Wednesday, November 2, 2022


"Victims of all incidents in recent years represent a broad cross-section of American society, including Blacks, Jews, immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, Asians and other people of color who have been attacked by right-wing extremists wielding vehicles, guns, knives and fists."


Terrorism in America, Post 9/11:  New America

Domestic terrorism incidents have soared to new highs in the United States, driven chiefly by white-supremacist, anti-Muslim and anti-government extremists on the far right, according to a Washington Post analysis of data compiled by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 

The New America think tank found last year that, since Sept. 11, 2001, far-right terrorists had killed 122 people in the United States, compared with only one killed by far-leftists. 

A study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies last year found that, since 2015, right-wing extremists had been involved in 267 plots or attacks, compared with 66 for left-wing extremists. 

A Washington Post-University of Maryland survey released in January found that 40 percent of Republicans said violence against the government can be justified, compared with only 23 percent of Democrats. 

There is little doubt about what is driving political violence: the ascendance of Trump. 

The former president and his followers use violent rhetoric of extremes: Trump calls President Biden an “enemy of the state,” attacks the FBI as “monsters,” refers to the “now Communist USA” and even wrote that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has a “DEATH WISH” for disagreeing with him. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has expressed support for executing Nancy Pelosi and other leading Democrats. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Tex.) has tweeted that “the America Last Marxists … are radically and systematically DESTROYING our country.”


 The U.S. Capitol Police report that threats against members of Congress have risen more than tenfold since Trump’s election in 2016, up to 9,625 last year.

Table with 3 columns and 5 rows. Currently displaying rows 1 to 5.
122Far Right Wing
17Ideological Misogyny/Incel Ideology
12Black Separatist/Nationalist/Supremacist
1Far Left Wing

There's little doubt that threats of violence are emerging primarily from the Right rather than the Left today. 

Some Republican politicians have made campaign advertisements showing themselves wielding semi-automatic weapons, metaphorically gunning not only for Democratic Party candidates, but even for Republican candidates who are insufficiently strident and pro-Trump, e.g. "RINOS." 

At least 840 individuals have been indicted and convicted for their actions in the J6 insurrection. To the best of my knowledge, every last one of them was, at the time of J6, a Trump supporter (Amazingly enough, quite a few of those traitors didn't vote, yet had the gall to complain about a mythical stolen election that they didn't participate in). 

The cognitive dissonance of MAGA-world complaining of a mythical stolen election while going to great lengths to steal that same election is, well, stunning. 

The violent rhetoric of the Right, is deadly to individuals, and even more deadly to our democracy.


  1. As long as Republicans find humor in the assault and attempted murder of an 82 year old man, and an assassination attempt against the Speaker of the House, SECOND IN LINE TO THE PRESIDENCY, they are neither the party of Law nor Order. They are domestic terrorists, Fascists, inhumane, and evil.

  2. Ray, let's get it right...

    The GOP supported a coup that called for the hanging of the first in line to the presidency, Mike Pence.

    And yes, many in the GOP have mocked the violence against Paul Pelosi in a botched attempt on the life of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, second in line for the presidency.

    The violence of the GOP isn't even confined to the Dems... they've called for killing their own too!

  3. Shaw... the chart you posted, which highlights terrorism in America after 9/11, completely tracks with what I've been saying for weeks.

    Yes, if we are being fair, there is language on both sides of the aisle that could be construed as calling for some level of violence. However, and this is big, there is overwhelming evidence that it is not the left wing of American politics that is actually driving the violence.

    It is right wing political, and Islamic extremists.

    Pure and simple.

  4. Through August there have been 5371 murders in 2022 and you mention 122 who were far right. What about the rest or don't they matter because they are not of a political species. I doubt many of the 5000+ killers are republicans or democrats for that matter.

  5. A sick society getting sicker. Trump is responsible for the great lion's share and has earned accountability. But, will it ever happen? Likely not.

  6. The list I would want a left-wing extremist to accomplish is too long.

  7. skud The chart is about victims of violence caused by IDEOLOGY.

    If you're not sure what that category represents, just think of the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, that IDEOLOGICAL Trumpers carried out in the name of Trump and his BIG LIE. The BIG LIE that his gullibles believed. People were killed and maimed because of that.

    Killings are commonly broken down by causes: Robberies, domestic violence, drug deals gone bad, revenge, etc.

    This post is about IDEOLOGICAL killings, and most of those types of killings are caused by far right ideologs.

    Please keep on the subject. We know there are all sorts of killings committed all across this country. That's not surprising, since the U.S. is the third most populous country on the planet and the country with the most firearms per capita than any other country on the planet.

    It is the Trumpers who run for office that show up in political ads with AR-15s and threaten their Democratic opponents. Why do they do that? What is the purpose of that?

    Why did MT Greene, in 2018, say Nancy Pelosi is treasonous and that treason is punishable by death? Nancy Pelosi isn't the one who sent an armed mob to the US Capitol to STOP the electoral certification and, therefore, interfere with the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our country's history. Trump conspired with his henchmen to do that. Not Nancy Pelosi.

    Nancy Pelosi is a patriot and will go down in history as one of the most consequential Speakers of the House in our American history.

    Trump and his supporters will carry the shame of sedition against their country through all our history.

    Count on it.

  8. Shaw... Look, we know the cause of murders as it relates to ideology. It seems clear that it is right leaning and religious extremism. Period.

    now, if anyone wants to deal with other murders across the US, many of which, if not a clear majority, are due to gun violence, I think us lefties would love to deal with that. And we'd love to have conservatives on the team, but to date, none of them want to deal with the elephant in the room.


    And until they do, trying to solve the horrible reality of daily gun violence across the US is going to be impossible.

  9. "Candidate for Fayette Pa. House seat, Richard Ringer, assaulted amid warnings about election-related threats and violence

    A Democratic candidate for state House in PA called 911 after being bloodied and knocked unconscious by an attacker in his backyard at 5am. It's the third time in two weeks he's had to call police to his house.

    Mr. Ringer, 69, has also had two incidents of vandalism to his home that have occurred within the last two weeks. One, a threatening apparently election-related message spray-painted on his garage door and the other a brick thrown through a storm door window. The spray-painted message was partially washed off by the rain by the time Mr. Ringer saw it, but what was left clearly visible were the words “your race” and “dead.”

    Taken together, Mr. Ringer said he can’t help but be suspicious that the three incidents within three weeks of the general election are related to his candidacy, especially considering how “calm and quiet a neighborhood” it is.

    The incidents in Mr. Ringer’s Uniontown area neighborhood come as election officials around Pennsylvania and elsewhere brace for potential harassment and violence on Election Day."

    Ruth Ben-Ghiat
    This is what authoritarians do. They beat up opposition candidates, hoping they will be too afraid to run. This is how you "win" elections when you can't prevail in the popular vote: you use violence to clear the field of the competition.

    Read what Steve Bannon is doing to incite violence:

    Steve Bannon Calls MAGA Community 'to Arms,' Says They're 'the Cavalry'

  10. Miami-Dade County has hired 3 former 'Proud Boys' as poll workers. One of them faces 6 federal charges for storming the U.S. Capitol. The other one made a video wearing a “F**k Biden” baseball cap, saying, “You heard it right, I’m working the polls...Cry some more, liberals. ”

  11. Ms. Shaw Aren't all murders based on some ideology or belief? I say that with some reservations but how much of the current wave is not based on ideology. It is kind of like fishing, catch and release.

    There are extremists on both sides. How much attention was put of the shooting of Scalise. Was there a public outrage because the shooter was a democrat. Rev says there just aren't any republicans who support tougher gun laws and that is the reason for the murder rate, maybe look at some of the democrat legislators who want to defund or eliminate the police, think bush and omar.

    I do remember when the black panthers were stationed at polling places and I don't remember that being a big issue with the left.

  12. skudrunner "Ms. Shaw Aren't all murders based on some ideology or belief?"

    No. Some are based on revenge, drug deals, robberies, jealousy, betrayals, etc., in addition to ideology and religious beliefs.

    I don't understand your "fishing, catch and release" reference.

    When Scalise was shot, Speaker Pelosi responded immediately:

    Pelosi Statement on Congressional Baseball Practice Shooting


    Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after a gunman opened fire on a practice for the Congressional Baseball game:
    “This morning, the U.S. Congress suffered a despicable and cowardly attack. My thoughts and prayers are with Whip Steve Scalise and the others wounded, Capitol Police and staff, and their families.

    “We are profoundly grateful for the heroism of the Capitol Police, whose bravery under fire undoubtedly saved countless lives. On days like today, there are no Democrats or Republicans, only Americans united in our hopes and prayers for the wounded.”

    Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential candidate:

    I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values.

    Democrats Pray for Republican Colleagues After Congressman Shot in Virginia in Moving Photo

    JUNE 14, 2017 10:27 AM EDT
    After a top Republican leader in Congress and others were shot in Virginia early Wednesday morning at a charity baseball game, a group of Democrats huddled, closed their eyes, and prayed.

    At the same time, House and Senate Democrats were also practicing on a different baseball field when they stopped to pray for their colleagues upon learning the news.

    “At baseball practice, hearing about the unthinkable horrific news. Practice shut down. Dems join-in prayer for our [Republican] colleagues and those hit,” Nevada Rep. Ruben J. Kihuen captioned a tweet with a picture of roughly 16 Congress members gathered in prayer.

    As far as I know, future Speaker Kevin McCarthy said nothing about keeping the Pelosis in his prayers or anything eloquent about the attack. Correct me if I'm wrong with evidence, please.

  13. skudrunner

    "I do remember when the black panthers were stationed at polling places and I don't remember that being a big issue with the left."

    You remember it incorrectly. There were two TWO Black Panthers who were NOT affiliated with the New Black Panthers, who disassociated themselves with what they were doing.

    According to fact checkers, here's what happened:

    According to numerous media accounts: On Election Day, Nov. 4, 2008, the New Black Panther Party sent 300 members to polling places across Philadelphia.

    At one location, Jerry Jackson and King Samir Shabazz, carrying a nightstick, stood outside dressed in black, official-looking garb. The two were accused of making intimidating remarks to voters, both black and white.

    The story was reported immediately in the media. The Justice Department - it was still under the Bush administration at the time - said it would investigate.

    On. Jan. 7, 2009, two weeks before Barack Obama took over the presidency, the Justice Department filed a civil lawsuit in U.S. District Court under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, accusing the two men, as well as the New Black Panther Party and its leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz, of voter intimidation. The department did not believe it had grounds for a criminal case.

    The suit's aims were limited: the defendants would not be subject to any criminal penalties, such as fines or jail time.

    None of the defendants responded to the complaint, so it is correct...that this should have been a slam-dunk case for the prosecution, reports. But according to the Voting Rights Act's statute under which the suit was filed, the Justice Department would have to meet the requirement that a "campaign of intimidation" was directed.

    With 300 New Black Panther Party members at polling places, though, the one where Jackson and King Samir Shabazz were stationed was the only one where an incident occurred.

    Two guys who were not carrying firearms! TWO. And that was it.

  14. However, in Arizona:

    Group accused of voter intimidation must stay clear of ballot boxes, judge rules

    "Members of a group accused of voter intimidation have been banned from coming within 75 feet of ballot drop boxes in Arizona, a federal judge has ordered.

    The ruling also prohibits members who openly carry firearms or wear visible body armor from coming within 250 feet of ballot boxes.

    U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi, in an unexpected reversal of an earlier ruling in a related case, granted a motion Tuesday for a restraining order in a case consolidating a lawsuit brought by the nonprofit advocacy groups Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino with a similar suit brought by the League of Women Voters of Arizona.

    Both lawsuits accused Clean Elections USA and the group's founder, Melody Jennings, of carrying out surveillance of voters in a "coordinated vigilante intimidation campaign" at ballot drop box locations, "with the express purpose of deterring voters ... from depositing their ballots."

    According to the judge's order, members of the group are prohibited from following voters who are delivering ballots to the drop box; speaking to or yelling at voters returning ballots to the drop box; sharing or posting information about voters who return ballots to a drop boxes; and taking photos or recording videos of voters dropping off ballots.

  15. There were two TWO Black Panthers who were NOT affiliated with the New Black Panthers, who disassociated themselves with what they were doing

    Isn't that kind of like they were democrats before they weren't, speaking of jim crowe in the south.

    Catch and release in fishing just like criminals who are caught and released by our liberal DA's. You knew that. That has resulted in several deaths.

  16. skud "There were two TWO Black Panthers who were NOT affiliated with the New Black Panthers, who disassociated themselves with what they were doing

    Isn't that kind of like they were democrats before they weren't, speaking of jim crowe in the south."


    Not at all.
