Monday, January 8, 2024

A Trump cultist asks this searing question:

 "Have you ever heard any president speak about anyone quite as horribly as Biden did yesterday? In all of history, let alone toward a past president?"

Well, actually, yes we have snookums. You just don't want to face the fact that your cult leader and hero is a failed human being:


Making fun of Biden’s childhood speech impediment marks the latest crass form of politics that Trump has exhibited throughout his career

 “Did you see him? He was stuttering through the whole thing,” Trump said to a chuckling crowd on Friday in Sioux Center, Iowa. “He’s saying I’m a threat to democracy.” “’He’s a threat to d-d-democracy,’” he continued, pretending to stutter. “Couldn’t read the word.” 

The remark was not true; Biden said the word “democracy” 29 times in his speech, never stuttering over it. Trump’s comment also marked a particularly crass form of politics that he has exhibited throughout his career that places politeness and human decency at the center of the 2024 presidential election.


John McCain suffered permanent injuries to his arm while being held prisoner by the Vietcong during the Vietnam War. That was the war Trump avoided because of his bone spurs.

Have you ever heard any president speak about anyone quite as horribly as Trump did in his recent rally?


  1. 'Former' President and private citizen.

  2. I'll say this about MAGA's - they sure do love to dish it out but can't handle it when it's dished back.

    The talking heads over at Fox are also hyping up the "how horrible mean old Joe was to our favorite (losing) president". I'd invoke Godwin's Law but I've heard it's been rescinded because we are dealing with real Nazis.

    Aside from quoting Trump in Trumps words the only harsh label I heard President Biden use was loser as it applies to Trump and his merry band of MAGA's.

    President Biden called Trump a loser (and he is - he lost his reelection bid, his right to do business in NYC, his ability to run a charity, over 60 court cases across the country, plus too many other losses to list here) and all of MAGA went nuts in the comment section across the interwebz last night.

    As I said, they can dish it out but can't take it. Losers.

  3. Grey One talks sass

    Yes. They are bullies. Period.

    Just read in the post below this on January 6 insurrection what the commenter "Foreigner" wrote. He compares the protests FOR DEMOCRACY AND LABOR UNION RIGHTS in France, Iran, and Egypt to the Trump mobs who tried to STOP DEMOCRACY because they believed and STILL BELIEVE a lying liar, Trump.

    People like "Foreigner" will continue to caterwaul about Trump's 2020 election loss and his responsibility for trying steal Joe Biden's win forever. And that's because they cannot, will not face the truth, the reality: TRUMP KNEW HE LOST, TRUMP PLAYED HIS CULTISTS, and his cultists went to jail for his lies.

    Foreigner and people like him are lost causes.

  4. Ultimately the biggest of Trump's myriad losses is his loss of decency and self respect. Trump, deep within himself actually knows and hates himself for his life's actions. But his gigantic ego is so strong he cannot break its control over him. He knows what he is. He knows what he has done and continues to do. And he KNOWS it is wrong.

    A seriously sick and broken individual is Trump. And the MAGAt's see themselves in him. What a shame.

  5. Anonymous,

    I respectfully disagree that Trump "knows and hates himself."

    Many respected psychiatrists have observed Trump's behavior and listened carefully to his words, and they've come to these conclusions:

    "Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference

    Mental health experts say President is 'paranoid and delusional'

    Psychiatrists warn Trump becoming more mentally unstable, putting US, world at ‘extreme risk’

    Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

    The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

    IMO, a lot of people with the same mental problems are drawn to him and his anti-social behaviors and words.

  6. Anon, I to will disagree with your statement. He has never had any decency and would never regret what he has done or said. Ms Shaw points out his being paranoid according to mental health experts who have never done an interview with trump. There are countless mental health experts who say biden is suffering from senility without interviewing him so take experts with a grain of salt. You can find "experts" who will say the earth is flat. Neither biden or trump should run again but the ego from both will keep them in.

  7. Yes, his sickness is his mental illness. His awareness of his extreme narcissism is filtered by his conditioning and his monstrously large ego. Therefore he is able to cover the truth with layers of storylines, obscurations, and delusions while feeding his narcissistic personality the junk it needs to feel alive.

    And the cult of MAGAt's, well, they're merely whittle Trump wannabes who likely suffer from some degree of what Trump has.

    People can lie to themselves, even up to lying i their death bed. Ultimately, Trump knows as do the MAGAt's.

    There's more agreement than disagreement as i see it.


  8. skud

    Can you cite who the mental health experts are who've said biden if suffering from senility? I listed the journals where experts documented Trump's mental problems above. Could you please do the same.

    It appears the "mental Health experts" you refer to and who you say believe Joe Biden is suffering from dementia -- those "experts" seem to be people like Brit Hume.

    Geriatrics experts say Brit Hume’s claim that Joe Biden is ‘senile’ is wrong

    Can any of Trump's ardent followers, who claim that President Biden is senile, cite a single mental health specialist who agrees with them?

    There's this on Trump:

    "Over 70,000 health professionals even signed a petition, saying “Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States.”

    And a book written by over two dozen mental health experts also argued that Trump, whether due to his personality or mental health issues, is not fit to be the president.

    Last, in December 2019, several hundred mental health professionals sent a statement to the House Judiciary Committee members to express their concerns that due to his “brittle sense of self-worth,” Trump may act more dangerously as his impeachment approaches."


    PS. I saw dementia up close. Both a sister and my husband (whose parents suffered from dementia) died from Alzheimer's. I know what it looks like personally, even in the beginning stages. Biden doesn't present any symptoms of early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's, from what I've observed.

    BTW, you do know that Trump's mother and father died from Alzheimer's disease, don't you?

  9. PS. skud,

    Here's Trump at his last rally talking about magnets:

    TRUMP: “magnets. now, all I know about magnets is this: give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

  10. The Capitana of the Mothership asked, without a hint of irony...

    "Have you ever heard any president speak about anyone quite as horribly as Biden did yesterday? In all of history, let alone toward a past president?"


    No, I can't recall that happening. Ever. At least not since the "American Carnage" speech of Jan 2017. Or since I read somewhere that one former president was saying his political opponents can "ROT IN HELL."

    But as always, there's more...

    In a previous post, the deck crew of the ship was lamenting why Americans felt so scared and worried about the "violence" in America. Guess what? This group who admittedly mostly watch and read FOX News blames all that worry on the media!

    Just not their media.

    Again... without a hint of irony.

    That's even as all crime metrics, from multiple sources, show crime across the US to be down and murder dropping at the fastest rate in US history.

    They are willingly choosing to claim up is down, in is out and Trump won the 2020 election. Yet they do recognize how bad Trump can be, as evidenced in this quote describing Trump from one crew member...

    Trump is not "an honest or loyal man. The way he publicly criticized subordinates that he fired in his last administration was abominable. He shows no tact, no presidential bearing, and honestly, the way he wanders around during Q&A suggests that he’s not all that knowledgeable, either. Bullies can be managers; they cannot be leaders."

    Trump has mocked a disabled person. He bragged about grabbing pu##y. He mocked war heroes and former and current presidents. Apparently all of that is okay and not nasty. Apparently there's nothing wrong with that kind of speech.

    But when Ducky and I brought the receipts and facts to that crowd, we were banned as nasty commenters. Apparently there's nothing wrong, or anything nasty with calling mixed race people "halfricans", calling FLOTUS Obama "Moochelle", denigrating an entire religion by calling them "camel jockeys" and "Moslems", using term like "negress" and more.

    As long as you back the GOP and Trump.

    This crowd and others like them, are impervious to standards and norms of decency.

  11. Richard Nixon was extremely paranoid and and leaned towards authority. He was not a narcissist and he was not DJT. He was aware enough to ultimately do the right thing post Watergate revelations.

    Trump's narcissism and monstrously huge ego prevent him from seeing, let alone ultimately doing the right thing. His sense organs as well as his conscienceness and awareness are so crusted over with his storylines and etc. he lost his ability to connect with actual reality.

  12. PS: yes, please skud, cite your sources that claim President Biden is senile. Bring the receipts.

    Or maybe you're just quoting the Gateway Pundit?

  13. Joe, no one here is concerned, like Trump, with magnets, or for that matter, cancer causing windmills.

  14. Dave M.

    You quoted one of the sailors on the Mother Ship who wrote this:

    "Trump is not "an honest or loyal man. The way he publicly criticized subordinates that he fired in his last administration was abominable. He shows no tact, no presidential bearing, and honestly, the way he wanders around during Q&A suggests that he’s not all that knowledgeable, either. Bullies can be managers; they cannot be leaders."

    I bet that the person who wrote that will still vote for Trump in a Trump/Biden election.

    IOW, that sailor as well as the Captain and the rest of the crew would vote for a:

    dishonest, disloyal, tactless, intemperate, unknowledgeable/ignorant bully -- Donald J. Trump-- over Joe Biden (who isn't perfect, but we do know he is a decent human being who knows how our government works and is respected by our allies.

    I read that blog to try to understand how Trump supporters think and why they admire him after all he's said and done that exposes his utter lack of decency and humanity, never mind ignorance about American history and how our government works.

    They don't care about any of that. It's party over country for them.

  15. Trump’s former Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Donald Trump:

    "I do regard him as a threat to democracy."

  16. It's interesting thinking about some of the MAGA Jan 6 deniers.

    Let's take their claim that Jan 6 was an inside job, or that the FBI, under the control of President Trump, did it. Or that ANTIFA or BLM protestors did it.

    How does all of this square with their claims of very little violence?

    How does this square with their claims that the protestors and rioters, ANTIFA, FBI and BLM in their telling, are "Freedom Fighters" or "Hostages"?

    You see, their claims are at odds not just with the evidence, but with themselves.

    If it was all a set up, they should be glad the criminals are in jail. Yet for some reason they are not. And how do we explain how this happened not on Joe Biden's watch, but on Donald Trump's watch? Shouldn't that be a bad mark on the Trump Admin?

    How do we logically explain all of this?

  17. So, Trump is promising to pardon the insurrectionists that were found guilty by trial and/or judge as soon as he's re-elected as POTUS.

    But why would he want to pardon BLM and Antifa? That's who he and his cultists say planned and carried out the insurrection!

    Trump can't keep even his own whacky lies and conspiracy theories straight. LOL!

  18. Shaw... why would Trump pardon BLM/ANTIFA/FBI folks who led this operation?

    That is exactly the question.

    Unless of course those arrested for beating US Police Officers are not BLM/ANTIFA/FBI folks.

    Or they are just stupid dupes, to dumb to understand that they were being forced to break into the Capitol and beat officers by the BLM/ANTIFA/FBI folks.

  19. Dave M. "How do we logically explain all of this?"

    There is no logic to lies, conspiracies, and disinformation. All of that is concocted to confuse, deflect, and transfer the blame to other people.

    We saw with our own eyes what happened that day. And we heard the testimony of Trump's own people on what he said and did that day.

    I'm reminded of how the Soviets perfected these sorts of disinformation campaigns to muddy the truth of happened and sow doubt and paranoia.

    We've watched this happen in real time. The tragedy is that I've also seen my fellow Americans do this to our country. I still don't understand their motives for denying what we saw happen and for staying loyal to a scoundrel like Trump.

  20. Scoundrels roam where other scoundrels are found Shaw. It's as simple as that. Or, birds of a feather flock together.

    The encouraging word is the younger generations seem to be moving away from the influences of our self centered generation and the remaining influences of fierce individualism.

    With luck our nation will be more aware and conscious of the true interconnectedness and oneness of our existence with the vast cosmos.

  21. I try not to visit sites whose sole purpose is to spread lies and misleads. I thank Shaw for allowing a few of the deluded fools to post here on the odd chance they may say something interesting. Sadly they've failed. I'm doing my best not to engage with them as they will most likely try to shut me down with a Trump approved quip like "you have a smelly butt T101."

  22. tRUMP is an asshole, always was, always will be.

  23. Proud Member of the FJB/LGB CommunityJanuary 10, 2024 at 8:57 AM

    Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...

    I try not to visit sites whose sole purpose is to spread lies and misleads. I thank Shaw for allowing a few of the deluded fools to post here on the odd chance they may say something interesting. Sadly they've failed. I'm doing my best not to engage with them as they will most likely try to shut me down with a Trump approved quip like "you have a smelly butt T101."

    isn't that funny! An Asshole calling someone else a "Smelly-Butt"

  24. joey t, Deluded folks are those who disagree with you opinion. One good quality of a higher education is learning about different sides of an argument. Many on this site can do that and many cannot. Even grey acknowledges that people can have different opinions and although he disagrees he doesn't call them deluded or fools or even deplorable.

    Ms. Shaw, since you have lived through it you have experience to know there are many states of senility. My father died from complications associated with Alzheimer. One of the early indications is to call a someone you know by a different name like president kamala, or forgetting where you are which has happened often and that is the reason jill is always by his side. It is part of life in later years but it is not something a president should suffer from, and he does.

    I did see where Nikki is coming up in the polls and chris pulled out. I just hope she has the strength to overcome the brutal attack of trump and the anti female attitude of the democrats. They wouldn't even support a women who accused a president of sexual battery because he was a democrat. Hunters classless act was only surpassed by mace and greene. It is time to get past the past and go forward.

  25. When the MAGA'ts get their reactionary authoritarian heads out of that dark place perhaps THEN we can move FORWARD. Until that happens you can FORGET ABOUT IT!

  26. Kamala Harris is till the Vice President Skudsy. Don't recall many Dems coming to Al Frankens defense when he was guilty of tasteless humor. Nice to see you still chant the republican mantra of "time to move on" that W Bush made famous after his screw ups. Predictability is a hallmark of right wing talking points. Mislead and misrepresent.
    Please do better. I am more than capable of debate on any level. Sadly the level is set low by those on the right.

  27. skud "I did see where Nikki is coming up in the polls and chris pulled out. I just hope she has the strength to overcome the brutal attack of trump and the anti female attitude of the democrats."

    Yeah. Sure, skud. The anti-female Democrats who had Hillary as the first woman to run for POTUS, and Kamala Harris as the first female VPOTUS. And who nominated and put three women on the SCOTUS. Do better when you try to smear Democrats. That smear was quite silly.

    Haley lost my respect when she promised to vote for a felon -- Trump -- if he won the GOP nomination.

    Do you and your family and friends believe a convicted felon would be a good representation of what is good about America to the whole world? I mean, it would go over big and be appreciated by every Communist or Fascist country.

    Why would Haley promise she'd vote for a felon to lead our country? She's a coward, that's why.

    She also said she'd pardon Trump if he were a convicted felon and that, too, showed us all that she's just a run-of-the-mill pol who'll say anything to get votes. She wants the MAGAs' votes, and there she is, stooping to their level of worshipping a liar, cheat, fraud, and rapist.

    She also supports the abortion ban. What's the difference between her and Trump? Chromosomes, that's it. IMO, she Trump-lite in a skirt.

    1. The biggest difference between Trump and Haley is Trump is less of a flip flopper. One can know for certain with Trump he's a certified bonafide POS.

      Other than that you're spot on Shaw.
