Thursday, August 31, 2023

This is what our students face in their schools in the "Greatest Country in the World:"

The front page of The Daily Tarheel, August 29: 

Text messages sent and received by UNC students Monday, August 28. 

The campus was on lockdown for more than three hours.


We are a country that loves guns more than we love our children.


  1. Looking down dark blind alleyways rarely leads to light. Something America's MAGA's and gun nuts obviously rfuse to understand.

  2. No one's trying to take your guns away, -FJ!

    More paranoia.

  3. It was an invitation (Come, take!), not an expression of paranoia.

    Acta non verba! :)

  4. "Molon Labe" was/is a slogan used by the gun rights people.

    They, like you, are paranoid about having their guns taken away.

    And the Spartans @Thermopylae have nothing to do with your paranoia about the "Deep State," and your being wrong about the 2020 election being stolen FROM Trump. It was, IN FACT, almost stolen from Joe Biden.

    But the good guys won.

    And we're happy to see another Proud Boy get locked away for 17 years, one year less than the disgraced Stewart Rhodes.


  5. Deeds not words is what -FJ says they value and yet they freak out due to published words from our terrified children (Come take them? Really?)

    It's not the current generation and administration humans like -FJ need to worry about, it's all the kids who have to live through endless lockdowns and terror that they or their friends could be killed at any moment.

    There oughta be a law was the saying back in the day. As I see it the kids are going to make sure no one has to live through what they did growing up. They will pass those laws.

    It's only history rhyming after all.

  6. If only the GOP were interested in protecting the right to life and the mental health of our already born young people in schools...
