Thursday, August 24, 2023

First time in American history...


an ex-POTUS got his mug shot taken, was fingerprinted, and weighed as he was arrested and processed in a sweeping racketeering case accusing him and his allies of conspiring to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia. 

This is in addition to the 70+ felony charges he's already facing in three other indictments.

What a disgrace for him and for our country.

(According to CNN, this is the real mug shot.)

Millions of Americans want this man, who was also found credibly liable for rape in May, to lead this country as POTUS and represent American democracy to the rest of the world.

What a sad and shameful time we live in.


  1. On PBS they interviewed a guy who said 71% of tRUMPers trusted tRUMP more than their own family members to tell them the truth. 🤦‍♂️

  2. Mike, That's how cultists behave. That 71% does not know Trump personally, but they'd trust him over their own family member to tell them the truth? Even knowing Trump is the biggest liar this country has ever had as POTUS? Even though he tried to steal an election he most assuredly lost? Even thought he's been indicted with 91 felony charges and has been credibly found liable for rape?

    Yup. Those people are in a cult.

  3. Is it my imagination or does tfg look like he is related to Don Imus?

    I saw a post the other day talking about how no one ever mentions Rush Limbaugh (and I would add Don Imus) anymore. It's like they did not do one single positive thing in their lives to be remembered by.

    Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about trump when his time comes. He will be remembered for years to come as the person who tried to break democracy...

  4. ...and what is "wokism" if not a cult?

    "Pots, meet Kettles."

  5. I thought mug shots were taken against a ruled wall. Did he and his fellow criminals get special treatment.

    It must be something about being a politician that brings out the best lie in people. Trump is way over the top but so was BJ and wife, biden embellishes everything with a lie and countless non-truthful stories. There are some who say he just can't remember the facts because of his age but he has been lying for decades about himself and his family.

    If we demanded politicians tell the truth we would be in the best position because we would have no politicians.

  6. PL, Good point except trump breaking democracy. We live in a country of 330 million people and some of them are exceptional. The best we can do is Biden and Trump. It is the voter who is breaking democracy not the donald by not demanding better of our elected officials. We let trump get away with his antics and we let joey b divide the country and lead us down a rabbit hole. We can do better and we should be ashamed if we don't.

  7. Breaking news... Florida atty Caplan sues tRump based on his involvement in the J6 2021 insurrection attempt following his legitimate loss to the Orange narcissist.

    Based on the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. The one that tRump said should be suspended.

  8. -FJ: "...and what is "wokism" if not a cult?

    "Pots, meet Kettles."

    Look up the definition of "woke."

    People who are "woke" don't attend woke rallies around the country and swear allegiance to a Big "Woke" Cahuna -- That what MAGAs do.

    People who are woke don't organize truck caravans with ginormous flags screaming "WOKE WON!"

    Also, you have been WRONG about EVERYTHING that's happened since the 2020 election:

    The Mueller Report
    The Durham Report
    The Arizona vote recount
    The Wisconsin vote recount

    And your claims about:
    Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss in the Georgia vote.

    Also, your often unproven claims that everything you disagree with that goes after Trump can be attributed to the "Deep State," and other nefarious actors.

    Here at "woke" P.E., we understand that the 91x indicted Trump and other 2020 election deniers are living in a deluded world of lies and crazy conspiracies.


  9. So here we are, on a day that saw an ex-president and his cohorts indicted for trying to reverse the election in Georgia that Trump lost, and skud can't bring himself to address that, but instead, mildly claims that "...Trump is way over the top..."

    "Way over the top?" Trump's been criminally indicted 91 times,has been found credibly liable for RAPE, been impeached TWICE, and incited an insurrection against the United States of America!

    And skud lumps that in with Bill Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman." And misremembered memories and gaffes by President Biden.

    Sorry, but skud is not a serious debater. Only any logical scale, those three people are NOT alike.

    Trump alone stands out as the most corrupt PRESIDENT in our country's history.

  10. "Only any logical scale, those three people are NOT alike."

    That should have been written as: "ON any logical scale..."

  11. PS. Re, my response to -FJ:

    This is a post on the Geeez blog by -FJ:

    -FJ says:
    August 26, 2023 at 4:48 am
    Somebody has to de-criminalize the DNC. That man is Kennedy. whether he can restore the organized crime organization to respectability is another matter.

    That's all we need to know about -FJ's character judgement.

    RFK, Jr., is a conspiracist, a 9/11 Truther, a former heroine addict, a sex addict, who, like Trump, cheated on his first wife with his second wife, then cheated on his second wife, who then committed suicide when RFK, Jr., filed for divorce from her.

    RFK, Jr., conspiracies:

    Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity: Kennedy Jr. was caught on camera telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,”

    Mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs: Kennedy Jr. blamed school shootings on drugs like the antidepressant Prozac in a recent Twitter Spaces discussion, telling owner Elon Musk, “Prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost none of these events"

    The 2004 presidential election was stolen: Kennedy Jr. said in a 2006 Rolling Stone article he was “convinced” that voter fraud in the 2004 presidential election allowed former Republican President George W. Bush to steal the victory from Democrat John Kerry,

    The CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy: Reprising the unfounded claim he has made for years, Kennedy Jr. recently made the suggestion to Fox News’ Sean Hannity

    The wrong person may have been convicted of killing his father: Kennedy Jr. cast doubt on the conviction of Sirhan Sirhan in the 1968 assassination of his father, former U.S. Attorney General and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy,

    Vaccines can cause autism: For years, Kennedy Jr. has promoted the theory that the preservative, thimerosal, which has largely been phased out of modern vaccine formulas, appears to be responsible for a rise in autism diagnoses and that the government knew but “knowingly allowed the pharmaceutical industry to poison an entire generation of American children,”


    IOW, RFK, Jr., is a conspiracist and clearly deranged.

  12. Ah FJ... welcome to PE.

    Look, says Mr Kettle to the Pots...

    Your little comparison regarding "wokeism" is useless.

    Because even if it is true, with which i would disagree, it affects the truth of the Trump situation not one bit.

    But 71% of Trump followers believe him more truthful than their families, friends, conservative media and the pastors they purport to follow as Christians?

    Two things can be true at the same time and your school yard "I know you are but what am I" taunt offers no dispositive proof as it relates to the current Trump issue.


  13. This is why we can't have nice things:

    Written by a Trump Cultist: "Truth to tell, it is possible that by January 2024, Mr. Trump will stand convicted of at least one of 90 or more charges filed against him. Not because he’s guilty but because our land is as corrupt as ever. Mr. Trump will appeal his conviction(s). And for four excruciating years, he’ll be beleaguered by America’s communists (Democrats) in the same way they attacked him between January 2017 and January 2021, who used the power of Congress and the Special Council to defang Trump and his policies."

    That TC believes "our land is as corrupt as ever" but Trump is guilty of nothing?

    That TC calls Democrats "Communists?"

    TCs, like Trump, believe the trouble Trump is in is everyone else's fault but his, and that Trump did nothing wrong and the Communist Democrats are out to get him.

    That TC ignores the fact that Republicans and people IN TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION testified during the Congressional hearings into the J6 insurrection, and it was AMERICANS, both conservative and liberal, on the grand juries that heard evidence about Trump and found that evidence to be compelling enough to indict Trump 91 times. (And once for being liable for RAPE, FFS!)

    But TCs are so marinated in Trump cultism that they ignore reality and convince themselves that they know the truth, which, in fact, is their group delusions and MAGA lies!

    That TC seems intelligent, he can actually express himself in the English language, unlike the Trump Cultist trolls who come here. But how can an intelligent person ignore facts and reality?


  14. Ms. Shaw, Broaden your horizon and look beyond your hatred of trump but that seems all the democrats have to run on is we hate trump. I guess in your opinion we are doing the best we can by having a trump and biden rematch. If accusations are fact then joey b, has been found credibly liable of taking bribes to help his son.
    I still believe we can do better that the two who are leading the field and I believe almost any candidate is better.

  15. Skud: "If accusations are fact then joey b, has been found credibly liable of taking bribes to help his son."

    Accusations are NOT facts.


    There is no such legal finding about President Biden and his son taking bribes. Those are unproven, in a court of law. Until that is proved in a court of law, what you wrote is nonsense and nothing more than wishful thinking.

  16. PS. What Trump was found liable for in a court of law does, indeed, deserve our contempt; and in a decent, law abiding country, that would bar the rapist from ever holding any public office, including dog catcher.

    Judge says E Jean Carroll allegation Trump raped her is ‘substantially true’ in court dismissal

    “As the court explained in its recent decision denying Mr Trump’s motion for a new trial on damages and other relief [in the New York case] … based on all of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict as a whole, the jury’s finding that Mr Trump ‘sexually abused’ Ms Carroll implicitly determined that he forcibly penetrated her digitally – in other words, that Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law.”

    The fact that Donald Trump was found credibly liable for rape seems not to bother you and your fellow travelers.

    Most decent people I know are sickened by the idea that Trump wants to be POTUS again.

  17. Shenehneh, you got snookered by your far left wing extremist sites. That pic of TRUMP is not a mugshot. Your left wing extremist sites want you to believe it's an actual mugshot. It came from a Telegram site by a patriot subscriber. You just showed us what kind of assface you really are, Boston Piggy. I have the goods on you!

  18. As is usual with MAGAs, you, “Rattrapper,” are completely WRONG!

    A quick check with Google would confirm that the mug shot I put up on my post is EXACTLY CORRECT, and you are wrong. Just like you are on everything! LOL!

    Go back and play with the little kids.

    Smarter trolls, please.

  19. "Not a mugshot"?
    These gullible dupes live in Bizzaro World.
    Deranged Rattrapper's criminal messiah is now #P01135809.
    "I have the goods on you", is hilarious Trump Cult gangster blather.

  20. Dave D.

    "Rattrapper" is an escapee from the blog "Who's Your Daddy." Apparently that blog went dark, and "Rattrapper" and his sock puppets have been surfing the web looking for other blogs where they can post their puerile comments.

    I'm pretty sure "Rattrapper" is a 12-year old emotionally challenged boy.

    He obviously doesn't know how to use a search engine.

  21. People who are "woke" don't attend woke rallies around the country and swear allegiance to a Big "Woke" Cahuna -- That what MAGAs do.

    People who are woke don't organize truck caravans with ginormous flags screaming "WOKE WON!"

    No, they're MUCH WORSE. They send their children to four+ Year "Indoctrinations Centers" (aka Universities) and subject themselves to 24/7 mind control via the MSM.

  22. F-J thinks a university education is "indoctrination" while Trump and Q-Anon are "education"? Maybe he has a degree from "Trump U." or "Prager U."?

    That yellow star reminds us of a previous ultra-nationalist white supremacist from the last century. The comparisons between Hitler and Trump are an interesting study of paranoid populist fascism.

    “What good fortune for those in power that people do not think.” – Adolf Hitler
    Trump said, "I love the poorly educated". Frightened illiterate and semi-literate white racists were their base, of course.

    Hitler and Trump were both ultra-nationalist white supremacists.

    Hitler and Trump pretended to be victimized by minorities.

    Hitler and Trump gained support by demonizing and scapegoating minorities.

    Hitler and Trump would accuse any opponent of being a communist.

    Hitler and Trump each incited a violent political insurrection to seize power. Hitler's Putsch was in 1923 and Trump's Putsch was January, 2021.

    Hitler and Trump encouraged police brutality.

    Hitler and Trump admired Russian tyrants.

    Hitler and Trump demanded loyalty over competence.

    Hitler and Trump hated democracy and fair elections.

    Hitler and Trump pandered to Christians.
    ("The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolf Hitler "My New World Order" - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933)

    Trump brandished a Bible for a photo op after GASSING non-violent protesters objecting to police brutality.

    Hitler and Trump both HATED a free press.
    Journalism has always been seen as a threat by totalitarians.
    The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to destroy journalism.
    Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when their lies are exposed and the truth threatens their agenda.
    Trump: “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.”
    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” – The Party (1984)

    Hitler and Trump were bigots who demonized homosexuals and worked to deny women reproductive freedom.

    On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.
    Trump appointed unqualified theocrats to the Supreme Court to appease anti-abortion right-wing Christians.

    When fascists tell you they’re fascists, believe them.

    Trump: “Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”

    Black Americans were recently massacred by a Trump supporter with a swastika-adorned AR-15.

    F-J can ignore history until HE becomes the next scapegoat and victim.

    Until then, he will goose-step with the worst of humanity.

  23. FJ, i'm sure those things you cite are true across the board in your conditioned mind beliefs. But that don't make it all so.

    Listen to yourself cause your passionate beliefs ( the ones you think are right and all should follow) passes as attempting to change minds and indoctrinate.

    Things are rarely as the relative reality makes them seem.

  24. -FJ

    Apparently you think RFK,Jr., would be just peachy as POTUS, and he'd be able to drain the swamp, because Trump wasn't able to.

    RFK,Jr., is a graduate of Harvard University, The London School of Economics (established by the Fabians), and the University of Virginia Law School.

    Every one of those institutions are as wokey woke as it gets, and you think one of its graduates would be an excellent POTUS?

    Interesting, since you think our universities are "Indoctrination Centers" and "mind control, but apparently RFK,Jr., escaped that indoctrination and mind control -- perhaps while he was busy shooting up heroine or engaging in his uncontrolled satyriasis?

    Yeah. That's probably it.

    And also, Trump won the 2020 election? Sure. We get it.
