Thursday, May 30, 2024

Project 2025


Trump press secretary says their Project 2025 agenda will seek “revenge” on those who oppose Trump, adding that criticizing Trump is a “crime” that requires “justice.”

The Banana Republicans want to put this authoritarian thug back in the White House? 

Project  2025 also urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care and to restrict access to contraception 

Project  2025 seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, stating in its Mandate that "freedom is defined by God, not man." 

Project 2025 proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. 

Project  2025 advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807.

What happened to America?  And the Party of Lincoln?


  1. Donald J. Trump and neo-Nazism.

    Ignorance and Delusion

    The more deeply ignorant and deluded the nation the deeper and more serious it's problems will be.

    And MAGA is the pinnacle of ignorance and delusion.

  2. Don't forget they are going to toss grandma off a cliff in her wheelchair. According to you the president doesn't have much power so how do you suppose this is going to happen especially with the huge pro democrat press. They cover up for biden and the democrats but if a republican sneezes it is headline news. This is the same news that the democrats and their press have headlined for almost 9 years. Vote republican and the earth will quit spinning and we will all fall off.

    It is frustrating to me that we do not have a competent candidate in the presidential race to vote for and it has to be frustrating to you as well when a sitting president is in a tight race for the job against a scum bag who is under trial for countless wrong doings. I believe the weaponizing of the judicial system is not going to help joey b.

    It has already been determined that joey and cruella are the democrat ticket. Hopefully the republicans will put country first and nominate someone other than the evil one, I know wishful thinking.

  3. Free speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. The fact Trump does not like some of the words about him is just too bad. Trump is such a baby. One reason such a person should not be given power.

  4. The party of Lincoln died with Lincoln. Just a matter of time before the magats start their hate against the MLB for recognizing Negro League stats.

  5. 'Criticizing Trump" a crime? That would put a little over 60% of the country in jail.

  6. The Party of Lincoln is dead. It is the neo-Nazi Party of Trump.

    What is a "neo-Nazi"?


    We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
    They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
    Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
    Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
    Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
    Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
    I think they want the white guy.
    Hitler did a lot of good things.- Donald Trump

    “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou


  7. skudrunner,

    The POTUS does not control gas prices, he’s not responsible for the crime rates in individual states, that’s the governors’ responsibility, and the POTUS doesn’t control how corporations price their goods in supermarkets. I assumed you understood this.

    If there’s such a thing as “the huge democrat press,” how come an adjudicated rapist and tax fraudster who is facing many criminal charges is even with President Biden? Your claim of a “coverup” by the press with ZERO evidence is, of course, nothing more than an unsubstantiated opinion, IOW, nothing more than gossip at its worst. And it smacks of bitterness because the media reports on an actual criminal, TRUMP.

    “The weaponizing” you speak of is FAUX NOOZ propaganda and what a lazy thinker would repeat instead of looking at actual facts.

    Ordinary Americans were called to serve on various grand juries; ordinary citizens like you and me. They listened to EVIDENCE that was presented to them, and these ordinary American men and women decided that the evidence was strong enough to indict Trump. You and other propagandists call that “weaponizing the judicial system,” evidently because you don’t know how the American jurisprudence system works?

    If Trump hadn’t committed actions that ordinary American men and women who served on thes grand juries learned of and saw evidence for, he would not be facing the legal consequences he’s now facing.

    That’s not “weaponizing the judicial system,” this is how our system of American justice operates.

  8. Good old Skud. He can't help but regurgitate radical Right FOX(R) lies and talking points. It's lazy and incurious of him at best.

    He calls Trump evil, but thinks Biden "weaponized" law enforcement against him.

    "I used to be disgusted. Now I try to be amused."

  9. And it that very system of justice that trump, MAGA, the now neo-Facist republican party, and skudsy wish to annihilate, obliterate in exchange for the rule of personality and wealthy special interests.

  10. Gee, I wonder what's "radicalizing" the Trumpists? Got a mirror?

  11. We all knew my good friend Skudrunner would have to post some nonsense. The fact is that close to 42 percent of the electorate will vote for the republican in any election because they think the guy with the r by his name hates the same people they do. Even if Jesus returned and ran as a Democrat Trump would still get around 70 million votes. The problem isn't Joe Biden who by all accounts has done a good job and we're fortunate he is president. The problem is people like Skuds who refuse to see the right for what it has become and choose to make apologies and use what aboutisms to hide their deluded views or even have to explain them as most so called republicans have no idea what they really stand for.

  12. -FJ,
    Look in YOUR mirror. There are no J6 political prisoners. They are thugs, racists, neo-Nazis, and other white nationalists who COMMITTED CRIMES.

    They are not martyrs, not hostages, and NOT heroes. They are criminals.

    NOBODY holding signs outside the Capitol was charged. NOBODY was charged for attending Trump's rally. If they were locked up for just those acts, then they would be political prisoners.

    "Radicalizing"? THIS is your guy echoing Hitler:

    We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
    They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
    Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
    Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
    Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
    Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
    I think they want the white guy.
    Hitler did a lot of good things.- Donald Trump

    For a Jew, you have a LOT of tolerance for that neo-Nazi hate. There are thousands of your fellow Trump supporters who would just as soon shoot you as they would Democrats.

    Do you know your favorite general, Mike "Q" Flynn attended a neo-Nazi para-military training facility called “88 Tactical"?

    In case you don't know, "H" is the eighth letter and "88" is neo-Nazi code for Heil Hitler.

    And that makes you a Nazi sympathizer if you're cool with that.

  13. Truth, wisdom, and love shall set one free.

    Ignorance, delusion, and hate scars one for life. Or, until the afflicted one let's it go. Completely.

  14. -FJ

    The majority of radicalized Trumpers are ill-informed. When asked about what Trump did in his 4 years, they can barely articulate an answer; and if they do, it’s FAUX NOOZ, Newsmax, or OAN regurgitated lies, like skudrunner’s “ weaponizing of the judicial system.” Trump says it, and they repeat it.

    Just recently, Trump whined to the media that he didn’t even know what the charges were against him. The fact is that he was told by the presiding judge EXACTLY what the charges were, and It is on record that he heard and understood the charges. Trump also lied when he whined about not being able to have more witnesses for his defense. The law allows him to have witnesses. HE DIDNT REQUEST MORE WITNESSES THAN THOSE WHO TOOK THE STAND.

    Trump is a pathological liar and told those lies to the media and his cultists, not knowing much about how a trial works and what is or isn’t allowed, his cultists will believe the liar, Trump.

  15. See all the crazy BS.

  16. Guilty x 34!

    Trump is a convicted FELON!

  17. And there is MUCH more to come.

    Deservedly so.

  18. The Republican Party is now the party of a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist and convicted tax fraudster.

    How proud they must be.

  19. OMG! Haven't the jurors read the Trump Bible?'.
    Each of the 10 Commandments have exceptions for
    the bone-spur impaired.
