Friday, February 16, 2024

"I'll take 'Things That We Already Knew' for $1,000, Alex."

"Special counsel David Weiss, who was appointed by Trump, and is leading the case against President Biden & Hunter Biden, now says the informant they based their entire bribery claim on, was arrested today — 

Alexander Smirnov is facing criminal charges in connection with lying to the FBI and creating false records."


Wow. Special counsel David Weiss (who was appointed by Trump) charged Alexander Smirnov, a former FBI informant with lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. The impeachment against President Biden was a political stunt and now everyone knows it.


  1. Will wonders never cease? A Trump appointment doing the right thing.

    I'd love to have seen the face of the orange hued demented human orangutan's face when he became aware of this honest exercise of justice. Bet ut was priceless!

  2. However , the thuggish dishonest republican party will find a way to futher use this to continue to undermine our countries democratic institutions in support of their new hero, the butcher Putin. Who just had his greatest threat murdered in prison.

    There are Russian assets serving in congress working to undermine our democratic republic this very moment. The orange hued demented human orangutan birthed the current national insanity and his party continues to pursue it.

    They are, a clear and present danger to the continued existence of our democratic republic.

  3. Sean Hannity and right-wing media claimed the ‘Biden crime family’ took millions in bribes. Their narrative just fell apart.

    one of your trolls refers to the Biden Crime family. Is he going to apologize?
