Wednesday, January 24, 2024


priming his cultists to say that the next election he loses was stolen. 

 Trump is a menace to democracy. 

Joe Walsh
@WalshFreedom ·

"He’s already begun to say this. He said it Monday in New Hampshire. This is what he does. This is what he did in 2020. He plants the seeds of the “stolen election” lie months BEFORE the election. So that if he loses, his supporters get angry, further lose trust in the system..." 

Jonathan Reiner
@JReinerMD ·  

"In the near future, Trump is going to start telling his crowds that the only way he can lose in November is if the election is rigged."

I wonder if Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy understand that Trump would turn on both of them if they EVER said anything truthful about him that wasn't slavish adoration. 

Look at how Trump trashes his former press secretary for saying the truth about him. 

He truly is a swine.

Notice how this 77 year old man-child uses puerile name-calling to demean Nikki Haley ("Birdbrain"), whom he hand-picked to be his UN Ambassador  when he was president.


  1. If the nation is lucky Trump will choke on his greasy cheeburger and finally pass into the realm of hell beings. Exactly where he belongs.

  2. There are slight rays of light emerging from New Hampshire.

    An NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll found some 43% of Republicans who were supporting Trump’s rival Nikki Haley in the Iowa caucuses would actually switch their vote to President Joe Biden if Trump won the GOP nomination.

    New Hampshire voter: "I voted for Nikki Haley, because that was voting against Donald Trump. I am 74 years old, I lived in a constitutional democracy all my life. I want to remain that way, I want my grandchildren to grow up in one, not a dictatorship."

  3. Dave Dubya

    Independents DO NOT WANT TRUMP AS POTUS. And he can't win with just the MAGA vote.

    It is difficult to understand who the people are that are still part of his cult.

    I do know one thing, those people have given up on democracy and would be happy to live in a totalitarian regime because the refuse to see what Trump is: A man teetering on dementia who hasn't any idea about how to govern and not a drop of decency, honesty, or humanity in him.

    That's what MAGA admire about him.

    And those people are our fellow Americans!

    I'm speechless!

  4. A line from TFG's speech last night:

    “And she was up, and I said, wow, she's doing like a speech like she won. She didn't win. She lost. And you know?”

    You just can't make this stuff up! Oh, the irony!!!

  5. possumlady

    Trump's becoming more and more confused and incoherent.

    His speech last night was an embarrassment and a new low in political posturing, threatening to have Haley investigated!

  6. Every once and a while I get a comment in "Comment Moderation" that's so strange I wonder if it's a parody.

    This is one of them. Is the person who wrote this serious or just making fun of how MAGAs think. I just can't tell anymore:

    Awaiting moderation

    Debbie Morris commented on "HERE THE LYING LIAR TRUMP IS AGAIN..."

    2 hours ago

    The Dunb Dems are preventing Trump from running. This is COMPLETELY unconstitutional and is detrimental to our nation.

    I do not agree with what you democrats have to say! Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    Among those us who believe ex-president Donald Trump to be inferior to all others who are or have ever been president, are stupid, and not only stupid, but as STUPID as a BRICK! These Ignorant dumber, than dumb democrats only pay lip service to our Constitution and our democratic republic when they advocate Trump be legally prevented from again seeking federal office.

    Only until he's Tried and Convicted of sedition against the United States of America, should he be legally prevented from running for the office of the Presidency. PERIOD!

  7. Shaw... it's a copy and paste from what FreeThinke called the "Stench Trench" AKA Who's Your Daddy, AKA WYD, AKA the home of self admitted by Lisa, "False Facts."

  8. Trump can't help it if he's transferred from Boomerville to Millenialland generationally.... jes sayin'. Aren't you the "main character" at THIS blog? ;)

  9. Nikki Haley is at least intelligent and articulate, even though her politics stink.

    The orange hued human orangutan, sorry, that's as decent as i can be toward Trump The Dementia Addled Insurectionist and Rapist, is neither intelligent or articulate.

    Trump expects loyalty and devotion from all. At all times.Yet he turns on anyone and everyone the moment he is corrected by anybody.

    The thought of that "man" having the nuclear launch code is chilling to the very bone.

    The demented manchild should be in an institution for his own goid and that of society.

  10. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    "Trump can't help it if he's transferred from Boomerville to Millenialland generationally.... jes sayin'. Aren't you the "main character" at THIS blog? ;)"

    Speaking of characters who can't help themselves, at one point, I counted 12 comments you and your personas blasted Comment Moderation. And your obnoxious "Foreigner," who calls me a "whore" WILL NEVER GET PUBLISED HERE AGAIN.

    Multiple personalities. Have you ever thought of seeing someone about it?, Mr. Trying To Be "Maine Character" At Everyone's Blog?

    We understand you think you're the most clever and brightest light in any comment thread, when, in fact, you can be just plain ordinary annoying.

    Have a nice day.

  11. Trump isn't Lying. He's Pre-bunking. You know, like "Republicans are Racists" and "We need to Save the Planet from AGW/ Climate Change".

    Don't want the 2024 election results to be questioned? Fix the ballot harvesting and 2020 "cheat by mail" issues.

  12. People are shocked at the things trump says about anyone who does not bow in obedience. They just haven't been paying attention. Trump remains the best thing the democrats have because he just keeps on giving. If it were not for trump joey b wouldn't stand a chance but with trump as the nominee the republicans should just bow out of the election.

  13. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
    "Trump isn't Lying. He's Pre-bunking. You know, like "Republicans are Racists" and "We need to Save the Planet from AGW/ Climate Change".

    Don't want the 2024 election results to be questioned? Fix the ballot harvesting and 2020 "cheat by mail" issues."

    How very sad that you and your MAGA loonies believe Trump's nincompooopery, conspiracy hogwash, and nonsensical flim-flam, from the biggest con artist in the country.

    I pity you. You're beyond help.

  14. Kremlin agent -FJ isn't happy with our election. Funny how EVERY elected Republican ACCEPTS the results from the SAME ELECTION.

    He's not different from his fascist mentors Putin and Trump, who HATE democracy and DENY the will of the people.

    He's truly a sociopath.

  15. Why would fj and "they" (maga) not be beyond help? Their cult leader is way beyond help and fj and "they" feast on a steady diet of Trump infused BS.


  16. Dave the Blind Tesla Guy

    I wonder if Trump owns stock in Heinz Ketchup? 🤣

    It's hilarious... Biden wasn't even on the ballot and Democrats were not able to vote, but Biden STILL got ~42k votes!!

    That's 1/4 of what Trump got ...from Republican voters! 😯

  17. Hey FJ guy!

    NO one cares about your stupid links. If ya got something to say write it. No one wants to link to a virus!

  18. -FJ brings up ballot harvesting. Sadly, no one, in any state has produced evidence that ballot harvesting has led to some rash of votes from people with no right to vote.

    But this is the MAGA argument.

    That the Dems used nefarious ways to get more people to vote, people that under "normal" circumstances, might not have gone to the polls.

    Making it simple for folks, the MAGA argument is that all those people who voted through ballot harvesting, in which US citizens exercised their franchise, had no right to vote. Because ballot harvesting is not in the Constitution.

    You would think that the GOP and the MAGA crowd would welcome more American citizens voting, no matter how it is done. But they don't. Because America does not favor, or support nationally, the candidates or policy positions of the GOP.

    So rather than encourage more voting from US Citizens, they work to curtail and limit ways Americans can vote.

    And lest you think I'm exaggerating, rest assured, we have direct statements from sitting US GOP Senators, GOP State Leaders and from President Trump himself saying some version of this...

    "If we let them all vote, we'll never win another election".

    Why is that? And why would a serious political party in the US, so sure that Americans favor their policies, say anything like that at all?

  19. Dave M.

    -FJ has been beating that Dead Horse (ballot harvesting) since Trump lost in 2020, also he still thinks the election was stolen; that the mother and daughter in Georgia, who are suing Trump for defamation, brought in suitcases of ballots, that the Durham Report would something, something, something and Trump would be vindicated; that the Arizona and Wisconsin recounts would prove Trump won, and that the sun rises and sets on him.

    -FJ is an attention seeker. He's still putting comments from "Foreigner" in my Comment Moderation file, even after he knows I'll NEVER publish "Foreigner" again.

    Go look at Geeez's blog and see how his other persona, "Thersites" has taken over that comment thread.

    -FJ is a legend in his own mind, has no intention of having a back and forth discussion on ANYTHING. He just gets off on seeing his comments published.

    I actually don't know if he believes in anything except himself.

    It is no wonder he admires Trump.

    PS What you wrote is correct. A majority of Americans believe in a girl and woman's right to choose; a majority of Americans believe that Americans should retain the right to privacy in family planning; A majority of Americans believe citizens should have the right to marry the person they love, and that there should not be difficult impediments to voting.

    The current GOP is out of step with Americans. Period. They can only win elections through devious means.

  20. It is the MAGA'ts that in fact are
    doing the nefarious activities they accuse democrats of doing. They are expert at it. Having practiced it religiously since inspired by DJT, the lying insurrectionist, rapist, and conspiracist.

    The MAGAverse, fueled by the orange hued human orangutan Master and his lies and conspiracies are directly responsible for the political buffoonery and chaos we've endured every since the OHHO hit the descending elevator 8 or so years ago in NYC.

    May the OHHO choke on his cheeseburger and retire to the hell realms where he belongs.

  21. What my friends here sometimes forget is the weakness of the typical righty. Poor Maga Jew fellow and his cronies are desperate for validation and acceptance. They flock to Trump cause they want to believe the snake oil that Trump sells them. That maga nonsense will give them larger genitals and cure lumbago or whatever else is wrong with them. The lies give them comfort.
    It saddens me to see poor fellows like Maga Jew and so many like him are willing to ignore truths in their pathetic need for someone to tell them they're patriots or real Americans or good Christians or whatever else they need to hear. It saddens me that their devotion to Trump is unrequited. He will drop any of them for any slight or sign of disloyalty. Maybe even post a mean tweet about one who causes offense. The worst thing that could happen to one of the deluded magats. At least the insignificant ones like Maga Jew can take comfort that there are members of Congress just as terrified of being on Trump's crap list. The traitors to trumpism may be labled a bird brain or something equally terrible. A far worse threat to them than the end of democracy or death of truth.

  22. Anon at 9:21 am - a quick death is too kind for the large orange man baby. The harm he's done himself and inspired in others demands a more cruel fate in my opinion. I'd never wish Alzheimer's Disease on anyone but... since he's clearly in some sort of mental decline I wish him a very long life, long enough to see his brand erased, his children punished for their misdeeds, and to see the USA prosper under an upgraded and inclusive of all Constitution and Bill of Rights. While his mind may flick in and out I want him to know he's losing everything just as his mind flicks out into not remembering who, what, or where.

    I'm not usually so cruel. Nope, not at all but these are not usual times are they? We The People are under attack. No mercy, no pity the French resistance used to say when dealing with the Nazi's who occupied their country. As for the man babies followers, may they become the homeless on the street. May they walk several miles in the shoes of those they tried to disappear from society. Seems fair - and on point for the Christian nationalists. Don't they follow the book where it is said to treat others as you'd like to be treated? Well then, case closed.

  23. To Joe "Truth 101" Kelly...

    That sound you hear is the mic dropping.

  24. Anonymous, Joe "Truth 101" Kelly, Grey One talks sass

    Good posts. I don't disagree with what you wrote.

    We understand that Trump is an unstable person who should never be near the levers of power.

    I'm pretty sure a lot of his cultists understand that deep down somewhere, but they cannot bring themselves to admit their egregious and horrifying poor judgement in supporting the malignant narcissist.

    Just today, Trump sent out dozens of messages on his Truth Social platform screaming about E. Jean Carroll.

    This. Is. Not. Normal.

    And neither are the people who continue to support him.

  25. Mitt Romney:

    "I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it, is really appalling."
