Wednesday, January 31, 2024

He's mentally declining before our eyes.


"We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on." --Donald J. Trump

He'd beat George Washington and Abraham Lincoln by 35 points:


1 comment:

  1. Actually, it is a sad thing to witness such extreme decline in a person's mental faculties on national TV. Even that of the orange hued human orangutan.

    Dementia, ultimately leading to alzheimer's, is a horrible exit path from this world.

    < b>EVERY single American of voting age should be very concerned with the thought of a president suffering from the mental decline Trump is obviously suffering from having the nuclear launch codes ir making weighty decisions facing this country and the world.

    Think hard MAGAverse cultists before you pull the lever in the primaries or general for the orange hued human orangutan, Donald J. Trump.
