Monday, October 30, 2023


BREAKING: The vote to expel George Santos is expected to take place later this week and NY Republicans believe they will have the 2/3 majority in the House to expel the fraudster from NY-03


  1. I certainly hope so. It's about time somebody in Washington was held accountable for something.

  2. I have no love lost for Santos, but I'm just not sure expulsion is the best thing to do in this case.

    Especially so close to the next election where the ppl could just vote him out.

  3. Infidel763 has a point, Santos deserves and should be held accountable. But, so shouldn't tRump. Yet here we are. Still waiting with no certainty he ever will be.

  4. There are so many who should be expelled on both sides but doubt if it will happen. Let start with the antisemitic squad members and finish with the swalwell who passed intelligence to a spy for sex.

  5. As I've said before, I have no idea where skudrunner gets a lot of the stuff he posts here. A lot of it is just plain wrong, or half-truths, or rumors, or unsubstantiated speculation.

    This latest dig at Swalwell is an example of skudrunner perpetuating a lie.

    From The Hill:

    "The House Ethics Committee concluded a two-year investigation into Rep. Eric Swalwell’s (D-Calif.) interactions with a suspected Chinese spy and determined that it will take no further action.

    The committee informed Swalwell of the decision in a private letter dated Monday and said it did not plan on releasing the letter publicly.

    “As you are aware, on April 9, 2021, the Committee on Ethics (Committee) informed you that it had determined to investigate allegations raised in the complaint that you may have violated House Rules, laws, or other standards of conduct in connection with your interactions with Ms. Christine Fang. The Committee will take no further action in this matter,” committee chairman Michael Guest (R-Miss.) and ranking member Susan Wild (D-Pa.) wrote in the letter.

    The investigation began after news broke that an alleged Chinese spy, Christine Fang, had worked on Swalwell’s campaign and had targeted up-and-coming politicians in California, including Swalwell.

    Swalwell confirmed that the FBI informed him that he was targeted by a Chinese intelligence operative but he was clear that he cooperated with law enforcement immediately and stressed that he was never accused of wrongdoing.

    The story, however, along with unsubstantiated rumors of an alleged romantic relationship with Fang, became a fixation for many of Swalwell’s political opponents, who frequently attacked him on this issue. Earlier this year, those unproven allegations became the reason Swalwell was denied his seat on the House Intelligence Committee.

    Swalwell released a statement Tuesday maintaining his innocence and saying, “It’s time to move on.”

    “The bipartisan House Ethics Committee had this case for over two years. They had the power of subpoena. They received answers from me in response to requests for information. Today, they are closing this matter and did not make a finding of any wrongdoing,” Swalwell wrote.

    So, to recap: The FBI found no wrongdoing, the bi-partisan House committee ended the two-year investigation with NO finding of any wrongdoing.

    But that doesn't stop skudrunner from posting his lie about Swalwell which was posted with not one whit of evidence or any fact to back it up.

    Apparently skud likes to deal in rumors, untruths, and lies.

  6. Shaw said...

    "Apparently skud likes to deal in rumors, untruths, and lies."

    Yes Shaw, he does. We've seen his blatant mischaracterizations, untruths and even lies about not just the news of the day, but me and other posters.

    We should not be surprised by him, at least in this regard.

  7. Ms. Shaw, He got caught sharing a pillow with a spy and kept doing it after he knew what she was. An unproven allegation does not mean it does not exist. The FBI has proven to be an unreliable agency for many things and have turned into a political agency. Trump used them to advance his agenda and so has biden so to say the FBI said does not carry the legitimacy it once did.

    Like I stated several on both sides should be removed but your belief is if they are democrats they are fine, menendez come to mind. bush, AOC, omar, tlaib, are openly antisemitic and a hate group but that seems to be OK.

  8. "Swalwell cut all his ties to Fang after he was alerted by the FBI to the investigation, according to Axios, and there is no publicly available evidence Swalwell knew or suspected Fang was working for Beijing, nor is there evidence Fang broke any laws through her fundraising." SOURCE WHERE'S YOUR EVIDENCE?????

    Skud posted no EVIDENCE for his claim that Swalwell continued to see Fang after he was alerted by the FBI. That is an unproven slur against Swalwell.

    skud: "...but your belief is if they are democrats they are fine, menendez come to mind."

    Again, skud posted a falsehood. I have NEVER defended Menendez, and like other Democrats, have called for him to resign. Skud goes off on a tangent about things he has no proof for. I challenge him to find anything about Menendez on my blog where I say he's fine.

    Listen, skud, you do this a lot. You come here and accuse me of writing things I never wrote and of supporting people I've never posted about. Would you like it if the tables were turned and we, without evidence, accused you of being a big supporter of George Santos? A real FRAUD, LIAR, AND CHEAT, -- like the guy the Republican Party wants to see gain the WH again!

    "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) released a statement on the violence in Israel and Palestine. "Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine. I condemn Hamas' attack in the strongest possible terms.Oct 9, 2023"

    How the hell is that statement antisemitic?

    "AOC decries ‘bigotry and callousness’ of pro-Palestinian rally in New York
    US congresswoman says ‘it should not be hard to shut down hatred and antisemitism where we see it’ and calls for urgent ceasefire."

    Or that?

    If you knew the long, bloody complicated history of that region, you'd understand that there is no easy solution -- and certainly no solution in calling people antisemitic who criticize anything Israel does in this horrific war.

    There are many groups of orthodox Jews who DO NOT SUPPORT WHAT ISRAEL IS DOING. I've listened to Orthodox Rabbis declare this, as well as many other observant Jews. This situation is not black and white with easy solutions and finger pointing.

    Most Americans have no understanding of the politics behind this mess! And who the players were. Most Americans, IMO, are too lazy to read history.

    Pointing fingers and screaming ANTISEMITIC at anyone who criticizes Israel is absurd.

    I suggest you and others read the history of that region. You may learn something.

  9. Skud, you are correct. "An unproven allegation does not mean it does not exist."

    Again, you are 100% correct.

    But... an unproven allegation also does mean it does exist.

    And that's the issue for folks like you.

    With no evidence, you and others like you, for example on the Mothership, push theories and accusations as fact, without any proof. Even sometimes, as is the case here, in spite of evidence to the contrary. Others of course include the views that Obama is really running the current Biden Admin, that the 2020 election was stolen, that thousands of dead people voted in that same election and that Michelle Obama is a man.

    You stated "swalwell who passed intelligence to a spy for sex."

    Nowhere did you say he was "accused" of passing that intelligence to a spy. You never said he was indicted based on evidence. You never said a bi-partisan found no evidence of wrong doing.

    You stated he did it.

    And while that may be true, so might the statement that you beat your wife on a daily basis.

    With no qualifiers, no evidence, all we get is innuendo.

    Why do you do that?

  10. Ms Shaw, You are often judged by the company you keep. The Rev constantly accusing me of taking talking points from the mother ship even though I seldom go there so I am judged by what he thinks are my company.

    AOC didn't decry the acts of hamas until two days after the attacks or until she saw what the sentiment was, not untypical of a politician. If I do not condemn something I am vilified so the same should hold with everyone. If you condemned menendez I missed it so my apologies. The treatment of Palestinians by Israel has been horrid for decades but what they did is inexcusable. Their treatment is close to the treatment native Americans received from the colonists but there was no social media back then.

  11. @skud...What Israel, specifically the fascist right wing that Netanyahu heads up is engaged in is ethnic cleansing, if not out right genocide. For the US not to whole heartedly support the call for a cease fire and suport a two state solution is, to say the least, extremely short sighted and only encourages the continued death of innocent Palestinians and massive destruction of property and infrastructure.

    It is in lnhumane and shows a lack of compassion for the suffering that Israel is meting out on Palestine. While Hamas was barbaric in its attack on Israel and a response was neccessary, the Israeli response is much to heavy handed and will serve only to increase the hatred Israel experiences throughout the Arab world.

    But we're attached at the hip to Israel and so more of the same will continue for another who knows how long just abs it has since the establishment of the Israel state by force.

  12. Well Skud, in the words of Ronald Reagan, there you go again.

    First of all, I said you were correct. Trust me, that would rarely happen as it relates to the Mothership, even if I was allowed to comment there.

    Now, here's what I said...

    "With no evidence, you and others like you, for example on the Mothership, push theories and accusations as fact, without any proof.

    I said... those on the Mothership, are like you. Not you are like them. And that, at least in your propensity to make unsubstantiated and often untrue statements, is an accurate statement.

    They, like you, seldom come with, as we say, the receipts. A FOX article is not evidence. It's barely news, often along the same lines as a Gateway Pundit scoop.

    I do see you as a cut above that crowd for the most part. You don't, at least here, use terms like halfrican, Moochelle. Moslem, half black, scum, libtard and more.

    But you do, as you did above, make statements that are simply not accurate, untrue, or lazy. And you refuse to ever acknowledge that what you said is wrong.

    So what should we make of it? Of you?

    You're not being judged by your company. You're being judged by your words, which in the quote you made about Swalwell, that he "passed intelligence to a spy for sex.", is an unproven allegation, not supported by the facts we do know.

    All you had to do was say "many people think he passed intelligence to a spy for sex." You see, that's a statement of fact. Many people do think that. But it does not accuse the guy.

    Why not do that instead?

  13. Rev, Re-Read what you said and you will find that you stated you and others like you which says you are like the others on the mothership. Simple to understand what you said but I do not take offense if you slam me.

    This coming from a person who believes the border is not open when facts prove otherwise, mayorkas admission that there were 600,000 get-a-ways plus 2 million who will appear in court in five years. I my make assumptions, sex for secrets, but at least that is a believable assumption but the border is secure is totally unbelievable but does serve your purpose.

  14. Skud... go take an English case.

    Regardless of your feelings, or whether you are like others, or they are like you, we're left with this...

    You once again made an accusation against a member of Congress and stated it as fact. When you have no idea, or proof if it true or not.

    You said Swalwell passed intelligence to a spy for sex.

    You don't know that is factual. So you are either mistaken, or are lying. I get that you have decided that precision in language is not important. But that does mean you can misrepresent facts, make them up, assert accusations as facts absent evidence or misrepresent ppl, as you did here with Swalwell.

    Why do you continue to do so, and then when called on it, refuse to tell us why?

  15. Rev, I looked for an English case but couldn't find one. Maybe I will change all of my statements to IMHO so it does not offend. I have no proof swalwell traded sex for secrets as you have no proof he didn't except his word. She left the country and I doubt she will come back to testify so it is his word against no one.

  16. skud "I have no proof swalwell traded sex for secrets as you have no proof he didn't except his word."

    FROM POLITICO: "An FBI official has previously defended Swalwell, telling outlets in December that Swalwell was “completely cooperative” and “under no suspicion of wrongdoing,”


    "Adam Schiff noted that Republicans — including the panel’s current ranking GOP member Devin Nunes of California and then-Speaker John Boehner — were briefed on the matter in 2015 and raised no concerns about Swalwell’s ability to continue serving on the committee.

    Actually, it is the FBI who said he did not exchange sex for secrets. But you and a lot of MAGAs believe the FBI is corrupt, EXCEPT, of course, when it found Menendez was dealing in corrupt actions. I guess for you guys, the FBI is illegitimate when it finds RepublicanS' corruption but legitimate when it find Democrats' corruption. Isn't it strange how that works?

    Here's an example: When Donald Trump appointed Christopher Wray as head of the FBI, Trump praised and extolled him and his allegiance to his principles and America. As soon as Director Wray's FBI found stolen government top secret documents stashed in M-a-L's toilets, Trump turned on him and slandered him and the FBI. Isn't it strange how that works?

    Also, skud, good idea to preface your opinions that are not backed up with evidence with "IMO."

  17. "...and 'under no suspicion of wrongdoing,' ”

    That would mean that Swalwell DID NOT PASS STATE SECRETS to Fang. Otherwise the FBI would have arrested him under the Espionage Act. See how that works?

    From The Hill: "Swalwell confirmed that the FBI informed him that he was targeted by a Chinese intelligence operative but he was clear that he cooperated with law enforcement immediately and stressed that he was never accused of wrongdoing.

    The story, however, along with unsubstantiated rumors of an alleged romantic relationship with Fang, became a fixation for many of Swalwell’s political opponents, who frequently attacked him on this issue. Earlier this year, those unproven allegations became the reason Swalwell was denied his seat on the House Intelligence Committee."

    See how passing along rumors and unsubstantiated gossip can affect people? I hope it never happens to you.

  18. It appears from this side of the ocean skud has already let that happen to him.

    Row row your boat genty down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

  19. "Joe Conservative said...
    31 Democrats saved George Santos."

    Nah. The voters of his district will vote his corrupt arse out of office. The crooked
    Trumpublicans need Santos, and they're willing to keep a Liar, a Cheat, and a Fraud in that seat so they can keep their corrupt control of the House.

    When it comes to corruption, cheating, lying, stupidity, and every other human vice, The Republicans are the champs.

    Santos is just one symptom of the utter collapse of Republican integrity, morals, and righteousness.

    And now the House is being led by an Elmer Gantry-type charlatan.

  20. American conservatism, synonymous with neo fascist authoritarianism, is getting more egregiously ignorant with each passing week.

  21. Ms. Shaw, You make it sound like democrats are not corrupt, cheats and liars. That is the definition of a politician be it republican or democrat. The problem is most of them hide behind a family member to cash the checks and make the investments based on insider information. Of course few get caught and even when they do it is a slap on the wrist and take your seat.
