Monday, December 5, 2022



Conservatives have perfected the art of being culture warriors. Be it LGBTQ rights, political correctness, wokeism or a desire to return to the mythical Leave it to Beaver times of the 1950’s, today’s MAGA backers return to these issues more often than the swallows return to Capistrano.

To hear the GOP opine on the issues of the day, you’d think the biggest problems we face in the US have nothing to do with inflation, crime, the ongoing war in Ukraine or what’s going on in China.

Obsessing over books about kids with two mommies, drag queen story hours or trans swimmers lapping the field in a local swim meet has become a staple of right wing commentary in print, online and on television. You’d think average Americans were being confronted and knocked off their cultural axis everyday as they run their errands, shop for groceries or worship at church.

I’d hazard a guess that the great majority of worried conservatives have never met a trans person or a drag queen and have never knowingly shared a meal with anyone gay. They’ve never sat and listened to their stories, heard their pain or listened to the average LGBTQ person share their dreams to be doctors, scientists, actors, or even an athlete.

Mostly the cultural conservatives in our country are reacting to the extremes, or fringes of the groups of which they disapprove. Because those fringes typically make the most noise, get the press and yell the loudest. And while there are indeed extreme fringes of the LGBTQ crowd, as we would see in any movement, they remain just that, extreme and mostly on the fringes.

What’s interesting about all of this is that the left has mostly ceded the ground around the issues of cultural disintegration, rarely offering a defense.

As a child growing up in the 1960’s, almost immediately after Thanksgiving I was checking the mailbox everyday for the Sears Christmas Wish Book. Weighing in at about 32 pounds and more than 500 pages, it was Mecca for any kid needing to make his shopping list for Santa.

To be able to look at everything available and imagine it in my hands was an amazing experience. Undoubtedly, Sears was a major driver in our country’s evolution from a saver economy to one that spends with abandon on stuff we didn’t really need. 

But desperately wanted. 

I bring up that big Wish Book because what our eyes saw on those pages drove our culture, for better or worse. And what conservatives see and hear in the media they consume drives their culture. If all they see are skewed images of the culture they desire being swayed beyond their recognition, should we not expect them to be worried?

But as always, there’s another side to the culture wars that few of the cultural conservatives are considering, and it comes in a Christmas ad that arrived in my mailbox recently. There as I stood checking through everything looking mostly for what I could throw away was a flyer from Sportsman’s Warehouse, an outdoorsman’s store based in Utah.

On the front cover and inside that ad were images of the various guns you could easily walk in and buy. Just as I imagined myself with all the toys in that Sear’s Wish Book, I bet more than a few kids saw that ad around the house this week and started dreaming of the day they’d own a Smith & Wesson M&P Sport II Modern Sporting Rifle with a 30+1 capacity. Or maybe even their very own Sig Sauer P365 XL 9MM handgun with a 12+1 capacity.

Conservatives are right at one level.

We are in and should be in a cultural war. But let’s be honest, it is not the ideas on the left that should have America worried. There are few if any mass shootings perpetrated in churches, markets and schools by LGBTQ or leftist crowds run amok. Parents in Uvalde are not nearly as worried about gay teachers as they are this…

The growing problem of gun violence and the gun culture in America. That culture is literally killing people each and every day, and is self perpetuating generation through generation.

I grew up loving to fish and be outdoors. Everyday outdoor magazines were in my house showing off the latest in fishing and hunting gear. And yes, that included rifles, shotguns and ammo alongside lures, bait and the latest Zebco rods for fishing.

I’m not a gun prude in any sense, but let’s be honest. 

Cultural conservatives are worried sick that Johnny may one day love Steve, or decide to become Amber. They’re worried they won’t be able to spread supposedly funny racist tropes in mixed company anymore. But what does not seem to concern them much about our culture is the fact that gun violence in the US is out of control, killing more than 20,000 Americans every year.

Why are cultural conservatives, MAGA backers and the GOP not as upset about how the gun culture negatively impacts America and robs families of mothers, fathers, sons and daughters each and every day as they are about historically marginalized groups simply fighting for a place at the table or others asking people to moderate offensive speech? 

Dave Miller


  1. What puzzles me is how so many of the folks that fall into the conservative crowds of which you note are devout Evangelical Christians. Fine people i'm sure, but somewhere they must have missed a teaching or two of Christ's. But they are not the only hypocrites walking the streets and pathways of America.

    You're likely right when you say most of these folks have never knowingly had a conversation with, or broke bread with, an LGBTQ person. So, that begs the question, if they don't know these folks how can conservatives/MAGA folks judge them or their comunity?

    As the Buddha said, and i paraphrase, do not believe something just because I say it, believe what your own experience teaches you. Wise words from a realized being.

    We all tend to cling to things we know and like (attachments), and we all tend to avoid things we don't like (aversion to). Add that to the normal fear of things we don't know or understand and it starts it stats to make sense. At least it helps me to understand how conservatives & MAGA folks view their imagined reality.

    There is not much difference between folks. Other than family and cultural conditioning and the varying personal experiences one has.

    Until American society comes upon a way to put all its human crafted bogeymen back into the boxes they poped out of the issues in this post will continue to have their negative impacts on so very many of us.

    Thank you for your insightful post Dave. It should, but likely won't, get conservatives and MAGA folks to rethink their positions.

  2. Les... thanks much for your comments. A couple of thoughts...

    First, you are 100% correct in that there are many hypocrites, somedays myself included, walking the street. You know that following a particular faith can be difficult. Sometimes we get it right, others times no.

    I still believe most people, from the left and the right, want what's good for America. I'm still clinging, as tightly as I can, to the idea that most Americans are good people. Some however, like monoliths from ages ago, are unable to be moved. Or undesireous of the change it requires.

    For a myriad of reasons... both good and bad.

  3. Les wrote to Dave: "Thank you for your insightful post Dave. It should, but likely won't, get conservatives and MAGA folks to rethink their positions."

    I was hoping for the same thing, Les, but unfortunately some of those, whose opinion I value, don't come here to discuss such things.

    Dave wrote: "I'm still clinging, as tightly as I can, to the idea that most Americans are good people."

    I believe that as well. And what makes me cling to that hope and belief are words from a young girl, Anne Frank, whose heart never faltered from that idea, even as the world was falling apart before her eyes, and even as the Evil in Europe was annihilating people like her.

    Anne Frank: "In spite of everything, I believe people are really good at heart."

  4. Excellent post. I have some ideas to answer a question or two. Christian Nationalists (consisting of Evangelical and Fundamentalist Christian sects) have a well laid plan as to why they aren’t swayed by facts. Since birth they are told by their cult of personality pastors and ministers they are warriors for Christ, that fighting against anyone considered other will bring about their Apocalypse and the return of Jesus Christ.

    The fact their holy book and deity has said no man will know the time and place means nothing. To the ego driven priest class, they speak not only for their idea of deity but also to ensure they keep control of the reigns of power.

    When I look at the whole issue as one giant toddler tantrum of patriarchal religionists, there isn’t as much confusion. Humanity has faced this challenge many times before with religion taking the win and those like Copernicus and Galileo loosing.

    I’m not all science - I believe in balance. Thus far my beliefs had me standing in the middle while Science and Religion play their zero sum game.

    Grey One Talks Sass on my phone

  5. Hey guys, I had a visit from one of your MAGAt friends today, DELETE!

    Like you Dave, I'm not a gun prude. But, I'm sure you agree, military weapons should not be available to the general public. I know the crazies will still buy handguns (3-day waiting period, background checks, right?), but the carnage will not be as great. Sort of like seat belts save most people but not all.

    And today Bilbo has a special "Ass Clown Award" for tRUMP.

  6. Mike,

    So sorry you have to deal with those trolls. The blog they usually comment on has shut down, so they have nowhere to leave their droppings. I use my DELETE button as well, but once in a while, I let one of the trolls through so that we can see for ourselves how they think.

    As you can see from the Anonymous @5:20 AM who left a comment on the SUNDAY MOMENT OF ZEN post, their "thinking" consists of the"poopy head," and "ka-ka pants" level of intelligence.

  7. Mike... 100% agree on the "military weapons". I wish i could share the photos from that ad here. Chilling stuff. Bust alas, there seems to be no way to show it comments and Shaw didn't post them with the article.

  8. Individually I concur there are good humans. It would be the reason acceptance for Marriage Equality is on the rise. All those holidays with all that food, bigoted relatives hearts softened by kids and grandkids.

    I claim impartiality but in my heart I’m just an old hippy with universal love in their heart.

    Perhaps my viewpoint needs an update. Instead of seeing everything in great huge movements of culture I need to take a more Pointillism approach. As a child at Christmas the church I grew up in had a tradition of passing the Peace of Christ via candles. Sharing one’s light with a neighbor didn’t detract from my own light and out of darkness there was suddenly a million (seemed to me as a kid) points of light.

    Thank you all for providing me with this Aha!! moment.

    Grey One Talks Sass on my phone

  9. Dave and Shaw, i too believe the majority of people, including republicans and conservatives, are decent folk. They, just as we do, simply want to raise their families and do what they believe is the right thing to do. And, basically be left alone to live their lives productively and well. As well as wanting what is best for America.

    In my spiritual path every sentient being is a Buddha and possesses Buddhanature. However, just like some on the Christian path some never really practice their faith deeply. They simply give lip service to the faith and practice and then go on their hypocritical way w/out even realizing their own short comings.

    When i refer to republicans MAGA folks in a critical way i am refering to the monolithic reified beliefs of the monoliths you mentioned Dave.

  10. Dave Oops! Sorry about that. I'll post those ads now. (My excuse is I've been feeling punky and that resulted in a cold. First one in 3 years. Don't know how I got it, because I still wear a mask in crowded places. So far, it seems like a mild one.

  11. Shaw... yeah, it's not all masks, but they do help. I tend to read the room, always having a mask with me.

    Sass... thanks for those words. Was that a Lutheran or Episcopalian Church? And I've always loved that candlelight tradition, even in my primarily Baptist roots.


  12. Dave, the denomination I grew up in is United Church of Christ, although the relatives were Lutheran or Evangelical.

    Took me a while to find my path but once discovered it’s hard to lose.

    Shaw - stress is pulling me down. Hope you feel better soonest.

    Grey One Talks Sass on my phone

  13. Grey One Talks Sass,

    Stress is the worst thing for your health. I know, I got very sick after going through it for over a year.

    Please do all you can to relieve it. I listen to classical music, read poetry -- I recommend Mark Strand, for one -- and eat foods that have high nutritional value -- berries, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, and lots of herbal tea.

    I hope you find peace.

  14. Rev, good post but their are some things that are a bit controversial. "you’d think the biggest problems we face in the US have nothing to do with inflation, crime, the ongoing war in Ukraine or what’s going on in China."
    What is either party doing about the important issues, lip service about inflation, pandering to china and throwing money at Ukraine. Those are not solutions.

    "Obsessing over books about kids with two mommies, drag queen story hours or trans swimmers lapping the field in a local swim meet has become a staple of right wing commentary in print, online and on television."
    It should be parental decisions as to what is taught their kids and starting to question someones sexuality in kindergarten should be banned in schools. It appears you were never involved in competitive sports because men are stronger than women and if we allow a male to compete with a female we might as well do away with women's sports. I won't say most conservative give much thought to John becoming Amber but are concerned that the teachings of choosing an identity at 6 when they can't decide if they want jelly on the PBJ or not is a little early.

    P365XL have a 15 round capacity and is just as deadly as an "assault rifle" or a suburban for that matter

  15. It is obvious to me skud you’ve never encountered any humans on the LGBTQ spectrum. Kids know who they are. So many comments on so many blogs of little gay boys and girls who knew at the tender age of 4 or 5 they liked whom they liked. Or knew that their insides didn’t match their outsides. No indoctrination, just self awareness.

    Also, it’s not controversial for kids to talk about their families. According to you skud if little John or Amber have two mommies or two daddies that’s a verboten topic. Really? Because they exist? Why are some families more equal than others?

    The most intense indoctrination I’ve seen happens in specific churches (Evangelical or Fundamentalist IFB). Where is your outrage for that skud?

    Have you paid attention to the news? Every day it’s this youth pastor getting sentenced for child pornography or that lead minister arrested for child rape (It’s not the Drag Show Story Hours one needs to worry about). In just the last month I read at least five stories of upstanding church leaders going through some things for their inappropriate treatment of the kids in their care. I have the receipts in case you doubt me.

    You also grump about the money sent to Ukraine. It’s either money or bodies skud. Putin wants absolute control and Ukraine remembers the last time an egotistical strong man had desires on their country. They are the thin line between freedom to practice democracy and an authoritarian regime who wishes to eradicate their people.

    What is your solution skud? Cave to the Putins of the world? Allow genocide because based on your comments you’re good with millions of humans getting erased from the planet.

    Put yourself in others shoes skud. It is the Jesus way.

    Grey One Talks Sass on my phone

  16. Skud... just a couple of nits to pick.

    I don't know the difference between a PXL365 and PS 132 in NYC. I just took the info from the ad. Just sayin'...

    As for local education policies, for me, local is local with some caveats as to policy. Schools should not be able to teach that LGBTQ ppl are second class citizens anymore than they should be able to teach that Mexicans are lazy or rapists and that black ppl are second class citizens. And yet I know local school boards across the south have voted in the past to teach just those positions.

    So what do we do when those local boards take positions that are discriminatory and in some cases, flat out wrong?

    But in general, yes, whatever we teach in our schools should be age appropriate.

    My problem with the GOP is their obsessing on these issues, as if the very existence of the LGBTQ community and their leaving the closet of secrecy is a threat in and of itself for everyone's little kids.

  17. Sass said... "It is obvious to me skud you’ve never encountered any humans on the LGBTQ spectrum. Kids know who they are."

    I agree. I know one young adult close enough to have heard him speak about his experience very openly. He knew he was, looking back, gay, when he was 2 or 3 years old. He didn't have a word for it back then, so he knew he was "different".

    How do we craft a life where that person I spoke about could figure out that "different" much earlier in life, be okay, have his family be okay and it not be a reason for people to razz the heck out of a guy like that in grade school and beyond?

    That's the question for many on the right.

  18. Sass... Biden may be qualified, but he's too old!

    At least IMHO.

  19. Wow Grey you went overboard of what I didn't say but I understand your frustration. I said kids should not be asked to decide who they were when they are so young and you turned that to I am anti LGBTQ and against kids talking about their gay parents. I am not sure where you arrived at I have never met a gay person or I am anti gay which is comical. I am against the government deciding what is best for young children and parents don't know what is best for their kids and they should just shut and march in step, some parents are not democrats so they have an opinion.
    I am not against supporting Ukraine but what is the plan or is there one. It must be the same plan we use at the border just throw money at it with no plan.

  20. The comment from Grey One Talks Sass, posted at 7:35am isn’t me.
    Grey One from their phone

  21. Grey One Talks Sass,

    I didn't think it was you, but I wanted you to confirm it. Thanks.

    I've been overrun with trolls from WYD's blog over the past month. Lisa, who runs the blog, has apparently abandoned it, and her trolls are leaving their droppings everywhere.

    I will delete the troll's comment.

  22. Dave

    Konrad Adenauer, who's considered on of Germany's greatest, became chancellor of Germany when he was 73 and served for 14 years, which made him 87 years old when he resigned the post.

    Churchill was just short of his 77th birthday when he became prime minister for the second time.

    Golda Meir, Israel's first and only female Prime Minister, was 76 years old when she took office and served for 5 years.

    Just to name a few world leaders. IMO, it's not age, but competence in office that should determine holding that office.

    Biden makes gaffs, and he does forget at times. But there's no question in my mind on his knowledge of how Washington DC works and what needs to happen to get the job done.

    Personally, I, too, would like to see younger blood lead the country, but I do not dismiss out of hand anyone because of age.

    PS. Please check your email. I sent you a link about my 96 year old brother in law. A remarkable man.

  23. I agree with Shaw. Age is often associated with wisdom. So, if a person is "old" and possesses wisdom, and demonstrates competency in the pursuit of their responsibilities, age should not be a concern. Unless of course the VP is as old or older. :)

  24. Skud, I said it was obvious to me that you didn’t know any LGBTQA humans. You admitted your anti-LGBTQA bias yourself.

    Kids know what they know. Insisting parents have a right to protect their kids from the existence of those deemed other perpetuates the division we struggle against here/now.

    Not sure anyone read Animal Farm by George Orwell. I did in the 6th grade and the phrase which sticks with me today is ‘All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.’

    All I can say it’s an accurate representation of the world today.

    Grey One Talks Sass on my phone
