Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Good News!


Ohio Voters Reject Constitutional Change Intended to Thwart Abortion Amendment

And this: 

 Ohio voters reject higher bar for altering constitution, a win for abortion rights supporters 

"Ahead of a November vote on abortion rights, Republicans had wanted voters to make it more difficult to amend the state constitution. Voters said no, and constitutional amendments will continue to need just a simple majority to pass."

70+%  of Americans favor abortion rights. What you'll hear the far right scream after this vote:


Disregard that hysteria because that's nowhere near the truth. Pregnancies are fraught with all sorts of dangers, as we've witnessed since the SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade last June. A decision about stopping a pregnancy should always be left to the girl or woman and her medical team. They know best, not the state or federal governments.

The "small government" Trumpublicans are now governing girl's and women's reproduction organs. 

Forced state pregnancies are as evil as forced state abortions. 


Louisiana woman carrying unviable fetus forced to travel to New York for abortion  

Nancy Davis suffered ‘unspeakable pain’ due to poorly worded law that meant hospital in home state refused to terminate pregnancy

Marlena Stell Forced to Carry Dead Fetus for 2 Weeks After Miscarriage Due to Abortion Ban 

A Florida woman, unable to get an abortion in her state, carried to term a baby who had no kidneys. Deborah Dorbert’s son Milo died in her arms on March 3, shortly after he was born, just as her doctors had predicted he would.

Texas woman speaks out after being forced to carry her dead fetus for 2 weeks

The same surgical procedure that is used to treat a miscarriage is also used for terminating pregnancies. New Texas anti-abortion laws have doctors nervous to perform procedures for miscarriages, forcing this woman to carry her dead fetus in her womb for two weeks.


Kylie Beaton's doctors agreed mom was at risk but said their hands were tied legally.

 She’s Suing “I was told that if I tried to discharge myself, or seek care elsewhere, that I could be arrested for trying to kill my child”

Idaho woman documents horrific 19-day miscarriage after state’s near-total abortion ban blocked her from getting treatment 


  1. Dave Miller posted this comment in the post below before I put up the news about Ohio defeating a bid to make it harder to amend the state constitution.

    Dave Miller commented on ""It's Deja Vu all over again!""
    55 mins ago
    OT, but important...

    The Ohio GOP has lost an attempt to change their ballot proposition law weeks before an election that will enshrine the right to abortion in the state Constitution.

    A majority of Ohio residents want to see that ballot proposition pass in November. Yet in an atmosphere where the GOP only agrees with states rights when they support the right, those clowns literally tried to move the goal posts at the last minute.

    And like in Kansas, the anti abortion government knows best crowd lost.

    It should be clear to anyone with half a brain, that America does not want a nationwide ban on abortion, that even conservative states favor some access to abortion and that the GOP cares not one whit what "real" America wants.

  2. Dave M.

    Good news, indeed.

    Yet there are those who continue to characterize the Democrats as the party that wants to deny Americans their bascis rights and liberties. Those are the same folks who refuse to see what is in front of their noses.

    What the Ohio Republicans tried to do is unprincipled and anti-democratic.

    How many times do we have to point out that it is THE REPUBLICAN PARTY that is acting against our founding principles?

    The minority party will continue to force its will on the majority of the American people.



  3. BTW, I heard the old argument that abortion is a matter of two competing rights of human beings.

    EXCEPT a collection of cells with no heart or brain is NOT a human being. A religious belief is that once conception occurs, the fertilized egg is "ensouled." That's a religious belief, not medical science.

    The morning after pill gets rid of fertilized cells, no heart, no brain stem, cells. And yet there are people who want to prevent girls and women from using the morning after pill. That's what a total ban on all abortions is, and it's the goal of a minority of religious people.

  4. Jim Brokaw, NYTimes:

    The Republican legislature of Ohio makes clear their anti-democracy bias in the effort to subvert the will of the voters and make their desires harder to enact. These politicians wanted to position themselves as the gatekeepers to prevent policies voters desired from having any chance to become law.

    It is a relief to see the anti-democracy efforts of these politicians fail.

    If their policies really were the will of the people, they would not need to go to such effort to prevent the people from voting their own choices directly.

    Next, I hope Ohio will bring forward a ballot initiative for an independent citizen's redistricting committee, one not beholden to nor controlled by any political parties. Then perhaps over time a resurgence in "government of the people, by the people, for the people" will happen, instead of government controlled "by the politicians, for the donors, by the politically-connected, wealthy few".

  5. Shaw... even if there are two competing sets of rights, the people have spoken again and again.

    Unless the GOP believes that the great majority of Americans are too stupid to know how to vote, they need to think about the will of the people.

    Even the illustrious FreeThinke said the will of the people needed to be respected.

    Now, as the GOP has always wished, an individual state has made a decision, just as the conservative SCOTUS said they should. But their actions in response show they only believe in their platitudes when it benefits their party.


  6. Shaw,
    Ohio is in line with this.
    They voted 69.44% to 30.56%.
    And they will do it again when reproductive freedom is up for a fair vote.
    From now on, every vote in every election in every year will be a vote that is vital for the defense of democracy.

  7. If you give these people an inch they will take a mile. People everywhere need to realize that the Republican Party is bent on subverting democracy as we know it and establishing de facto one party rule. They will lie, they will cheat, they will gerrymander, they will disenfranchise, anything to achieve their end.

    The Republican Party is not the party of freedom, nor is it the party of Lincoln, it is the party of Ronald Reagan on steroids having discarded any sense of shame or decency. It is not concerned about the climate, the environment, the working person, the poor, only the extremely wealthy who buy their allegiance. It exists on the back of fear and resentment, which it stokes. It exploits the religious, but its policies - insofar as the exist at all - are the antithesis of Christian tenets. We can but hope the country will come to its senses.

    The threat is quite clear.
