Friday, September 22, 2023

There is no Republican Party anymore...

there's just a bunch of crazed, anti-democracy chaos agents who've captured the weak and spineless Speaker of the House, Kevin "No Cajones" McCarthy and made him their beyotch! 

Since 1995, we have had five major government shutdowns; all of which occurred while the Republicans controlled the House.


“The GOP has completely gone off its rocker—incapable of passing House spending, ranting and raving at AG, cooking up ludicrous and baseless impeachment, unable to greet Zelensky with joint a session." --Jennifer Rubin, WaPo 


 What we're witnessing is an attack on the institution, similar to January 6 only this time coming from inside the chamber. MAGA extremists perpetrating the attack proudly support convicted Jan. 6 conspirators and openly welcome a civil war. 

"Burn the whole place down" is not a metaphor for them. They need to be confronted directly and handed a definitive defeat.


  1. Sununu: “Trump’s too dumb to be a danger to democracy. Let’s not give him that much credit. … I want everyone to relax. It’s all going to work out.”

    Says we survived Civil War, McCarthyism, 1968, 9/11 and even Jan. 6. “Asshole leaders come and go, but our system stands strong.”

  2. The last few shutdowns were anticlimactic. And they gave all the federal workers back pay anyway so no one lost any money. They just got free vacation time.

  3. Contrast the modern day GOP with the Democrats.

    Dem Sen Al Franken mocks a woman in a prank and... is pushed by his party to resign.

    GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert gives a dry hand job to a guy in a public theater where kids were to see a play and... crickets from the GOP.

    Dem Senator Bob Menendez is indicted on bribery charges, the case is not proven, and... his Dem governor and other federally elected Dems call immediately call for him to resign. Here's what his Dem Gov said... “The alleged facts are so serious that they compromise the ability of Senator Menendez to effectively represent the people of our state...”

    GOP presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump is indicted on racketeering, obstruction of justice and more and... the majority of people competing against him to be the GOP presidential nominee, say they would support him even if he is convicted!

    And this is before we even get to Sen Tommy Tuberville who single handedly has crushed the ability of the GOP to claim the mantle of "strong on defense" for a generation with his stunts to block military promotions, throwing families and commands into complete chaos, all around the world.

    How anyone can vote for this "Clown Show" as one GOP Rep described his party, is beyond me.

  4. The republicon party is now nothing but a cult apparently bent on destroying our representative democracy and any respect we once had across the free world. tRump effectively fundamentally changed republicon party who is attempting to fundamentally change the government singlehandedly.

    Screw the republicon party.

  5. There's a Republican Party alright. They've never changed. They never moved to Vichy.

  6. No, but they've moved towards and emulate the Fascist ideology of White Nationalism and supreme ignorance.

  7. So literally everything is Trumps fault, huh?

  8. "Right-wing Republicans who represent a minority in their party and in Congress have succeeded in sowing mass dysfunction, spoiling for a shutdown, an impeachment and a House coup." --NYTimes

    "Democrats consider them dangerous, out-of-control radicals, and even some of their Republican colleagues regard them as misguided outliers determined to impose their views on their party and the nation. But neither has found a way to overcome their guerrilla tactics, which include jettisoning decades of tradition and openly defying their own party on the House floor." --NYTimes

    Remember when the Republicans said President Obama was going to fundamentally change America?

    Of course he did not.

    But the current Republican Party is doing it right before our eyes.

  9. Anonymous said...
    So literally everything is Trumps fault, huh?

    You said it.

  10. Of course Shaw. They're were merely projecting, no, telegraphing their intentions should the nation be dimmwitted enough to put them back in power.

    And they are living up to their ignorance in spades. Many times over. While their orange faced gargoyle is continuing to pour jet fuel into their efforts to destroy our democratic republic.

  11. Anon...

    I don't know what the "everything" is you're talking about. Quite to the contrary, many of here have spoke of the limits and short comings of the Dems, Biden, Obama and more over the years.

    I for one though will be happy to spread the blame, because I think Trump's enablers, the rest of the GOP also bears a huge level of responsibility for the shortcomings of the current GOP.

    But, at least in the current budget kerfuffle, while it may not be Trump's fault, it is all the fault of the GOP, a party that can't even get its members to agree on much of anything.

  12. Designed and orchestrated Chaos in action. Compliments of the party of Ignorant Delusions.

  13. Designed and orchestrated Chaos in action. Compliments of the party of Ignorant Delusions.
