Thursday, September 15, 2022

I have to comment on DeSantis's publicity stunt with human beings


This is what DeSantis hoped his inhumane stunt would deliver:

But there was no "meltdown." The people of Martha's Vineyard treated DeSantis's human pawns as human beings, and showed them love and compassion.

The reality is that the year-round residents of Martha's Vineyard are NOT "rich and famous." The island attracts the wealthy in the few months of summer, but it is a working-class population off-season just like the rest of Cape Cod. The year-round residents are fishermen and other tradesmen and women. It is true that a lot of the real estate is owned by the very wealthy, but the overwhelming population is not the "rich and famous." 

I read that one resident who owned a pizza place provided all of the immigrants with pizza for dinner last night. but that's probably not what Faux Nooz meant by a "meltdown."

Median earnings in last 12 months by town, 2010–2016* 

Source: American Community Survey 4-year estimates 2010 2012 2014 2016 

                   2010          2012         2014         2016

Aquinnah   $34,567    $36,438    $25,875     $30,722 

Chilmark    $29,300     $24,444    $24,625     $26,167 

Edgartown  $31,466       $31,509    $36,889     $40,252 

Gosnold      $22,273       $25,395     $26,875    $31,857 

Oak Bluffs   $27,436      $46,489     $50,777    $52,554 

Tisbury        $31,315       $35,373      $38,942    $31,807 

W. Tisbury    $39,570       $39,886      $31,939    $36,526 

The good people of Martha's Vineyard welcomed the refugees seeking food, shelter, and human kindness and they were helped by these decent, loving Americans of good will.

DeSantis's stunt will backfire on him. 

Cathy Murphy☘️ @Catrina612 · 
I watched the story on @MSNBC this morning. Granted, they had no notice and having to provide humanitarian care at a moment’s notice was difficult, but they saw these people as human beings in need. @RonDeSantisFL saw them as political pawns.

Dylan Fernandes
Our island jumped into action putting together 50 beds, giving everyone a good meal, providing a play area for the children, making sure people have the healthcare and support they need. We are a community that comes together to support immigrants.

Replying to
Except instead of having a melt down, Dems provided these people with shelter, food, medical care, and more. Sounds like when Republicans have a problem they respond with spite and pettiness and Democrats spring into action to resolve the issue. Way to go, Massachusetts!

“Those planes were filled with actual human beings. People with hopes and dreams. People with names and families. And this Christian man used them as props. He didn’t clothe the naked or feed the hungry. He literally did the opposite.”

I’m sure that the $12 million that DeSantis spent on this stunt could have been better spent in own state. Ironically, I’m sure Martha’s Vineyard will welcome these people with help and hospitality. 

In retrospect, these immigrants got a very lucky plane ride.


  1. I’m getting to LOVE Governor Ron DeSantis who just flew two planes of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to Martha's Vineyard.
    Hopefully the Obama’s will invite them to dinner.

    Keep up the good work, Mr DeSantis. You Got My Vote!

  2. TOM

    As is usual with you, you are misinformed.

    The people who were trafficked to Martha's Vineyard were asylum seekers and refugees. And the majority of people on the Vineyard at this time of year are the permanent residents, not summer people, like the Obamas. The permanent residents are working men and women and not the richy rich.

    But you're a troll, and I don't expect you to be well informed. You're just like a little escaped performing monkey who's lost his organ grinder, so I'm not surprised you're so confused.

  3. Norman Ornstein
    Note to
    : Send crews to Martha’s Vineyard. Interview some of these poor immigrant families about what happened to them, about the lies they were told to get them on planes. Go big time with the story. It will make prosecution of these monsters more compelling."

  4. Hey TOM, you half wit troll, the refugees DeathSantis sent to Massachusetts are primarily refugees from Venezuela fleeing the Maduro regime. They have Temporary Protected Status thru March of 2024. They came to the US escaping poverty and a quasi-communist dictatorship, just to be used by DeathSantis and Abbott as political pawns. Disgusting!

  5. I don't know if they are "documented" or not, but if they're not, there's this:
    Section 274(a)(1)(A)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act makes it a federal crime to transport undocumented persons across state lines.

    If they are documented, they were kidnapped.

  6. The fine caring folks of Martha's Vineyard showing how to show compassion and love to fellow human beings. Making Massachusetts very proud and happy to live in state that knows how to show compassion and love those most in need.

    DeSantis is a cold hearted jackass just his culr leader Trump. When judgement day comes the two bozos will be hurting fat asses.


  7. Michelle G. Barker
    Replying to
    Vineyard residents are true Americans and Godly people! You didn't ask for this, but you handled it with class. Thank you for being a shining example of American Patriotism!

  8. "As nearly 50 South American immigrants landed in Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday afternoon, sent north by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, unexpecting local officials welcomed the party and hastily attempted to organize shelter, food, water and interpreters, the Vineyard’s state representative said as he arrived on the island to join in the effort.

    “These immigrants were not met with chaos, they were met with compassion,” Rep. Dylan Fernandes, of the Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket district, said in a social media message."--MassLive

  9. The Texas Governor also sent two bus loads of people and dumped them like trash at the Naval Observatory yesterday (home of the Vice President) with no notice. How callous. They were dumped at 6:00 am, were not told where they were. If you know the area around the Naval Observatory, it is a very busy road with nowhere to go to use a bathroom or get some water. The closest coffee shop is over a mile away but, of course, no one knows where they are or how to get there. Truly living up to the deplorable moniker.

  10. Clearly this is a political stunt. It's cruel, it's inhumane and it may have broken the law.

    But from a political standpoint, it's brilliant.

    Because it focuses attention on a problem politicians in Washington have determined to never solve, lest their political fortunes be sacrificed.

    Unless and until regular ppl of all stripes force their politicians to fix the immigration debacle, these stunts will continue. And as some predict, expect the next drop off to happen somewhere in the president's home state of Delaware.

  11. Why does a spokesperson for Martha's Vineyard say this is a humanitarian crisis because they get a few illegals when Texas and AZ have had 2 million and it is not considered a crisis.
    This is an easy thing to fix, seal the border and not advertise it is open then complain when they show up in your city. Oh wait, joey would have to do something other than give away billions to the rich.

    The same sanctuary cities who's pants are in a wad are the same ones who ignore their homeless. Hypocrisy raises it's ugly head

  12. There’s so much to say about the immigration issue. Sitting at the US border and showing up everyday are thousands of ppl of all stripes seeking asylum and entrance to the US as they flee their home countries.

    By US law, all those claims need to be adjudicated. One by one. Current estimates, depending on your source, run from 180 days to over 5 years. This should be unacceptable to the American ppl. Here’s a solution…

    The US Government should move to recruit into service a cross section, both conservative and progressive, of as many lawyers, both retired and current, as we can get to serve as emergency adjudicators.

    Then set those folks up in temporary offices at our border areas with the task of making the decisions that need to be made with final authority. Train them, pay them, cover their living expenses and ask them to help our country.

    Yes, some ppl that should get in will be sent home. And some who should go back will invariably get in. But we will be doing the best we can with a difficult, almost intractable problem.

    We have an emergency, but we also have the resources to respond. It’s time we start thinking outside the box and get beyond the stunts, political point making and falsehoods that currently surround our “border policy”.

  13. Such a contrast between a thoughtful response and a knee-jerk response.
    Dave offers sane suggestions.
    Skud says, "Seal the border".

    If an blowhard cruel authoritarian like Trump couldn't "seal the border", imagine the kind of tyrant that would. Laws would be unilaterally denied, and lawless violence would be the rule.

    This is the mentality of racists and totalitarians. But that's what the American Right has become.

  14. Rev, While they are being adjudicated they should remain out side the US. It was not inhumane when they were flown to teteboro in the middle of the night so busing them and flying them in the daytime is inhumane. Dropping them off in crime infested DC, NYC and Chicago is inhumane but martha's vineyard seems safe. They should have dropped them off in boston because it is a sanctuary city where MV is not. Of course MV didn't keep them long before shipping them out so who is the abuser of humans.

    I agree that it is a political stunt but for almost 2 years the administration has refused to do anything. Even the person in charge of the border has never visited. All this fervor over 50 immigrants dropped off in a very rich small town is horrible but having 2 million cross into a poor small town in Texas is OK. The winners in this mess are the cartels who are making billions and they don't even have to bury the dead, so far about 800.


  16. skud: "Dropping them off in crime infested DC, NYC and Chicago is inhumane but martha's vineyard seems safe."

    Here are the 10 states with the highest crime rates:

    New Mexico - 6,462.03 per 100,000 people
    Louisiana - 6,408.22 per 100,000 people
    Colorado - 6,090.76 per 100,000 people
    South Carolina - 5,972.84 per 100,000 people
    Arkansas - 5,898.75 per 100,000 people
    Oklahoma - 5,869.82 per 100,000 people
    Washington - 5,758.57 per 100,000 people
    Tennessee - 5,658.30 per 100,000 people
    Oregon - 5,609.89 per 100,000 people
    Missouri - 5,604.78 per 100,000 people

    Massachusetts is not a sanctuary state, but there have been proposals for it on Beacon Hill. A sanctuary city or state is a location that limits cooperation with federal immigration laws. There are eight cities in the state that are sanctuary cities. They are Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Newton, Northampton, and Somerville. What they do is legal, and how much they cooperate can vary from city to city.

    skud: "Of course MV didn't keep them long before shipping them out so who is the abuser of humans."

    That is one of your worst statements, skud. MV did not have the facilities to house and feed the 50 migrants. They were transported to a military base on mainland Cape Cod where there would be enough food, sanitary conditions, beds and other human necessities for them.

    You cynically and conveniently FORGET that the migrants who were escaping from the Communist regime in Vensuela were sent to MV WITHOUT ANY WARNING to the people on MV! Those men, women, and children had to walk miles before they reached a village with people who could help them.

    What sort of monster lures people escaping from Communism to get on a plane with lies about where it was going and with lies about their finding jobs available when they landed. They were told these lies by an agent of DeSantis who was in TEXAS, put these people on a plane, sent them to Florida, So.Carolina, and then DUMPED these men, women and children in an airport miles from any village.

    You can defend that all you want, but in anyone's book, that is a crime against humanity.

    DeSantis is nothing more than another Trump, only he's more dangerous because he has some smarts -- NO HEART -- but smarts and an affinity for fascism.

    What DeSantis did was use vulnerable people with nothing but the clothes on their backs as pawns in his twisted way to "own the libs." Well, that backfired because most decent people see using vulnerable men, women, and children to score political points is a damn ROTTEN stunt. And IMO, DeSantis is rotten to his core.

  17. Ms. Shaw,

    Until Texas and Florida started sending illegals north none of the networks paid any attention and now they can't stop talking about it being inhumane. Where was the outcry from them and you when the administration put sent plane loads to NY/NJ in the middle of the night. Pretty much crickets over that move.

    You say that MV doesn't have the resources to take care of 50 illegals and Del Rio has the resources to handle 2 million. That is quite a statement even from you. With the exception of MV and border crossing cities the place where the illegals are sent are sanctuary cities. They are very dangerous cities but they want to welcome all and they will take care of them. Now there stories change and they want federal help. Where was the federal help to crossing cities who are told tough luck.

    OH, BTW the places you mentioned with high crime rates are states not cities and the illegals are sent to cities not states.

  18. skud: "Of course MV didn't keep them long before shipping them out so who is the abuser of humans."

    What skud doesn't understand is that "shipping them out" is an ignorant and false statement.

    MV is in Massachusetts. What actually happened is that the migrants, seeking asylum from Communism, were sent to another town in Massachusetts, a few miles away, that had the facilities to house and feed these people and help them sort out the legalities that need to be sorted out.

    The skuds of the world are deliberately trying to make the good people of MV look like they kicked the migrants out. That is a reprehensible thing to do because in fact Massachusetts, UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF ITS REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR, provided a better place for the migrants to go to so that the proper paper work and living conditions would be there for them.

    Skud characterized that as being "the abuser of humans."

    Skud is just repeating a hateful narrative about what happened in MV and how the good people on that island behaved.

    I would ask skud, To what purpose did you write that false sentence? "abuser of humans?" I think we both know why you wrote that. Shame.

    The "abuser of humans" is DeSantis who had his agents LIE to the migrants about where they were going, and who dumped these 50 men, women, and children in an airport miles from any town -- no bathrooms, no water, no food, no shelter. They walked to town and found help from the people on MV who were not warned by DeSantis about the human beings he trafficked.

    DeSantis had a videographer ready to tape this shameful stunt, and he notified FAUX NOOZ.

    That's what his values are -- using people in dire straits as political props.

    Skud and his pals refuse to see the truth. But the truth is that DeSantis is a corrupt and evil man.

  19. Skud... your kneejerk is noted but you perfectly illustrate the problem.

    If you start with a "just keep them out" posture, we get nowhere. How do they get to come over for their appts? Their interviews? Go ahead... think on it. I'll wait.

    But while you do, think on this too...

    If your system was in place in olden days, how would it have worked during the great migrations to the US? I'm sorry, just stay in your country while famine kills your family and wait for us to get to you?

    You leave a country where you feel you are being persecuted. You figure out a way to travel whatever the distance crossing borders all around the world. You risk your life, your kid's lives and give up everything.

    For a chance to live in and be part of what conservatives used to call the greatest country on the planet.

    But once you get to the border to make your case, we tell you to wait for up to five years in another country, that has no resources to deal with you? How would that have worked on Ellis Island?

    Yes Mr. Skud, we can let your family have an appointment, but you have to wait outside our country, on a raft, until we get to you. Yes sir, I know you have no money or food, but this is our country. Yes sir, I know what you are trying to do is 100% perfectly legal, but no, we can't even make you comfortable, or give you a place to stay while we think about your case. Please sir, here's your appt in 3458 days. At 3pm. Don't be late. Goodbye.


    That's literally what you are proposing and I've only read your first sentence.

    You see Skud, this is the problem...

    Ppl like you, and Geeez, who post junk like this... "AM I NUTS OR WHAT? They break our LAWS and we’re PROTECTING THEM? Flying them around instead of flying them RIGHT BACK HOME?"" are the problem.

    You all bitch, moan and complain, but never, never suggest solutions based in reality. And by that, I mean "flying them RIGHT BACK HOME" and "While they are being adjudicated they should remain outside the US" are not based in reality. Just like we need to open our borders and let "them" all in is not based in reality.

    Our law says ppl who are persecuted in another country, fearing death or danger, have a RIGHT to make their case to our government to live here. Our law. And to make that case, it has to be presented HERE in the US. It's really a simple concept.

    So let's make that system as helpful, quick, humane and efficient as possible.

    Why is that so offensive to people like you and the crew of the Mothership, who even you yourself, by virtue of their view of Trump and the 2020 election, believe are extremist?

  20. FYI Shaw:

    Sharman Sacchetti

    At Joint Base Cape Cod, immigrants will be given access to health care, legal services and crisis counseling. They will stay in dorm style rooms and families will not be separated.

    skudrunner calls that abusing humans. What a tool!

  21. My gosh... why can't ppl think seriously on this? The US currently cannot fill all our job needs because of a... wait for it... lack of people. We have people risking everything they have to get here. These should be people we want. The risk takers. The ppl willing to sacrifice to be part of the "land of the free and the home of the brave." They will fill those jobs, make the US their home, pay taxes, contribute to our society and country and pump trillions of $$$ into Social Security so Americans of all stripes and colors can retire without fear of starvation or lack of medical care.

    And yes, a small percentage will be problems.

    But the net gain will be great for the US, because these are they types of people we should want here.

    Thinking back to Ellis Island... hasn't our southern border become the new Ellis Island? Let's recognize that, build it up, staff it and fix this problem. I dare say Dems would be up for it. But the MAGA GOP?

    Of that, I'm not so sure.

  22. Listen to the leftist media and that is what they all are saying about transferring illegals to distant cities is abuse. They are not abused on their bus and plane trips but you say it is abuse. Why is it not abuse to transfer them out of MV and Chicago but is abuse to transfer them out of Texas.

    I will ask again why was it was OK for the administration to ship plane loads in the middle of the night but not OK to ship a few bus loads to DC, NYC and Chicago. It seems to be working because now you have mayors saying the immigration crisis but prior it was a non entity.

  23. Look, here's why fixing immigration is going to be such a problem in the US. I took a journey on the HMS Mothership of Denial today where they are writing screed after screed of self congratulatory lunacy and unthinking reactionism.

    Fixated on complaining about a menacing hoard of immigrants coming in "illegally" they comfort themselves with their visions of the love they will offer to people who come here "legally." Except the politicians they elect don't want legal immigration either, as evidenced by the shrinking numbers of immigration slots opened up during the Trump years.

    They are convinced that rather than assimilating, as their ancestors supposedly did the moment they arrived, that today's immigrants will never assimilate and will always vote for Dems. Reason enough in their eyes to close America's doors.

    Even their oracle, Mustang, usually just a hard nosed Ex-Marine conservative has joined in with his unhinged views, at least on Abbot, DeSantis and "others" asking this question...

    "...why are Abbot and DeSantis the only two American governors willing to stand up to federal idiocy (the same kind of idiocy that gave us the Fourteenth Amendment, for example)?"

    For those that live in Rio Lindo, he's calling the amendment that declared slaves and children of immigrants born here full citizens of the United States. While I hate that view and consider it wrong, at least it is out in the open and helps explain a a lot.

    Especially because not one sailor there pushed back on such a backward thinking view. For God's sake, I thought we were past the 14th amendment debate. Apparently we are not and believe me when I say it, if the GOP gets a majority in the House, Senate and White House, they will move to repeal that amendment before you can say abortion. And they are already close to the number of GOP controlled states to make it happen.

    So someone, anyone, tell me... how do we reach a solution, or fix our immigration system, when there are people holding those views? How do you negotiate with that?

  24. Where is this "mothership of fools"?
    Asking for a sick sense of humor.

  25. skud: Listen to the leftist media and that is what they all are saying about transferring illegals to distant cities is abuse. They are not abused on their bus and plane trips but you say it is abuse. Why is it not abuse to transfer them out of MV and Chicago but is abuse to transfer them out of Texas.

    skud, First: The people who were lied to and sent to MV are NOT "illegals." They are refugees who have the lawful right to be here seeking asylum from their Communist controlled country. What do you disagree with on that statement?

    The refugees from Venezuela who were sent to MV were transferred to another town within Massachusetts with larger and better facilities to feed them, clothe them, give medical care to them, and keep them safe. (Wow! Just like the Bible tells them to do!) They literally went from one Massachusetts town to another. MV does NOT have the facilities to deal with that many refugees.

    skud: "I will ask again why was it was OK for the administration to ship plane loads in the middle of the night but not OK to ship a few bus loads to DC, NYC and Chicago."

    The cities to where the immigrants were sent had advanced notice of their being sent there.

    What Desantis and Abbot did is a stunt that took no consideration for the refugee men, women, and children's safety. HERE'S MORE INFORMATION ON THAT SUBJECT.

    This is what The Swell Guy's administration did better than Trump's:

    Deportations lower under Trump administration than Obama: report
    BY ZACK BUDRYK - 11/18/19 11:25 AM EST

    The Trump administration has deported fewer overall people than were
    deported under former President Obama despite the ongoing crackdown on
    immigrants without legal status, according to the Washington Post.

    Also, President Obama tried to get immigration reform passed during his time in office, but the Republicans thwarted his every move.

    Did you forget that, too?

  26. If course skud forgot. If he ever knew. If he knew he probably chose to file it as fake news.

  27. You said a mouthful Dave with respect to trumpublican con unthinking reactionism. And, you A R E spot on.

    My stupid question is, do you think these folks who react without thinking are going to swayed by what intelligent thinking folks have to way?

    I certainly don't. There was a time I tra veled

  28. Well Rev, why don't we just take all border protection off and just let everyone enter which is about whet is happening now. I feel confident all those people crossing will show up for their hearing in a few years so all will be OK. That is the ones who didn't die from drowning or killed in the back of a truck. The current administration said come one come all and they are and the mexican cartels are cheering because they charge them huge amounts to transport people and they have a abundant number of mules to carry drugs over. Haven't seen one major network say that is inhuman but they didn't say that before the crisis in chicago, DC and NYC. Why was that?

  29. Skud... apparently you missed my earlier comment. You've read me, nowhere have I ever opined for open borders or to let everyone in. I just haven't, and you can look all day long and not find it.

    I offered a solution I think is workable within the laws we have. You of course stay in your lane and seem unable to understand that, or are just being obstinate, that the great majority of the people you and your friendly crown of extremists, your description, call illegal immigrants, are in fact, following the laws of the US.

    They are trying to immigrate legally. Just as the law requires. They are asylum seekers. Fleeing dangerous mostly communist countries, risking their lives to come here.

    What real world suggestion do you have? Or do you exist to live on Fantasy Island and keep up the "let them wait elsewhere" mantra?

  30. Using people as fodder for politician's schemes has been used by all sides in American politics, including the deaths of people. So The games go on, as usual.

  31. The law of cause and affect at play always. When humans attempt to fix one problem the net effect is often to create a different issue or problem. For every action there will be a reaction. And so the political drama will, ad infinitum, continue regardless of the party who is wallowing in power at the time. It's just that the Trumpublican party is so damned corrupt that little if any good will ever occur inder their yoke of tyranny.

  32. Dave Dubya Here's a link to the Mother Ship. You can read but not comment. The captain does not allow any other opinion except her own and her fellow sailors.

    The Captain of the Mother Ship:

    "Here’s the deal, as you all know: The BORDER IS OPEN. The White House is LYING, as is GAVIN……AND, NOW, some of the migrants have caught on and THEY’RE siding with the Left “I thought we were going to Boston, not Martha’s Vineyard!” ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You’re LUCKY YOU”RE ALIVE, you idiot….

    AM I NUTS OR WHAT? They break our LAWS and we’re PROTECTING THEM? Flying them around instead of flying them RIGHT BACK HOME?"

    Her ignorance is epic. The refugees from Venezuela broke no laws. The were LEGALLY seeking asylum from their Communist government. I wonder if that benighted woman would have said the same thing about Cubans who fled from Castro?

    She's sorely misinformed, and she documents her ignorance daily while her followers lap it up. SAD!

  33. This comment by one of the sailors on the Mother Ship is laughable:

    "The invasion of Hispanics into the United States is not a new story; it’s been going on in varying intensities since around 1848 — a stark and shocking illustration of the failure of Hispanic leadership throughout Latin America."

    The stupidity and white ignorance is epic as well. Mexican land was eventually divided into all or part of Colorado, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.

    Nearly 80,000 Mexican citizens lived in this area, and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo promised to protect them.

  34. More from the hateful sailor:

    "...these traitors in the White House and Congress are aided and abetted by the dimwits from Martha’s Vineyard and other sanctuary states and cities (who are the same clodpolls that gave us Obama and Biden).

    IMO, both Abbot and DeSantis deserve medals of honor for their courage and devotion to American principles."

    DeSantis sent asylum seekers to MV under false pretenses. He lied to these vulnerable refugees and USED them for political Gotcha! points. DeSantis is a stain on humanity.

    Also, Massachusetts is NOT a sanctuary state. Marthas Vineyard is NOT a sanctuary island.

    His uninformed xenophobic blather exposes him for the ignoramus that he is.

  35. Shaw,
    Thank you for the link to their madness, cult mentality, and literally laughable ignorance.

    This particularly outrageous projection says it all:

    The problem is this: the primary difference between Dems and Republicans is that while in office, the Dems reward their supporters and cater to their base. The GOP in office prefers to compromise with and placate liberals.

    This is why the Big MAGAt said, "I love the poorly educated".

    "Ignorance is strength" has always worked for authoritarians, hasn't it?

  36. The individual Trumpinsky above is not a stupid individual. But all indications, based on their comments, are that they are indeed ignorant.

    It seems as if ignorance and greed have increased exponentially since the arrival of king asshat (trump) on the political scene. And with 13-15 million Americans supporting the use of force (violence) to promote king asshat's agenda (per ABC this morning) as well as to return king asshat to power this nation's structure of givernment is in peril of a very bloody coup next time.

    I note that another significant number of Americans are simply ambivalent to the situation. Also from ABC this morning.

    The reality is this threat to our nation's democratic republic is very real. Given the trumper's totally misguided loyalty to a narcissitic asshat authoritarian, and their overheated passion with his agenda, the threat of violence just around the corner is very real. Americans that support the trump/Trumpublican party agenda are not going to relent. Fueled by hate their anger and desire for blood to force their views and misguided sense of what constitutes morality on everyone will only increase.

    No idea how to diffuse the building pressures. But if Americans continue down this path as it stretches out right now the American ideal of self government and the rule of law will die with the republic. And the trumpers/Christian religionists/and fascists will have won the day.

    It is time that democrats, independents, and sane republicans vote in unison against the agenda of trump and his Trumpublican party.

  37. Les,

    I share your concern. There's little we, as individuals, can do. All I have is my vote.

    We hope there are more Americans who see this clear and present danger to our republic and vote in numbers too big for the Trumpers to dispute.

    As you know, Jeff Diehl is the GOP candidate running for governor against Maura Healy, our current attorney general. The NYTimes reported today that a Diehl spokesperson said that Diehl would not say definitively that he would accept the outcome of the election should he lose to Maura Healy!

    Here in Massachusetts I believe registered Democrats outnumber GOPers 2 to 1. I don't know how the Mass. Independents are leaning, and that's a rather big number, but I can't imagine Diehl beating Healy.

    Donald Trump endorsed Diehl saying he would "rule Massachusetts with an iron fist!" How's that for winning over any Democratic or Independent vote????

  38. NYTimes today:

    “The most important thing is to not get depressed about the elections and say, ‘Oh, it’s going to be stolen, so what’s the point of doing this?’” Mr. Diehl, the Republican nominee for governor of Massachusetts, said in a recent radio interview.

    Mr. Diehl’s spokeswoman, Peggy Rose, replied “no comment” when asked if he would agree to the outcome of the November election.

    His Democratic opponent, Maura Healey, the state’s attorney general, said, “We will always accept the will of the people.”

  39. Rev, We do not have an immigration policy that we defend. The politicians on both sides have punted significant immigration reform to the point it just doesn't matter.

    As to the transportation of border crosser's, it did one thing and that is the left finally acknowledged that there is an issue. Now you have MSDNC saying there is a crisis even if the VP will not. Mayors who denied the issue are now saying these border crosser's are creating a crisis in their cities and they want federal help. What about the border towns who are over run and have been for almost two years. Maybe the 87000 additional IRS agents can man the border.

  40. Shaw, let me rework that "invasion of Hispanics" quote a bit...

    From a Native American point of view...

    "The invasion of White Europeans into America is not a new story; it has been going on in varying intensities since around 1500 — a stark and shocking illustration of the failure of European leadership now being visited on our great continent."

    I guess it all depends on your perspective.

  41. A small part of me hopes the conservative party, once the GOP, finds it's way out the deep dark woods it is now embracing. This nation needs opposing political views and agendas. Honest Debate, supported by actual data and based in reality is healthy for the nation and its people.

    I was forced by Trump's agenda, his dishonesty, his misogyny, his racism, his narcissism, his corruption , as well as his party's support of the same, and more, to sever any relationship with the party I once believed was positive for the nation. That was 20 to 25 years ago. I truly believe at this time the party of Trump has reached a state where a return to reality and honest political debate is highly unlikely. At least for a generation or two.

    What I do know is as the Trumpublicans edge closer to the abyss there is a chance to bury the ugly demon party. It will take landslide defeats of all trump supported candidates in numbers equalling or exceeding Reagan's 2'nd election victory. Even in numbers that large there is no certainty the hard core zealots in trump's party would accept defeat. They are, like their king asshat, beyond redemption or even grasping reality at this point in time. Trump's grand plan is actively at work trying to destroy our democratic republic.

  42. It feels right, and real history supports the Native American's point of view. Why? Because that view is rooted in actual TRUTH and clear and pristine REALITY.

  43. Keep carping Skud. Your opinions are just that, opinions and I don't value them from people who choose to ignore reality. No one here is going to say there isn't an issue at the border and we need to fix it and do better.

    But for like the millionth time, people coming to claim asylum, have that right, per US law and we have laws that address it. So they are coming legally. But you are fundamentally unwilling to address that fact.

    It makes you uncredible.

    Some of here have offered opinions as to what realistically we could do, within our current laws. You however, have not. You just stick to your one note.

    Again, no one here disagrees that we need change. We had real progress on that front a while back from the "Gang of Eight". But then the MAGA GOP crowd, not wanting any new immigration, put the kibosh on that with the attitude of "HOW can AMericans care more for those people?"

    The Dems don't and didn't have all the solutions. But they were at the table. Conservatives? The MAGA crowd? They walked away.

    Please tell us why...

  44. Yes skud, please tell why. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Immigration, in and of itself is not negative. What is negative, based on results, is how politicians have respnded. Or, depending one ones views, failed responded.

    So skud, what do you, not trump, desantis, or abbott think could or should be done to resolve our crises at the border.

    Those folks are just as human as we are and like us just want to be free live their lives absence of fear and oppression from and by the government.

  45. Less, Excellent question and I have the answer. Remain in Mexico until you go to a hearing.
    Now how easy was that.

  46. skuddy, that seems to be the problem. For you everything is simple.

  47. Skud, or we could reform the system and process ppl as soon as they arrive and have their cases heard within a week. Then if they qualify, they stay, or if not, they await deportation to their home country.

  48. Rev, I always knew you were smart, maybe some of it will rub off to others. Simple solutions are always the best and that is why our politicians will not do that, make to much sense. Maybe take some of the billions for additional IRS agents and appoint magistrates to conduct hearings. I don't think either side wants to solve the immigration issue because they could if they wanted to.

  49. skud, methinks you're supportive of the tRump agenda generally. Why? Because you refuse to denounce his actions and take a stand. Other than both sides do the same. It seems to be your default mode. Why is that exactly? Because there is no longer any comparison between the two. The divide is as large as the Grand Canyon. All one need do is observe reality. With an open mind and no agenda.
