Wednesday, February 28, 2024

MAGAs claim Joe Biden's demented?


1 comment:

  1. The Lincoln Project has been tracking what The Donald has been saying at rallies. Their latest video I watched was 101 seconds of pure Trump.

    I learned two things after watching the video - first is that's 101 seconds I'll never get back, and second We The People can battle the GOP or the mainstream media. Having to do both at the same time is an Herculean task. If anyone was ever curious as to why this fight for Democracy seems to be so freaking hard, that's why.

    Mainstream media (looking at you New York Times) judges all GOP gaffes on an extremely generous curve while the Democratic Party (anything they say, think or do) is held to impossible high standards. Not fair, I know, but neither is it logical to me.

    Have the networks listened to the former guy and his minions about the mainstream press? He totally intends to tear them apart, dismantle their networks, interrupt their revenue. I understand corporate greed but shouldn't self preservation kick in at some point?
