Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Hit the link, and listen to the recording.

The tape is frightening. Trump is casually showing confidential documents, makes jokes about Hillary Clinton and then acknowledges he can’t declassify them because he’s no longer president. 

Listen to it.

Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents 

In the two-minute audio recording, Trump and his aides also joke about Hillary Clinton’s emails after the former president says that the document was “secret information.” 

“Hillary would print that out all the time, you know. Her private emails,” Trump’s staffer said. “No, she’d send it to Anthony Weiner,” Trump responded, referring to the former Democratic congressman, prompting laughter in the room. 

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him. 

 “There was no document. That was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking about Iran and other things,” Trump said on Fox. “And it may have been held up or may not, but that was not a document. I didn’t have a document, per se. There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories and articles.” 

Trump pleaded not guilty earlier this month to 37 counts related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. 

 The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

They're laughing while looking at top secret documents Trump stole from the US government:


  1. Disgusted with TrumpJune 27, 2023 at 9:15 AM

    The tape reveals Trump’s strange personality in that he finds holding onto top secret war plans amusing. He lacks the wisdom, seriousness, intelligence, and humility required of any political leader in a democracy.

    How can any person still support this despicable man? What is wrong with the Republican Leadership and their voters? Do they care about only winning elections or do they have no patriotism and love of our country, democracy, and Constitution?

  2. DwT

    When you are doing criminal defense and you hear a tape like the one we all heard of Trump on the tape, you get on the phone and start working a deal.

    Things are not going to get any better for Trump. And we all know that he’s too nuts to take a deal.

  3. Jo🌻


    Hillary Clinton used a private server for some emails.
    Republicans wanted her to be imprisoned.

    Donald Trump stole, hid, lied about stealing & hiding, and showed to OTHER people, classified national security documents.
    Republicans want him to be President.

    Any questions?

  4. Shaw... Jo, along with "Mueller She Wrote" on Twitter are so on top of all of this stuff with Trump.

    It's a sad time for America though...

    We have a determined minority that has decided only they know the secret to what makes and has made America great.

    They want to go backwards to some mythical time. When? They never define it. The closest I've ever seen or heard is sometime pre 1960 in some "Father Knows Best/Leave it to Beaver" fantasyland.

    But even then, they are never intellectually honest.

    Those times included government enforced segregation and racism, rampant environmental destruction by unfettered corporations and top tax brackets above 90%.

    But truth and reality never mattered to this crew. Now we know that not only do they not "back the blue" as evidenced by their views towards the cops that tried to defend the Capitol on J6, but they don't care about American servicemen serving overseas and our spies and intelligence ppl around the globe.

    What else can we conclude about a group that doesn't care that a former president shows papers he admits on tape are classified to people without security clearances? Perhaps Trump can never be "turned" or persuaded to share those papers directly with our enemies. I choose to believe that.

    But can that be said about all the groupies with whom he shares those documents?

    Trump has been careless with our national security. But these clowns who continue to support him don't care.

    Because they think they know better.

  5. Dave M. "Trump has been careless with our national security. But these clowns who continue to support him don't care.

    Because they think they know better."

    The tragedy is, Dave, that the rabid Trump supporters DON'T know better, otherwise, they would have abandoned him long ago. The problem is that they've made him into a golden idol and worship him for reasons that are unknowable EVEN TO THEMSELVES!

    I've watched Jordan Klepper, American writer, producer, and political commentator on YouTube and Instagram interview Trumpers and hear their excuses for continuing to support Trump. All you can do when you hear them speak is shake your head and understand that there are millions among us who have lost touch with reality.

    Last night I watched a Trump supporter say in all seriousness (a young man) that Trump is the actual POTUS, that Biden is not Biden, he's actually dead, and it is either James Wood or some other actor playing Biden, that JFK,jr. is alive and will be Trump's running mate, that all news we see is fake, and we're being manipulated by nefarious forces like the Deep State. Nothing is as it seems. This young man was dead serious, when he was contradicted, he reacted like a true believer, saying he knows this is real, he's researched it on the internet.

    He's not along. Millions of Americans believe this as well.

    We can shake our heads and say it's crazy, but in reality, these people are absolutely convinced of Trump's invincibility, that he won the 2020 election, and that dark forces are behind all the fake news -- in their view it's ALL fake news and Trump will be the next POTUS.

    You can't argue with crazy people. And IMO, that young man and those who believe like him have lost all connection to reality.

    As has this guy.

  6. The guy I linked to above prays for the elimination of the present American government, calling the people in it "evil tyrants." He believes he's a man of God, and yet hopes for the annihilation of his fellow Americans whom he wrongly believes are the embodiment of Evil. That implies we, who do not politically agree with him and his fellow Trumpers, should be exterminated. He prays to "God" to cleanse the country of the present administration.

    This is what keeps me awake at night. Misguided men like E.B. who believe they are Godly while advocating death to their fellow human beings.

    IMO, he's dangerous. He has a platform. And he believes his brand of religious "cleansing" will be answered by God.

  7. I read EB's post and all the comments. WOW! They drank the Kool-Aid but unfortunately didn't die.

  8. Mike, Dave, Disgusted With Trump

    From The Hill:

    “To actually hear a former president of the United States committing a felony, probably multiple felonies on audio tape while laughing about it is something — I just, I think it’s just stunning,” attorney George Conway said.

    George Conway, an attorney and prominent conservative critic of former President Trump, said Monday that the former president’s comments on a newly released audio tape discussing holding onto classified documents are “stunning,” calling him a “sociopathic criminal.”

    What's even more stunning is knowing how many millions of our fellow Americans will still support this guy, even with this damning evidence showing him committing a felony. AND LAUGHING ABOUT IT WITH HIS PALS!


  9. Marshall

    It’s really the buried lede here. He thinks this proves Milley was demanding an invasion since he created a war plan.

    George Conway

    Sociopaths don’t understand “planning.” Like reptiles, they don’t plan and don’t see the point of it.

  10. So I had to check EB's blog...

    Wonder how they'll react to this:

    Amazing how Joe Biden is both a "senile idiot" and "criminal mastermind", depending on which batch of lies, misinformation, resentment and hate the accuser embraces.

    Note the hate for Hunter Biden for drug use and his sex life, but do you think any of these haters wanted Rush Limbaugh imprisoned? Do they hold Jared and Ivanka to the same standard as Hunter's cashing in? Trump's predatory sex crimes were ignored and dismissed by religious hypocrites as well.

    How will these fanatics explain THAT to their Savior? How will these pseudo-patriots, waving their Confederate flags, defend Trump from his willful abuse of military/nuclear secrets?

    And there it is. Hypocrisy writ large into radical Right DNA.

    I swear they will cling to any lie that supports their hate for anyone who doesn't worship their Orange Messiah.

    "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    1. Rest assured Dave the crowd you speak of are, bonafide idiots.

  11. Dave Dubya

    Great comment, but I'm not sure the folks who post there will understand any of that.

    The fact that they continue to support an ex-POTUS who stole top secret nuclear documents from the US government, lied about having them, refused to give them back, then lied again, is a pretty good indication that no amount of facts will get through to them. Remember that the blog host still believes, without a shred of any evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen and that we, the Libruls, are evil tyrants!

    It's. A. Cult.

  12. Your fake news all day long JC. Because you listen to fake news 24/7.

  13. J.C.

    Yeah. Right.

    Every legal scholar and expert who heard Trump talk on that tape has said the absolute opposite of the guy you linked to, Tim Pool.

    Leave it to you to find some obscure nutcase that defends Trump and says the opposite of every knowledgeable expert and then come running here, thinking anyone would take that Tim guy seriously.


  14. Tim Pool:

    Sounds exactly like a person you'd believe:

    In August 2020, Trump liked a tweet published by Pool expressing sympathy and support for Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old boy from Antioch, Illinois then facing trial on charges of killing two people during the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin for which he was ultimately acquitted. Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., retweeted a statement by Pool describing how the case of Rittenhouse had convinced Pool to vote for Trump.

    A report from the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) said that Pool was a "superspreader" of claims surrounding voter fraud before and after the 2020 United States presidential election.

  15. Most sane republicans and independents want to lock trump up and look to the future of the country. Most democrats want to stretch the drama out for at least another 18 months because hate trump is all they have.

    1. That is conservative BS as usual skud.

    2. More lies skud.

  16. Imagine Skud's surprise to learn ALL sane Democrats want "to lock trump up and look to the future of the country".

    We can only wonder if Skud can consider the vast numbers of Republicans who STILL bend the knee to their racist Mango Master and share his neo-Nazi hate for Black "Marxist judges" and "commie democrats".

  17. Please skud, where are all these sane republicans of which you speak. Because the hard polling numbers do not support your claim. At least i haven't seen any.

  18. Independents will determine the election. The media has been good at saying trump has 15% of voter support which I believe is still double what the truth is. Polls also have him beating saint joey which is sad because neither one should be running. Hard polling on what questions are asked and who the audience is. We know how inaccurate polls are since -H- was suppose to thrash trump.

    1. She actually did win the popular vote by 2.9 million votes. Which means a majority of live people voted for HRC.. Unfortunately that means, in reality, HRC won the election were it not for an antiquated electoral college that set up the condition for a minority president. Time for a redo of antiquated means.

  19. Skud seems to have no reply to our points. He just moves on, bless his heart.

  20. Dube, wrong again, bet that gets old.

    Leslie, you are correct, -H- won the popular vote but that is not how we elect the president. I don't know how many dead people voted for her because she was from chicago.. As much as I do not like trump I am glad it will never be president hillary.
