Thursday, January 4, 2024

Court documents reveal names of powerful men allegedly linked to Jeffrey Epstein


I had a different post for today, but decided to postpone it for a day or so because of the released documents over Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile, and his associations with rich and powerful men, including British royalty, ex-American presidents, famous lawyers, and industry magnates. 

Here's NPR's report on it.

The report is sordid, shocking, depraved, and most of all, depressing. Why?

Because what we learned is that SOME of these particular rich, powerful, and privileged men, who had everything anyone could wish for, wanted most is to rape young, underage girls.

That's all I have to say.


  1. Where's the list? Seems these women changed their stories (probably for money) once legal proceedings started. I have no doubt their original stories were true. Seems the media will report Clinton's name, and we all kmow he was a sex addict.

  2. Jerry

    The names are in the court documents. And there are several documents.

    Your opinion that the underage girls (they were not women at the time of their rapes) changed their stories for money is baseless.

    Yes. Clinton is named as a frequent flyer on Epstein's plane and visitor to his island. But so are other rich and famous men.

  3. On one of the posts I follow overnight someone found the list and copied it into a PDF - 894 pages it was. I'll wait for the summaries.

    Thank you Shaw for correcting Jerry. These girls were only children, lied to, groomed, made to feel special all so old men could feel????

    These clients of Epstein had all the money, all the power, and yet what got their rocks off was to have sex with someone who could not by law consent. If for no other reason I want to know the names of these humans because this will throw their business practices into sharp relief. I mean, if they will do this to another human just to get sexual gratification what will they do to close a business deal? What other skeletons are lurking in their closets?

    If I had the power I'd say shine the Light of Day on each of them, let the sunlight cleanse their crimes and allow those they wronged to get justice and/or retribution.

  4. Grey One talks sass"These clients of Epstein had all the money, all the power, and yet what got their rocks off was to have sex with someone who could not by law consent."

    This is the most depressing part of the scandal: To know that some of the richest and most powerful men on the planet wanted to rape young girls. Apparently, this proves, at least to me, that those men could not feel powerful with smart and beautiful adult women, so they had to have sexual power over little girls to make them feel like men. Awful!

    It's a curse that runs through a lot of cultures, not just western civilization. Think of the Muslim men who are willing to die so that they can have all those young virgins.

    Think of the cultures that allow child brides. This country is among those cultures that still allows that:

    "Child marriage is currently legal in 41states (only Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial consent."
