Friday, September 2, 2022

President Biden's Speech Last Night


This is from a sane, non-Trumpian Republican:

The Biden administration realizes that about 30-35% of the country (it's NOT 50-50!) are delusional MAGAts who want to overthrow the government and make America a "One Party Rule" country, like their beloved role model, Hungary. The Biden administration has decided to call out these people who are flirting with authoritarianism and to warn the rest of us about what their real goal is -- authoritarian rule. 

President Biden knows that the independent voters are watching.  According to the current polls, Americans are afraid they will lose their democracy to MAGA extremists, and President Biden is giving us a way out - don't vote for or vote out the anti-democracy MAGAts. 


  1. Where did you get your figures. According to the last election about 50% of voters voted republican. At best 15% of those are trumpers so that would mean 7% of voters are trumpers which is a long way from 35%. No matter how hard the democrats try to push all republicans are trumpers that doesn't make it true.

    All aviator joey has to campaign on is anti trump. His record of representing the American people is abysmal on a good day. His only achievements so far is give money, buy votes. If memory serves MAGA is Make America Great so I will assume biden doesn't want to Make America Great. His lighting and having two Marines in the backdrop at his campaign speech last night has an likeness to another dictator and his speech on a platform. Why red and not blue?

    He said absolutely nothing last night except I hate trump and you should to. No mention of all his many accomplishments, guess even he can't come up with any. For the unifying president he is falling way short.

  2. And so here we are. Two groups of people who heard completely different things.

    One group heard a president say that there are some here in the US who are part of the extreme MAGA crowd. They heard that there are some who are calling for political violence and who are refusing to acknowledge that Biden won the election fair and square. One group heard there are some in our country who believe that what happened at the US Capitol on Jan 6 was violent, when the rioters attacked and sent police officers to the hospital.

    The key word is some.

    But the other group in our country heard Joe Biden give a completely different speech. What they heard was a "despot-wanne be rant on and on" and condemn 71,000,000 Americans.

    Yesterday Former President said he would look "very, very favorably on full pardons" and an official "full apology" from the US Government for the Jan 6 rioters. The ones who beat and sent over 100 US Congressional police to hospitals for medical help after they worked to defend the US Capitol.

    I can't believe there are 71,000,000 people who support that, but if there are, then maybe those who interpreted President Biden's words in the most extreme fashion, are correct.

  3. Let's remember how Skud defined the extremists in our midsts these days...

    "If they support Donald Trump."

    It really is that simple.

    If someone supports DJT, at least from the perspective of Skud, they are extremists.

    Those are the people who President Biden was speaking about last night.

    Now, if the "normal conservative Americans" don't want to be lumped with the MAGA Extremists, then all they have to do is respond, as Skud did, to the question...

    What behaviors or beliefs would a conservative have to hold or exhibit to be considered extreme.

    Any takers???

    Because us lefties want some partners on the right so we can right the ship.

  4. On the same day, the serial criminal former guy and the President had this to say:

    Trump: 9-1-22

    "I will tell you, I will look very, very favorably about full pardons. If I decide to run and if I win, I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Full pardons," Trump said on Wendy Bell Radio Thursday, adding: "We'll be looking very, very seriously at full pardons because we can't let that happen. ... And I mean full pardons with an apology to many."

    “I am financially supporting people that are incredible and they were in my office actually two days ago, so they’re very much in my mind,” Trump said. “It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them. What they’ve done to these people is disgraceful.”
    Biden: 9-1-22
    "Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

    Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.

    MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

    They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

    MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

    They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

    They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.

    And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

    They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people.

    That’s why respected conservatives, like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, have called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a “clear and present danger” to our democracy."

    I rest my case. If American voters can't see the difference between right and wrong, between truth and lies, between democracy and fascism, and between decency and dishonor, the fall of the republic is at hand.

  5. If Biden believes these people want to overthrow our government, why is he not pursuing criminal charges against them and not just hoping to beat them at the ballot box?

  6. Skud,
    Are you serious about, "If memory serves MAGA is Make America Great so I will assume biden doesn't want to Make America Great."

    WTF! Try reasoning instead of assuming.

    You may as well be saying if Biden doesn't regurgitate Trump's slogans he hates America.

    You can do better.

  7. That'a the job of the DOJ.

  8. Skud, Skud, Skud...

    Wrong again you are... with apologies to Yoda.

    Independence Hall was in fact lighted with both Red and Blue. I assume to honor the colors of our two political parties.

    Most reputable polls put the hard line MAGA wing of the GOP at between 30-35%. It's not very hard to verify, it's mostly everywhere. But thank you for proving my above point about what the extremists heard.

    MAGA, stands for Make America Great Again. Apparently you have issues with spelling, as you missed that final A. Which brings another question I've been asking the MAGA folks for years... Since it's again, maybe you can tell me when America was great, stopped being great and when we want to go back to.

    I doubt you will, but I felt I should try.

    As for Biden's plan, I agree that for years the Dems plan mostly been a lot of "I'm not him." But when you face an existential threat to democracy, I get it.

    So what does animate the Dems? Reforming the ability to vote, giving people better access. Whatever you say, dream or imagine, there is not a chance you can show a GOP effort to try and make sure more Americans are participating in our elections.

    They've worked against more registrations drives, against making election days holidays, against multiple days to vote, against providing more money to ensure shorter lines at polls and against even giving water to people waiting in line.

    I'm sure Dems would go along with better ID requirements as soon as the GOP does some of the above. But let's remember, the GOP doesn't really want ID cards for gun rights, saying that right is sacred. Us lefties gotta wonder why that doesn't apply to voting.

    And for the record, I was not a fan of the Marines being used as props and even think Biden may have violated the Hatch Act, or whatever is left of it after Trump used the White House as a prop for a campaign event.

  9. ANON asked...

    "If Biden believes these people want to overthrow our government, why is he not pursuing criminal charges against them and not just hoping to beat them at the ballot box?

    Contrary to the view of ppl like you, us lefties believe the DOJ should operate independent of the White House. The AG is the people's lawyer, not the president's.

    And the DOJ is looking at plenty of criminal charges. Just yesterday a former marine and cop who beat the snot out of a cop on Jan 6 got 10 years. Too light IMO, but 10 years none the less.

    And perhaps you missed the search at Mar a Lago, where Trump has now admitted he had the documents. Wait for coming indictments on that front.

    So it is moving in that direction.

  10. Rev., existential threat to democracy is right out of the DNC play book and you read it well. In answer to your question "maybe you can tell me when America was great" I would say during the Reagan years. I will agree with you 30-35% were MAGA in 2016 but that is no way close today. Even aviator joey says they are not the majority. Saying every republican is a trumper is like saying every democrats follows the divine teachings of AOC or Omar which is not true. His speech was so divisive that the networks didn't carry it only the DNC owned stations saw fit to donate time for a campaign speech.

    People have access to vote they just must rise off their couch to do it, unless they apply for absentee ballot which is available throughout the nation so you suppress voting is hog wash. I am all for a three day voting for national elections but we do not need another holiday to do it.
    The red background drowned out the blue, maybe that is wave thing!

  11. You are awfully naive skud. The actions of DJT exposed the threat on J6 2021 and your parties total silence and or contnued support of the man who attempted in essence a coup to remain in power clearly brings that threat into clear focus. Anyone supporting Trump and the GQP is a party to that threat. Wether they realize it or not.

  12. You know nothing about me Miller. How arrogant of you to ASSume. I am a liberal, not that a brainwashed leftist like you would believe that. Either it's all good, or all evil? Nice black and white world you think in.
