalist base of the Trump camp.

    And that banner is a good example of what I speak.

  6. Mike, I believe that was the point.

    Regarding the pic: A child must be carefully taught to hate - this has been known for more than just a day. And yet the GQP calls anyone supporting the LGBTQA+ community groomers. Irony is indeed on life support in a hospital in 'Jersey.

    The one thing that gives me hope in these troubling times is Unconditional Love. Bigots who threw out their LGBTQA+ kids have had their hearts softened because grandchildren are a powerful motivator. Marriage rights led to families which led to children and holidays with people once considered the enemy but now are allies because Love really does conquer all.

    Christian nationalists like those pictured above are all about the hate. They will lose. It takes constant vigilance and voting out the haters but really... The Beatles had it correct - All you need is love.

  7. Hypocrisy is no doubt alive and thriving in Christiandom USA Dave. Love, compassion, and forgiveness is apparenty absent in tRumpublican/republican Christianity.

  8. The same people still flying Trump flags, are also flying Confederate flags.

    I haven’t seen this many people being proud of losing since the 2017 Cleveland Browns.

  9. LOL! Projection Festival Alert!

    Skud: "Rev, When are we going to take the stance that you don't have to blame others."

    He then promptly blames government, Social Programs, Hollywood, and last but not least, the dreaded "commie" hobgoblin nobody on the right comprehends, CRT.

    "Society promotes systemic racism". This is NOT CRT, Skud. But why bother learning something when you have your propagandists do all your thinking for you?

    It's the Right thing to do. The radical Right thing.

    Better blame Biden.

  10. Here is a sample of the comments I get. This one is particularly droll:

    "Awaiting moderation
    Unknown commented on "YOUR SUNDAY MOMENT OF ZEN"
    15 hours ago
    Miss Shaw have you turned to drinking or have you turned to drugs? Seriously, your comments lately have gotten much stupider over the past few months. Perhaps you need another vacation. The wealthy control all the media right now and moderate our speech, so much that it’s just not Free anymore. Misinformation? You mean like the Russian conclusion you have been championing for the past 5 years! You mean like Vladimir Putin changing the results to the 2020 election? Or the Lab leak theory? People like you deserve to be in a tightly controlled dictatorial society."

    To the unfortunate "Unknown" who left this:

    I don't know what "the Russian conclusion" is. And you're sadly naive if you're just discovering that "the wealthy control all the media." Did you think that in the past "the media" was controlled by bus drivers and ditch diggers? Also you betray yourself as someone who rarely visits this blog because over the past 5 years I have not "been championing" anything about Putin and his involvement in the 2020 election.

    You seem to me to be a typical Trump cultist who is poorly informed and who does not actually read and understand what people write about and who is understandably confused and misinformed because of it.

  11. I recognize that phrasing and choice of words, I think. It sounds like that pompous blowhard Silver Fiddle from the nasty old cow blog. When Roger was pranking them for so long, he'd often send me blog posts he found especially stupid. A LOT of them were this clown Silver Fiddle. I'd like to buy him for what he's worth, and sell him for what he thinks he's worth. I'd be a very rich man.

  12. skud: "...or a well known preacher who said not god bless America but GD America and he was a mentor."

    I think you need to sit that one out, skud. That minister had every right to be angry. You, because of your white privilege, have forgotten what happened to African-Americans in this country.

    "Lynchings were violent public acts that white people used to terrorize and control Black people in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly in the South. Lynchings typically evoke images of Black men and women hanging from trees, but they involved other extreme brutality, such as torture, mutilation, decapitation, and desecration. Some victims were burned alive.

    A typical lynching involved a criminal accusation, an arrest, and the assembly of a mob, followed by seizure, physical torment, and murder of the victim. Lynchings were often public spectacles attended by the white community in celebration of white supremacy. Photos of lynchings were often sold as souvenir postcards."

    Rev. Wright knew this history, as did all living African-Americans.

    You also, because of your white privilege, conveniently forget how Americans with dark skin were prevented from voting in certain regions of America through poll taxes and deliberately difficult tests in order to qualify to vote.

    You also conveniently forgot how Americans with a different color of skin, but who nevertheless were here in America for generations and generations, were not allowed to go to state universities -- universities which were supported by their taxes. They were also forced to attend inferior schools, learn from old, tattered out-of-date school books.

    Christian Americans with a different color pigmentated skin were not allowed to be treated in "white" hospitals. And Christian Americans with dark skin who earned a medical degree were not allowed to practice their craft in "white hospitals." Little girls had to have federal agents accompany them to enter a school their parents paid taxes to in the segregated south.

    Young Christian American men who fought for America in WWII were made to sit in the back of trains while German POWs sat in the front. The German soldiers who were killing Americans in the war in Europe were treated better than the young men who fought for freedom. And some, when they returned from the war were beaten to death by their fellow Christian Americans for wearing their uniforms.

    Why wouldn't people who had these inhumane things done to them feel bitterness and express that bitterness.

    How dare you or anyone say ANYTHING about what Rev. Wright expressed. You never had your country treat you like that, did you. You have no idea how bitter that can make a man of conscience.

    Many African-Americans suffered under White Supremacy but remained faithful to their country and loved America, even though American did not love them.

    This all happened in your lifetime.

    I think some people need to have some humility about this shameful history before they criticize a normal human reaction to it

  13. This is our American history. This is what the cowards who protest CRT are afraid of because it's the truth:

    "Very little has been done to acknowledge the thousands of Black veterans in the United States who were abused, attacked, or killed in this country because of their status as military veterans. Inspired to defend their country and pursue greater opportunity, African Americans have served in the U.S. military for generations. But for over a century, instead of being treated as honored members of society upon their return from military service, Black veterans were accosted, attacked, or lynched.

    EJI has documented at least 35 military veterans who were victims of racial terror lynching from 1865 to 1950.

    During the 19th and 20th centuries, white supremacy and racial hierarchy remained law and custom throughout the nation. Many white people feared that Black soldiers who had experienced the pride of military service would resist the disenfranchisement, segregation, and second-class citizenship that still characterized the African American experience.

    In August 1917, U.S. Senator James Vardaman of Mississippi warned that, once a Black soldier was allowed to see himself as an American hero, it would be “but a short step to the conclusion that his political rights must be respected.” Bringing Black soldiers home to the South with expectations of equality, he predicted, would “inevitably lead to disaster.”

    For Senator Vardaman, Black soldiers’ potential as community leaders was terrifying, and the “disaster” would be a mass movement for African American rights. Indeed, many African American veterans were determined to fight for their own freedom and equality, and veterans like Hosea Williams and Medgar Evers played central roles in what became the civil rights movement.

    The effort to suppress that potential leadership made Black veterans targets, and many suffered brutal violence for protesting mistreatment or simply wearing their military uniforms. In August 1898, a Black Army private named James Neely was shot to death by a mob of white men in Hampton, Georgia, for protesting a white storekeeper’s refusal to serve him at the soda counter."

  14. Ms. Shaw, You assume what you do not know but nice try. If you tell someone they are inferior then they will believe it and that is what the liberal whites do to the current minority population. You cannot succeed because you are discriminated against so we will provide for you everything you need. The government will replace fathers with welfare and punish criminal behavior with get out of jail free cards. The guilt ridden whites will anoint a black thug to sainthood and allow the burning of cities because they have a right to be angry. Explain the you cannot succeed because of white privilege to Powell, Carson, Obama, Johnson and millions of others who succeeded because they didn't subscribe to the lies they were inferior.

  15. skud: "If you tell someone they are inferior then they will believe it and that is what the liberal whites do to the current minority population."

    When Ketanji Brown Jackson was nominated, I recall the biggest complaint from the Trumpublicans was that she got the nomination ONLY because she's a black woman and NOT because she's qualified. (That's an example of telling someone they're INFERIOR! and the Trumpers do it all the time!)

    Same nonsense was thrown at Kamala Harris. Same nonsense was thrown at Barack Obama. Your pals on the Mother Ship refer to him as the Halfrican -- a reference to his RACE, not his experience in politics. That is the very definition of racism and a dig at his achievements only because he's "half black" and not because of his talents. So your argument there is b.s. It's plainly evident who's telling our minorities they're "inferior."

    skudrunner: "The guilt ridden whites will anoint a black thug to sainthood and allow the burning of cities because they have a right to be angry."

    George Floyd was executed by a supposed peace officer in front of the entire nation. Floyd had not been found guilty of any crime, and yet the "peace officer" killed him like the vigilante that he is. And you call Floyd a "thug?" By that statement, you show me that you do not believe in law and order and due process and approve of vigilantism by anyone who even thinks someone did something wrong. Disgusting.

    People all over the world, as well as Americans, protested that extra-judicial killing. And a jury of his peers found Officer Chauvin guilty. The thug in that story is the bad cop, not Floyd. Another b.s. statement and complete misunderstanding of that whole sordid incident.

    You name 4 or 5 successful minority Americans who've achieved success as proof that Americans don't label minorities "inferior," but you ignore the fact that each time they reach their achievements, the right-wingers say it's ONLY because of their race. That's enforcing the idea that they're inferior. This happened just a few weeks ago when Ketanji Brown Jackson -- a superior candidate for SCOTUS -- was nominated.

    Just recently, a Trump appointed US District Court judge in Florida, Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, lifted the mask mandate by the CDC. For your information that judge was given an "UNQUALIFIED" rating by the ABA when Trump nominated her because of her lack of experience. (But her husband worked for the Trump administration, so that qualified her.) She's 35 years old and has the appointment for life.

    White privilege on steroids.

  16. skud, one among millions of relics of past thinking. American racists that continue to fuel racism, also known as otherism.

  17. Ms. Shaw, We look at this issue through different lenses. I view the fact that he served a five year prison term on aggravated battery, high on meth, spousal abuse does not make him a choir boy but he didn't deserve to be murdered by a LEO either. The riots after his death were not warranted either and the destruction of property and murders following his death was inexcusable, IMHO. How many have been prosecuted and where are the millions donated to BLM? I guess one person getting a mansion out of it was worth the cost.

    I don't go to the mother ship often so you are better versed on their actions than I am. Jackson was qualified but my objection is that biden was a racist in his initial selection. I am going to appoint a black female is a racist statement. I don't remember any president saying they were only going to consider a specific race and sex but biden did. Harris has proven that she is not qualified for the job and even the voters thought so because she dropped out of the presidential race for having no support.

    As to the judge. I think it is time to make people responsible for their actions but also that it should be from a science based action not a judge who has to much power. Joey said he has a plan for covid but after a year and a half it has not been successful.

  18. Not surprising that Judge Kathryn Mizelle struck down the travel mask mandate. She is after all the wife of Chad Mizelle, who was one of Stephen Miller's most loyal & biggest allies in the White House and at DHS during the Trump Administration.

  19. I’m sure Skud isn’t a white supremacist.

    However, given Skud’s penchant for blatant projection, (see above) we catch a glimpse behind his curtain once again:

    ”Jackson was qualified but my objection is that biden was a racist in his initial selection. I am going to appoint a black female is a racist statement.”

    And Reagan wasn’t sexist for saying he’d appoint a woman, and Trump proved he isn’t racist by appointing only white members of the Federalist Society. Got it.

    This is the radical Right "Doctrine of Flexible Reality" showing itself again. This is what I discovered long before the "alternative facts" BS was spewed from the White House.

    Is there any doubt every bigot in America would agree with Skud’s nonsense?

    I bet Skud shares another of their “qualities” and he “doesn’t see color”, but only the “content of their character”.

    Bigots love to quote MLK out of context to show how “not racist” they are.

    I’ve concluded long ago that racism isn’t racism to racists. They just "see things as they are".

    Not that Skud is a racist. He only tends to say things they would agree with.

    That should raise a flag for some of us, but self-examination is not a strong characteristic of people on the Right. They live in certainty and the presumption that their beliefs cannot be flawed.

    We are all biased and even prejudiced to some degree, but progressives are willing to evaluate and question their beliefs.

    I’m not betting Skud would examine his prejudices because I’m sure in his mind he has none.

    Anyone who claims Biden is a racist for appointing a Black woman certainly needs to examine the content of their character, or the severe flaws in their reasoning.

  20. Dave Dubya you're correct, skud is not a racist nor is he a white supremacist. But I think, like all of us, he doesn't always question his assertions, and like many of us, he's tribal. Ronald Reagan stated he would put a woman on the SCOTUS, which didn't make him a sexist, and Joe Biden stating he'd put a black woman on the SCOTUS doesn't make him a racist.

    What a lot of folks like skud overlook is Ketanji Brown Jackson's sterling qualifications. She was one of THE MOST qualified to ever be nominated.

    And there were other Black female judges and lawyers about whom one could say the same thing. So, I would ask skud and others, why were these eminently qualified jurists not nominated in the past? Do people like skud really believe these talented and qualified Black female judges and lawyers only exist in the present? None existed over the last 20, 30, even 40 years ago? I wish he could explain why this sort of talent THAT WAS ALWAYS OUT THERE was overlooked year after year after year.

    The fact that Joe Biden nominated a supremely qualified woman of color is not what made many folks upset, I believe their anger comes from the realization that he broke an unspoken racist tradition in nominating her in the first place, which opens the way for considering more p.o.c. for a traditionally white male position. That is my opinion.

    People are uncomfortable with change and with seeing otherwise marginalized folks ascend to the highest positions of power in what was once an all white, all male hierarchy.
