Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


The Republican Party’s top choice for President in 2024 is standing trial starting today for raping a woman in a department store. 

"...Trump has denied the claim. But power and wealth like his have often protected abusers from accountability. Countless people are victims of sexual assault and harassment. Rarely do they see justice done. That narrative has begun to change, though much too slowly. And that is why the lawsuit brought by the writer E. Jean Carroll against Mr. Trump is among the most significant developments of the post-#MeToo era. 

 Ms. Carroll filed her lawsuit under the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul in May 2022. It allowed those who claimed they were victims of sexual assault a period of one year beginning last November to sue for damages regardless of when the abuse was said to have occurred. In the same suit, Ms. Carroll accuses him of defamation for what the complaint says are a “slew of false, insulting claims.”  

(Trump called Ms. Carroll’s rape allegation a “hoax and a lie,” referred to her as a “nut job” and suggested that he could not have raped her because “This woman is not my type!”) 

So does Trump mean that if she'd been his "type" he would have raped her? That's what his statement (which was taken in his deposition) implies.

This is the GQP's idea of the best they can offer America to represent them.



  1. Guilty until he proves himself innocent. With joey b now an official candidate and trump leading in the polls we may again have a battle for the soul of America.

    One who had numerous accomplishments to aid the American people, unless you consider low inflation, world stability, energy independence not an accomplishment, but who is not a nice person. Another who has a very difficult time with the truth and who's only accomplishment is giving money away and raising the cost of everything. Dependence on S/A for petroleum, increasing world tension and a recession. On the positive side he is almost a swell guy who the media adorers. Maybe we will get some viable candidates to vote for because the majority of voters don't want either one.


  2. Do you include among Trumps numerous accomplishments the trillions he added to the US debt? The hundreds of thougsands who died because he mishandled the COVID? The attack on our government because he lied to his idiot followers about the 2020 election. The embarrassments he caused this country becuz the rest of the world laughed at his clown show?

    I know it doesn't matter to skud but leading historians and scholars have put Trump in among the worst presidents the country's ever had.

    Keep lying to yourself, buddy. I guess it helps keep you sane to beleive the lie that Trump had numberous accomplishments to aid the American people. And thats what it is a big fat lie. Just like Trump.

  3. I believe anything bad someone says about Donnie Fish-Mouth.

  4. Trump is undoubtedly either the next to the worst president the nation has ever had or the worst. And he successfully completed the job of turning the gop into a party without a vision. Other than one of increasing ignorance throughout the land and making self interest greed fasionable.

  5. Frankie, I don't excuse trumps actions because I am not a supporter but you seem to be misinformed. Adding trillions to the debt seems to be a thing we let presidents do. The debt in 2020 was 26 trillion and in 2022 30 trillion so the beat goes on no matter who sits in the seat. As to covid deaths, I believe the vaccine was developed during the end of his term and I agree he did not force people to get the vax, something to do with personal responsibility and availability but there are people who want the government to control their lives. The demonstration turned riots was unacceptable by any means and some action is being taken to some.

    On the other side we were energy independent, had very low inflation, our enemy's we quite, partially because trump is unstable and they didn't know how he would react. Joey b's first act was to close a pipeline, layoff 20 thousand oil workers, have everyone pay for their neighbor's EV and now we all may get the opportunity to pay for your neighbors kids college, I am so proud.

    1. Don't forget skud, it was the affable Ronnie Raygun that opened the floodgates on deficit spending and ballooned the federal debt. And repubs have been irresponsible shepherds of the national budget every since. Whenever in power.

      Of course they made certain that corporations and the very wealthy continued to increase their wealth while the middle class and the working poor got scraps. Just enough that with the gop propaganda BS it kept them at bay.

      Keep watching and listening to the rightwing claptrap and BS skud. Until maybe, one day when your old and weary reality will dawn and you'll realize you've been voting against your own interests.

      I understand skud, i really really do. Because for 30 years i did the very same, voting a party that since at least the 70's has had little to no interest in us, the middle class or the poor. I finally woke up in 2012 @ age 60.

  6. Since Dec. 11, 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been available under EUA in individuals 16 years of age and older, and the authorization was expanded to include those 12 through 15 years of age.

    The vaccine was available in 2021, but the Trump administration had no plan in place to get it into arms. The Biden administration had to deal with that.

    As for the national debt you shrug off because "every POTUS does it," here are the facts:

    "Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

    The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president."

    One of President Donald Trump’s lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he’s inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

    The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

    Also this:

    Fact check: Despite claims of Trump-era ‘energy independence,’ the US never stopped importing foreign oil.

    The United States never stopped importing energy from foreign countries under President Donald Trump.

    Both before and after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine contributed to a spike in US gas prices, various Republicans bashed President Joe Biden for supposedly abandoning Trump-era “energy independence.” These Republicans have fostered the impression that the “energy independent” US did not need energy from Russia and elsewhere under Trump, but then, under Biden, has been forced to buy this foreign energy once more.

    The truth is that the US was never close to genuine independence from foreign energy in the Trump era.

    “Energy independence” is a political phrase, not a literal phrase. Despite how Trump and others have made it sound, it does not mean the US was ever going it alone.

    “A ridiculous term,” said Jim Krane, an energy studies fellow at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy.

    “A horrible term,” said Jeff Colgan, professor and director of the Climate Solutions Lab at Brown University and an expert on the geopolitics of oil.

    “This stupid term,” said Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy expert and a research professor at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

    The term has various non-literal definitions. And the US did satisfy some of these definitions under Trump in 2020 — as it did again in the 11 months of 2021, mostly under Biden, for which we have complete data.

    It's always good to look beyond political propaganda and find out the truth.

  7. We do differ on being vaccinated. I think people should make up their own minds and you believe it should be dictated. A lot of the concern was because falsi changed his story weekly instead of have a consistent message. Trump added $6.7 trillion to the debt between fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2020, a 33.1% increase, largely due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and 2020 recession. OTG added about $8.6 trillion, about a 74% increase, to the national debt. Even saints have added to the deficit and remember joey b has only been seated for less than two years, I know it seems like much longer.

    Yes we have always imported oil and we have always exported oil but the fact is we did not have to import oil in a crisis. Now we have depleted our oil reserves for political reasons, joey b had such a strong relationship with S/A that the reduced production and the price of gas is approaching $5 again. I would rather pay $2.30 a gallon but joey b has a different opinion.

    Neither party has much to offer in candidates but the election is a long two years away.

  8. skud: "We do differ on being vaccinated. I think people should make up their own minds and you believe it should be dictated.?"

    Stop with the strawman arguments. I never ONCE said what you say I "believe." NEVER ONCE. You do this all the time and it's annoying as hell.

    Did you enter public school in the 50s or 60s? Then smallpox vaccine was REQUIRED or you couldn't enter school. Where was the "FREEDUMB!" ANTI-VAXXERS then? They didn't exist, or if they did they were a miniscule part of the population.

    Routine smallpox vaccination among the American public stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States.

    That's the purpose of vaccines -- to wipe out diseases that can kill people -- like measles -- until anti-vaxxers decided to be against that as well, and then measles came back and killed the unvaccinated.

    "Prior to the introduction of measles vaccination in 1963, there were >100 million measles cases resulting in 6 million deaths worldwide, with 4 million cases and 450 deaths in the US annually."

    In my circle of family and friends, I know of no one who is against vaccinating children against lethal childhood diseases. And I don't understand parents who choose gambling with their children's lives. Anti-vaxxers are victims of politics who believe crackpots and their unscientific ideas over accepted medical science.

    Dr. Fauci is a hero in my book.

    For some reason, rational thinking has gone downhill in this supposedly technically advanced country and superstition and conspiracies are running wild with the ill-informed.


    skud: "Now we have depleted our oil reserves for political reasons,"


    from USAToday fact checkers:

    Fact check: No, the government is not emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    Our rating: False
    Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that the Biden administration is emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. While the newest planned release of oil from the reserve is the largest on record, the total amount of oil scheduled to be removed from the stockpile is just about one-third of the total.

    You picked that story up by reading rightwing propaganda. It's simply not true.

    Do better.

  9. skud’s moved the goalposts so many times that not only has the venue changed but we aren’t even playing the same game!

    What got me to write is some humans inability to understand how governments spend wisely. There are a couple of agencies, specifically the OMB and CBO which review legislation to weigh output vs input.

    The former guys tax break for billionaires didn’t go through this process while everything Pres Biden passed was reviewed with a fine tooth comb (thank you MAGA GOP for insisting on micromanaged scrutiny for all but themselves). The monies allocated are already hard at work but you won’t read skud saying anything nice because coin wasn’t dropped into their specific pocket.

    But none of that is the topic of this post. I’ve been following the trial and it’s brutal. Trumps lawyers are acting very Trumpy while the defendant “truth” posts inflammatory language providing evidence for yet one more defamation case.

    Can’t make this crap up - fiction has to make sense per the editorial guidelines I’ve read.

    Grey One Talks Sass

  10. Ms. Shaw, Maybe depleted was the wrong choice of words and maybe drawing down for political reasons was a better choice. What he sold was insignificant when considering our overall petroleum usage so it was entirely political to make him look like he was doing something. As you know depleted is not the same as emptying.

    When you state something as fact you are saying I believe so why the rant? Falsi was a political operative for trump and then for joey b. How many times did his opinions change from mask to no mask, from stay away to group hug. When we took the smallpox vac there was universal feelings of it being necessary plus there was no internet to stir up the crowd. There is still so much we don't know about the covid vax that some will question. Like you, I don't understand parents not getting the vax for the entire family but like abortion, it is their choice to live with so let them make it.

    Grey, OMB and CBO do not legislate so they have no power. How much influence did they have with the you pay your neighbors kids college bill. The bills cost keeps changing and we still don't know how much it will cost. Like the EV tax credit we will all pay for it if we use it or not.

    Trumps lawyers are doing what lawyers do, they stall and place their client in the best possible light, isn't that what you would want? I do hope he moves to a room at his mansion and never to be heard from again but that is to much to hope for. The monies allocated are already at work is a big stretch just like the covid money sitting idle because it was a knee jerk reaction to grat so much that wasn't needed.

  11. Well, congratulations, skud. You hijacked a thread, and that's not the first time.

    This thread is about Donald Trump, on trial for rape. And I called attention to the fact that this guy who's already been indicted on 34 felony counts is now facing a rape trial and he's under investigation for other crimes. Of course, our system says a defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

    I'm just reminding people that the guy who's been indicted on 34 felony counts and is on trial for rape is the leading candidate in the Trumpublican Party for the office of POTUS.

    Just a little reminder of the "family values" party and their hero.

    1. SHAW; Just a little reminder of the meaning of "family values"
      Charging someone with Rape ..DOES NOT MAKE A PERSON GUILTY IN THIS COUNTRY.

  12. Ms. Shaw, Look at your post at 1332 and frankin you will find that you drifted off topic and I followed your lead. Staying on topic in any post is difficult because they move around. Indicted and proven guilty are not the same but I do believe he will be found guilty of several.
    Why do the women who make accusations against republican politicians and supremes wait so many years to make their accusations. They seem to have the same reason that they were afraid of repercussions but 30 to 40 years later it doesn't seem to be an issue. Could it be money or maybe fame?

  13. Maybe it is because Americans views on this issue has changed a bit. Forty years ago America was less understanding, less compassionate, and much less willing to listen to the truth of women. Apparently that still holds true in conservative territory.

  14. skud, yes posts do wander but your second statement in the very first comment was this:
    “With joey b now an official candidate and trump leading in the polls we may again have a battle for the soul of America...”

    I’d love to know what your (predictable) rant against President Biden has to do with the former guy’s inability to keep their hands to themselves or the trial where they are finally held accountable.

    You derailed the topic, casting aspersions against others indicates issues with you skud, no other.

    Since we are already derailed I feel the need to respond to your comment to me “Grey, OMB and CBO do not legislate so they have no power.”

    By those few words I know without a doubt that you are clueless as to how a government functions. I could enlighten you but why, skud, why?

    You’ll just tell me I said something I didn’t say or ignore my thoughts to spread another right wing talking point? How do I know? Aside from the times you’ve done it to me I’ve witnessed you do the same to all the regular commentators. You aren’t worth spending the calories.

    For my own self, underwriting legislation means proposed taxes pay for programs intending to aid the afflicted, ie student loan debt forgiveness.

    Business isn’t government, something you should already know skud.

    Grey One Talks Sass

  15. skud, you said this “Why do the women who make accusations against republican politicians and supremes wait so many years to make their accusations.”

    Really, you don’t know? Really.

    Because Ms Carroll looks like she’s having such a good time on the witness stand! /SSSSSSSS

    Grey One Talks Sass found there is such a thing as a stupid question. Huh…
