Tuesday, June 13, 2023



An ex-president of the United States, and leading Republican candidate for the nomination for POTUS for the 2024 election, Donald J. Trump, will be arraigned in federal court for, among other charges, violating the Espionage Act.


  1. May justice now be swift and final. Whatever that looks like at the end of the day.

  2. Charlie Sykes:

    “How about blame him? He did it,” Christie said. “He took documents he wasn’t supposed to take. He kept them when he was asked [for] them back. They got a grand jury subpoena. He refused to comply. They raided his home finally because he refused to comply.”

    So, this afternoon the former president will be booked and arraigned (assuming he can find a lawyer who holds their bar membership lightly) at a federal courthouse in Miami. He will then be released into a country that has to grapple with the prospect that this man who has been charged with 37 new felonies (on top of two impeachments, a civil verdict holding him liable for sexual assault, and 38 felony counts in NY) may once again be president."

  3. For all Republicans that still support Trump, that haven’t read 49 page indictment, it’s an easy read.

    If you think President Biden weaponized the DOJ, take Trump's name off of the indictment and place anyone else's name on it. Then read it and look at the facts objectively and then decide if that person should be prosecuted.

    This is the action of a mature democracy, not a banana republic.

    Not prosecuting him is what a banana republic would do. Prosecuting him is what a democratic republic would do.

  4. A former president of the United States under arrest. It looks like Donald Trump joins Robert E Lee as one of the most consequential people ever arrested for being on the wrong side of the "V" against the United States.

  5. It needs to be noted that Reality Winner printed and mailed ONE classified document and didn't spend a day out of custody for 4 years from her arrest in early June 2017. She doesn't even own a private plane and has never fomented the bloody sacking of a US govt building.

    Trump walked out of that courtroom today after being arraigned for his crimes.

    We have unequal justice for all.

    I would trust Reality Winner over twice-indicted for felonies and sexual harasser Donald J. Trump.

    Yes, I know in our system, Trump is innocent until proved guilty. But he was given privileged treatment for his alleged crimes, unlike Reality Winner.

    See when a justice system does that sort of thing, and presents itself to the rest of the world as an "equal justice under the law" sort of system, we lose respect for it.

    So, maybe I'll just skip the part about being "alleged" and just call Trump what he is, to me: A traitor to the United States of America and a disgrace to every ideal this country ever stood for.

    Trump and his supporters disgust me.

  6. Luke Zaleski:

    "There’s no more probable explanation for why trump drove this situation to this place by refusing to comply and return the documents that he and his legal team knew were illegal to keep than he wants to conflate himself with the office of the presidency to such a degree in public as to essentially drive his supporters to insist he’s president for life and the law doesn’t apply to him.

    He has a cult following that already ascribes to him supernatural powers and a cadre of counselors who think Nixon should’ve never resigned and the president has unlimited authority. This is the best vehicle for him to forcefully conflate the issue and manipulate the media and the law and his adversaries to provide the background and optics necessary to make permanent his special status as Dotard emeritus in the court of public opinion and popular myth so he can—for all practical purposes—assume power and live above the in perpetuity.

    Trump is putting democracy on trial and attempting to con millions into choosing him (ironically) over self-rule. Essentially by playing the tragic hero and crucified victim at once and confusing his marks into believing he is them and they are him and his rule is theirs.

    But trump doesn’t share—he dominates. He owns. And they’re gonna rue the day they let him rule them. And they’re never gonna get another bite at that poison apple."


  7. Candidate Chris Christie is the ONLY republican taking the fight to trump. He, alone among candidates, has made the honest decision to talk about exactly what trump is and what drives his motivations. I do not support Christie's entire agenda but he is one candidate in the field i think is for the most part honest. I am looking forward to seeing Christie and trump debate. Christie, an articulate intelligent man will eat trump alive. Not that it will make any difference to the trump cultists that populate the trump cess pool.

  8. Sad that we have a country celebrating the indictment of a US president no matter how much he is despised. Hopefully joey b will not be charged with accepting bribes for his son because that would be two presidents in a row who are disgraced. Hopefully we can come up with candidates who can represent the people of this country instead of just the select few.

  9. skudrunner: "Hopefully joey b will not be charged with accepting bribes for his son..."

    Where's the evidence for this allegation? Again you deposit nothing more than trashy rumors without a sliver of evidence.

    Unless you can produce hard evidence for that allegation, y'know, like Jack Smith did for Trump's crimes, what you wrote is slander. Would you like someone to accuse you of taking bribes from your child? Without evidence? That's libelous and slanderous.

    But you do what you do.

  10. Trump's former chief of staff John Kelly:

    “He’s scared sh--less...This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable."

  11. To skud:

    "But despite incremental new revelations about the form and about the push for the form to be released, nothing about the situation has changed from that first news release.

    Republicans (and skudrunner, S.K.) are hyping a secondhand allegation from a single source — an allegation that was in the hands of Attorney General William P. Barr’s Justice Department in mid-2020 without leading to criminal charges or, it seems, any specific investigation."

  12. "Yet there is apparently no evidence of a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden. That Comer has spent the month fighting with the FBI about releasing an unredacted version of the interview form instead of, say, finding the $5 million in the voluminous financial documents his committee possesses is telling.

    So is the fact that no charges for bribery were brought against Joe or Hunter Biden. In a statement, a spokesperson for the Oversight Committee Democrats said that the bureau, in showing the document to members of Congress, “informed the Committee, in no uncertain terms, that this assessment was closed in August 2020 after it failed to identify sufficient evidence to justify further investigation.”

    On Fox News, Barr claimed that there was no further investigation by Brady because that wasn’t Brady’s mandate. He and committee Republicans have suggested that the interview became part of the ongoing investigation of Hunter Biden in Delaware, though there’s no evidence that Biden is under investigation for being party to any sort of bribe."

  13. "Sad that we have a country celebrating the indictment of a US president no matter how much he is despised."

    FORMER US President (thank God). While I will admit a certain amount of schadenfreude, what I and many are celebrating is seeing that the rule of law/democracy is actually working and no matter how much trump threatens violence from his mobs and revenge, he hopefully will be brought to justice.

  14. Remember Ms. Shaw that it took the democrats and the media six years to get trump. I didn't say joey b took bribes but it is rumored that he did and he is innocent until proven guilty. I hope he is totally proven innocent for the good of the country. Now we have the house oversight committee saying there is document and tape indicating joey b.

    It would be nice for both sides to do their job of running the country for the good of everyone instead of spending all their time investigating each other and letting the country turn into a crime ridden cesspool punishing everyone especially the poor and middle class.

  15. About those "tapes," skud:


    Senator Ron Johnson (R) WI
    “We don't know if they really exist or not.”

    Congressman James Comer (R) KY
    “I don't know if they're legit or not.”

    Congressman Matt Gaetz (R) FL
    “No one has actually heard them and we don't know where they are.”

    Senator Chuck Grassley (R) IA
    “We aren’t interested in whether or not the accusations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not.”

    Rudy Giuliani
    “The whistleblower with all the tapes and evidence has died.”


  16. I am converted and now believe saint joey is innocent of all misdoings. The whistleblower died so I assume -H- visited him because that fits a pattern. Why is the fbi so reluctant to comply with congress requests for documents. Unlike shitt, comer admits the tapes may not be true while shitt touted the russia collusion even after he knew it was a lie.

    I will sit on the side line until the dust settles and saint joe is instructed what he should do next. I doubt if he will be told to go visit the border because it is secure. Maybe he could go there and take a victory lap for securing the border on his way back from San Francisco declaring homelessness is no more.


  17. skudrunner said...

    "I am converted and now believe saint joey is innocent of all misdoings."

    S.K.: Exactly what has President Biden been charged with? Rumors and allegations by idiot Republican Congresscritters don't count. When President Biden is indicted by jurors who hear real evidence against him, you can come here and make your claims. Until then you're posting nonsense.

    skud: "The whistleblower died so I assume -H- visited him because that fits a pattern."

    Yeah. Well you know that Bill and Hillz and their Murder, Inc., Cosa Nostra just off anyone who gets in their way, and the same country that put away the Unabomber, Ted Bundy, and that guy, Murdaugh, in South Carolina just can't figure out how to end the Clintons' killing sprees.

    But, hey, you're not the only one who believes that. People who believe the government put chips in their vaccines and are poisoning us with chemtrails believe it too. So, if I were you, I wouldn't be too careful.

    Just because you're not paranoid, skud, that doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

  18. uh oh! Rudy Giuliani says the GOP witness who had all the information regarding their fake Biden bribery scheme has died.

    And skudrunner says Hellary took him out!

  19. Have you ever heard of levity. I expect you to know what that means Ms. Shaw but anyone who uses anon as an identifier I doubt does. I have traveled through Hope Ar and always keep my head on a swivel because the clintons do have a reputation of getting their opposition.

    Saint joey has not been charged and I doubt if he will and he is innocent until proven guilty, at least that is the way it is supposed to work. I am excited about taking a trip on his train to the Indian ocean.

  20. skud: "...because the clintons do have a reputation of getting their opposition."

    What do you mean by "getting their opposition?"


    Don't pretend it's just a joke. Your pals on the Mother Ship, including the Captain, suggested that very thing not too long ago.

    It's not a joke, either. Many of Trump's mentally challenged QAnon cultists believe it:

    The former Secretary of State has become something of an arch-villain for those who find themselves at the intersection of conservatism and conspiracy theories.

    QAnon believers have a particularly grotesque view of Ms Clinton, painting her to be a psychotic, child torturing, baby eating, demon worshipping paedophile."

    Trump's knuckle-draggers continue to spread that garbage. That's why I don't think it's funny.

    Do you think the rumor that Donald Trump raped a 13 year old at Jeffrey Epstein's private island is funny?

    Rumors like that can affect the mentally unstable enough to want to commit homicide.

    PS I want to repeat this for everyone who reads my blog:

    Donald J. Trump was indicted for 34 felony counts in the state of New York, and 37 felony counts from the feds.

    Hillary Clinton has never been indicted for any crime. Ever.

  21. Also, skud, do you remember this:

    President Trump Said Revolutionary War Troops 'Took Over the Airports' in His Fourth of July Speech

    But I don't recall you coming here to make a joke about that gaffe.

    Both Trump and Biden are old men. And they make gaffes.

  22. Ms, Shaw, I should have said people associated with them. Over 20 deaths of associates many of whom died of inconvenient circumstances. I don't believe -H is a baby eating person, lying, incompetent, corrupt come more to mind than "child torturing, baby eating, demon worshiping pedophile." -H- will probably never get indicted for a crime but that is the way our political system works.

    I would choose to support someone who works for the people of this country and trump or saint joey b are not the people to do that and I haven't seen anyone who could, yet. Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Scott, RFK Jr are qualified. If west runs he could split the wacko left so it will be interesting.

    I am a never trumper so I hope I have a reasonable choice, which would be the first since 1980.

  23. skud: "Ms, Shaw, I should have said people associated with them. Over 20 deaths of associates many of whom died of inconvenient circumstances."

    Skud, you do realize that the Clintons, Bill and Hillz, are a power couple -- Bill was the POTUS for 8 years, and Hillz was a Senator, then the SoS. They know/knew THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people. Out of those THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS, to have 20 die of what you call "inconvenient" circumstances is just a natural occurrence, questioned only by paranoid Clinton haters. It's dumb. Plus, there is absolutely ZERO evidence for even suspecting the Clintons of being MASS murderers. That's what you're implying!

    skud: "I don't believe -H is a baby eating person, lying, incompetent, corrupt come more to mind than "child torturing, baby eating, demon worshiping pedophile."

    S.K. Yeah, right. Where's your evidence? Would you like someone to say that about YOU without evidence, just because they "feel" you're corrupt? That's what you're doing in this case.

    skud: "-H- will probably never get indicted for a crime but that is the way our political system works."

    S.K. Our political systems works when EVIDENCE of crimes is produced and a grand jury decides to bring charges. Apparently you and many other Hillary haters don't like the way our system works, because it isn't corrupt enough to gin up evidence and charges against someone you hate (Trump would love to have our justice system work that way, so you're in sync with him on this.) Hillary has been investigated for 30 friggin' years by the Republicans, and you know it. Remember BENGHAZI! She testified for 11 hours and the Republican Committee chairman himself said THERE WAS NO CORRUPTION, CRIME, OR ANYTHING ELSE COMMITTED BY Hillary. Same with her emails. The Republican head of the FBI said no reasonable person would bring charges against her for the email brouhaha.

    skud: "I would choose to support someone who works for the people of this country and trump or saint joey b are not the people to do that."

    S.K. That's your biased opinion about Biden. You just don't like him, so anything he does for the good of America and Americans has been ignored by you. You're wrong on this, but I can't change the fact that you dislike Democrats, not matter how good or competent they are.

    skud: "and I haven't seen anyone who could, yet. Ramaswamy, DeSantis, Scott, RFK Jr are qualified. If west runs he could split the wacko left so it will be interesting."

    S.K. "...the wacko left..." LOL! Who's the leading candidate for 2024 in the GOP? A guy who was impeached twice, indicted twice on felony charges, and found liable for sexual assault. A liar, a cheat, and a fraud. LOL! And he's facing more felonies!!!!

    And the Dems are wacko??? Oh skud, my friend, that's hilarious!

  24. BTW, skud, as a "never Trumper," how on earth could you even think of supporting Nikki Haley?

    She was a loyal member of his administration
    She supported his policies
    As governor of South Carolina, she pushed a MAGA agenda:

    She signed an abortion ban with no exceptions and jail time for providers;
    She endorsed a plan to end Medicare as we know it as "common sense;"
    She pushed for tax cuts for the 1% -- if you're one of them, then I guess you're good with that;
    She refused to expand Medicaid, which helps the poorest of the poor with health care;
    She promised not to support election deniers, then campaigned for them;
    She said she wouldn't run for president if Trump ran; then she ran anyway (well, that's just being a usual politician, like the rest of them).

    When Trump ran in 2016 she said he was everything she'd tell a kindergarten child NOT to be, then she fully supported Trump.

  25. Ms. Shaw, I didn't say democrats but I did say wacko left. Just like the wacko left there is a wacko right or the extreme side of a party. As an independent we don't have a wacko side so we are free to roam.

    Those 20+ are close associates of the hillbill syndicate not just someone they met. Sheriff's who were going to testify lawyers who were going to testify and there were a lot of them. Nikki would be far better than trump or st joey and it looks like she is on the attack end of trumps rants so I doubt she supports him. Saint joey said he would only run for one term so I guess politicians can change their minds and often do.

    I know abortion is a big issue and the democrats are maxing out their advantage as proponents of women's rights. They support eliminating women's sports, the right of a women to have privacy but they claim to for pro women.

    No I am not part of the 1% but where else are you going to cut taxes. Would it be the 49% who do not pay taxes or the 1% who pay 42% of all FIT. Why is it a problem since the majority of the 1% are democrats and the richest of the rich are as well.

  26. The libelous statements that Skud makes about the Clintons make me sick. All that nudge, nudge, wink, wink crap is what got the restaurant Comet Ping Pong shot up by a sick out of towner who believed people like Skud. I live a couple of miles from that restaurant and it was a miracle that no one was killed. My friends and I went there when they reopened to show our support. A family friendly pizza place where you can play ping pong. So much for supporting small businesses, eh Skud?

  27. PL, I did not make any libelous statement and if you saw my statement as that you need to re-read it. All I pointed out is the clintons have a spotty, at best, past. Sorry a restaurant in your neighborhood got messed up but look how you would feel if you lived in a safe city like portland, minneapolis, san francisco, san diego, chicago and countless other business friendly democrat run and gang controlled cities. Remember we need to defund police and not charge anyone for less than a grad in theft. Another good idea is to charge a citizen who defends other citizens being threatened.

  28. "The whistleblower died so I assume -H- visited him because that fits a pattern"

    "I should have said people associated with them. Over 20 deaths of associates many of whom died of inconvenient circumstances."

    You sound just like trump. You've got the "nudge nudge wink wink" dog whistle down pat. And spare me the fake empathy. What does the rest of your comment have to do with a right wing nut job taking all those "levity" comments seriously by shooting up a business? Great deflection!

  29. PL, So something that took place six years ago with no fatalities is trumps fault. Do the shootings over last weekend and businesses burned and people killed over the last 18 months belong to saint joey.

  30. Stop trying to gaslight, Skud. You KNOW I never said trump was responsible. Can you point to where I did? I blame people like YOU who think they are oh so clever and funny with your innuendos about the Clintons but take no responsibility if someone believes you and takes matters in their hands to shot up a business. I don't care if it was six years ago or 60. Again, nice try at gaslighting and deflection. Not going to work.
