Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Michael Beschloss: 

We still need to know what Tarrio was doing at Trump WH 

3 weeks before 1/6

OK, Tarrio gets twenty-two years, but we still need to know what he was really doing at the Trump White House three weeks before January 6, 2021.
Why was he there?

Ex-Leader of Proud Boys Sentenced to 22 Years in Jan. 6 Sedition Case

Enrique Tarrio was found guilty of seditious conspiracy against the United States.  

Look at the Republican senators, governors and other GOP pols who were proud to be photographed with this seditious felon!

"You will know who they are by the people they're proud to be seen with."


  1. I hear he thinks tRump is going to pardon him.

  2. 🤷‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙆‍♂️ Man with hands halfway in the air, man with one hand in the air, man with both hands over head. No man with both hands all the way in the air. 😥

  3. Enrique Tarrio was a nerd on a power trip and will spend 22 years in prison

    Ashli Babbitt, a gullible Air Force veteran, was fatally shot on Jan. 6

    Kevin Greeson, Trump fan, died of a heart attack, collapsing on a Capitol building sidewalk on Jan 6

    Rosanne Boyland overdosed and was trampled to death by her fellow “patriots” on Jan 6

    Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke on Jan 6

    FOUR Capitol police officers committed suicide after Jan. 6, along with Brian Sicknick’s death

    J6 defendants will spend decades in prison

    ALL because of Trump’s lies

  4. As tRump is responsible for his actions, so are the willing participants responsible for their own independent actions.

    tRump did not hold anyone hostage at gunpoint. They are adults responsible for their own decisions and the resulting consequences.

    tRump was the leader responsible for the lies and fomenting distrust and hatred, but, his loyal sheeple carry full responsibility for their own misguided actions. They all deserve the full weight of law crashing down on them.

    There can be no sympathy for seditionists and insurrectionists. PERIOD. And, tRump must serve time WHEN he is found gulty as charged.

  5. Anon...

    Ask a conservative where fault lies after a young child dies by suicide after leaving a note saying he or she could not stand the bullying they received in school where fault lies. If the bullying led to that suicide and they will quickly say "Yes, of course!"

    Pose that same question around J6 and no conservative attributes those suicides by the officers to the events of the day, even when they guys left notes.

    Their logic goes out the window when events do not line up with their beliefs.

    Don't believe it? take a look at this quote from one sailor on the HMS Mothership of Denial...

    Now that I’ve been an adult for over 60 years, the only organized crime I’ve encountered has been by the Clinton and Biden families, and the only commies are just ignorant socialist liberals who insist they know what’s best for “the American people.”

    You've got to wonder why they believe a GOP that stands against Roe, passes racist gerrymanders that even Trump courts say violate the law and try to violently overturn elections, like Mr Tarrio, aren't commie, ignorant socialist insisting they know "what's best for the American people"?


  6. Do you think that skudrunner poster will read your comment and learn anything?

  7. "Now that I’ve been an adult for over 60 years, the only organized crime I’ve encountered has been by the Clinton and Biden families, and the only commies are just ignorant socialist liberals who insist they know what’s best for “the American people.”

    Only a Trumphead would write anything as stupid and false as that.

    Theyre cultists and have lost their minds.

  8. Anon... of course I believe Skud will read my comment. Whether he agrees with it or not, I can't say. Skud normally doesn't posit a singular view, rather he tries to live in "BothSiderLand", a mythical place where everyone in politics is equally bad.

    Even though only one group of political believers attacked the US Capitol, beat US officers close to death, wanted to hang our Vice President and worked for months to steal and poison the atmosphere and results of a presidential election.

  9. Rev, I did not know all those people died as a result of jan 6th. You characterize me as a "BothSider" whatever that means. do I believe politicians are only interested in three things and those spend you money, get more and keep their job. Everything else just flat doesn't matter. You believe as long as they are a democrat they are honest and working for the best for the country. I may be a bothsider but I removed my rose colored glasses decades ago.

  10. Skud... anyone who does not know we lost four officers to suicide as a result of the events of Jan 6, is not keeping up. It's been reported by many, including conservative, news sources multiple times.

    As for bothsiderism, if you don't understand that phrase, you are not keeping up. Shaw has defined it multiple times for you in response your comments across various posts. Here's an easy to understand definition...

    Bothsiderism is false balance, and presents an issue as being more balanced between opposing viewpoints than the evidence supports.

    As for my belief in the honesty of Democrats, for about the 100th time, you'd be hard pressed to support your, once again, wrong characterization of me. Anyone who is paying attention and can read, knows my struggles with the Dems, my angst regarding about Biden, knows I felt Obama was weak politically, that WJ Clinton should have resigned, Gore struggled with the truth and that I did not vote for him or HRC.

    Please explain how you square the above public FACTS, with your statement that I believe as long as someone is a Dem "they are honest and working for the best for the country"?

    Once again, at best, you have mischaracterized my views, but more likely, have knowingly lied about me.

    Again I ask... Why?

  11. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Free America's J6 political prisoners!

    Free -FJ from his delusions!

  12. Unbelievable how far down the trumpublican party has sunk. Before trump, being photographed with white supremacists would have been political suicide. Now, it's bragging rights.

  13. Free -FJ from this Delusional blog!
