Saturday, November 4, 2023



Mass Shooting in Cincinnati, Ohio leaves 6 Shot, Including children: 

Last night a mass shooting killed at least 1 and injured 5 others. 

It is being reported that many of injured were in fact children. 

According to Cincinnati Children's, the hospital is currently caring for three patients who are in critical but stable condition.  

The shooting happened around 9:30 p.m. near Jones Street and Wade Street, in the West End neighborhood. - 

Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval stated: "Right now, I’m asking for your prayers. 

We will keep you updated as our officers continue their investigation. But I promise this: we will give everything we have to deliver justice against this sickening, heartless violence."


  1. They're giving "everything" they have to deliver justice...

    Right. More prayers and thoughts.

    And the beat goes on.

    Truth is the firearms industry controls the reality and massive profits drive the efforts. Just like with the MIC.

  2. Bill Pascrell, Jr. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

    A bullet from an assault weapon can travel nearly triple the speed of sound. It liquefies tissue and vaporizes bone. It destroys children’s faces. Last year 99% of republicans in Congress voted no to banning weapons of war like the one used in Lewiston.


  3. When a society (humankind) regularly spends billions on destruction of life and property it foretells the ending of that society. As society grows increasingly out of balance with the universe (cosmos), think also human generated climate change, its eventual destruction is increasingly insured.

    It will happen. Eventually. When may very well depend entirely on us. Cause and effect. Karma.

  4. Joe... how about this... 2 questions.

    1. Why is it that mass shootings, even on a per capita basis are are more prevalent in the US than any other country?

    2. What solutions, if you were king for a day, would you institute to stop the problem?

    If any?

  5. Purpose? What purpose? The only real purpose is to simly libve life without all the deluded conceptualization of What one thinks it should be.

  6. That's very Panglossian of you, Les. Voltaire, "Candide"

  7. 1. Why is it that mass shootings, even on a per capita basis are are more prevalent in the US than any other country?

    2. What solutions, if you were king for a day, would you institute to stop the problem?

    1) It's a problem of identity technologies. We want to be our "authentic" selves. But where do we get our sense of ourselves? From the culture. From the media. From films/ music/ entertainment industries. As Nietzsche said, G_d is dead. We no longer get it from church or religious institutions.

    Clues for who one is, or would like to be, were increasingly provided by the emerging media, especially in novels (Flaneurs?). These new media, Luhmann writes, invite people “to try out virtual realities” they encounter in the media. People began to identify, or not identify, with the protagonists in literature.

    To make things a bit more complicated, Luhmann suggests that when reading novels or watching movies, people become accustomed to second-order observation. He says: “You learn to observe observers, this is to say how people react in situations, how they observe themselves.” By observing in the media how others observe, readers or viewers can draw conclusions about themselves: they can relate themselves creatively to fictional characters. Luhmann says: “What is offered in entertainment does not commit anyone to anything particular, but it provides clues … for personal identity work.”

    Like modern society in general, this new type of identity is highly dynamic. Luhmann says: “You can choose yourself and are not even obliged to stick with your choice when things get serious.” What Luhmann describes here is close to what I call “profilicity”: An “identity technology” consisting in a curation of profiles.

    In novels and movies, we see, in a fictional, game-like setting, how different profiles emerge in feedback-loops with their audiences. You can observe these profiles, and relate them to yourself, try them out to see how they work, and then develop your own identity in a similar way.

  8. 2. What solutions, if you were king for a day, would you institute to stop the problem?
    If any?

    Although a return to 1st order observation would be impossible, I would try and alter the Economic Sector to discourage "bigness" (large multi-national corporations) and try and revitalize "small business'". Change the tax code correspondingly. Break the pay-to-play CEO-Government alliance. If people had a stake (ie- purpose) in their jobs (were self employed... but not Uber'like tech-feudalism run), they could spend more time being their "authentic selves" and less time being wage-slaves immersed in a culture-industry fed vicious cycle of 24/7 capitalism. I'd try to discourage screen time and replace it with face time.... in-person events, like the Spartan syssitia. Who knows, maybe I'd even institute a screen-time prohibition between of after certain hours. I'd make things "less efficient" all around and hope people got "bored" enough to create their own culturally rich and diverse activities (write "folk songs" and make-up fairy tales.

    Would it work? Probably not. But it would probably reduce school shootings.

  9. Ultimately, I think that the Korean-German philosopher Byung-Chul Han has got it right. We need breaks in the 24/7 information flows assaulting us 24/7. We need to take the time to digest some of that "information" and turn it into "knowledge". knowledge of our culture. But primarily, knowledge of ourselves. A better "identity construction tech".

  10. Turning off the TV, cell phones, computers, video games, and other mind numbing gadgets for a few hours every day might be a good start. Being wired (connected) constantly is probably not healthy for ones emotional and mental well being. B-C H makes sense. We have a malady known as information overload and much of the information is just someones opinion anyway.

    Read more books. Go outside and be with nature. Talk walks. Find a spiritual path that resonates. Deflate the ego and inflate your compassion towards others.

    Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.

    Do No Harm

    Would it work? Maybe. It might even reduce school (as well as other) shootings as well as others. Especially after congress grows a pair and enacts another ban on weapons of war.

    But, it's a safer bet nothing is going to change. Thoughts and prayers don't cost anything and they don't negatively impact the businesses of death.

  11. -FJ...

    There's a lot there in your responses. Much of it good.

    I's love a longer discussion on a lot of it, but a blog forum is not the best place for that.

    If I was to quibble, I would do so around the subject of less screen time, info etc.

    We see those same behaviors from young people, heck, even older people, around the world. Populations around the globe, regardless of poverty level, live with smart phones and daily connection to the outside, larger world.

    So my question still stands... why do Americans, at a much higher rate than others around the world, for instance in Europe, Australia, Japan, etc., engage in mass shootings?

    If it is simply due to online time, faulty tax codes and access to way too much info, why are we not seeing like behavior in like minded countries where people have similar lifestyles?

  12. -FJ

    Dave is entirely correct, -FJ. All advanced countries on this planet have essentially the same human problems that we here in the US face. We are all humans, and we all have our human faults and frailties. But not all advanced countries are saturated in a gun culture where firearms outnumber the population, and essentially anyone can get a firearm, mentally ill or not, and use it to settle a perceived "score."

    And not all advanced countries have firearms as the NUMBER ONE cause of death for their children.

    All your arguments and quoted texts from philosophers cannot counter that simple, but devastating fact.

    We are a country with THE MOST GUNS IN CIRCULATION AND WE HAVE THE MOST GUN DEATHS, with firearms the leading cause of death for our children.

    Maine is considered one of the 10 safest states to live in, but no one is safe ANYWHERE when mentally ill people get their hands on military-style weapons. Yes, law enforcement FAILED MISERABLY in the Lewiston tragedy, but with the saturation of firearms in this country, "the law" will ALWAYS fail in one way or another to protect innocents! Always.

    IT'S. THE. GUNS. Always has been, and always will be.

  13. No, IMO it's still the "Identity Tech" and sources for it. Did you read the Tennessee shooter's manifesto today? On and on ramblings about wealth and 'cracker' privilege... Why does a white girl-turned-boy care/ obsess about white privilege? Where did she "get that from"? How did that tie with her "Identity"? Why was she "recording" all this?

    IMO - she FUNDAMENTALLY overidentified with the source of her own complaint. Hatred of Whiteness, and her suicide and that of her victims were chosen BECAUSE of it.

  14. What all these other countries lack is the nihilistic sense of purpose, and a fixed identity (multiculturalism). The Japanese are a monoculture, and the diversity in Europe is a relatively recent phenomena. Was it <a href='">Sweden</a> where the mass shooter went after Jews? When it comes to "identity", multiculturalism isn't our friend.

  15. Like Travis in Taxi Driver ...

    A symbolic deadlock resulting in violence. His/ Her own "whiteness"

  16. IMO, the solution lies in curing the underlying socio-cultural-economic based problem, not some easy fix like "take away every object that can cause harm". That's just treating the symptom, not curing the disease.

  17. -FJ: "When it comes to "identity", multiculturalism isn't our friend."

    Multiculturalism and "identity" built America. Where've you been?

    I grew up in the Northeast, Boston, to be specific, where we had people proud of being African-American, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish, German, British, Scottish, Hispanic, North African, Asian, and Pacific Islanders! To name a few. And that's just cultural pride. We also have the LGBTQ+ community and other diverse groups. Massachusetts is one of the safest states to live in; one of the best educated, and one of the best for quality of life. And we have not suffered for our multiculturalism and diversity. Our governor, Maura Healy, is of Irish descent and a lesbian, and my mayor is female and Asian, Michelle Wu.

    2023, BOSTON - Once again, Massachusetts has been ranked the best state in all of America.

    The Bay State just edged out New Jersey for the top spot in WalletHub's latest ranking. It also was ranked No. 1 last year by the personal finance website.

    New Hampshire is third on the list, followed by New York and Wyoming.

    WalletHub based its ranking on 51 "key indicators of livability." While Massachusetts was 44th when it comes to affordability, it ranked first in education and health, while also getting high rankings for quality of life, safety and its economy.

    A state budget signed into law last week will guarantee free lunch for Massachusetts public school students - paid for in part by the new millionaire's tax.

  18. In the 20's & 30s people lived in ethnic ghettoes and fought with the Irish or Puerto-Ricans. They had their old identities. In America today, most no longer have that. The white ones, anyways. If they identify as white, they're labelled racists.

    Symbolic deadlock.

  19. btw - You should print my other posts. Censoring my responses so that only you can see them is childish. The Taxi Driver clip is essential.

  20. I was born in Massachusetts. Chicopee (Westover AFB).

    Identity politics is an attack on identity. And the ONLY identity that it is socially acceptable to attack, in America, is white identity. Welcome to the ensuing nihilism. Welcome to the shift from "Irish" to "trans"... "gay"... feminism"... I could go on. G_d forgive anyone should retain "German" (Nazi) or a more generic "white".

    Being an "ally" isn't going to save you. It's simply fingernails clinging to a cliff.

  21. "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    btw - You should print my other posts. Censoring my responses so that only you can see them is childish. The Taxi Driver clip is essential."

    I'm under no obligation to post all of your comments. I especially dislike ones that refer to "fudge packers." If you submit trash like that, it will not get posted.

    Curiously, you apparently don't mind censorship, since you post on Geeez's blog, and no one is allowed to post there who doesn't agree with her ideology. By posting on that blog one could say that you are fine with her censorship, since that is exactly what she practices, and you are aware of it. I've submitted comments there, and she refuses to post them, and deletes them from her comment moderation. So you're okay with her childishness, but dislike it in anyone else?

  22. -FJ: "And the ONLY identity that it is socially acceptable to attack, in America, is white identity."

    Well, duh! You must have learned somewhere the aphorism, "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

    The white majority, of which I am a part, has a history of afflicting the powerless. Now that the white majority is being called on it, they're bawling "We're being descriminated against!"

    What a joke. The white majority still hold all the power. Just look at the recent photo of them surrounding the new Speaker of the House in front of the Capitol. Not a black or brown face in the crowd.

    The majority of CEOs and heads of banks, etc., are still white. They're still in charge, but scared silly of diversity, inclusiveness, wokeness -- I wonder why.

    Oh. Wait...

    "The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects
    Youthful minorities are the engine of future growth"

  23. By posting HERE you could also say that I was "fine with her censorship". I'm not. And I've known Z for quite a long time. We used to post at FPM together, where there was no censorship... and when they added a moderator, we all LEFT. Sh*tposters are everywhere. It's where I learned to be one. But as I've said in the past, "I'm a tit-4-tat one." You get what you give.

    Ah, ever the "ally". But psychologically, it's only a small symbolic step between "universalism" and "nihilism" I love you ALL, and I love No-ONe. And do you know "where" the desire for Universalism comes from? A sense of Racial Superiority... of existing "beyond ignorant petty human bias". Which is the reason you have to attack "whiteness".... as proof of you unbias. It's a sham. That's why the "unwritten rule" of your social circle is that you can't point out the fault of any other person's racial group... only your own. And you must "defer" to any person of colour who speaks (intersectionality).

    Believe me when I tell you that your "unbiased" universalist position isn't an "objective one" or a "superior" one. It's a racist one. A racist holding on to a fetish of "intellectual superiority".

  24. "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." Sounds like an intellectual "Robin Hood".

    Are you "comfortable"? Am I afflicting you" by commenting? Who's more "noble", you or me?

  25. PS

    Preamble to the US Constitution (aka "the Spirit")

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

  26. -FJ: "Are you "comfortable"?


    -FJ: "Am I afflicting you" by commenting?"

    No. I take what you post with a large grain of salt and understand why you post what you post.

    -FJ: "Who's more "noble", you or me?"

    I'd say Oganesson (Og) is more "noble" than you or I.

  27. I don't know him. As for me, I'm not noble at all. I'm just a petty powerless commoner.

  28. JoeCon: "I don't know him..."

    You should get to know him, he's a gas.

  29. You'll have to arrange an introduction at some point.

  30. \\So my question still stands... why do Americans, at a much higher rate than others around the world, for instance in Europe, Australia, Japan, etc., engage in mass shootings?

    Your media made it popular.

    Starting from Hollywood movies.

    In Bollywood (moviemaker of India) movies people dance and sing... and ordinary indians do dance and sing, and feel itself happy.


    \\The white majority, of which I am a part, has a history of afflicting the powerless. Now that the white majority is being called on it, they're bawling "We're being descriminated against!"

    How much of that "white majority" of the Past, that which was "afflicting the powerless"... (well, isn't White was majority of aflicted, anyway) is still here, and in-person? To punish em.

    So... you think that punishing grandchildren for the "sins of grandfathers"... even though in that time that what that grandfathers did was not a crime -- but nearly ONLY possible line of behavior, are you? ;-P

    Well... then get ready so your grandchildren will be punished same way... for your "crimes". ;-P

    \\The Japanese are a monoculture, and the diversity in Europe is a relatively recent phenomena.


    There was no Medieval times. When each town have had own history and even language. :-)))))

    To USAians... nothing existed pre 1795. :-))))

  31. pShaw, meet Q. Q is a Ukrainian or possibly Polish? national who often posts on my blog. I linked to this thread yesterday on a recent post where I tried to reconstruct this argument that I was trying to make vis the cause of mass shootings.

  32. Bleh.


    I will not give it too much thought. Revealing anon posting maybe are good sign... but I saw it to DEMN often that is just a posterity -- not ability to withstand criticism, to hear diverse thought.
