Sunday, November 26, 2023




  1. A president who aspired to his highest self...

    40 years later a president who aspired to life's lowest common denominator.

    With one particular party continuing to dig.

  2. I have to admit, I love Jimmy Carter's means of paying back and serving the community in his work for Habitat for Humanity. He doesn't just donate his money, he donates his time, which to me is a sign of his genuine care and concern... unlike those who create a "Clinton Foundation" or a "McCain Leadership Institute" to siphon money off for themselves, friends and family members.

    The Carter Center is a real blemish on his life and legacy. But hey, it made his family a billion.

  3. Or the the Trump crooks who stole from the charity "The Trump Foundation:"

    Nov. 14, 2019, 4:50 AM EST / Updated Nov. 14, 2019, 5:47 PM EST
    By Philip Hackney

    Last week, Justice Saliann Scarpulla of the New York Supreme Court ordered President Donald Trump to pay $2 million in restitution to charity after admitting to New York Attorney General Letitia James that he and his children had violated their fiduciary duties as officers and directors of the now-shuttered Donald J. Trump Foundation. As a result of that failure, charitable dollars — consistently and over many years — often benefited Trump rather than the causes the president has repeatedly claimed he supports.


    In the public stipulations entered into with the attorney general, Trump, the Trump Foundation and his children made significant admissions of charitable waste. For instance, Trump directed the foundation to use money for charity to buy a Tim Tebow helmet for himself, a portrait of himself and to settle a couple lawsuits."

    We're not surprised to see you ignore that.

  4. No one gets to high office by being a choir boy. But the republicans have taken the job of politician and pushed it to the lowest of lows. And they are still going down. When tRUMP is gone we'll see if they recover.

  5. Indeed I do ignore it. I never claimed that Trump was an ideal vessel and w/o sin, as Democrats claim, no, adamantly assert for ALL their leaders.

  6. btw - I watched a great YouTube video of philosopher John Gray. He explains very well why Trump is so "well loved" by his followers, and why Biden is so categorically despised by them. You should take note, cuz they're "growing" even faster than all the illegals being admitted over our borders.

  7. btw2 - Don't you love the new Argentinian President? He's so linguistically and conceptually adept.

  8. "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    Indeed I do ignore it. I never claimed that Trump was an ideal vessel and w/o sin, as Democrats claim, no, adamantly assert for ALL their leaders."

    That's pure b.s. No one I know runs around with a BIDEN hat on, flies BIDEN flags from their cars and trucks, plasters their homes with Biden paraphernalia, and flies from city to city to attend rallies to hear Joe Biden tell them how brilliant he is and who he'll jail in his next term.

    We aren't afraid to speak of our politicians' flaws. We kick them out of Congress (See Al Franken), unlike the MAGAs' venerated George Santos.

  9. "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    btw2 - Don't you love the new Argentinian President? He's so linguistically and conceptually adept."

    Argentinians loved Juan Peron, and so I don't doubt the new authoritarian will thrill them like Juan and Evita did.

  10. FJ is just so rich! His BS js pure gold to the MAGA's.

  11. @-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew "adamantly assert for ALL their leaders"
    That's just not true. Read Shaw's response then read my comment. All politician at that level have their flaws. It's just that republicans have taken themselves to a new low.

  12. "Indeed I do ignore it. (Trump's history of fraud) I never claimed that Trump was an ideal vessel and w/o sin"

    -FJ has no issue with Trump's sins. As if this is news.

    Kindness, empathy, compassion, or any expressions of Carter's "genuine care and concern" are of no use in his kind of leader.

    There's more fraud, rape, sexual assault, lies, insurrection, and too many felonies to list.

    Some of the recent ones are:

    Mar-A-Lago Documents

    Counts 1-31: 18 USC 793(e) Willful Retention of National Defense Information
    Count 32: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(k) Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice
    Count 33: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(b) Withholding a Document or Record
    Count 34: 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c) Corruptly Concealing a Document or Record
    2020 Election Interference

    18 U.S.C. § 371 (Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
    18 U.S. C. § 1512(k) (Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1512(c)(2), 2 (Obstruction of and Attempt to Obstruct an Official Proceeding)
    18 U.S.C. § 241 (Conspiracy Against Rights)
    Georgia RICO:

    Criminal racketeering under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act
    Soliciting a public officer to violate their oath
    Conspiring to impersonate a public officer
    Conspiring to commit forgery with false electors
    Conspiring to commit false statements
    Making false statements
    Conspiring to file false documents
    All easy to ignore. In fact, I dare say -FJ ADMIRES Trump for his criminal, sociopathic and authoritarian leadership skills.

    Trump is full of tough talk and tells him who to hate and blame. He praises dictators, conmen, and thugs. He promises retribution. Enemies will be punished. NATO will be gutted. Ukraine will be handed to Putin. Anyone the Leader has a personal/legal/political grievance against is a traitor.

    If you oppose the Leader you hate America! Trump is above the law. Trump IS THE LAW. Loyalty demands it!

    This is Trumpism.

    He's telling us in "Project 2025". We've seen his "vermin" passage in his Veteran's Day Mein Kampf.

    And loyal authoritarian personalities flock behind their authoritarian leader...aided, encouraged and abetted by Russian operatives.

    Putin has been Trump's authoritarian idol and master. Trump Tower Moscow, Russian mob in Trump Tower NYC, Russian banks, Mike Flynn, and Trump's lies about having "nothing to do with Russia" are the just obvious connections between them. We'll never know what he and Putin discussed in secret. We DO KNOW Trump spilled secret Israeli Intel to RUSSIANS IN THE OVAL OFFICE!

    And we also know -FJ would be an EXCELLENT Russian operator. Whether he is or not, he has a promising future in the downfall of our democracy.

  13. No, no one flies Biden flags because EVERYONE knows what a low life bribe taker he is, but they DO cover for him so he can keep on taking bribes. Al Franken? LOL!

  14. "-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    No, no one flies Biden flags because EVERYONE knows what a low life bribe taker he is, but they DO cover for him so he can keep on taking bribes."

    And your evidence that supports your statement that "EVERYONE knows" Joe Biden is a "low life bribe taker" is where?

    The MAGA Congressmen and women who conducted hearings on this subject produced NOTHING. In fact, Speaker Johnson has said HIMSELF that the impeachment inquiry is going nowhere because there is insufficient evidence.

    But that doesn't stop hysterical cultists from stating, with certainty AND WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that Joe Biden accepted bribes.

    Just because you and other MAGAs want your evidence-free claims to be true doesn't make them true. That's magical thinking, and MAGAs frequently engage in that.

    After all, MAGAs believe a man with ACTUAL 91 felony indictments; a man who was FACTUALLY found liable for rape; a man whose organization was FACTUALLY found guilty on all counts of criminal tax fraud should be elected leader of this country.

  15. MAGA's, just as their hero does, apperently keep very low standards for themselves.

  16. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, what more do I need to know before I call it a duck?

  17. You have a walking and quacking duck decoy, pShaw? I know some hunters here in MD that would LOVE to get their hands on some of them.

  18. -FJ said... " one flies Biden flags because EVERYONE knows what a low life bribe taker he is..."

    We'll all be waiting for your evidence of that -FJ. The GOP controlled Congress has been alleging something like that for years, all as they admit, without evidence.

  19. Unless the democrats wake up and nominate a coherent semi honest candidate they just may give the election to trump because we can have mumbles or trump and trump has staunch supporters where joey b is losing them including the younger voter. Now when he has a opportunity to show how great he is with the hostage release he give a press conference about supply chain then walks off. He really needs to get better handlers and of course his press spokesperson is a total joke.

  20. skud

    With what evidence do you infer that Joe Biden is not honest?

    Again, you arrive here with insinuations about Biden's honesty, and we're supposed to accept that without any evidence?

    Can you explain why?

  21. Ms. Shaw, At least you didn't try to defend joey b's competence and went after my saying he was not honest. I took that right out of the democrat play book that if a politician is accused of something they are guilty until they prove they are innocent. He is being accused and investigated therefore according to the democrat playbook he is guilty.
    It is still my hope that reason prevails and both biden and djt will pull out for the good of the country but I can't see that happening. Remember joey b said he was going to be a one term president but I guess that was just fibbing. trump feels he has something to prove to satisfy his massive ego and he just may prove it if he and joey b stay in.
    What a choice a potentially criminal and a incompetent mumbler. As an Independent I say we need to do better and maybe third party will be the answer like joe manchin, cornel west but I still think Nikki would be great.

  22. skud: "I took that right out of the democrat play book that if a politician is accused of something they are guilty until they prove they are innocent."

    I hope you DO know the difference between a Congressional accusation and a charge by law enforcement. President Biden has not been charged with any crime by any law enforcement agency. UNLIKE DONALD TRUMP HAS!

    skud: "...but I still think Nikki would be great."

    I thought there was some hope for her, but she's a panderer with, apparently, no firmly held convictions. Haley said in 2016 that Trump was no better than an unruly kindergartener, then enthusiastically supported him and even worked for him. She even raised her hand at a recent GOP debate and indicated that she would support and vote for him should he be found guilty of any of the felonies he's accused of committing.

    Where the hell is her moral compass??? I'm guessing she has none where her ambition is concerned. But, hey, you have no problem with that. Yet constantly denigrate Joe Biden because of his age?

  23. Shaw, I've been aware of Nikki's lack of character and moral compass for a while, mostly due to the LGBTQA+ civil rights battles back in the day. As I remember her she's for a thing until her donors get fussy then she's against it. I concur, she'd be horrible as president.

    I'd vote for Elizabeth Warren - she was my first choice but big business lost their lunch at the idea of her as president. She'd give them what for, that is for sure and she would do it in her school teacher patient voice - you know the one that you'd do just about anything to avoid having to hear. Augh!!!! Actually I'd pay to watch her take them down. Might even eliminate some of the debt the GOP continually complains but does nothing about.

    skud said "I took that right out of the democrat play book that if a politician is accused of something they are guilty until they prove they are innocent."

    Oh skud, even when you are trying you just fall short. You do know the reason the Democratic party uses that phrase?

    It is verifiable whenever MAGA goes on a tear to accuse either a Democratic politician or person in the LGBTQA+ community with no facts to back them up of some disgraceful act it is inevitably the person doing the accusing who has been found guilty in a court of law of those actions and worse. I could bring receipts if needed although I'm not sure Shaw would appreciate the pages of data collected. I'll throw out the first name - Ted Haggard. Should be enough to prime the pump to use an automobile metaphor.

    Also - you've yet to produce your receipts for all the stuff you say, perhaps you could create a new page and start? I don't know about the rest of the readers here but I'd love you see you back up your statements with facts. It would be refreshingly honest.

  24. I have no issue with joey b's age. He is not that much older than I am but I don't pretend to run our country and I avoid mumbling at least to others. He is not fit to be president and BTW a congressman is investigating joey b for corruption.

    Moral compass from a politician, that is truly a new concept.

  25. skud,

    President Biden isn't "pretending" to run the country. He has decades and decades of DC politics and experience, and he KNOWS how to run the country.

    No president, even the youngest and most vigorous, ever "runs [or has run] the country" on his own. Presidents have always had advisors to fill in wherever he needs expertise. No president of anything, country or corporation, knows the intricacies and politics of everything. No president, except, of course, the malignant narcissist who often claimed he knew more about everything than any expert or general. We all know and witnessed Trump's egregious stupidity where it concerned American democracy and how our Constitution is the law of the land, not him.

    And now Trump is actually telling Americans how he will become the first American strongman; how he will send anyone who opposed or opposes him to prison. Trump advocates shooting shoplifters on sight; shooting migrants crossing the border on sight; getting rid of "vermin" Lefties; and filling the government with only those who suck up to him, admire him, and agree with all his proto-fascist ideas. That's who the current GOP hopes will be our next president: A proto-fascist, malignant narcissist, anti-American, anti-democracy strongman, who is mentally deteriorating before our eyes.

    "How is it possible that it’s not front page news when a man who soon may return to power calls for law enforcement to kill people for minor crimes? And why do so few people question Trump’s mental acuity rather than Biden’s, when Trump proposes delusional, unhinged plans for forest management and warns his supporters that Biden is going to lead us into World War II (which would require a time machine), or wrongly claims that he defeated Barack Obama in 2016?" -Thomas Edsell

    "If Trump — in adopting language that he cannot help knowing replicates that of Hitler (especially the references to opponents as “vermin” and “poisoning the blood of our country”), we have to wonder if he has crossed into “new terrain.” That terrain, driven by grandiosity and dread of exposure (e.g., at the trials) could signal the emergence of an even less constrained, more overtly vicious and remorseless Trump who, should he regain the presidency, would, indeed act like the authoritarians he praises. Absent conscientious aides who could contain him (as they barely did last time), this could lead to the literal shedding of American blood on American soil by a man who believes he is “the only one” and the one, some believe, is a purifying agent of God and in whom they see no evil nor do they doubt."--Leonard Glass, Prof. of Psychiatry, Harvard University

  26. In March Trump told loyalists in Waco, Texas:

    I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.

    “With you at my side,” Trump went on to say,

    we will totally obliterate the deep state, we will banish the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, and we will cast out the communists and Marxists, we will throw off the corrupt political class, we will beat the Democrats, we will rout the fake news media, we will stand up to the RINOs, and we will defeat Joe Biden and every single Democrat.

  27. skud: "BTW a congressman is investigating joey b for corruption."

    If you're referencing Rep. Comer, he himself has said that they've not found any evidence that links Joe Biden to corruption:

    In September, then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made several unproven claims while announcing the opening of a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

    McCarthy said the Republican-led investigation will focus on “allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption” by Biden, related to his family’s overseas business dealings, McCarthy said.

    There is clear evidence that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, leveraged his famous name while pursuing lucrative foreign deals, which might be untoward but isn’t illegal. And he isn’t a government official -- the impeachment inquiry is into his father.

    Trump is the one who orchestrated this whole fiasco. By instigating an impeachment inquiry, it takes the focus off Trump's dozens of felony indictments -- which are real and not a witch hunt, as Trump calls them.

  28. An uninformed, willfully ignorant, anti-intellectual and angry electorate cannot sustain a democracy and will choose a strong man who promises to avenge their grievances toward what what they believe to be a ruling elite of deep state liberals which has actively worked to keep them marginalized. (This would someone like FJ who frequently comments here)

    America as we know it will be doomed unless the vast majority of our citizens come out to the polls in droves next year and vote and spare us from the tyranny of the far-right.

    Our country will not survive under another Trump presidency.

  29. So, Biden's too old, no matter his accomplishments, while Trump is a raving, mentally-ill lunatic with tendencies toward violence and an expressed desire to crush anyone who disagrees with him.

    Yet, Trump, for now, seems to have a better chance of winning, because he channels the intense hatred and the victimization delusions of millions of white Americans.

    Meanwhile, the media treats him like fragile china, preferring instead to amplify Biden's age and his gaffes and shortcomings.

    It's all just nuts. I am losing faith in America. It's failing, declining, and no one seems willing to step in and fight this madness, or stop it. It makes me want to just throw up my hands, and leave the country to its ill-chosen fate.

  30. Ms. Shaw, Just because there is no evidence found so far does not mean he is innocent. He is accused therefore he is guilty until the time comes that he proves he is innocent. It use to be innocent until proven guilty but the democrats rewrote the rules. Will anything happen to joey b, doubt it but the rumor do continue. Did joey b know his family was accepting foreign money for favors, maybe.

    Paula, if what you say is true why is biden losing voters who are young, black, brown and non-white. His failures put the country in danger and he needs to do what is best for the country and retire, again. He is getting to the point he can't remember his last lie, was it one million or two million miles on amtrak.

    We should demand better

  31. Skud opined... "Ms. Shaw, Just because there is no evidence found so far does not mean he is innocent."

    Really Skud? Answer this question... Are you still beating your wife?

    That's your dodge? I see what you did there. You've equated libs belief that there's a lot of evidence, as witnessed by the bi-partisan Jan 6 commission and the numerous indictments of former President Trump with the "Biden Crime Family."

    There is no Biden Crime Family. None. There may be a wayward son who went off into stupid land, but to date, we've seen no charges backed up by evidence. As a matter of fact, Hunter Biden has offered to appear to Congress, sit and answer every charge the GOP believes they have.

    But... think about this... the GOP has refused because he wanted the hearing to be live, with witnesses present, transparent and publicly broadcast.

    Any sane person, convinced of Hunter Biden's guilt would accept that in a minute.

    So what did the GOP do? They said no. Because they know, as the Chairman of the committee has admitted, they have no evidence!

    Innuendo is a powerful smear, and you went there. But ask yourself this... you're happy to use innuendo about President Biden's family "accepting foreign money for favors" even though there is no proof, as admitted by the GOP.

    Why have you never used innuendo against, or even just lamented the facts, that President Trump's has factually received money from the Saudi Bone Saw Government and from Chinese businesses?

    Why have you never questioned if he and his family were enriched by there time in the White House?

    Even if Hunter and for that matter Joe, made deals with the Chinese, [that's the big charge] that brought them riches, it was not while Joe was president or vice president. Unlike the Trump family.

  32. \\I hope you DO know the difference between a Congressional accusation and a charge by law enforcement. President Biden has not been charged with any crime by any law enforcement agency. UNLIKE DONALD TRUMP HAS!

    Are you an idiot???

    And who can "charge with any crime by any law enforcement agency" a POTUS who are in the WH now???

    \\ R.D. said...

    \\ Our country will not survive under another Trump presidency.


    Though it survived one... somehow.

    But this time... DEMN prophets raving -- he will destroy US... for good.

    Who knows that DEMNs... maybe they want US destroed... why they raving about it non-stop???


    \\Blogger Dave Miller said...

    \\ That's your dodge? I see what you did there. You've equated libs belief that there's a lot of evidence, as witnessed by the bi-partisan Jan 6 commission and the numerous indictments of former President Trump with the "Biden Crime Family."

    Why not, Dave??? Why not?

    Go re-read Mark Twain's "How I tried to became Governor". ;-P

    \\Any sane person, convinced of Hunter Biden's guilt would accept that in a minute.


    Same as any and all of "but Trump are Guilty!!!!" cases. ;-P

  33. Shaw... blogger Joe in a copy and paste from the Stench Trench?

    Is it -FJ? One of multiple personalities/blogging personas?

    I guess when you can't comment on or refute evidence directly, dig stuff up elsewhere, take it out of context and post away.

  34. @Dave, the anon 'Joe' blogger calls himself Q at my blog. I believe he's either Ukrainian or Polish, he won't say for certain.
