Thursday, July 27, 2023



to watch this, even if you have to stop and come back to it:

Never thought in my lifetime I'd hear this!


  1. After an hour of these hearings (returning to view later the rest) i have 2 initial thoughts:

    No problem with heightened focus on UAP's. It is very likely other more highly developed societies exist in our limitless cosmos. We should research their likely existence with the intent to befriend whatever higher intelligence may exist. Ongoing information and education should be made available to the public.

    Now my greatest fear. That we will militarize space and destroy rather than seek to simply know and possibly befriend other life forms in the cosmos if they in fact exist. I believe they do.

    The final hour and 20 minutes will either confirm my greatest fear, or, give relief to my sense that we will again act foolishly rather than intelligently and with some wisdom.

  2. Les History has shown us that your fears are routed in fact.

    Look at what was thought to be an advanced culture (Europeans) did to the Native peoples of the Americas and other lands. Instead of trying to understand their ways and culture, they tried to destroy them.

    1. So true Shaw.

      Human egoism works to solidify the sense of a concrete unchanging self and create distrust of those unlike oneself. The fight response remains strong in us and often blocks the view of truth.

      Essentially we have been placing layers upon layers of obscurations and delusions over our conscienceness that has effectively obscured our true essence and nature.

      This is a global condition. Effecting to some degree all cultures and nations. The USA is certainly not alone in this sense.

      Europeans and colonialism is but one great example of our human egocentric and dualistic thinking and actions.

  3. I've seen the Readers Digest version on the news. I don't think I could watch 2 1/2 hours of this. I'd lose my voice hollering at the screen.
