Monday, November 21, 2022

Another Mass Shooting in Colorado


It's not difficult to understand why the mass shooting in Colorado Springs happened: 

"All over the country, Drag Queen Story Hours have been targeted by Proud Boys and other demonstrators, some heavily armed. In August, the Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert tweeted a photo of a flier for a Drag Queen Story Hour at a Colorado public library with the words, 'Sending a message to all the drag queens out there: stay away from the children in Colorado’s Third District!' The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh described drag events involving kids as a cancer,' and wrote that 'just like cancer, stopping it is not a gentle or a painless process.' " 


Ron DeSantis’s press secretary wrote on Twitter, “If you’re against the Anti-Grooming Bill, you are probably a groomer or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children.”


Grooming? Below is a photo of "grooming" children to accept as normal the fetishizing of weapons of mass murder.

Nothing celebrates the birth of the so-called Prince of Peace like a photo of you and your children holding a weapon of mass murder in front of a tree that supposedly symbolizes His birth. 

But that's what happens when certain cultures fetishize weapons of war.  

Colorado has had at least 61 mass shootings since the 2012 attack on an Aurora movie theater. 

The Gun Violence Archive takes a broader view than others of what constitutes a mass shooting.

The ridiculous woman in the photo below was very, very narrowly re-elected to the House. And our country is all the poorer for it. Her mindless promotion of weapons of mass murder contributes to what happened in Colorado Springs. And those tragedies will continue to happen so long as fools like Boebert continue to fetishize weapons of death.

The Colorado Springs mass shooter is reportedly the grandson of MAGA Republican Rep. Randy Voepel, who compared the J6 insurrection to the Revolutionary War.


  1. Lakota Man

    "It’s not trans people or CRT or abortion rights. It’s still — the f**king guns."

  2. Whatever happened to the commandment "thou shall not kill"?

    The "Prince of Peace", the man who challenged and rejected the "eye for an eye" mantra has probably been spinning in his tomb for centuries.

    Of course the "Prince of Peace" was about compassion and love. Not the bastardized version that the Christian Nationalists love to project.

    Rapid fire military assault weapons apparently express compassion and love like nothing else for these folks. Feeding into the madness of mass shootings in America. Now a commonplace occurance.

    All life is precious and the "do no harm" to any sentient being is what spiritual leaders of truly compassionate paths teach.

    It's difficult to understand how weapons of death have become almost objects of worship among the Christian Nationalists.

    Boebert is a woman whose "marbles" seem to never fully developed.

    But this is America... perhaps we should be used to this by now. It's common.

  3. I know Adam Frisch conceded Friday but the state requires a mandatory recount at less than 0.5%. The difference right now is 0.34. There's still hope.

  4. And a drag queen helped subdue the shooter!

    "He told reporters that he urged a drag performer to kick the attacker in the head.

    "One of the performers was walking by and I told her kick him," he said. "And she took her high heel and stuffed it in his face."
