Saturday, January 27, 2024

The MAGA Party's Candidate for POTUS:

BREAKING: "WWE founder Vince McMahon resigns after a lawsuit accused him of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and abuse. Trump appointed Vince McMahon as a special advisor to kickstart the economy when he was in office."


Forbes, August 2020:  "Trump’s Business Partners Allegedly Involved In Human Trafficking, Mafia Matters, Probable Money Laundering" 


  1. Oh, the hyperbole... molestation = rape.

    Democrats can NEVER just tell the simple truth... they ALWAYS feel compelled to exaggerate...


    ...and thereby diminish themselves.


  2. For those of you who need to know, Trump is Putin's primary weapon in his geopolitical "mind war" to destabilize and divide the U.S. And he is winning, because too many of us fail to see it.

    I'm not kidding or using hyperbole when I say -FJ/Thersites/Joe Con is a Kremlin agent. He really is serving in Putin's information war on the US.

    In fact, Trump the con and his entire cult of crooks, liars and dupes ARE de facto assets in Putin’s information war on America.

    This man spells it out:

    And this:

    Zarina Zabrisky August 7, 2018

    A red spider wasp paralyzes a spider by injecting poison and lays an egg inside of it. The spider’s vital organs are still working. It is alive but can’t move. The egg hatches and the larva eats the spider from the inside out. This is how a mind war works.

    No blood is shed. The adversary corrupts the minds slowly and inconspicuously by injecting myths and narratives into the public information space and contaminating individual and collective minds. The attacked country is paralyzed. The adversary takes over. Read on to find out why Russia is waging a strange war against the West.

    Since 1999, a criminal government, headed by Putin, runs Russia as a mafia state. By 2018, a conglomerate of officials, security forces and organized crime has consolidated power and took under control all aspects of political and social life. Its wealth generates from appropriating the national natural resources, mainly oil, gas and diamonds, as well as the major assets. Each year, the Kremlin siphons out of Russia, launders and stores in the Western banks and offshores an estimated 40–50 billion dollars, according to Anders Åslund, a senior fellow at the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. Åslund estimated Putin’s circle wealth at 250 billion dollars.
    Since 2014, motivated by the need to protect these assets, the Kremlin has been waging a hybrid war against the Western democracies, openly speaking about establishing “a new, Post-West world order.”

    The West needs to acknowledge the threat, run research and training programs to understand the Kremlin’s strategy and take an immediate action by developing and implementing a united response to the attack.

    This is an introductory article for a series of articles on the strategies and methods of the Russian information warfare; the origin and nature of Putin’s mafia state and the connection between them.

  3. The orange hued human orangutan's karma is going to keep him wallowing and spinning in the hell beings realm for endless eons.

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving being.

  4. Let's not forget Mr "I'll hire the best people for my administration" Trump, appointed Linda McMahon as head of the Small Business Admin.

    Linda McMahon, wife of Vince McMahon.

    Now I won't be like some folks and say something like... "people are saying she must have known about her husband's dalliances", because I want to believe she was totally ignorant of what her husband has been doing [Remember, there are tapes].

    Nope, I want to believe she knew nothing at all about what her husband was doing.

    Which I think clearly shows once again, Trump appointed not the best to head the SBA, but another clueless loser crony friend.

  5. It's amazing that all this info is so out in the open and yet he has all these followers. Maybe civilization hasn't advanced as far as we think it has.

  6. -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

    "Oh, the hyperbole... molestation = rape.

    Democrats can NEVER just tell the simple truth... they ALWAYS feel compelled to exaggerate...


    ...and thereby diminish themselves."

    There you have it. From the horse's mouth -- -FJ announcing that the rape victim was exaggerating, and all she experienced was a "molestation."

    I don't know if -FJ is married, has daughters, has sisters, nieces, etc. I do know he had a mother.

    Anyway, I'd like to hear -FJ dismiss their experience if some bastard like Trump slammed one of his female relatives or wife against a wall, pulled her underwear down and shoved his fingers up her vagina.

    -FJ wasn't at the trial where everyday American citizens heard the evidence and decided that Donald J. Trump did indeed commit sexual assault against E. Jean Carroll; or, as the judge adjudicated, rape.

    -FJ and his personas, like Trump, cannot accept anything that goes against their world view, and therefore, in this case, -FJ is blaming the victim and not the criminal who raped E. Jean Carroll.

    Want to know what's wrong with our society? It's people like -FJ who thinks it's his job to defend convicted rapsits.

    PS. That makes YOU, -FJ, diminished, not me. I'm not making excuses for a rapist. You are.

  7. Dave Dubya

    Have your read this?

    "Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

    I've spent years investigating, and here's what's known.

    By DAVID CAY JOHNSTON May 22, 2016

    In his signature book, The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump boasted that when he wanted to build a casino in Atlantic City, he persuaded the state attorney general to limit the investigation of his background to six months. Most potential owners were scrutinized for more than a year. Trump argued that he was “clean as a whistle”—young enough that he hadn’t had time to get into any sort of trouble. He got the sped-up background check, and eventually got the casino license.

    But Trump was not clean as a whistle. Beginning three years earlier, he’d hired mobbed-up firms to erect Trump Tower and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan, including buying ostensibly overpriced concrete from a company controlled by mafia chieftains Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno and Paul Castellano. That story eventually came out in a federal investigation, which also concluded that in a construction industry saturated with mob influence, the Trump Plaza apartment building most likely benefited from connections to racketeering. Trump also failed to disclose that he was under investigation by a grand jury directed by the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, who wanted to learn how Trump obtained an option to buy the Penn Central railroad yards on the West Side of Manhattan."

  8. Trump is a mobster.

    As FDR warned, "We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob."

    We now have both as the American Axis of Evil.

  9. The American Axis of Evil

    Yes, Trump brings both. Government by corporate money and Government by governmental mob mentality. He connected the two and attempted to legitimatize unethical behaviors.

    The union of the two is largely responsible for the egregious levels of dishonesty and greed rampant in MAGA "conservatism".
