Tuesday, December 26, 2023




At least 11 people who played a role in Trump’s presidential campaigns or his administration have been charged with crimes: 

 1. Steve Bannon: Trump’s political Svengali was charged with fraud in August 2020 for a fundraising scam tied to raising dollars to build Trump’s much bally-hooed border wall. 

 2. Tom Barrack: Barrack was charged on seven counts on Tuesday. The allegations, according to the indictment, center on the idea that Barrack used his closeness to Trump to “advance the interests of and provide intelligence to the UAE while simultaneously failing to notify the Attorney General that their actions were taken at the direction of senior UAE officials.” 

 3. Elliott Broidy: Broidy, a top fundraiser for Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, pleaded guilty in October 2020 to conducted a secret lobbying campaign in exchange for millions of dollars. 

 4. Michael Cohen: The one-time fixer for Trump, Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for a series of crimes, most notably secret hush-money payments made during the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign to two women alleging affairs with Trump. 

 5. Michael Flynn: Flynn spent a brief stint as Trump’s national security adviser before being forced to resign after he failed to disclose the depth and breadth of his contacts with Russian officials during the transition. 

 6. Rick Gates: Gates, deputy to the campaign chairman of Trump’s 2016 campaign, pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting Paul Manafort in concealing $75 million in foreign bank accounts. 

 7. Paul Manafort: Trump’s campaign manager for part of the 2016 presidential campaign, Manafort pleaded guilty in 2018 to on count of conspiracy against the US and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice due to attempts to tamper with witnesses – and agreed to cooperate with the ongoing Russia probe. 

 8. George Nader: An informal foreign policy adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign, Nader cooperated heavily with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

 9. George Papadopoulos: Papadopoulos, a relatively junior adviser to Trump’s campaign, was sentenced to 12 days in prison for lying to investigators about his contacts with individuals tied to Russia. 

 10. Roger Stone was convicted in November 2019 for lying to Congress and threatening a witness regarding his efforts for Trump’s campaign. 

 11. Allen Weisselberg: Earlier this month, the longtime chief financial officer for the Trump Organization was charged with tax crimes tied to perks he was given in lieu of salary. 

Michael Cohen 
Sidney Powell 
Kenneth Chesebro 
Jenna Ellis
Rudy Giuliani

Donald J. Trump has 91 felony counts charged against him; he has been found liable for sexual assault/rape, and found guilty of tax fraud.

Trump has called people who disagree with him "vermin;" and further echoing Adolph Hitler, has said people from South America, Asia, and Africa are "poisoning our country's blood."

The current Republican Party and MAGA Americans want this disgusting, despicable human being to represent all of America and serve another term as POTUS.


  1. The current GOP with their evangelical backers want a man as president who not only believes President Biden is a worse person, a worse evil than the Putin, Xi, Erdogan and other dictators.

    They also support a man who, on Christmas Day, while claiming Christianity as his faith and accepting the praises and endorsements of many prominent evangelical leaders, such as Franklin Graham, publicy wished his political opponents would "ROT IN HELL".

    No Christian I know, on Christmas Day, literally a day of "peace on earth and goodwill to men", would wish anyone to "ROT IN HELL". Because the folks I hang with try to honor those words of Jesus to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" alongside a call to forgive people "seventy times seven" times for offenses.

    But this is who Trump is. And it's who his followers are as well.


    Remember the old adage we were taught as kids...

    You are know by the company you keep.

  2. BTW... off topic, but who can resist.

    The GOP is screaming about how "bad" the economy is right now. What kind of gymnastics do you think we will see from that criminal enterprise and their followers as they try and explain away the strong economic numbers we'll be seeing all January?

    This has been the strongest Christmas season for retailers in YEARS and analysts are expecting pretty good numbers as we head into 2024.

    While the Trumpistas focus on name calling, trials and lies, the Dems just try and stay focused on helping the American people with better policies, better leadership and better economic numbers.

    And of course, fewer criminal indictments.

  3. Trump says, “Catholics, you cannot vote for the Democrats. You cannot even think about voting for Biden,” because the FBI is “planning to send undercover spies into Catholic churches just like in the old days of the Soviet Union,” but he will stop it and save them.

  4. Dave Miller said "No Christian I know, on Christmas Day, literally a day of "peace on earth and goodwill to men", would wish anyone to "ROT IN HELL"."

    Dave, Of course no one you know would say such things. You are a good person and even though I don't always agree with you politically and religiously I know to my core that you live your life every day doing your best to make your corner of the world a better place. I don't have to agree with you to know this is a fact.

    An observation: I believe the Overton window shifted away from Red vs Blue, Democratic Party vs. GOP. We are entering the realm of personal accountability and that scares many folks who've tethered their morality and identity to a religious or political movement.

    And before someone says religion gives me my morality (because you know they wanted to say it before they finished reading my comment) I have to say really? What unique advice has anyone's religion provided? And it has to be something that no other religion or humanist philosophy hasn't already mentioned. You can't. None of the religions are unique and we've all watched the news for reports of very serious religious figures who shook their finger at the rest of us get charged, arrested, tried, and convicted of crimes against children, their congregation.. the list goes on.

    Religion doesn't make one moral. Choosing not to feed the beast which exists within us all makes one moral. It's as simple as that. It's also hard. Sometimes the beast wants what it wants. I stay home and eat snacks on days like that. No one needs to encounter me in beast mode. Also how do I know this? Well, how many purges has humanity performed to eliminate the demons from within? Ten to twenty that I know about just in the past five hundred years. And each time there is a moment where the killers are sure their pure reign will last forever but nope, because we are the beast, we are the demon. Who knew all we needed was streaming movies and snacks. Could have avoided so much drama and stress!

    Too bad the defendants who once worked for the former guy couldn't take the long view to see the only possible outcome for them (based on the former guys treatment of those who worked for him in the past) is exactly what played out and reported here. Trump is nothing but bad habits of using people and throwing them away like used tissue. Guess those on the list above thought they'd be that 'special' tissue. Saps.

  5. It's perhaps why the choice to askew monotheistic religion has always been strong in some. The big three are Christianity , Islam, and Judaism and it's easy laying odds they have been directly responsible for more suffering, destruction, and death (the faiths themselves) than any other phenonmenon. With a record like that it's easy, as well as sensible, to run from them all as fast as possible.

    I've been especially wondering what modern Christianity will embrace as method to remove non believers when and if the rising Christian Nationalist forces take charge in the USA.

    Getting ready for strong passive resistance to the political and religous tyranny that is no doubt coming.

  6. Michigan Supreme court rejects case to remove Trump from 2024 ballot even given facts of his attempted coup or insurrection.

    Prediction - supremes ultimately decide it's A okay for Trump to be on ballot.

    Trump is elected.

    America enters a period (of who knows how long) of political and religious tyranny and persecution.

    So goes the experiment in self government.

  7. Anonymous "The big three are Christianity , Islam, and Judaism..."

    Those are the three Abrahamic religions, but not the BIG THREE. Judaism does not have the number of followers that Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism have.

    But it is true that over the centuries Christianity and Islam are responsible for millions of deaths. It was Christianity's antisemitism that inspired Hitler's Final Solution, and which the Christian European countries were glad to participate in.

    We've all witnessed what Islam does to the Infidels.

    1. Yes, i know that.

      I struggle to find the same evil existant in Hinduism. The Abrahamic religion share a unigue evil streak with each other. All three of them are, in reality, at the very heart of violence. Always have been.

  8. Grey said... "You are a good person and even though I don't always agree with you politically and religiously I know to my core that you live your life every day doing your best to make your corner of the world a better place."

    Thank you so much Grey. Life used to be like this. We didn't have to agree on everything to respect each other, especially in life. What was important was ppl doing what they could in their corners of the world to make the big place better.

    You all know I work with indigenous ppl in Mexico. Today my heart is there as the Biden Admin meets in Mexico with President Obrador of Mexico. I remember when GW Bush was president. He was personal friends with President Fox of Mexico. So I trusted him as we dealt with Mexico.

    Reagan came to know President Madrid of Mexico and during his term, signed the last comprehensive immigration bill, including amnesty for over 6 million ppl, during his admin.

    I am thankful that today as our reps are in Mexico City, it's Biden at the helm of the US ship. Because like Bush and Reagan, he's good at this.

    I can't imagine Trump dealing well and honorably with the leaders of my adopted country.

  9. Anon asked... "I've been especially wondering what modern Christianity will embrace as method to remove non believers when and if the rising Christian Nationalist forces take charge in the USA."

    Your question is backwards.

    The real question is where will non believers and left leaning Christians go? They are the group already being expelled from the evangelical and largest wing of Protestant Christianity.

    Shaw, Anon should have said "the big three monotheistic" religions.

    It is interesting thinking about that statement in light of Grey's comments. Perhaps there is a militant need to be right and hence, militant in enforcing that "rightness" in a monotheistic religion that does not beat as strongly in polytheistic religions.

    Certainly modern times have been dominated by the wars of all three of those religions as they have tried to assert their primacy, often against each other.

  10. Dave, anon did say MONOTHEISTIC religions. Read first sentence in my first post.

    Monotheism is at the root of most of the planets problems.

    Life would be much easier, and better, if folks would simply understand and practice do no harm to any sentient beings and forego the constant judgement of others. But of course there is the individual and tribal ego.

  11. This list will look like a list of choir boys compared to who tRUMP will bring in if he gets back in.

  12. Ah yes. Perfection is that illusory pursuit of the near unattainable.

    Yes, Hindu and Buddhist spiritual paths, like the monotheistic religions, are littered with paternalistic inequalities, however, modern views and practices i've studied and practiced askew those antiquated beliefs and practices.

    The Buddhist and Hindu traditions practiced as understood by my studies is far less egregious than what i see in the three monotheistic faiths even today.

  13. Anyone interested in how Buddhism and Christianity can, and ought to work together should read The Book of Joy. It's a record of a week the Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and H. H. the Dalai Lama spent together in India at the Dalai Lama's home. They discussed many of the causes of the worlds sufferings and ways to counteract them.

    A golden example of exactly how things could and should be. If only humans would cast aside judgement, self interest, and ego.
