Monday, April 25, 2022

Trumpublican DeSantis and Cancel Culture


Cancel culture on steroids: 

Disney acknowledges gays and nonbinary Americans, and Florida's Trumpublican Governor DeSantis doesn't like it, so he took away their special tax status.

Isn't that what's called "cancel culture?" DeSantis has dreams of being Florida's own little dictator, telling private businesses (Disney employs roughly 80,000 people) what they should and should not do, and if they don't do what HE wants, they'll face severe consequences. 

Q: "Isn't that the definition of a fascist government?"

A:  "In general, fascist governments exercised control over private property." 

It's law: In just days, Ron DeSantis dismantles Disney's special tax district operating since 1967 

Florida governor says there will be further consequences if Disney doesn't discontinue its diversity program, which has been blasted by Republicans as too woke. 

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill to strip the Walt Disney Co. the authority to govern its Central Florida entertainment empire. And there could be more consequences coming, he warned, if Disney does not adjust its diversity and inclusion program by Monday.


  1. Everyone should be paying attention because what the republican party wants is the ability to do whatever suits its greed and power interests.But too many of the rank and file goopers are just too naive to see the con their masters have played on them for years now.

  2. It is truly disgusting that the state of Florida make a large publicly traded corporation to demand they pay taxes. If making corporations pay taxes to the state I just don't know what they are thinking. Next thing they will want is for females to compete with females and parents to have a decision in what and how their children are taught. Don't they know that the government know best and they should have no say.

  3. This is stupid, but Democrats are just as guilty of using cancel culture.

  4. skud: "It is truly disgusting that the state of Florida make a large publicly traded corporation to demand they pay taxes."

    Apparently, you didn't research the situation, otherwise you wouldn't have typed that.

    The bill will undercut Disney's autonomy, but it could impose a steep cost on Orange and Osceola counties, where the theme park is located. The two counties would inherit the Disney district's debts, which officials say would result in higher taxes.

    Here's a quick rundown of the situation:

    Disney gained near-total control over its theme parks and other attractions in 1967, when the state designated the area as the Reedy Creek Improvement District. The land measures 25,000 acres — nearly 40 square miles — in Central Florida.

    Disney operates like a county government, building and maintaining municipal services like electricity, water and roads, and providing police and fire protection. It even taxes itself. The setup was intended to give Disney autonomy while also relieving the counties of paying for new services and infrastructure in what was once a remote and rural area.

    Why will Disney's debt transfer?
    The Florida Senate's own financial impact analysis of the bill states that in most cases when a county takes over a special district, it "shall also assume all indebtedness of the preexisting special district." In Disney's case, that could put local governments on the hook for about $1 billion in bond debt.

    The state Senate's analysis concluded that the bill would have an "indeterminate fiscal impact" on residents and businesses in special districts, as well as on local governments that will assume debts and assets.

    The change promises to shake up the local tax picture, according to Scott Randolph, a Democrat who is the Orange County tax collector.

    DeSantis' power is on full display as he pushes lawmakers on Disney and redistricting
    DeSantis' power is on full display as he pushes lawmakers on Disney and redistricting
    "If Reedy Creek goes away, the $105 million it collects to operate services goes away," Randolph said via Twitter. "That doesn't just transfer to Orange County because it's an independent taxing district. However, Orange County then inherits all debt and obligations with no extra funds."

    Disney also taxes itself around $53 million each year to service its debt obligations, Randolph said"


  5. "Anonymous said...
    This is stupid, but Democrats are just as guilty of using cancel culture."

    That's not the point, Anonymous. The point is that the Trumpublicans scream about Democrats' "cancel culture" all the time while practicing it themselves. IOW, they're hypocrites.

  6. skud: "It is truly disgusting that the state of Florida make a large publicly traded corporation to demand they pay taxes."

    Disney World paid $780M in state and local taxes in 2021. Disney won't suffer much from this, Florida citizens will. This is Greg Abbott level dumbfuckery.

    "Anonymous said...
    This is stupid, but Democrats are just as guilty of using cancel culture."

    Which Dem legislators have codified restrictions on speech? Not allowing certain content on private platforms is not the same as passing laws.

  7. republiscum party hypocrites? Why who would think that of the party of tRump the seditionist/insurrectionist. Isn't that the party of apple pie, family values, bibles and guns? Heavy on the guns and bibles, right?

  8. Why should Disney be granted autonomy and the taxes they pay to support the district will go to the county. This is a stupid thing for desantis to do but appears to have wide support. The idea of the 105 million collected would go away is false it will just change hands and fall into the hands of the local politicians which should make them happy.

    Disney's decision to go full on woke is have an impact on the corporation, which is private, and this is just a small part of their problem.

  9. Since you seem knowledabe skud what in your opinion is Disney's biggest problem. Other than a nitwit gov?

  10. You know, I'm am SO SICK of republicans throwing around their latest word "woke" like it is an insult. They really live in bizarro world where up is down, black is white, day is night, etc. To take traits that everyone should aspire to and turn them around into an insult that oozes out of their mouths just disgusts me. They completely turn me off and as soon as I read a comment that has words like "woke" or "PC" or any of their self manufactured put downs, I completely dismiss the comment as ignorant and brainwashed.

  11. "Full on woke"? Did that daft boy Skidmark really just say that? So, in his tiny little mind, caring for ALL your guests and their families means you're 'woke'? Not slobbering over the latest right wing hatefest moron means you're 'woke'? You're not going to harm Disney, Skid. You're going to harm the taxpayers of Orange and Osceola counties who will now have to pay for everything. It's estimated that will cost them about a billion dollars a year, FAR FAR in excess of the tax dollars they will get from Disney. As usual, the right swings and ends up punching themselves in the face.

  12. PL, I don't care to refer to my mother as birthing person and the idea of teaching CRT to children in the second grade is not in the best interest of a child. They have enough things to be concerned about other than taught they they were born haters and if you are a minority, except Asian, you are a victim. You don't have a problem with victimizing a whole race but I do.

    Anon, You do realize that Disney's headquarters is not Florida but I do agree Newsom is a nitwit.
