Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Most Vile Man in America


Alex Jones ordered to pay nearly $1 billion to Sandy Hook families 

Jones is a particularly loathsome worm, lacking all decent human qualities. 

A Connecticut jury ordered the founder of Infowars to pay the damages to the families of eight victims of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, as well as an FBI agent who responded to the massacre, for years of lies that the shooting was a hoax.

Trump, who is a repulsive human being in his own right, has nothing but admiration and praise for Jones: 

"Jones is a reckless purveyor of conspiracy theories and a prominent supporter of former president Donald Trump, who has returned the praise. 

'Your reputation is amazing,' Trump told Jones in late 2015 as he ramped up his campaign for the presidency. 'I won’t let you down.'”

"In 2018, YouTube, Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Twitter all removed Jones from their platforms, saying he violated their policies against abusive and harmful content."

Slander is NOT free speech. Jones deserves every financial blow and MORE that justice will give him. 

From a friend:

"It is a testament to the civility of the parents and all their friends and relatives that none of them hunted down their tormentor, though I expect more than a few of them thought about it. 

The next phase of this ugly saga still lies ahead where the plaintiffs have to go back to court repeatedly to enforce the judgement and part Jones from his ill gotten wealth. 

 In a better country what Jones has done and is doing would be criminal, and we would have been spared most of this blight on humanity. 

 In a better country no one would have given Jones an audience, but here we are."

All decent Americans are ashamed that this country could produce and give a voice to this depraved and cowardly blight on humanity.


  1. does he have anywhere near a billion dollars? would he pay? what happens if he does not pay

  2. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

    "No matter what you think of Alex Jones all he did was speak words.

    He was not the one who pulled the trigger.

    Were his words wrong and did he apologize? Yes.

    That’s what freedom of speech is. Freedom to speak words.

    Political persecution must end."

    I don't know if MT Greene is being deliberately provocative or is just plain stupid.

    Slander and calumny is NOT free speech. Jones broadcast on his platform that the parents of the children slain at Sandy Hook staged a fake massacre -- that they were all actors.

    Jones besmirched the reputations of those parents who had suffered an unimaginable loss, claiming that the massacre of those babies and teachers were all a false flag. Jones repeated this so many times that his words incited his stupid, heartless listeners to threaten the lives of the parents whose murdered babies were unrecognizable for identification. That's what Jones did.

    And the wreck of a human being and talking horse's ass, who goes by the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene, felt the need to defend Jones, a complete waste of human flesh. That's who she is. Like Jones, Greene hasn't an iota of human decency in her body.

  3. Now Am Found

    Jones has plenty of money and makes piles of it every day. Plus his hateful, low-life listeners send him $$$ when he begs them to.

    "‘Do these people actually think they’re getting any money?’ Jones denounces the verdict, and fund-raises.

    in tandem with the court hearing, Alex Jones called the $965 million judgment against him a “joke,” and urged his viewers to send him hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for an appeal.


    Mr. Jones, who has conceded that the massacre was “100 percent real,” returned on Wednesday to casting doubt on other school shootings, while also voicing other false narratives. The verdict, he said, was an attempt to “scare us away from questioning Uvalde and what really happened there, or Parkland or any other event.”

    He continued: “We’re not going away, and we’re not going to stop.”

  4. These are Alex Jones' listeners and fans:

    Erica Lafferty, the daughter of slain Sandy Hook principal Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, pointed out that Jones was holding a press conference outside the courthouse as she was inside testifying how Sandy Hook conspiracy theory backers threatened her with rape and death because of Jones’ falsehoods."

    Calling Jones a despicable pezzo di merda is being too nice.

  5. A Proud Trump SupporterOctober 13, 2022 at 11:27 AM

    Alex Jones was convicted of Slander. A Connecticut jury ordered Alex Jones to pay nearly $1 Billion to the families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting for spreading lies about the massacre. His business is gone. His personal wealth is gone, and his right to Free Speech is Gone!

    This is waht people are saying about Alex Jones.

    “Alex Jones Represents Everything Wrong with the GOP and our Country
    Alex Jones is a total disgrace of a person. He litterally attacked the famalies of the Sandy Hook shooting and called the shooting a hoax. What a complete disgrace. Worst still disgraceful MAGA Republicans attacked the families and graves of the victims. What an absolute disgrace Alex Jones is”..

    And this is MY Opinion....
    No matter what you may think of Alex Jones all he did was speak words. Words that has been allowed to speak under his Right to say under the First Amendment.
    The First Amendment provides that Congress should make NO law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

    He was not the one who pulled the trigger, or had anything to do with the horrible killing of those children. .

    Were his words wrong and did he apologize? Yes he did..
    OK, we have established that there isn't any doubt that Alex Jones is a bad person, and that he peddled a Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory about the Sandy Hook shootings...

    That’s what freedom of speech is. Freedom to speak words, and his words did not harm anyone,..
    As foe the January 6th caboodle. Contrary to the biased MSM and Democrats claims., Alex Jones DID NOT instigate going into the Capitol.
    Alex Jones is being labeled an insurrectionist by the Democratic FAKE NEWS, and they're insinuating that Donald Trump contacted Jones to orchestrate the January 6th Capitol Breach. This is absolutly FALSE
    This Political Persecution, and the taking away of our Given Rights must end

  6. Ok, I'm reading all this SLOP from this Progressive Fake New Blog about this, even though I promised myself to never come to this place and read this CRAP.

    But from what I'm getting from what I've read so far...........Alex Jones used his show to promote a conspiracy theory, where he made a lot of money off the merchandizing from. Is that correct, or am I not understanding what they are claiming?

    1. NOBODY can prove a "theory", thats why it's called a THEORY! Therefore you cannot sue someone for believing in something you do not. If that were the case, I'd be a filthy fucking billionaire from suing religious organizations.

    2. Unless he SOLEY SET OUT to scam people and made DEALS with his advertisers to specifically defraud people, then he had nothing to do with it. He's not responsible for what people buy from advertising. If this IS the case, then EVERY SINGLE COMPANY AND BUSINESS CAN BE SUED FOR ADVERTISING TO GET PEOPLE TO BUY FROM THEM!!!

    3. Regardless of the courts opposing claims, it is NOT Alex Jones' responsibility.......nor can he force anyone.......into buying from those advertisers of his program. Again.......if this is the case......EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS AND COMPANY IN THE USA can be sued.

    4. If it WAS his intention, there has been no evidence of "collusion" to state anything other than Alex's program making money off the sales of his advertisers.......WHICH ALL MEDIA PLATFORMS DO!! There are THOUSANDS of Youtubers that TELL you to buy from their advertisers, some of them even verbally harass you into and guilt you into it. So why aren't THEY being dragged thru the courts?
    I don't know why they aren't doing this already.

    But by the way it has been going, it seems to me that he's innocent. Just like Donald Trump, it's just the Marxist Nazicrats trying to find guilt on an innocent person, just because they tell the TRUTH about the Nazicrat party!

  7. There has always been asses like Jones and trump. There very likely always will be. At one time in America few would applaud and encourage such dishonest and heartless behavior. Well, with the possible excerption of the sick McCarthy era of pure BS and otherism in the late 40's early 50s. Then the insanity stemmed from republican fear. Exactly as it has since trump polluted American politics with conspiracy BS and thousands upon thousands of outright lies.

    Screw the tRumpublican party and the sheeple who continue to support the BS they shovel daily.

  8. So, it must be okay then, in the idiot MTG's pickled mind, for us to start a totally false smear campaign against MTG, her entire family, and spread horrific and fakes rumors about her and them.

    It would be just words after all. Right? Except that it would wrong, wrong, wrong to do so. Two wrongs have never equaled right. Still, it's tempting :)

  9. Doug Werkema wrote:

    ."Alex Jones used his show to promote a conspiracy theory,"

    WRONG. Alex Jones called the Sandy Hook massacre of babies and teachers a "false flag" and that the parents of those children were all actors -- even some of the children were actors playing dead. He did NOT say his claim was a theory. He stated it on his platform as truth.

    The rest of your comment is built on a lie, so I will not rebut false claims.

    But thanks for coming by and showing my readers that even the worst of the slimy scumbags has devoted supporters.

    Wear that with MAGA pride!

  10. Proud Trump Supporter wrote:

    "...his right to Free Speech is Gone!"

    Free speech is NOT absolute. Free speech does NOT give people the right to slander others with lies. Slander and defamation are NOT protected by the First Amendment. But, of course, you wouldn't know that.

    Trump is a supporter and admirer of a scumbag who, for 10 years, profited off of Sandy Hook parents' pain and suffering. Jones is a monster. And IMO, so are the people who defend the loathsome worm.

  11. "Mr. Jones said on his show and in interviews that the attack in 2012, in which 20 first graders and six educators were killed, was a hoax and that the victims’ families were actors. Just a few hours after the shooting, he began calling it a “false flag,” a secretive plot planned by the government as a pretext for taking away Americans’ guns." NYTimes

  12. Charlie Sykes:

    "Jones now admits that that attack at Sandy Hook was “100% real.” But that admission came only after years of vile smears.

    “Sandy Hook [was] ‘synthetic,’ completely fake, with actors, in my view,” Jones said in one clip “Manufactured. I couldn’t believe it at first. I knew they had actors, they are clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids. And it just shows how bold they are, that they clearly used actors, I mean, they even ended up using photos of kids killed in mass shootings … in a fake mass shooting in Turkey. Or, uh, Pakistan.”

    This is evil shit. The pain he inflicted on the families of the murdered children is unimaginable. Those lies mean that the grieving parents were subjected to years of threats, insults and intimidation. The jury got it."

  13. Note to "Doug Werkema:"

    Nowhere in the above bolded text does Alex Jones use the word "theory."

  14. Alex Jones has been convicted of “Slander” The jury ordered Alex Jones to pay ONE Billion Dollars $(1 BILLION)to families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting for spreading lies about the massacre.. His business is gone. His personal wealth is gone..he is ruined!

    Alex Jones MAYBE a total disgrace of a person, I do not disagree with that . I also agree that his ridiculous conspiracy theory about the Sandy Hook shootings was a terrible thing to say.
    BUT what happened to Jones' First Amendment rights? Have we also lost those “RIGHTS” under this LOUSY President?
    And also, I must say that I have been reading all about this thing for a long time and, even though it happened a while back. From what I'm getting from what I've read Alex Jones DID NOT instigate going into the Capitol to cause trouble. That was total BS as it is also for saying that Donald Trump instigated it.

  15. Doug Werkema

    Alex Jones was convicted on defamation charges. The First Amendment DOES NOT give anyone the right to defame, in any public media, any person. Your ignorance of this point of law is what's causing your out-of-control rage. Try educating yourself on this. It will be liberating and calming.

    What Are The 5 Elements Of Defamation?

    Publication Of Information Is Required.
    The Person Being Defamed Was Identified By The Statement.
    The Remarks Had A Negative Impact On The Person's Reputation.
    The Published Information Is Demonstrably False.

    You obviously know nothing about the law, otherwise you wouldn't have written that comment.

    President Biden had NOTHING to do with the jury who found Alex Jones guilty nor the judgement in Connecticut of half a billion dollars. Nothing at all.

    Your comment shows that you're anger is based on ignorance of the law and good old fashioned partisan hackery.

    Alex Jones got what he deserved for defaming the parents of dead children.

    You might want to check your values. You apparently support a man who deliberately lied about massacred babies and their parents, and caused those parents immeasurable pain and suffering piled upon the unimaginable pain and suffering of having had their babies slaughtered in their school rooms.

    You're a Trumpy troll who, IMO, has no redeeming human values. Please refrain from visiting here again.


  16. Alex Jones may have a right to speak BS and conspiracy as he did in regard to Sandy Hook. AND SOCIETY has every right, legal and moral to hold him accountable for his lies, slander, and conspuracies . Society acted... Jones is held accontable.

    Next... DJT.

  17. Shaw... your Doug Werkema is a fraud.

    I know Doug, and the one writing here under that name is no Doug Werkema. He's using a name he found on one of my old blogs years ago, and has used it on the home of "False Facts", the WYD Stench Trench.

    How can I be sure?

    The language, innuendo and simple inability to see truth, like the man I know, is evidence enough.

    But that's typical of the extremists who chide Dems and liberals for lying yet do so behind fake names, with little regard for when it happens from the GOP and the MAGA Extremists...

  18. I thought Trump was the vilest man in America.
