Friday, July 21, 2023

Joe Scarborough of "Morning Joe" Describes DJ Trump as a Mob Boss


I (and millions of Americans) do NOT disagree.

Also, this from the presiding  judge during the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault civil case: 

The judge said the verdict did not mean that Carroll “failed to prove that Mr. Trump 'raped' her as many people commonly understand the word 'rape.' Indeed … the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

This week, the guy who Evangelical Christians support for the presidency of the US threatened a federal investigator.

Good luck my fellow Americans with supporting a rapist and a wannabe mobster threatening the feds. 

Joe Scarborough, a former friend of Trump's turned bitter enemy, said that Trump really does not seem to understand how much trouble he's facing. In particular, he focused on the recent video that Trump shared in which he ominously said that it would be "dangerous" for Special Counsel Jack Smith to put him in jail — implying that MAGA supporters could carry out another insurrection or terror attacks. 

 "I don't know if Donald Trump understands," Scarborough said. "He's talking like a mobster. 'It would be a shame, very dangerous for Jack Smith and his family' and they're “more dangerous now than in 2020 or 2016." 

 "He's just so stupid, he really is," said Scarborough. "He just doesn't understand. He's going up against the feds!" 

 Scarborough then let loose with an epic rant, ripping Trump to shreds and destroying lingering hopes amongst his supporters that he might somehow wriggle out of trouble. 

"He doesn't understand that he can't bully and bluster and threaten his way out of criminal charges that are coming, because he broke the law, because he stole nuclear secrets, because he stole secret plans to attack Iran, because he stole secret military secrets, because he has, people all around him, all around him, on Jan. 6, that are testifying against him. 

No Democrats! No moderate Republicans, all Trumpers!" Scarborough went on. "Everybody that he ever hired has gone before the grand jury, everybody that was around him Jan. 6 went before the grand jury. All Trumpers!" he said. 

"And he's going to be charged for some of the most serious crimes in America, and his response?" 

 "His response, instead of talking to his lawyers saying, 'Hey, get me a deal. I don't know what it's going to look like, but get me a deal, because they've got me dead to right. My own people are the people testifying against me. Get me a deal.' 

Instead of that he goes on an Iowa radio show and like a mobster threatens Jack Smith," Scarborough went on. "Has he not looked at pictures of Jack Smith?" he asked. "This guy looks like the judge on 'Andor,' all right? He looks like the guy that takes the good guy from the 'Star Wars' galaxy and throws him into jail for life. He doesn't understand." 

 "Does he think Jack Smith is going to be intimidated by mob-like threats?" he concluded. The answer, of course, is NO. Jack Smith will not back down and he is more than a match for the ignorant, impulsive Trump. 

 When the dust finally settles, the smart money is on Trump ending up behind bars.


  1. Smart mob bosses are loyal to their henchmen. Trump is not loyal to anybody, but demands loyalty from all. That's not how loyalty works.

    And smart bosses do not surround themselves with yes-men. They are willing to listen to people who tell them stuff they don't want to hear. I thought Putin was smart, but he failed that test. Trump never listened to what he didn't want to hear.

  2. Howard, it's difficult for me to believe that so many of our fellow Americans want this guy to be president again and represent our country. He's been found guilty of rape! And has an additional 70+ felony indictments with more on the way.

    What the heck happened to the Republican Party that made them admirers and supporters of a rapist and an accused felon???

    1. A complete lack of awareness. Ego driven materialistic self interest. A desire to return to the fictionalized realities of a bygone era. Just to mame three.

      Shorter version, grasping at desires (attachments) and pushing away that which is considered undesirable (aversions)


  3. Judge in E. Jean Carroll Case: Yes, Donald Trump Is a Rapist

    A judge rejected Trump’s semantic attempt to out the case.

  4. And you know its true?


  5. The leftist journalists are responsible for the election of the incompetent, lying criminal Joe Biden. Their lies and distortions defeated the real winner Donald Trump.

    1. Keep feeding your delusions Idol Gossip. They serve your chosen moniker well!

  6. To "idol Gossip,"

    You've aptly named yourself.
