Thursday, April 20, 2023

The "Free" State of Florida

Ronald DeSantis Is Leading Florida to Freedom, One Ban at a Time 

With each law restricting what people can say, read, and study, they become more Free.

Diane Roberts, Florida Phoenix:


"Here in Florida, the mandate for entering the Capitol forbids men to go sockless (it’s a known fact that the male ankle is a turn-on), and outlaws 't-shirts with writing.' 

Women must not indulge in leggings, low necklines, bare arms, and skirts 'more than one inch above the knee.' 

No doubt many members will bring tape measures so they can personally adjudicate potential skirt violations and admonish these Jezebels. 

 Covering the body is central to maintaining order. Just ask the Taliban."


Here's what Ron DeSantis has banned or tried to ban in Florida in the name of "FREEDOM!" 




D.E.I. TRAINING (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion -- Stop the "Woke" Act) 

ESG INVESTING (Environmental, Social, and Governance training) 



  1. I have never been to Florida as i hate humidity, alligators, and traffic.

    And now there is on more reason not to visit the new Floriduh, ronald desantis.

    On the other hand it might be fun to visit just to see how many ignorant asinine desantis restrictions i could manage to violate before i got arrested.

  2. Les, My late husband and I had a home in Florida where we spent the winters.

    There is much to like about the state -- it's natural beauty, where you can find it away from the endless high-rises, malls, pawn shops, etc. But it does exist. Another drawback where we lived was that it was the home of Scientology -- Clearwater. Everywhere you went downtown, you ran into them.

    When Mr. Shaw Kenawe passed, I sold our condo and came back to Boston full time.

    There are things worse than being cold in winter!

  3. I wonder if someone has opened a Banned Book store yet?

  4. He is going off the rails. Now both parties need a reasonable, competent candidate so the voters can choose. Maybe kennedy is a good dem alternative and sununu for the republicans. Both of them are colonists so they would get the old money vote. What do ya think. Joey is out as is desantis and nikki. Kamala has never been a contender and trump should be stopped at any cost.

    Maybe we could find a candidate who believes in personal freedom. Let us choose what car to drive, what schools o send our kids to even if they are taught english, math and science and not crt and blm and what sex they want to identify as. Politicians are very concerned we may have an intelligent society and they are doing everything they can to dumb us down, so far they are succeeding.

  5. skud "Maybe kennedy is a good dem alternative..."

    Robert Kennedy,Jr.? Do you know ANYTHING about him? ANYTHING?!

    Kennedy believes 9/11 was an inside job -- meaning he believes the US GOVERNMENT was behind the attacks in NY, DC, and Pennsylvania. Think about that.

    Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer -- ALL VACCINES.

    Robert Kennedy, Jr., is a flaming conspiracist and is very friendly with Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn.

    Why would you think a conspiracy nut like him would be a good candidate for POTUS?

  6. Ms, Shaw, The reason democrats will vote for him is he is a democrat. After all they voted for a guy who campaigned from his basement so his position on anything does not matter. Vote party not person should be the theme for both parties. The biggest problem is the largest voting sector are independents. These are people who can think for themselves and will decide because of the candidate not the party.

    Anti-vaxxer is gaining strength and the government forcing people to get a vax because they want to dictate what you do is loosing favor. We have a president who believed unproven science but will not call out the person or country responsible for the virus.

  7. skud "The reason democrats will vote for him is he is a democrat. After all they voted for a guy who campaigned from his basement so his position on anything does not matter"

    S.K. I assume the "him" you referred to is Joe Biden. And you dismiss the obvious fact that he's been in politics, senator and vice president, and now president, since 1973, except for the Trump years. And your statement is grossly disingenous, since any informed American knew EXACTLY what he stood for.

    skud "Anti-vaxxer is gaining strength and the government forcing people to get a vax because they want to dictate what you do is loosing favor."

    Among the uninformed, conspiracists, and anti-science folks, and IMO fools, yes. But a majority of parents STILL get vaccines for their infants and toddlers to avoid life-threatening childhood diseases. And if someone wants to serve in the military, they MUST be vaccinated for a number of diseases.

    Before the ignorant, conspiracy-minded know-nothing Trumpeers, people trusted science and knowledge, and got vaccinated.

    Do you get a flu shot every year? Would you advise your children NOT to vaccinate your grandchildren from terrible childhood diseases?

    Is Robert Kennedy, Jr., a virologist? Does he have a degree in medical science. IMO, he's a dangerous fool.

    PS. Where is your evidence that President Biden believes in "unproven science?" When you make statements like that without a drop of ANY evidence to back it up, your statements are worthless bunk. Please limit posting them over at Geeez, where rumors, lies, and folly are welcome.

    Also, for what purpose would you have President Biden label where the virus (I assume you mean COVID, since you did not specify which one- there are MANY viruses)? Is it to stigmatize Chinese people here so that half-wit troglodytes can confront them on the street and beat the crap out of Americans who have a Chinese heritage?

    NOTE to skud: That actually happened during the pandemic.

    President Biden has more class, more compassion, more Christianity in him than all the fake Christians who worship Trump - who, BTW, never had a problem labeling it the Chinese virus so that it put Americans of Chinese heritage in mortal danger.

    Do yourself a favor and READ THIS to understand why a mature, compassionate, intelligent man -- Joe Biden -- DID NOT and WILL NOT call the COVID virus the "Chinese virus."

  8. From the link in my comment above:

    According to...published news content analysis (detailed in the San Francisco Chronicle) conducted by Professor Russell Jeung of the Asian American Studies department at San Francisco State University, the number of “hate incidents” reported in the media increased in response to the xenophobic language used by public officials.

    Moreover, Dr. Jeung remarked that the timing in the sharp rise in hate incidents specifically coincided with the president’s [TRUMP's] use of the term, “Chinese virus”. He argued that his findings demonstrate that political language can provoke racial hatred and associated violence. At the same time, it appears that the study defines “hate incidents” as involving aggregated hate crimes and hate incidents, making it difficult to distinguish between the two.


    As awareness grew about the growing number of hate incidents and hate crimes against Asian Americans, accusations of racism and xenophobia around the president’s insistence on using the term, “Chinese virus,” exploded in the media. The White House responded to the uproar by accusing the media of manufacturing “fake outrage” over nothing, citing previous epidemics named after geographic locations: Spanish flu, West Nile, zika virus, and ebola (Mangan,2020).

    However, the WHO appropriately named the novel coronavirus “COVID-19” to avoid a connection with a geographic area and therefore circumvent the stigmatization of people living in that area or of similar ancestry worldwide. The correlating increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic underlines the importance of avoiding geography in the naming of communicable diseases.
