Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Republican (Trumpublican) Party's Embrace of Fascism


Is it happening here? 

Look around at the number of Americans still supporting the twice impeached conman who incited an insurrection against the US Capitol where the electoral vote certification was being held; who said his own vice president deserved to be hanged; and who is under serious multiple investigations, including under the Espionage Act and for stealing government documents and refusing to turn them over to the FBI when subpoenaed and demanded twice. 

Trump is a private citizen, yet he is being treated like an teflon monarch. 

Orbán gets warm CPAC reception after 'mixed race' speech blowback

The Hungarian prime minister, under fire over a July 23 speech, highlighted a type of nationalistic populism taking hold on the American right.

“Two of the hallmarks of a fascist political party are, one, they don’t accept the results of elections that don’t go their way, and, two, they embrace political violence.” -- Rep. Jamie Raskin 

 "Ironically, Trump’s tirade at a rally on Saturday calling President Biden an 'enemy of the state,' inciting his supporters against law enforcement and reiterating the 'big lie' proves Biden’s point: 

The MAGA movement is led by a delusional, dangerous demagogue who employs the language and encourages the conduct of fascists." --J. Rubin, WaPo

“Trump is attacking law enforcement and yet again using language he knows will provoke violence. Only one group of Americans has a chance to diminish this danger — Republicans. If my fellow Republicans fail to step up to stop this, they will share the blame for all that follows.” -- Rep Liz Cheney

The Trumpublican Party's Faustian bargain with the proto-fascist Trump:

"1. A Faustian bargain This essay argues that some forty years ago the Republican Party struck a Faustian bargain whereby it traded integrity and decency for tax cuts and a corporate dominated economy. Now, the party is reaping the consequences of that bargain in the form of its capture by Donald Trump and his followers. However, it also means we are all threatened as the party has unleashed and legitimized neo-fascist tendencies that stand to destroy democracy and tolerance and replace them with authoritarianism and intolerance. 

2. Triumph of the Big Lie Recently (May 12, 2021) the U.S. Republican Congressional delegation expelled Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her position as their No.3 leader. Cheney is the daughter of former Vice-President Dick Cheney, who was himself a former Republican Wyoming Congressman and was a leader in the Neoconservative takeover of Washington’s foreign policy establishment. That speaks to her extraordinary conservative Republican pedigree, yet still she was removed from her position. Her offenses were twofold. First, denying Donald Trump’s dishonest claim to have won the November 2020 election. Second, voting for Trump’s impeachment for his role in promoting the insurrection of January 6, 2021."


  1. Here's where some of this stuff starts...

    One of your party leaders shares his view that if you disagree with the Republican Party, you are not a real American.

    Here's GOP Congressional Leader Jim Jordan's view that he tweeted yesterday...

    "Real America is furious that Joe Biden “forgave” student loans..."

    Real America? Am I not part of "Real America". My friends? My son? We're not part of "Real America" Tell us -FJ, Skud, ROC, Tom and the rest of you guys. Was jim Jordan wrong? Does he have a fundamentally wrong view of America?

    Is his view that anyone with whom he disagrees politically is not part of Real America?

    Because you see, the slide into fascism starts when people like Jordan are not brought to heel by their own followers.

    The GOP and conservatives said after 9/11 that failure, speaking of Muslims, to be critical of the radicals, signaled approval. Why should America not expect the GOP to live by that philosophy now?

    At least in my family, my son, who is gonna get some relief, loves this country, warts and all, and he's pretty happy for the financial help. And both his maternal and paternal lines trace their ancestry to the Mayflower and in the case of Robert Treat Paine, to the Declaration of Independence.

    But to many apparently, we're not part of Real America.

  2. Nowhere else will we find so many "Christians" eagerly supporting the most corrupt servants of mammon. Many believe a thug-loving liar like Trump was sent by Jesus to save America.

    They are indeed suffering from a special kind of stupid.

  3. "they don’t accept the results of elections that don’t go their way"
    And yet when Kari Lake made a come-from-behind win in Arizona for the republican nomination for governor, not a word was said about any conspiracies.

  4. Trump and his MAGA 35 percenters suffer from something worse than stupid. They have totally lost touch with reality. They are not just delusional, they're also willfully ignorant. With little chance of them regaining touch with truth and reality.

    Sad but true.

  5. Maybe there's hope?

    In New Mexico a judge removed a MAGA County Commissioner from office and barred him from running again because he was guilty of disregarding his oath to the Constitution and of violating the US Insurrection Act, following his conviction.

    It's about time!

    Now if we just did this to a few others, maybe we could restore order...

  6. Jim Jordon is a dyed in the wool soul on fire Christian Nationalist which means to him only those humans which share his specific flavor of faith are to be considered "real and for sure true" Americans deserving of the protections of our Constitution.

    The rest of us? Yeah, in his view we are to go back to the assigned designations We The People abandoned decades ago.

    For someone who says they follow a deity and holy book which includes the "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" law Gym J. sure gets fussy when We The People treat him as he's treated others.

  7. "Lock her up, lock her up.

    Any sentient being in the US should know those three words, a touchstone of the Trump Campaigns in 2016 and 2020.

    His adoring crowds would shout those words in unison at the mention of the name Hillary Clinton. Additionally, President Trump would go on, captured on tape to describe "her crime" of mishandling classified documents during her tenure as Secretary of State as such...

    "This was not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying [for the presidency.]"

    "This [HRC and her server issues] is calculated, premeditated misconduct... followed by a cover up."

    Locking up political opponents for accused or believed, but never proven crimes, is what dictators do. Witness Vladimir Putin and the sentence meted out to Alexei Navalny for just being a leader of the opposition the entrenched Russian leadership.

    All of this along with Trump's professed admiration for dictators and their ability to do what they want in their countries without opposition, has just been some sort of existential problem for our country floating in the ethernet for years.

    Until now.

    Now we know, according to reporting, that former President Trump had national security documents in his possession that detailed the nuclear capabilities of at least 1 one other country. That list is pretty small as the only other countries it could be are England, France, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, North Korea and potentially South Africa and Israel.

    Stop for a moment and let that sink in.

    Former President Trump had in his possession documents so secure they had to be stored in locked safes, in specially secured rooms and only a president and a few other ppl in the world had access to view those files.

    They are, or rather were, the most secret documents the United States possesses.

    And a former president of the United States had them at a beach house. Unsecured. At a beach house that in the past has been infiltrated by foreign agents.

    Now ask yourself this... during the many Trump campaign rallies, or when you were watching them on TV, did you ever mouth those famous three words? Did you ever mumble to yourself "Lock her up"? Did you ever believe in your heart that HRC should have been locked up, as Trump in dictatorial fashion urged?

    Because if you did, and if what is being reported is true and you remain silent, you are not just being intellectually dishonest and partisan, you are enabling the type of behavior that leads to fascism and dictatorships.

    In the United States of America.

  8. Trump will continue to stoke the drama swirling around his fat ass until he's dead. He loves the drama and attention. It's his nature. Unfortunately America suffers for it.

  9. Dave M.

    You comment highlights the dire circumstances our democratic republic is in. If it were only Trump who continues to break laws and ignore the normal traditions of our democratic republic, i.e., plot against the peaceful transition of government from one political party to another, that would be bad enough.

    The fact that he has US Senators and Representatives enabling him, because of their cowardice and lust for power, is what makes Trump and his fascistic tendencies so dangerous to America.

    Trump appeals to our worst demons, not our batter angels, and he has awakened those demons who marched in the streets of CharloTtsville in 2017 yelling "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!" Trump should have condemned that in no uncertain terms instead of saying there were "fine people" on both sides.

    We now have found out that the Oath Keepers include elected US officials, police, and military.

    That should terrify us all. The far right, white supremacists are a danger to our democracy.

  10. "BETTER angels!" NOT "batter angels!"

  11. Grey One talks sass

    I have yet to understand what use Gym Jordan is to our government. I've witnessed nothing but histrionics whenever the spotlight is on him. IMO, he contributes to nothing of any good.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the George Clooney document about Jordan's time as an assistant wrestling coach.

    How Jordan has managed to escape responsibility for his inactions is a scandal.

  12. But Shaw, there is no far right. Ask any conservative, Skud excepted, and they cannot or will not identify a far right person. To them, as I was once told, you can't be far right, because right is right.

    We're fighting a losing battle trying to communicate with a group that refuses to even acknowledge the presence of extremists in their midsts.

    No one in service to a cult ever acknowledges the reality of the cult they serve. Because to do so would be to indict themselves.

    So what do we do?

  13. Vote... Vote... Vote... and Vote. Bad people (authoritarian fascists) get elected when good folks don't vote. If 85% of this nation were to vote the cons would be perpetually on the outside looking in.

    Which may be the reason Trump and the trumper fascists are pushing so hard to destroy our democratic republic. They probably believe now is their last best hope of overturning our republic and installing a white nationalist government. Turning our country into just another nation run by authoritarian fascists.

  14. "So what do we do?"

    The only thing we can do is vote in numbers so large that they can't try to deny the vote.

    The fact that there are para-military groups that include US politicians, LEOs, and members of the military. (people Trump refers to as "my people) is dangerous for this country.

    This is NOT good and it opens our democratic republic up to untold mischief.

  15. I think we know why Trump kept Hitler's manifesto by his bedside. He admired Adolph Hitler's methodology as well as the man. His grand plan, one he is still pursuing, is quite obvious to those paying attention. Trump planned from day one to enact his dream of turning the United States into a fascist nation with his fat orange ass the sitting dictator.

    Anyone who believes this does not remain a possibility is naive. This nation is in danger of losing whatever soul it once had. Trump is the top of a growing anger and very real threat to our democratic republic. He must be forced out by his own party and it better happen soon.
