Thursday, September 22, 2022

Ex-President Trump claims he declassified top secret documents just by THINKING them declassfied!


Yeah. He really said that!

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it... You’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified, even by thinking about it.” 

 When he was pressed further, he insisted he had declassified the documents in question when he left the White House, again without pointing to proof of such. 

 “In other words, when I left the White House, they [the documents] were declassified,”




  1. The Force is strong with Trump. So strong, simply wondering about the new weapons systems the US Military has and that is detailed in a document, declassifies it. "Declassify it I have, with my thoughts!"

    We were unaware that with Trump's rotating crew of staff leaders and his VP Pence, his presidency was little more than a live action 4 year long episode of Pinky and the Brain...

  2. "Representative Adam Kinzinger, one of 10 Republican House members to vote in favor of Trump’s second impeachment, says the joke is well understood among his party colleagues. “For all but a handful of members, if you put them on truth serum, they knew that the election was fully legitimate and that Donald Trump was a joke,” Kinzinger told Leibovich.

    “The vast majority of people get the joke. I think Kevin McCarthy gets the joke. Lindsey gets the joke. The problem is that the joke isn’t even funny anymore.” Humoring Trump has grown humorless."

  3. "I'll never forgive the folks who knew who Trump was in '16 & kept their mouths shut, or said just enough to make a few bucks but ignored the greater evil.

    He's an illiterate sexual predator, a thief, a con man, a mob-tied serial philandering tax cheat w an addiction to Adderall."
    --Noel Casler


  4. Jennifer "Pro-privacy" Rubin

    Espionage Act prosecution AND financial ruin? Karma, man.

  5. Anon... if you are going to copy and paste from the NY Times, at least give them credit and mention the author, Carlos Lozada...

  6. Here's a great read on what it took for one well known Trumper to change stripes.

  7. I put it in quotes but forgot to put in auther.

  8. Orange Jesus has always only had to think of something for it to be real.

    And the cult will always believe.

    Or are there cracks in the Great Wall of Stupidity?

  9. He's also THINKING "the FBI may have been looking for Hillary’s emails".

    I mean, why ELSE would they be there??

  10. Wow, just WOW! And the MAGAts will totally buy into his BS.

  11. Not sure you guys have seen it but Trump's approved Special Master has demanded to know, under oath, if the Trump team believes the FBI lied about seized documents.

    Since they declined to answer whether they actually declassified documents, worrying about perjuring themselves, it will be interesting to see what happens with this demand.

    The Trump team is getting a very public lesson that when you enter court, your statements can, and will, be used against you and you will be expected to say they are true, or BS.

    Maybe they should have spent some time watching Law & Order.

  12. Trump, and 30-35% of Americans have a seriously warped relationship with reality.

  13. Here's what one of Trump's loyal cultists on the Mother Ship has to say about New York's AG Letitia James:


    This is the result of affirmative action, granting access to colleges and law schools to people who DO NOT belong in college, much less than James’ position in the state of New York."

    The cultist who wrote that is obviously unaware that Ms. James received her J.D. degree from Howard University in Washington D.C., an historically Black university that's considered a Black Ivy League school. His comment oozes with racism. He believes Ms. James, an African-American woman, received "affirmative action" from an historically Black university! And in his racist opinion, she didn't even DESERVE to be enrolled in this historically Black university, because? Well, as I said, racism. He's utterly enraged that this woman had the smarts and brains enough to indict Trump, but he cannot believe she's smart enough to do it, so she, an African-American woman, must have gotten preferential help in getting into an historically Black university!

    This pinhead then completely changes the subject after exposing his sickening racism and hatred for smart, educated Black women by throwing this against the wall, as if it had ANYTHING to do with his smear against Ms. James:

    Think I’m a racist? Then explain the Bimbo in Chicago who castigated the police to run interference for the black punk who faked his assault by hooded white men. Black men he’d paid to assault him.

    James is a racist; she does not represent anything whole about America. But she’ll be the U.S. Attorney General someday, with a grade point average of 2.9."

    There you have it, my friends, a blatantly racist (by his own admission!) smear against this woman who has done nothing but carry out the duties of her office and who had the gall to go after Trump who was known in the real estate community of New York City as a Cheat, a Liar, and a Fraud.

    The commenter, who goes by the name of "Mustang," didn't attack Ms. James's POLICIES nor her METHODS, but, WITH NO EVIDENCE, cast aspersions on how she received her education and then called HER a racist, again without offering any EVIDENCE for his unsubstantiated accusations and slanders against her.

    He is a PERFECT example of the kind of irrational hatred that infects the whole Trump cultist movement. Ms. James did her job and did it well, and "Mustang" and his ilk cannot abide it, so he used his little toolkit of smears and lies against her to soothe his injured feelings.

    And here's the benighted woman who runs that blog:

    "MUSTANG: EXCELLENT overview of how someone CAN be THAT STUPID and not only survive but THRIVE.

    Have you seen some of the old videos of her saying, basically, “I’ll get Trump if it’s the last thing I do!”? Unreal."

    Well, when a corrupt, lying liar who stole top secret U.S. government property and incited an insurrection against the U.S. government, encouraging mobs to HANG HIS OWN VICE PRESIDENT, when THAT is your idol and role model, one would expect people like "Mustang" and the benighted woman who runs that blog to defend a thing like Trump.

    BTW: "NEW YORK — A federal judge on Friday dismissed Donald Trump's lawsuit against New York Attorney General Letitia James, rejecting the former president's claim that she targeted him out of political animus and allowing her civil investigation into his business practices to continue.

    In a 43-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Brenda Sannes wrote that case law bars federal judges from interfering in state-level investigations, with limited exceptions, and that there wasn't evidence to support the Republican's contention that James, a Democrat, was proceeding in bad faith because of their differing political views."

  14. The link to that report about Trump's lawsuit against AG James is HERE.
